5 Survival Gear You Can Buy On Amazon #8

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what's up guys four years ago I have put to the test this awesome lightning strike a firestarter this is very very unique like a flint type ideal so anyways the company actually send it to me and also I think this is also their product this is Nepal tinder so like a tender for your fire-starting so let's put these things to the test and see what they all about they supposed to burn for about 4 minutes so that my fire starter said here oh cool look at that wow this few of them I thought this will be a whole one piece let's see how many of them one two three four five six seven eight nine beautiful so you got what one of this not super heavy but it'll keep it waterproof very nice you wanna obviously scratch it up a little bit fluff it up so that way it's easy to strike it I don't know what it's soaked in but it's kinda messy a little bit and let's put to the test this striker and let's put to the test this guy coverage here boom that's a really big one I think the one I had is very very small osa you have a haircut and balls or something like that that you can little stuff it up with them I don't think my old one the much smaller one that I had had this or maybe I just didn't even look so you can stuff it up with fire starters and here as well and close it beautiful what's so amazing about it the striker is out here and it's like a pipe you will have to stack it up a couple of times and look at this flame coming out with slight strike on this thing by the way you can't move it so it's more comfortable and look one strike and it lights up what about this one or two strike lights up I think it'll light up from the first one I just did not see this one obviously will burn out a lot faster but if you have a lot of dry leaves that I've got dry sticks you can build the fire really fast even did a little bit of a flame like that but this one supposed to burn for up to four minutes so if the gas and all your firewood is wet you will have a lot but our chances to start the fire with this thing even just going camping - as you can see much much bigger difference so this lightning fire striker plugs in like this and like this beautiful I love this so much in combination with this and also you have fire tender in here that makes it very very good fire starter right here I like it a lot look at that they're burning so well thumbs up for me for sure you know guys it's been a couple of minutes as you can see the other one have burned out a long time ago but this on the corn stone definitely would not have a problem starting a fire I have a little bit of moist moist lips and stuff like that let's see if it's going to do anything you see there's just wet wet stuff so I set it up a little bit higher this one is maybe too wet so you see it has a little bit of snow over here no problem look at that okay let's see if we can help it with a bit better there I go ass over here they go and we got the fire going it's got a little bit of a mix of a wet and dry stuff over here and with that you can put even the wet stuff now all done so yeah as you can see it works look at that super wet stuck together leaves put it to the side they'll start going once they dry out just have some wood dry somewhat wet it'll be okay you're going to get their file going even if it's wet as you can see pop up beat let's see how hard it is to set it up okay this is what you're going to get out of the package we're going to unspinning this side up and then put this right into here so it's in kind of metal material that's where we're going to start the fire inside here pretty cool right also this is a heat shield you can put it down below here and guess you got the fire born on a porch I wonder this table so gonna go into here from what I understand you start a fire down here and it's like a net so it's going to be highly ventilated so that's pretty cool idea and also you can buy separately agree oh man it puts so much tape on it so you got four touch one side here and they're going to go in here be just some spin it put it in and tighten it up on all four sides I'd say once it's unpackaged and you practice with this thing it's still probably will take you awhile to setup at least ten minutes because it has quite a bit of little piece and a bit of knowing what I'm excited about to see how what was good as a package with this metal like cloth almost no feasible or will it actually wash and then you can set this up so pretty awesome fire pit grill based off also you can even use it at home to balsa boom and you can put that away and use this stuff this isn't why I thought it was very unique fire pit because it folds up to be pretty big fan feet are not super heavy it's all some kind of aluminum or something like that it burns really fast not much smoke because it's highly ventilated it has some kind of mesh and it's pretty thick so it's breathe to the underneath of the fire so very nice it has heat protector in case you're going to burn somewhere that you don't want to melt the grass or something like that so I'm gonna wait till it completely burns off and see how do about that mesh down there and also when I see how easy it is to put it back together into the pouch that it came from it probably will be a lot easier because it was all tied up in that foil so bad so we'll see you know what I just realized this is upside down okay