Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR !

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[Music] top 10 scariest ghost videos of the year I've been getting many requests for a quote scariest clips from all of the top 5 lists so I figured that this would be the perfect time to feature some of my personal favorites from the last year and I'll also tell you what I thought was particularly terrifying about each one and in some cases a few extras that weren't in the original video so turn off the lights go fullscreen and let's get to it dorm room ghost student at Texas A&M University claims that his dorm room was so intensely haunted and he had no choice other than to just move out [Music] now whether you believe this video is real are simply an elaborate hoax I've yet to hear a plausible explanation for how that flying mattress effect could be achieved so the video definitely deserves its spot in the top tip play house ghost hill koch usually investigates haunted places along with his group the Wisconsin Paranormal Society but on this investigation of Alchemist theater and Bayview Wisconsin bill decides to go it alone to investigate the allegedly very haunted Playhouse this is the theater I got a camera set up in this corner here and I'm just gonna sit got a furnace running so there's sound but I'm just gonna sit and listen just let the camera just let the camera roll and I don't see what happens while something just moved something just moved behind me something just moves behind me okay let's see bill catches the theater chair that seems to unfold all on its own he's slightly disturbed by the occurrence but it's nothing compared to what he finds in the hallways of the theaters creepy basement okay it's 1:15 I hadn't heard anything I haven't even gone back yet the check on the button his profits here I keep hearing things walking around that that's probably tenants upstairs so like it sounds like with no stairs mighty people up there all right miss tell it's 125 you still haven't heard anything besides random creaking hello nobody in here besides some people upstairs okay no I'm gonna look see if this prop is still back here again take a look come on see if this prop is still back here again take a look come on that's not cool the door open no door was open that door was closing anybody's gonna messing with me I'm gonna kick your ass hello okay I don't see anything in here hello hey camera please oat oat oat understandably Phil cots didn't do many ghost investigations after this video but in my opinion this is still one of the creepiest and perhaps the funniest ghost clip we featured this year the House of Khalil I featured Jordanian explorer Ihab kasnia in another video and for good reason yes some of the creepiest ghost hunting videos online in this video he is investigating a place he calls the house of Khalil as the story goes a man named Khalil went insane and did away with his entire family in this house before ending his own life it is said that Khalil spirit still haunts the home as he explores a hab begins to hear strange noises and then this man Rahim bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim irulu became a delight them in shortly Mahalo issue HAP sees something that looks like a person peering through the window but when he runs inside the check nothing but the creepy occurrences don't stop there Wamba had motive vicuna shovel a gigantic gigantic tornado Bukhari mati laughing they're mad bismillah bismillah bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim our the became a today bismillah r-rahman r-rahim a hat doesn't even seem to notice some of the bizarre events that he catches on camera at one point it actually looks like a face is peering at him through a nearby window [Music] [Applause] bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim hat decides to leave and investigate another abandoned house that is directly upstairs from the first one but he feels like the ghosts are jinn of Khalil might have followed him as he investigates the house he begins to feel like he can see something or in behind him in the mirrors [Music] [Music] mr. Kondo Bassanio Thomas muchas gracias ha ha - way I don't smell ah bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim aerobic an event in la dama aerobic an imaginary Tama I also became a de la dama bismillah r-rahman r-rahim Smila Rahman al Rahim bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim [Music] and after that killing the experience had decides to just make a quick exit since a Habs video was featured his channel has gained over four times the subscribers he had originally and he's now at two hundred and twenty thousand subscribers I've seen many supposed supernatural channels trying to fake or imitate his ghost in the mirror video but none match up to the downright chilling original unwelcome guests this next clip was sent in to me by John ply Mel he says that he and his friend Alan were checking out an abandoned farmhouse near his grandmother's home in upstate New York as you can see the house is isolated it sits in the middle of nowhere on a barely traveled back road the outside looks like something right out of a horror movie and the inside is no