10 Strange Products on Amazon - part 12

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what's up guys today I'm going to show you ten very unique products we're going to start with this one this opened looks like this thing is magnetic field thing and send the balls to different type and also different waves so looks like a little pen but inside of there is a magnet got my send seems like almost not enough so let's spread it around a little bit it's like making a pancake almost I'm all bored with the big bowl so you guys can see what's going to happen okay right here we're gonna put it on marks what is this I have no idea what's happening is it going to work I might have to read the instruction oh they go what if we turn this one on and then let's turn this one on and look it's just spinning different direction so it's kind of weird does not make soup your nice father's just yet but we'll find out if you're gonna keep messing with it maybe I'll start doing something better okay I put a smaller bowl let's see if it's going to do a little better for more symmetric design they said John only this one and left or right so I stone this one and this one and this one is off and let's shake it up a little bit and he said it's super easily and let's see how symmetric it's going to be I think I'll just spit up the footage that is way more satisfying check this out just keep going to the lines to the lines and obvious you can change it up will do very very different desired so if you get to it like that definitely read the description so that way you know how it works oh yeah this is very satisfying check this out guys I could watch this all day for sure put it in my desk you have stressful job and stuff it will definitely set your mind a little bit I guess oh this is so satisfying don't you guys think you don't even have to waste paper to doodle it it just said and you can a place put difference and if you spill this stuff out pretty awesome that is super super unique next we have here another gadget guide here Leo and shadow let's put it to the test I wonder which way do we put the paper looks like they give me the paper to shared I don't care about that I'd say it's sensitive information is it this way yep how hilarious is that why would you need that can help Shia I don't know but nevertheless they have made one you don't need it you could just rip it off by your hands I guess it does take it longer and now let's find out compared to this stuff so it's kind of funny that they even develop this kind of gadget but it's pretty satisfying that's for sure both can help sure there in case you need it okay this is adhere supposed to be a satisfying product of some sort it comes with a refillable stuff over here let's see if this one has already been filled this one is a nose they said here just next-level weird product it doesn't even pop that much obviously this is just some kind of cream or soap but there you go you can now pop this weird stuff and even know who invented it and why but they go super strange but the card here on the next level and the worst part is once you play with this you got a mess with it - you feel it - just pop it I gather so weird next product a little bit more serious but still very unique we got that here a little book looks like a book wooden look at that design so nice whoa it slides up by the way these magnets so you've got that your mini lamp I think they said here is chargeable cable this is so cool looks like go on do it reach out to both killed this is awesome whenever you just close it come just a go you can lay it like that I think kind of look at that it changed to light so by opening it and closing it it will give a different type of light that is just amazing they go yellow to do something brighter white light how cool is that that is just amazing and you know what it's made from paper it feels like paper Wow how do we charge it I don't know that yet oh why you couldn't even set it like that it will be light up well charge about pieces right here so very simple I have none of this kind of wireless every time I buy something I keep them it's wood and paper boom LED amazing myself very neat flashlight light here I like it an expert that I always wanted to test it out maybe in kitchen gadgets but it wouldn't kind of fit the Jannah you got red here a pint glass that's a golf ball stuck into it so people who love golden probably a really cool present or Islam I think even cooler and funnier you got it here bullet stuck into it hi unique is that in my opinion this is much much cooler looks like a key or something beautiful but at the same time would I have this stuff it is super tacky but yeah they also make this kind of stuff anyways we got here another product this is public toilet survival kit how strange is this okay by the way it's the same bird as those emergency and over I love the job let's see what's inside here ooh I was hoping there's gonna be a lot more stuff this has gotta be like the cheapest no way this is not toilet paper this is actually awesome this is toilet seat in case they don't have it or they are now you have one in your pocket and what is this this is I think hand sanitizer yep white tissue with alcohol 75% with all this coronavirus going to this is actually very useful I might be using it up soon and what is this no way this gloves who need gloves like that to survive public Reston that's a little bit ridiculous you know what I would have stacked up one more maybe wipes like that maybe actual toilet paper wife's in there and maybe more of these things because there's a lot more space than this but still very cool product I like it a lot for the next gadget I got here Subway cup holder how cool is that let's open it up and see if it works it's obviously they'll fit any kind of glass paper mug or anything like that kind of holding it sideways a glass but hopefully the paper glass it would hold a little bit better but as you can see it's just one of this clamps that you would put on any kind of thick railing and then you can stick it on and as you can see once you grab onto something and actually feels better let's demonstrate I don't really have a railing but we'll demonstrate it on the chair that's kind of thick enough to demonstrate it boom so you can use it even on a chair as you can see on the side of the chair you can hang out put it there and have a cup holder for of course to-go cups most important but also you can put it up here and have a cheer cup holder as well pretty awesome it's it's oh very good especially whenever it's in use on a chair or on a railing well guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below which party was your favorite thank you for watching and I'll see you next time you
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 667,778
Rating: 4.8540564 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Weirdest Things on Amazo, gadgets, funny gadgets, funny products, Amazon
Id: B_vuByzFcfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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