that looks like actually a fire pit much much cooler and better and then you can put the grill over it once you have a lot of course and unless it's burns a bit better because now you have bigger opening to get oxygen from underneath it's good burning off in some really hot coals and I don't see a lot of damage on that metal mesh it just pretty doable it sank a little bit more if anything buddy I'm gonna let it burn just for a few more minutes and then I'm gonna put it to the test how easy it is to break it back apart okay I definitely want to judge how hard it is to set it up so far so good pretty easy boom this thing seems to be very doable don't see anything on with this thing just change the color that's it then this stuff is just going to get dirty after a while I think it's probably a little bit useless but if you had to start the fire on the porch or something like that then use this thing that's kind of probably useful a bit more put that away and then pop this together that's how simple that is yeah definitely breaking it down is a lot easier than sitting it up put it back and a folder and you got yourself a pop-up fire pit lighter armor and that's supposed to fit with the Zippo as you can see it's not made by Zeebo so it's probably won't even fit perfectly but let's start out and see if it actually works this is a quick release button by opening this up and to close it you gotta press it as well oh geez quickie pin okay I have a new zipper lighter as well I don't think I'll feed the whole thing so the only thing I wrote it is inserts you know you don't have to buy the Zippo one they also make different ones - well it's actually a perfect fit I can't believe it that is looks really cool now you have armored survival lighter and it's still a zipper you know what's cool about this in this kind of case is a lot of times once you fill it with the lighter fluid the lighter fluid will just wire it but hopefully with this thing because there is a rubber in and it will be water-resistant hopefully it won't evaporating as much okay guys I just filled it up very nice I love Zippo lighter something about them almost like of oil lamps okay there you go that's much better close it one more time the main test I wanna see if it's waterproof we're gonna sink it obviously it's too heavy to float now go take it out shake it off and let's see if it slides up I like to shake off most of the water so when I open it it doesn't put in enough doesn't look like this in your water inside ah I should have cleaned off my hand let me dye it off a little bit you know what let's start by itself without the lighter see if it's going to come out with any bubbles because my fingers were wet I was taking it and I think I got the Flint wet so it does not stack I got a weight yours dies out while we're dying out I'm going to put this underwater as you can see when it's not heavy it has no problem I don't know does it gets any bubbles does not look like it and it still floats so so far so good I'll move this away let's open it okay I don't see any water now it just shaking off I think from the lighter but I did not see any water inside so it passed the test for sure the only thing is make sure whenever you start get Zippo lighter stack it with a dry hands you know what kind of annoying it is little hard to strike right here because this thing is in a way quite a lot actually you cannot get that good full strike in that's why it takes me three times to light up I just say Oh why's that but see you're pretty awesome work Zilla well boom also the best part about it it is super easy to take in and out so I like that a lot put it back in our regional case I actually have another gadget it called flip light let's open it up see what's all about so as you can see it's similar to a Zippo lighter but all it is is a light you put your body into here okay will it work still or they go it have to be plugged in and to here then you would have to turn it on and off okay will it fit into the zipper case that's a really cool design and whenever we close it it shuts off automatically by pressing this button so everybody don't think oh you got that here a Zippo lighter nope it's just a Zippo flashlight or fully apply also probably could fit onto here - why does work in the distant as well you just flip this up boom so you don't even have to have a Zippo lighter I think it's yeah it shuts it off - I like it so now you have here what a poof light okay will it actually work and it's flawed about now that is not that heavy because Zippo lighters are heavy it's all metal so submerge it gonna wipe it off a little bit get rid of that moisture so it does not gets inside of it as soon as I open it much better oh did you see it as soon as I start open it look at that you see the light start turning on as soon as I try to open it that is so cool so you can see how it works I love it so now I have here many waterproof flashlight also I can put it in a Zippo lighter as well I like it interchangeable Gajic side here Tim can fire starter kit let's see what this thing is all about so what I bought is one of those things and this is magnesium shavings inside here they definitely over stacked over here so I take out couple of them then I would put in my striker in there maybe a mini knife so there is a bit of space you go go away and then you can close it boom now it's closed pretty good so let's try to strike it and see if it's