How to Make the BEST Pot Roast EVER!

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foreign [Music] folks look back at it again listen it's all about that you know holiday time right we got Christmas coming up you guys can see some of the links I've done green bean casseroles sweet potato casserole oh and then I made some nice cheesy scalloped potatoes to put in my right now we're getting ready to talk about these proteins this right here we're getting ready to use this chuck roast and you know I'm gonna show you just how easy it is to make right if you look at these ingredients right here look it's not a whole lot we got some chili powder beef broth we got yellow onions I always use a red onion anytime I can I just love the flavor from this you know I got some potatoes these a little bit on the small side that's why you see so many uh here we got Thyme and rosemary carrots celery the star the protein the chuck roast this is 3.66 pounds you can do anything from three and a half to five pounds as far as this recipe go right okay and look I'm gonna put in my AP which is a different little bit of a different flavor than everybody else's uh AP I know every body does the garlic and all of that right this right here has just a little bit of a sweet flavor and this on your Rose Room really really level it up right and then for My Level Up series I'm gonna be using the B now I'm gonna be using the B coming up especially in the spring and in the summer I use this on all of my heavier Meats like beef chuck roast uh this is all like a brisket anything that the big heavy Meats right here this right here does it down in the description box I'm gonna give you guys Alternatives you know all the you know the seasonings that you can use for those you guys that do not have my AP and my beat you guys know how to do this already I just cut the tops off especially when I see this right here I cut it I look down here I get rid of some of this white look I cut them like this foreign [Music] that's up to you guys how much celery you want to have in there but I like to have them cut inch inch and a half you know size and that's enough [Music] now I had this onion inside of the you know side of my refrigerator in a Ziploc bag you know I mean so now we just use this now I'll just put that in there and I'm gonna go ahead and just cut this down you know because I told you I love to have my red onion and it's a little better to cut it with the outer layer on there it makes it a little bit easier to appeal the objective is here to keep these all about the same size right reason being I want them to all be ready at the same time I don't want something too soft the other's too hard right we want to get this nice and you know warm you know I mean then I'm gonna crank it up a little bit because what we're going to do is we're going to take our Chuck and we're going to sear this we're going to put some of that flavor on this you know I mean from the sear you know I mean to get that nice color and all of that right what I want to do is I want to take a little bit of my olive oil which I need to add some more to it just a little bit just enough so I can get everything coated really didn't have nothing but about a half a teaspoon get them here in my hand and just move it around get it all coated break up these onions reason being because when we put that seasoning on here we want everything to just like you know to adhere and stick right so look at that right there and then we'll go ahead and go with you know the bee seasoning right just a little bit of this first just on top of here just to get it going you can see it look at that right there this is all going to transfer later but now you see and if I want to you know I mean for those you guys got a big enough Bowl you know what I mean we just go ahead and give it a you know a couple of toss all right foreign [Music] just put a little bit down here just so we can get something going until this Chuck start producing his own right it's nice and hot and now check this out you heard it look what I'm going to do is I'm Gonna Leave it right here until it gets a nice little sear and brown on the bottom I'm not going to pick it up and I can tell you this when this season's just right the aromatic that is kicking back up to me right now it ain't Fair folks foreign [Music] okay so this is what I want you to see if you saw how mine is this this particular cut of meat how it opens up and I'm not able to put no sheer on that it's okay we got to learn how to like improvise right so what I'm doing is now you just take a sharp knife right cut that off put this is going in there too and I want to Brown that and I want to do a better job on Browning you know this fat you know I mean because all of this is the flavor this is what's going to make the sauce just like super good so I'm gonna let this cook for a minute okay so once you finish doing that I'm just going to take it out right here so you guys can see it I know it's looking like a big steak I know somebody want to probably take this and cook this down but you know what this right here is that Chuck it's going to need a little bit of time right now what you guys see in here on the side is while this was in there I went ahead and cut down my yellow onions I like quartered them you know why because we're going to use it as the base right so I'm gonna push this out the way you remember this we got to bring this to the front to the party check it out I know you guys smell what I'm cooking and don't forget all this is going to render down get nice and soft we're gonna produce a lot but we're gonna start off with a little base and we're gonna go from there this is the way I do mine folks you guys let me know how you do yours and then if for me I like to have that red onion in there too you want to get yourself a saucepan right which I have right here or some people just call them like a regular pot I'll start somewhere right around there like medium look this is beef broth just got a lot of the flavor you know we working with beef right but we're gonna level this up just a little bit more right so let me go ahead and get this in here because we want to bring this up to a boil and get it nice and hot that's a nice little Shimmer right there I like that right now that's beef broth to check this out right here I want you guys to pay attention to this look I'm gonna put a little bit of that better than bouillon look and this right here that's that roasted beef this right here is what's going to level this up you know what I mean beyond what your expectations would be like I said it's Christmas time and then I just give it like about a about that much like a tablespoon since it's hot already it'll just dissolve you know nice and easy I put so many veggies in here you know what I mean that I had to like make a a little indentation right here so that I can see you know my pot roast right this is my roast so if you got a big one it's kind of like shut up I never ever covered the whole thing completely so turn this off and then I'm gonna add some in here like this I just pour it in here like this and then I'll watch it you know I mean because I don't want to go