Top 5 Forgotten (But Awesome) Rules In D&D

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here are five awesome forgotten rules in D and D the mark action okay simple one to start this one is badly named because it isn't technically an action it's a free interaction that anyone can take when they hit an enemy creature with a melee weapon attack when you slap that kobold with your ax you can also Mark them basically focusing on them preparing to spank them again until the end of your next turn any opportunity attack made against that Target has Advantage pretty good for some more reliable damage if they try and run away but the really cool part is that opportunity attack does not cost your reaction this basically gives you an extra reaction which is amazing for melee spellcasting classes Eldritch Knights blade singers hex blade warlocks you can mark your enemies with your attacks slap them on the butts if they try to run and still have your reaction to cast counter spell or the shield spell but every melee Focus build can use the mark action for more powerful opportunity attacks there's only one limitation and that is if you do mark an enemy you can only take one opportunity attack per turn so you can't opportunity attack the same creature twice on the turn it runs away or anything weird but you can still opportunity attack twice on different turns in a round if you marked several creatures on your turn this is a fun and simple rule that makes martial characters a little stronger spellcasting Marshalls a lot stronger and encourages attacking multiple enemies on your turn when you can it also makes the disengage action an actual worthwhile choice to make in combat crafting I need to make a whole video about crafting but suffice to say it's awesome there are basic crafting rules in the DMG another set of rules in the PHP and a whole nother set of rules in xanathas the DMG crafting system is based on item Rarity players need to get access to a magic formula to craft anything which the DM can hand out at the end of a quest depending on the Rarity of the item it costs more golf to make and players need to spend one full working day on an item to make 25 Golds worth of progress towards finishing it a common item costs 100 gold pieces so crafting one takes four full days an uncommon item costs 500 gold and so takes 20 days this system is cool because it allows for teamwork if four people work on an item it is crafted in one quarter of the time so the party can whip up an uncommon item in five days the downside is it's kinda busted the Rarity system in DND is terrible and although there are Level restrictions placed on this system in the rules getting a wand of magic missiles at level 3 is kinda crazy worse still though only spellcasters can craft magic items with this system and Tool proficiencies don't matter so it's restrictive and misses out on a huge opportunity to make proficiencies actually do something but if you're careful with the magic item formulas you actually hand out to your players it's a workable system for crafting low-level magic items in your game but the xanathos system is better in my opinion to craft anything you need the right tools proficiencies which makes tool proficiency Choice actually important it's up to the GM to decide what tools are required but for example you could craft leather armor with leather workers tools or plate mail with Smith's tools magic items require exotic ingredients and a magic formula basically requiring two quests from the party to even make one one to gather information and then one to gather the resources this is awesome because it builds into your games and gives the players a reason to go adventuring here's a table that gives you a Rough Guide to the CR of the creature necessary to craft a magic item then the players can spend time and gold actually crafting that item using this handy little table of course there's more to crafting and other systems out there but including these systems can bring a lot to your games and give players a little bit of agency in the magic items they get plus who doesn't want to make their own tarasque fluffy slippers come on and with that you slay the dragon and get access to the horde yeah uh you get a bag of holding oh gee thanks uh you get a plus one long sword wow this is cumbersome and you get your very own rats familiar there has got to be a better way so I just have to feed this rat now in real life for my fantasy d d character well if you can think of a better way to give out magic items I'm all ears grab the ultimate magic item card pack from adventure games beautifully Illustrated card handouts for every magic item in the 5e SRD to use in your games and hand out to your players as an awesome game piece to make treasure feel like treasure each item card also includes the object's full description so no more flicking through the DMG or taking a sneaky lock online do you remember how far you can fly with winged boots or just how screwed you are when you combine two bags of holding grab your deck of over 300 5e magic item cards to make DND easier smoother and much more immersive for everyone at an incredible value from eventier games out now on Kickstarter link below cleaving rules okay those crafting rules were kind of complicated let's have a simple one cleaving rules kick ass for speeding up combat if you've ever played Magic the Gathering this is a lot like trample in that game basically when a melee attack reduces a creature to zero hit points any excess damage is carried over to another creature nearby the