5 Cool Survival Gadgets You Can Buy On Amazon #9

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what's up guys for today's video I'm going to put to the test like it's tough or by ecozone I have put to the test one of those before wood burning this one is charcoal burning Eco zoom zoom jet economy so let's see how it works and will it be very productive we'll find out look at this description so god I hear a grill so the pieces of charcoal will stay on top and they said here you open it and the oxygen will go from under there just like a rocket just fill in a bunch of chalk hopefully I got there much light the charcoal - okay that looks like too much okay I'll light up the charcoal now we just have to wait till it gets a little hot also you can blow inside this hole we'll use a paper plate to get some oxygen in here and it will burn up really good and get going a really fast you see I'm saying like it stops are the best okay the charcoal still look hot by the way right here you do medium and then low if you wanna close the oxygen it will cool off if you're going to open it a little bit so that why wind is not going to hear as much you can do it like that open it all the way I have here a little bit of water let's see how long is gonna take us to boil the clip out of water like that and the best part is look at that even this little teapot it fits really well and also you can put a skillet on top of it anything because it has those teeth it's going to boil it pretty quickly okay let's set the timer okay we are 5 minutes and 30 seconds in let's open this up it's steaming really look hot so let's see this is a really nice base camp stove because it's heavy obviously not gonna hike with it or even around the house put it next to a grill so that way you have a extra layer burner in case you wanna grill eggs up or whatever fry something up I mean and it is very very easy in case you don't have enough space on the grill that's a nice addition to it look at that a mini choco grill rocket stove type ideal okay ten minutes in I can hear it boiling by the way I fill this thing up to the top maximum and also we gotta remember it now is about 37 degrees out here it's freezing and tea pot is cooking up and warming up really fast that's good let me move it awfully oh and the best part look on my charcoal I can put in there so I can really put the giant pot on top of it I don't know a gull on two gallons and simmer it maybe take it off I feel with the charcoal and keep going all day so I could make a bush over here just constantly feel it put it back up and whenever you had done a bunch just blowing this hole oh that's it I think I can hear the boil oh yeah look at that Wow all we had to do is have a little bit of a wind and look how well it's boiling but you know obviously the bigger teapot it's going to take even longer to boil but the best part is no problem just fill it up with lots of charcoal and it's going to burn for a long long time especially if you have a big part for it I can make Bush outside all day no way down here is cold okay it's a little warm whenever I put my hand under there but that's it I don't know how much hotter would it be but it's sitting here for 15 minutes hot and this table is still cold but again I remember right now outside this cold in the summer time I probably would heat up even more but yeah it can be sitting on a table so far if anything out put maybe double up to pull up tile like a big square once put it on there and don't have to worry about melt on the table you can just keep it on the table no problem this would but guess what this is a manufactured one I think so let's open it up and see what it's all about this burned is pretty awesome I have put to the test couple of fire starters they have and guess what they Co actually send me a whole box of them boom check this out I will be putting to the test some of them and maybe going to do more tests with that stuff I have sliced up a bit first impression as you can see with the little knife like that it is very very easy to slice little shavings even from the side not just square and it is very very soft would just like fatwood I'd wonder what it is it's been sucked in with that's definitely more than enough for you to start the fire I have here to derive lives do I'm not just shape few pieces so that way it slides up and there you go we got it pretty good file going don't I'm out see not bad lights up super super fast obviously you can add on your Leo leaves then twigs and you got yourself a fire one with that fat would easily next is self-explanatory obviously this thing is pretty awesome super easy to start a fire obviously keep it dry but if you're going to get it wet most likely all you have to do is just wait till it dries out but I don't think fat would works that well when it's wet it my does my dozen but the best thing about fat would you don't have to worry about getting it wet if you do not a big deal you just have to wait your die out there you go few sparks and it's looking good look at that burn time I love it that's definitely a next-generation fatwood five-step oh let's see what this thing is all about it says 55 feet so it's huge it will last you forever you don't have to unbox it pretty sure all you have to do is pull off right here and take a piece and push it back in so that way it stays in the package the whole time how genius is that let's say we need another piece bigger piece in case it's really really bad firewood and you need to leave a bigger piece no problem you pull off even bigger piece let's use the striker and see how well it's going to spark up so what I'm gonna do is uh leap it up a little bit so far nothing they go after a while it does lights up so few sparks like that no problem especially when you have a big steel like that you will have a lot of sparks it will light up also you can break it up and make it fluffy it will burn a little bit better but as you can see it's like a wax paper type ideal you have a little bit of the burn but not that long at the same time but still super unique let's do another piece what you can do is just pull off even bigger piece there goes nothing see I'm saying it is not the easiest stuff to light up there you go and look you can get a bigger piece of paper like that or wax paper I would say and look how well it's going to go now I