My Favorite Magic Items

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] but you a magical items I don't know why I'm singing a song with the same four chords that I used for every Sun this is dumb hey everybody welcome to another video where I needlessly put music into it from no reason at all today we're talking about my favorite magic items and I think this is stemming from the fact that I'm playing a lot of low level characters right now and I really want magic items I'm trying to talk about things that I like more and things that I you know I'm not trying to call things dumb but this is slowly turning into magic items are dumb and they're not I really like them I think they're really interesting but what we are going to talk about is the magic items that I personally love as a player as a dungeon master these games in our games wait that wasn't us and these items in our games make it a lot more fun and a lot more interesting so maybe you'll agree with me and maybe you won't but maybe I will enlighten you on a little bit of information that I have because I play this game way too much I'm just so frustrated I wish I had something that I could just squeeze and what is this it's our PG squeeze these cute little guys are a part of a Kickstarter that also happens to be the sponsor of this video Brian Colin the founder of creature curations reached out to me to help promote his Kickstarter and to be honest I love these things a lot I always like having little things from the hobbies and the games I like to decorate around my house and these guys are perfect and these are a part of the I Gore series he has a on Kickstarter right now and these guys are also awesome because you can just he's dead oh no he's alive again necromancy big thanks to creature curation for sponsoring this video and make sure to check out the Kickstarter there's a link in the description oh geez okay magical items and things you know stuff maybe your Dungeon Master getting ready to he escaped good cool maybe your Dungeon Master is getting ready for their campaign and they want to know what magic items to give out to their players or you're a player and you're like hmm I have so much money just a lot and I'm wondering what magic items would be great when I was but a young the player to dungeon dragons and I was only a novice to the game and I didn't understand all of it all at once I thought magic items were like the coolest thing ever I thought that they were like additive necessities that you needed in your games because I came from playing a lot of RPG video games like Skyrim and crafting and making magical things was like my favorite part of Skyrim so the amount of magical items that weren't done some dragons were probably ridiculous and way better than some video game because you could almost make up whatever you want and so they interested me immediately but of course my gamer brain immediately went to swords and armor like how can I get cooler-looking armor and how can I get a cooler looking sword because that's more of what I cared about as a dungeon master now I've noticed that a lot of newer players feel the same way about that kind of stuff newer players are never looking for things that make their abilities better or give them a new ability they just want something really cool to do spell scrolls are awesome but I hate magic items that just take in ability that's already in the game and then just go you can do that but with a piece of paper like a wand of web it just casts web like okay it's cool I just it's just not nearly as fun as some other magical items to me spell scrolls make magic feel more tangible and makes it feel like you can write it down on a piece of paper and can be used by anybody so it makes the I like the world-building lore effect of spell scrolls but my favorite types of magic items as a player and as a dungeon master are the ones that have limited use the cool part about those that you can really easily balance them as a dungeon master and as a player you can value it at certain points in time every time you use it it happens to be really good which is what you want otherwise you're gonna have a situation with your players where they're gonna stockpile all these potions and never drink them even at the final boss fight you've done that right yeah I know you've done that I can tell so my favorite types of magic items in D&D fall into like three things that I need to have a limited-use a really cool ability and the ability needs to not be reused from something else okay let's open up the double and look this I've never seen that before I actually really like the stabs of the adder the these snake staffs it's a staff that it's like Moses you throw on the ground it turns into a snake or the other one which I think that's staff or the Python the staff of the adder like just the head turns into a snake I mean like poke it at people and it can bite the snake haha no not the snake staff it's not a whole snake it's just the head part okay so I'm really generic and I'm really boring but one of my favorites magic items in the entire game is legitimately a flame tongue it's just a sword that can be on fire and that's really cool is it a little overpowered kind of depending on who you give it to give it to if the fighter takes it yeah yeah my fire is gonna start doing a lot of damage I think I just like fire I think I like weapons being on fire like fire arrows are cool a lot of the magic