better the house is a death trap full of rot and mold the upstairs floor is so rotten the two are afraid to even try to venture up the stairs and the basement is piled with garbage [Music] you know I guess that's it that's the basement yeah that's disgusting it's just piling trash but then they hear something upstairs now it's interesting to note that one of the boys mentions that the floor is so rotten that if someone were upstairs that would fall right through because when I was watching the video I noticed this fall through through one of the narrow rotten holes in the floor it almost looks like someone is staring down at them from above or maybe it's just an optical illusion either way the boys did not return to investigate further the fact that John didn't see this strange eye peeking at them at the time or even when he watched his own video back later makes the clip especially unnerving hide her in the house a man is hired to remodel an empty house for resale as he works he begins to hear strange noises coming from somewhere inside he suspects that a squatter might have taken up residence in the empty home doing this cabinet crown and I think there's a squatter in themselves think it's in here hello [Music] hello [Music] hello [Music] anybody here [Music] hello [Music] [Music] hello [Music] thank you hello who is it [Music] [Applause] eventually the man works up the courage to come back and retrieve his dropped phone carpenter says that he will never go back inside the house again he claims quote there is something evil in that home whether there's something evil in the house or not the suspense in this video keeps you on the edge of your seat right till the end so that's why it turns a spot in the top 10 scariest ghost videos of the year a place of nightmares over a six-month period Colombian Twitter user Don paramo recounted a very chilling story which took place in his new apartment for almost Buki Twitter tel starts when he moves into a new apartment with his cat Octavio W hello he was amazed that he had been able to find such a spacious fully furnished apartment with a private balcony for such a low price but thing soon took a turn toward the bazaar his cat Octavio who is usually very friendly and gentle becomes withdrawn and aggressive para mole finds objects move from one place to another and starts to hear strange sounds at night especially in his bedroom vehicle is loyal a common stock a maraca it was gonna be her yelling well is it start on Akamai's a row he's resulta que those bases may spittle poor kiss couch Oh Calgon from cows mommy love e buscando SPS top Somm tener placed around condo perky was porque yo solo couch and Alicia Don paramo even says that sometimes he wakes up feeling as if someone has nudged her touched him in his sleep he talks to a neighbor and learns that a mentally disturbed man named Tito passed away in his apartment he died in the very same bed that Don paramo has been sleeping in the man's body wasn't found by the landlord until weeks after his death by this time on his Twitter account Don para mo has built up a large following after many audience requests he decides to do a live periscope stream from his apartment what happens on the livestream shocks everyone viewing to their core first everything is going fine dumper amo gives a casual live tour of his home but three minutes into the stream things take a turn towards the horrific Damascus yellow truck in continual Waco Waco ki en la parte de la parte de afuera por la parte la terraza a special week okay no see ah donde Wow si la mostra did you see it watch again as damper amo passes by his bedroom someone or some thing seems to be lying in his bed something dark and terrifying páramo doesn't even notice and continues his house tour later when he returns to the bedroom the bed is empty and there is no evidence that anything was ever there I'm promised story about the strange feeling that someone was sleeping next to him and then this dark shape in his bed makes for one of the creepiest stories and one of the strangest live feeds I've ever seen the ghosts of caramel mein the YouTube channel ghosts of caramel mein as always a viewer favorite here on the channel this particular video really seemed to put a fright into many viewers ranking it as one of the year's scariest whoa [Music] okay there he is in the window again went under the bed laughter now if you're wondering why Kim's reaction is so casual in a situation that would absolutely horrify well he says he's had hundreds of these bizarre encounters while living in his haunted home say something or do something oh my god no to see all of Kent's ghost investigations check out his channel ghosts of caramel mein the cage and the small town of st. Joseph in Essex UK there is a very old abandoned prison called the cage the prison is unique in that for over 400 years it served as a jail to confine and execute women convicted of witchcraft paranormal researcher Brian Mack and his crew went to the site to perform an investigation into the supposed supernatural activity in the prison while there the crew said that they heard strange footsteps and whispers lights turned on and off by themselves and members of the crew were bitten