might have to buck up a little bit because it's gonna be a big big flame I think I like this stuff the problem best most unique stuff about this thing is pull out easily paper everything stays in stucked I never seen a firestarter like that put a piece into the fire it's gonna light up pretty quickly and a bird time is not too bad I would say Wow very cool okay and you know what just for fun i'ma pull this whole thing out because it just satisfying cut with the deployment is and we're gonna light it up all at once and check this out I love that clear plastic almost set to continue but almost kinda not this is so cool so and now we're gonna light this whole thing up there you go there is slight upper piece see what happens probably have to back up the camera again oh that's too bright almost got back up even more that's a really big flames going on here so it definitely highly highly flammable but as you can see at the same time burns quickly but I still gonna give this a thumbs up because it's so easy to deploy and just such a cool fire starter like I never seen before first we have to scrape up this pathetic film you know what I think I need a better still this knife is not doing a good job you know what guys I was on you don't wanna strike it on the side you actually wanna strike on the corner look how much sparks there is so this is why they made square because the round pieces flatten out I guess and you cannot spark as much so that's the idea I was so long why they build the square thing because you don't wanna have a corner look at that time is not a little bit so you guys can see a lot more surface look at this and it's really really thick so whenever is that strike on a flat end nothing comes out this is why they did better edges the circular does not have such a sharp edges I never would have thought so this is so cool and it's so comfortable in one I can grab it like this this is insane this is the most bugs I ever seen on the sky every single time let's start to start a fire I have prepared a little bit of leaves and mix grass dry not of the floor wiped off of the trap looks like this stuff does not want to light up what about this head here what oh yeah this fluff wants to light up much much better sometimes you can skip up this stuff pull it off no nothing this is why you need kindling there you go now in mind we succeeded just gotta keep going get something a little bit dry and without kindling just cirglod or dry grass we've got the fire going so guys as you can see this tiger is definitely really good super awesome now we can boil water and survive Zippo survival waterproof matches let's see what it's all about this is probably at this point the best matches out there you can buy first of all as you can see it's waterproof this striker is on the bottom right here and nobody ever done this the case that is close about so that way you don't have to constantly replace striker if it gets moist and the matches under over here look at that cool logo as well made by Zippo look at this genome as much as - probably the biggest matches out there as well I'm all open them out also you have here to replace about strikers you can still replace them in case it gets worn out or in case you do moist them and guess what I just dug up I'm on the concrete looks like that much is not coming off that easily and the birth time is 30 seconds so we'll do the whole test burn time then we're going to do underwater burn and also we're going to check if this case is actually waterproof so first let's open this take one match out it's best to close it back up so that were you not going to moist any of those matches but it should not be a big deal anyways because they are also water resistant Oh so 30 seconds burn time ooh let's step away from the wind and as you can see no problem you can hold it like this I'll burn and this is the longest groaning matches out there pretty sure I like you see all matches as well those are the first people that invented like upgraded matches like that I don't know who invented them but you see I used to be the best but now I think Zippo is a little bit better in my opinion so was it 30 seconds let me know in comments below or do they count this stick burning as well actual stick could have been sucked in with something and maybe it would be nice but as you can see there's plenty of time for you to start a fire okay now we're gonna submerge this whole case in the water okay there goes nothing all the way under I saw a little bubble it's awesome that it's also floatable so if you drop it in the river it's not going to sink I just got stuck over there because it's Harbor but yeah let's shake it off all the water pop this open its do I very nice I like that a lot so now next thing we're going to do is dip a match in the water and try to strike it see if it's going to strike in case we do get it wet let's see what happens take it out shake it off a little and guess what not not a problem it slides up it's burning will it burn underwater it does take it out shake it off the water and still burning how cool is that this is what I call underwater matches as you can see it's still burning that's insane and it's burning stone okay this one is burning even more out it's hot so we start this one more time dip it in shake it off couple of times strike it let it burn for a minute put it under water not a big deal take it out shake it get some oxygen it's gonna start burning again put it on the water again you see how it's bubbling it's burning take it out it's burning don't even have to shake it but I like to shake it to get the water shaked off it's burning again tell me this is not insane this is the best don't both matches I don't know what it's made of are this hot and how can you not love them look how big they are each much such a beautiful big thing also once you have a case pretty sure you could just buy a placement so this is what makes this things the best and I think that is unique that is protected from being moist and ghetto and love it
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 420,785
Rating: 4.8343143 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Survival Gadgets, Gadgets, kitchen gadgets, camping gadgets, hiking, fire starter
Id: FaAhKIY0Gls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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