actually going to light up pour some out into here we don't need much that's probably too much so as you can see there is definitely more than enough now let's see how well this magnesium shavings going to work I missed it they got direct heat after a third time look at that that stuff actually burning really really effectively very very hot so all I have to do is just I don't dry leaves and stuff like that and it's gonna be good let me just show you how hard it is it is so bright check this out and it burns really well you will definitely will have no problem lighting stuff on fire and keep moving around because it's keep burning hot not the flame even going to light up stuff the actual course look how hot they are you don't even need to use that much you only need very very little bit and it will light up so good start out they go and it light up a really good you kind of want to mix it so it start burning and then you just put the other stuff one and then a light supper so you probably all you have to do is couple of bags out here coconut husk and you can just find some sticks you got yourself a fire by the way don't forget about the stacker this is a really old stacker still works and look at that stuff the actual magnesium also still burning you see how it's flames up the flames are really good from that stuff I like this survival kit you got right here a couple of bags of magnesium will last you a long time coconut husk good stuff and some sort of a really good stacker like that one so you want to stick it all over in boom and your survival kit and the team can work so good remember a few days ago put this enjoy a solar stove can fire solar stuff but now this is you corn solar stuff this is huge as you can see by far compared to Ranger campfire and Yukon also you can buy this attachment that is going to go even on a porch you can just put it on top of that so that way it does not melt your porch but I would put few extra tiles if you have a porch that's what I do under it as well so that way no chance the approach is going to melt okay my question is because it's so much bigger it is a little bit different design as you can see it's much bulkier right here this thing is huge horse the same way on the side just like those ones my question is will actually work the same way just like those two layer ones let's find out right the way we can see the difference once again much smaller pieces this probably the biggest piece of wood fish much easier in here we just start it up now we're gonna compare them side-by-side so as you can see with this one we can really start a big fire even a build one inside of it pretty much loaded up and it's not going to suffocate it that's the best part about it the little one actually the easier start getting it burning right away out of the holes the second one as you can see still not burning out of the horse so much and those side holes this one is ready to go fully functional no smoke this one still a little bit of smoke and this one still starting out very very slowly so this one would take the longest to get going the right weight to burn out of those holes on the side till it's hard to see right here let me zoom in right there that's what we want so it's gonna be a long time and you know what I would put a lot of kindling in this fire pit search start tops a little faster but yeah for sure much much bigger fire pit I put so much firewood in there it's insane might be almost too big but a little like big bonfire so I might go with that on it okay this is what I'm looking for you see those holes burning like a gas stove out of the sides all around beautiful incineration of the wood this one as well on that side not so much on this side so this one works the best so far the easiest I mean this one you just have to wait a bit longer to get it going everywhere and this one it really really takes a lot of wood to get it going just like those ones so you will have the biggest campfire so I'd say the most efficient and pretty biggest campfire you already get is this one but for those people like me who likes to have pretty big bonfire Lucas well you can get one of these and guess what it's starting to burn out of those holes you see how it's burning from the wall and no smoke because it's a well-fed on fire with oxygen it's very very ventilated that's what I'm trying to say and you have your te awesome campfire you know what guys once I loaded up all that firewood inside there I didn't have to refill it in a while now this one's probably constantly three or four times this one not once once I started up there was a lot already maybe one or two here now but Wow right now it's burning so well I wish you can now put on much bigger pieces and we're going to burn over the world for example this wet log you can add on right on top of it it's going to burn so well and it burns off any of the smoke there's been the whole time wet raining on it no problem look at that it is gonna die off instantly and light up imagine if it was actually dialog but this is just shows you how much bigger this campfire than these two
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 414,947
Rating: 4.8200808 out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, survival gadgets, camping gadgets, fire starter, tools, survival, camping, unboxing
Id: g2wOC9H95cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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