or pinched by something that they couldn't see the experience was so frightening that some crew members actually refused to continue with the investigation but the creepiest and most bizarre experience of all came when Brian max team attempted to perform a seance while Brian observed from the other room fish is completely change doesn't look like a person right Debbie you need to come down here for a minute place as the seance begins one of the woman's face seems to transform and contort in a horrifying way her nose seems to grow and her mouth curves into a bizarre inhuman grin this is completely change doesn't look like a person right there you need to come down here for a minute please [Music] the researchers become worried and call the woman out of the room it was later found that even though the woman had been wearing several layers of thick clothing she had a bizarre burn mark down the back of her neck after the investigation the woman says that she had horrible nightmares and experienced strange things around her home as for why this video was included in the scariest videos lists well this face and I think that's all the explanation needed when horror becomes horror this next clip was sitting in to me by Andrew Berra hona filmmaker for board film studios Andrew was filming a scene for a horror movie in the historic and allegedly very Haunted Dona Ana County Courthouse in New Mexico in the scene they're filming the actress Chelsey is meant to be acting overcome with fear because in the movie scene the killer is supposed to be stalking her through the building's hallways but acting frightened soon turns into very real terror [Applause] the filmmaker in the actress or the only ones on the third floor of the courthouse but suddenly a startling and very real door slam can be heard from somewhere nearby then both of them hear some very odd whispering that sounds like it's right in the room with them [Music] and so at the time I had the camera in my hand and I almost reacted immediately when I heard it it was like it was next to me and so she said she saw something behind me and we just booked it now of course since this clip came from a professional filmmaker I was especially skeptical but I think the footage along with their very believable reactions speaks for itself a terrifying tour this next video is especially unique because it doesn't involve your typical group of ghost hunters this video was taken by handle aids haunted Horizons ghost tours this tour group is exploring the supposedly haunted calum town Church in South Australia the people that you see in this video are all random tour participants not paranormal researchers they have no reason to fake their reactions so first the tour groups camera and light batteries begin to drain mysteriously in very strange things begin to happen to the tour participants [Music] you don't feel like you get a turtle if you get angry [Music] and if you think maybe that guy was just a bit unstable or perhaps having a bad day well he's not the only tour member who has a very frightening experience to stop tours completely because it would spoil the guy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well later in the video in another area of the church a tour member says he feels like he's been hit hard in the shoulder by some unseen force unfortunately the camera only catches the audio of the event [Music] [Music] I don't know it should be up the front where is the scratch I'm gonna save this here yeah oh look at this oh just sign up yeah that's gonna be better than any other sort of vision are you sort of freaked out because I'm not really he's just but in the end no worries all of the ghost tour participants made it out okay now none of these people were so-called professional ghost hunters they were simply tourists so they had nothing to gain from acting scared making this video one of the most believable pieces of paranormal evidence I've ever seen in earning it a top spot so that's the top 10 scariest videos of the year as always I'm certainly not trying to convince you that any of the clips are real so it's up to you are these real ghost caught on camera or as each and every one of them just an elaborate hoax you decide I'll see you next year with even more brand new creepy ghost videos in the meantime if you see something that would be perfect for the top fiber if you capture something yourself email me at nukes top 5 at and follow me on Twitter at nukes top 5 and happy new year everyone [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Nuke's Top 5
Views: 5,223,730
Rating: 4.8820143 out of 5
Keywords: nuke's top 5, nukestop5, nukes tops 5, nukes top 5, scary video, scary videos, scariest videos, scariest ghost videos, scary ghost videos, top 10, top 10 ghost, top 10 ghosts, top 10 scary, top 5, caught on camera, caught on tape, scariest, scary, countdown, caught on video, mystery, bizarre, strange, creepy, top 15, list, lists, real or fake, unexplained, paranormal, mysteries, top 5 list, poltergeist, top 10 list, haunted places, ghost, ghosts, paranormal activity, ghost hunters, top10
Id: nt7ic6JJNZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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