attacker targets a second creature Within Reach and if their initial attack roll could hit that creature too any extra damage is carried over and if that extra damage kills that creature you can just keep going theoretically beating down multiple enemies in one blow one of the problems with DND is there is a ton of wasted damage it sucks to score a critical hit on a creature with only one hit point because it didn't really matter this rule makes that damage matter it upgrades melee attackers and it encourages players to charge right into the phrase surrounding themselves with enemies most importantly though it is so easy to implement I'm sick of optional rules to buff martial characters that boil down to them rolling a million extra Dice and taking ages on their turn none of that here it is fast there are no extra dice rolled it basically just happens on its own and it really speeds up combat when you're fighting groups of weaker enemies this is one that I think really has no downside at all it's in the DMG for a reason use it healing surge here's another quickie but a good healing surge takes an action to use and lets you expend up to half of your total hit dice for each hit die you expend you roll the dice and your Constitution modifier and you regain that many hit points here's a neat part you can choose to spend another hit dice after each one you roll so you'll never waste hit dice producing more hit points than you need downside is you can only do this once per short rest but the interesting thing is this changes how your hit dice are recovered when you use this rule all your hit dice are recorded at the end of a long rest and when you make a short rest you recover an amount of hit dice equal to one quarter of your character's level rounded down minimum of one this is legit a great rule to introduce to parties who don't have a dedicated healer like a cleric or a druid I also like it because it lets players keep themselves healthy they don't need to beg the cleric to take a turn off to slap them with a cure wounds and it's also pretty decent healing a level 4 Barbarian can regain two D12 Plus 8 hit points from one action most d d games never use hit dice at all it's practically a lost mechanic at some tables so this feature makes them actually relevant and finally if you're a sorcerer with a bloodwell vial you can use this feature to regain five sorcery points at the cost of just one action I mean you know check with your DM first but that is rules is written are totally allowed combo and it's very strong Tasha's optional class features Tasha's was one of the last d d books that I think we could really call greats and a huge part of that was introducing a bunch of optional rules to upgrade classes that just made sense here's my favorite choices to Chuck right into your games Primal knowledge is an optional Barbarian feature that Nets you an extra skill proficiency at levels 3 and 10. vulgarians are often accused of being no good at anything other than fighting this feature gives you a little bit of game outside of battle insight and perception are great choices harness divine power is a wickedly useful cleric and Paladin feature letting you trade the use of your channel Divinity to regain one spell thought equal to half your proficiency bonus Roundup some Channel Divinity options are pretty situational so this means there's always an option for you to use it always sucks having a useless resource and this solves that problem for Druids out there you get wild companion from Level 2 you can expand the use of your wild shape to cast the spell find familiar without material components it only lasts a few hours but still it's a flavorful feature that just makes sense and that all Druids should have access to Sorcerers can grab magical guidance from Level 5 you can spend one sorcery points to re-roll any ability check it only works once per roll but still that is some amazing reliability for when you really need to pull off that deception check and monks get my personal favorite dedicated weapon from Level 2 you can put your hand on any weapon that lacks the special or two-handed properties and boom it becomes a monk weapon for you this means it deals damage with your Martial Arts Dice and if you ever hit someone with it you can Bonk them again as a bonus action on armed strike monks with guns it's a thing or monks with anything you're proficient with really the best option here is the long sword obviously if you pick a race or a feat that gets you proficiency with it dwarves GIF and GIF are all great options for monks giving you those extra weapon proficiencies to abuse with this feature another favorite of mine is back to the barbarians with instinctive pounce this just means that from Level 7 when you rage you can also pounce up to half your movement speed it's a nice way to get where the action is and a fun image for a barbarian to suddenly scream and then yeap themselves 20 feet through the air towards an unsuspecting Merchant this month issue of the DM SQL weapon features the path of the Wild Barbarian a grappling shoveling nudist God of Close Quarters combat you can grab that plus hundreds of pages of maps Adventures new subclasses new races and tons more on patreon link up here and also down there remember to like And subscribe check out other videos on the channel and yeah that's all I got see you next time
Channel: DnD Shorts
Views: 261,044
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Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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