Easy - Frozen Chicken Breasts in the Instant Pot

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subject and I'm going to be cooking some frozen chicken breasts in the incident class today I see a lot of people asked about cooking frozen chicken breasts so I'm going to show you how to do it really quick and easy alright so first I'm going to get my instant pot rate one thing I noticed a lot of people think that their instant pot has broken or stopped working when really all that happened is this back plug is come on down a little so make sure that's really secure plugged in it says off now to get my instant pot ready to come to pressure a lot faster I put it on saute while I get things ready starts the process of getting it heated so I'm using vegetable stock that I had made last week it's right out of the refrigerator it's really cold right now which means it'll take you some pot a little while to come to pressure so for these you can see these are huge chicken breasts I'd say they're at least half a pound each so I've got two pounds throws the solid chicken breast I'm going to use one and a half cups of my bra but since it is right out of the fridge it's really cold I'm just going to throw it in the microwave for a minute yep takes a lot of time when the instant pot needs to come to pressure especially with frozen chicken breasts these just because they're so cold it's going to take a longer to come to pressure them if it was just thought me okay so my in supplies can feel the heat coming off of it my vegetable stock is ready I'm going to pour it in and it's go sizzle because it's really hot totally normal totally fine just be careful okay so now I'm going to use my trivet that came with my instant pot and I'm going to just set it inside okay now I'm going to just stack my frozen chicken breasts right inside stack them right on top of each other it's no big deal I'm going to add some salt and pepper onto them I'm going to season them up later when they're done so I'm not really worried about it a little onion powder I'm going to be making chicken quesadillas and some chicken pasta salad later with the shredded chicken that I get from this alright I'm going to take my lid lock it on put my sealing event to sealing and I'm going to turn this my sauté off manual for 10 X 10 to 11 minutes I'm going to go 11 minutes because those were really big that's it okay so it finally just went from the on position to the countdown to 10 minutes and it has probably been between 15 to 20 minutes that it actually took to get up to pressure on this and that is where people oh I noticed a lot of people have a question why isn't it heating up faster it was because of the large amount of huge frozen chicken breast and if I had not heated up my broth first it would have even been longer so totally normal here we go nine more minutes okay so it's finished a while ago and it has been sitting on natural relief for 24 minutes now I'm going to go ahead my kid has already dropped so I don't know we need to release it all guns get out sit and throw it in the bowl to shred it up alright so they are fully cooked so it was at 11 minutes cooking and I just went did some other things I could have natural I could have click released it which I don't like to do with any meat but it's sat around for 25 minutes only because I was off doing some other things so it's completely cooked I've got it in here and now I'm going to shred it really quickly for some recipes that I'm making so I just used my my man's right and we're judging employers so voila I have a big bowl of shredded chicken for my recipes that I'm going to use later easy
Channel: Jennifer Freitas
Views: 704,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V2HjnVS1eiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2017
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