ahead and put it like I said I don't want to submerge it I just want to get enough in here to just cover it it's going to steam these vegetables vegetables and they're going to work their way down you know I mean because five five look you see that right there it kind of like comes up over the top what I do is I lift it up a little bit right and I started letting some of the veggies just work its way down you see how I look right here I just don't want it to be completely submerged as of right now and we got to have room because listen some of that fat gonna render down and that's gonna make it just ooh wheat you can hear it in my voice our top we already preheated to 250 degrees we're going in before I put it in the oven when I look back at my cutting board look I got my Rosemary in time so what I'm gonna do is I just make a little room here because we want it to be in the liquid I like for it to start off that way as it heats up if you guys take a look I'll just lay it right here and this right here do it it's gonna rise a little bit even submerge it even more then you you know that's where we get that flavor from folks now remember 250 degrees look at my shelf my racks how I got them placed and we're going in for five hours okay so look I want you guys to take a look it's been in there for five and a half hours right when I checked it at four and a half hours I was checking to see how how maybe it might try to shred or something like that so what I did was I raised it up 25 degrees from 250 to 275. I suggest at three and a half pounds this was just a little bit over three and a half pounds just go ahead and start off with you know the three uh the 275 degrees ah look at the veggies you guys know and then I'm gonna reach down here and bring this up right now so you guys can see you can see as I pick it up it's starting to shred on its own right so you see I got a cast iron you guys can do it however you want to you can put a 13 by nine uh any type of a dinner casserole is type of dish but I'm gonna actually put this down on top of a trivet and then this is what we'll serve you know for the Christmas dinner and everybody can pull from that I'm gonna go ahead and take this and get these pieces out it's just soft folks I don't want to shred right now so I'm just stick it right here and start putting these pieces in the middle but if just don't say how tender it is to you guys I want you to tell me what you think down in the comment section below [Music] look at that I don't need that I don't need to do much [Music] look the Chuck is broke down I want to put my hands on it as of yet look I got most of it out already you know I mean I don't want to just keep hitting it with a spider right so what I did was I got myself a pot got my colander put this in there like that and then I'm just going to take this because I want to get all of the liquid and I want it to be pure right so we just want to go ahead and strain it now you see that now that we pure what I do is I put this in this pan this is where it get purified all the liquid at right so now we're bringing this up you see that simmer right there that's what I want I want it nice and hot now I got myself three tablespoons of cornstarch I'm gonna heat it with that equally amount of cold water we're going to put that in there and we're going to thicken that up right and then if you look over here we're gonna go ahead and pour all of that that nice thick liquid on top of that and then we're going to go ahead and put it in a bowl super easy folks got my cold water in there look now I'm gonna just pour this in here just like that and now we're just going to go ahead and just you know move this around like this and let it go ahead and start to thicken up you see that right there it's right in front of your eyes folks and that right here is that money now I don't want to make it so thick right so you see it like that and the more I cook it down the thicker it gets so now I'm gonna turn off my heat just keep bringing it around like that and this right here folks and I'm patting myself on the back because this is pot roast 101. I'm gonna go ahead and do like this just so you guys can see to give you one of them mouth-watering you know like uh money shots look at that right here foreign [Music] I need to do this on camera for everybody right so just to show you how soft it is you know what I mean I just want to show you look it just shreds just like that so let me just go ahead and pull this up like this so you guys can see look I can barely get it out before it just starts you know to like shred on its own but this right here is what you want to have you can see the color from when it was browned you know what I mean look at that just take it look effortlessly effortlessly it just shreds just like that so I want you guys to let me know what you think about this down in the comment section below but I'm just going to show you right now I'm just going to go ahead and get me you know a couple of pieces you know what I mean because I got to show this to a few folks you know what I mean get a look gotta get myself a potato you know me some celery onion all of that right hey you know what I'm definitely not going to overtalk it I'm gonna just go ahead and get it ain't nothing like oh my goodness cheers huh thank you oh this right here is fire now you got to do it like you want to do it on your end right you could have put your whole you know Chuck right there in the middle right you could have put it out and let everybody shred it on their own this right here I like to do it that way like I say set aside a little bit of this gravy to you know sprinkle on there on the individual plates you know uh you gotta do it how you want to do it uh make sure nobody around there just taking a whole Spoonful getting all the the sweetness of the carrots and the onions and all of that that right there that flavor profile along with the beef you know and all of that dish right here is like I don't know why people don't make it more often you know what I mean like I said I have it quite a bit now let me know down in the comment section below what would you do to like level this up this is more of a traditional you know style pot roast and don't forget the full ingredient list will be down in the description box below now with that being said let me take this time to say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out there listen there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and guess what folks Merry Christmas and I'm out peace [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 535,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, How to Make the BEST Pot Roast EVER!, pot roast, how to make pot roast, pot roast recipe, easy pot roast, best pot roast, best pot roast recipe, easy pot roast recipe, how to make pot roast in the oven, best pot roast recipe oven, best pot roast ever, pot roast recipe dutch oven, pot roast in oven, pot roast recipe stove top, slow cooker pot roast, pot roast dutch oven, dutch oven pot roast, tender pot roast, beef roast
Id: rYSkT5lLG-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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