5 Scary Ghost Videos to HAUNT You For DAYS !

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[Music] I'll pipe ghosts caught on camera the screaming ghost paranormal investigator ross allison has been heading up a ghost hunting team in the pacific northwest called a ghost for nearly 20 years after one of their investigations a female team member believes that she was followed home by an unhappy spirit who attached itself to her afterwards she says that every time she records her voice unexplained horrific screams and growls appear on her recordings in this clip to prove her claim she records her self in full view of a camera and a room full of people which would make faking the recording nearly impossible hi it's me again obviously no one can understand why you have to scream and neither can i why do you follow me everywhere I know you need my help that I can't understand you please can you just try to not scream can you try to tell me your name or what you'd like for us to call you I have friends with me they understand things in the spirit world we all want to try to help I know you came with me for rolling hills and I told you you would never have to go back there but now I'm thinking you need to go someplace else I'm turning off just as she claims some terrifying voice seems to appear near the end of the recording even though nothing can be seen or heard by live witnesses or in the video [Music] [Music] and once again it's meanwhile on tick-tock so I'm getting about a hundred suggestions for tick tock ghosts videos every week now so I'm just gonna include a few of the best and I'll let you guys decide for yourself first up the tick tock shadow person [Music] dogs are ready for bed it's just a peaceful night here here I go to bed my set what the [ __ ] is that well now as you know if you're a regular viewer I don't comment on whether I think a video is real or not but if this is fake then this is a pretty nice effect the is that well now the person who posted this video claims that this incident actually caused them to move from this house okay so everybody keeps asking about the shadow story and we no longer live in that house we were actually going to buy it and that happened so we bought another house as far as here we haven't really had anything we do have a wooden picture on our wall that keeps falling down but we don't know what's causing it we haven't had anything weird happen like the shadow at the other house so that's the story on the shadow house next up we have the restroom stall ghosts and then last but not least what's going on you guys making a video it's been a couple days since I made the last one feels good dad was yo hello hello hello so are these real ghost videos caught on tick-tock or is it just a part of the latest tick-tock spooky video craze now I have about a hundred of these in my email so I'll leave it to you to decide earn after reading this next video was recorded by a Jordanian ghost hunter that I've never featured before named Mahmood in the clip he's investigating an abandoned building that is said to be home to a powerful curse as Mahmud explores he begins to find old crumpled pieces of paper inside the covers but he pays them no mind however it seems almost as if someone or something is watching him as he explores the houses cabinets miss Maillol I'm on the lane and when he checks his footage later he finds that there might have been yet another paper on a higher cabinet shelf that he couldn't reach and this one almost seems to move on its own GVSU to shave and then this is where things become truly bizarre my mood finds a bright red paper inside one cabinet and decides to see what it is as he lays down the paper to examine it the very floor beneath him seems to burst into flame he makes a quick run for it later when Mahmood examines the strange paper that he found inside the house he finds a series of strange symbols in an odd indecipherable language so did Mahmood find an actual curse scribbled on pieces of paper spread throughout the house or is it just an elaborate hoax you decide you can check out my moods full video and his other ghost explorations over on his youtube channel a little paddle in the back the German ghost hunting group and a Papa PE caught one of the most bizarre videos of a supposed apparition that I've ever seen and Apophis is investigating a haunted house in Eber stott Germany a couple who lives there says that they've heard and seen very strange things including the terrifying disembodied head of a little boy peeking out from inside their bathtub and the Papa did indeed catch strange electromagnetic readings inside the bathtub where the little boy had appeared a creepiest of all as the group walks into a hallway there static camera can't just this consumes I can see into the phone Yale insight since I put of all the yield in sight a small hell little hand that looks like that of a child seems to reach up and touch one of the investigators on the back the and the Papa team says that they only noticed the incident after watching their footage back since there is only a brick wall next to them in this video there was nowhere that this small hand could have reached out from and if you think it might be the investigator Chris reaching around to touch his own back it should be noted that the angle of his arm would be absolutely bizarre and also chris is a pretty big guy and has fairly large hands you can follow the ghost hunting groups investigations over on their Channel and the Papa PE the cell this next clip was filmed in a mental institution in a Southwestern city in the Netherlands now I can't even remotely pronounce the Dutch name of the city so I just won't try but this footage was filmed in one of the institution's holding cells for patients under psychiatric observation by the way the institution was also a former prison in this room was originally used as a solitary confinement holding cell so obviously the room has a dark history one night guards monitoring the empty cell security camera noticed something very strange yes master now I'm dying [Music] we'll black attorney talking now Roberto today show oh yeah and that's in e films the light seem to flicker and fate and then something dark and ominous crosses the camera it doesn't look like a bug it doesn't look like dust or a spiderweb but just what is it you decide thanks for watching if you see a video anywhere that you think would be perfect for the top-5 send it to me and nukes top 5 at gmail.com and follow me on Twitter at nukes top 5 for other random stuff [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nuke's Top 5
Views: 3,096,078
Rating: 4.9032273 out of 5
Keywords: scary, scary videos, scary video, scariest videos, scariest video, nuke's top 5, top 5, creepy videos, nukestop5, creepy video, ghost, haunted, haunt, caught on camera, list, top 15, top 10, creepy, scariest, scariest things, mysterious, caught on video, mystery, unsolved, unexplained, real or fake, caught on tape, paranormal, parnormal, paranormal investigation, halloween 2019, nukes top 5, shadow people, ghost hunter, mysteries, poltergeist, top 5 list, scary things, ghost videos, lists
Id: fVSi_hPl6VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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