items are really really complicated and set into the lore of D&D also known as The Forgotten Realms so a lot of the magic items are just like hah that doesn't make any sense bracers of Defense they give you a +1 armor class and then you have like an apparatus of koala SH you want a submarine metal crab machine let's see what else do I like you won't know my favorite magic enemies what's your favorite magic item Spencer identity portress yeah Darrin's into fortress is really cool because you could just put it on the ground and throw it to deck safe they feel like that they take 10 d-10 force damage oh my god you throw a fortress at people yeah if you throw it and you say the command where'd it what's up Stroud I think it's more fun to just eat at people what's wrong with you alright a deck of illusions is super awesome a deck of illusions is a deck of cards and if you take one of the cards and you throw it on the ground it becomes something random based on what you draw this magic item is great for like trickster characters because you don't know what's gonna happen and it can be used as a distraction or as like a yeah I'm just gonna freak somebody out right now because it can be anything from like all red dragon to an assassin to just the person who drew the card and you get to use a deck of cards and people always talk about the deck of many things and the deck of many things is you know really cool and stuff and it's interesting it can break your campaign other people have talked about it better than I can ever do but the deck of illusions is harmless it's just an illusion and it's just like a fun little thing for everybody because it's just random it's like I'm pulling out a card okay there's a bugbear now and most people think it's real as a Dungeon Master you can also use this and give it to bad guys if you want to freak out your players and be like faux pas if it was a card on the ground and summons a dragon everybody's like hmm I don't know about that one and it's also limited it's just a cool ability that won't break your campaigns but add a lot of like fun and flavor into your adventures the figurines have wondrous power and the and what is it the the little balls of whatever those guys are cool I just hate adding extra things into an initiative count just being like I'm going to summon five hippos and it's like okay I'm gonna go redo the initiative and add them and then you can control them and overpower the initiative with five hippos an immovable rod honestly one of the most memorable and interesting Dungeons & Dragons magic items ever the movable rod is just a rod where you push a button and it stays there and it can't be moved unless it's like a force above a thousand pounds what I love about this item is that it's so simple but it can be used in so many ways you could use it to climb you could use it to hold the door shut you could use it to accidentally cut your friend's dad in half when an airship takes off into the air watch this video about a story about that it was super dumb and there's not a lot of things in D&D that can do things like in a moveable rod you could build things with the moveable rods too you could put a structure underneath a couple of movable rods if you place them if you get a bunch of them and place them next to each other you could get things to like float and stuff also I don't feel like in a movable rod will break your game either that's the thing Dungeon Master's are always afraid of it's like if I give my players an animated shield will it break the game and the answer to that is yes any improvements to armor class you give to your players you will regret almost as much as increasing their spell save DC's with a robe of the art Magi don't do it just listen to me don't give them cloaks and rings of protection unless you know the low AC wizard is using it because they will just go to the war forged barbarian and go here you go here's all the ac bonuses and now he's got a twenty six and shield so 31 AC get Jacob the instrument of the bards existence is just oh the bards are bad what's a magic item that we can give to bards to make them feel better here you go here's a magic harp where you can fly I think the iron bands of bolero are a really cool that are really underestimated and underused in games because you don't have to give them to your players teams can totally give these to their bad guys it's a rusty iron sphere measuring 3 inches in diameter and weighs a pound you can use an action to speak the command word throw the sphere at a huge or smaller creature you can see within 60 feet and as it moves through the air it opens up into a tangle of metal bands make an attack roll and you can only get out with a DC 20 strength check to break the iron bands and it can only be used every dawn and this is great to give like maybe like bounty hunters or something like that like the players don't have a lot of reason to capture people I've noticed they are either want to kill them or let them go or talk to them and make them their friend and none of those involve capturing but I think this is a great magic item that you could give to a bad guy the best part about magic items on bad guys is the players never expect it they never expect your bad guys to have magic items because they're like hey those are the things that you give us like we're supposed to have dad uh uh they have it now and you're screwed best part is is that if they escape or if they defeat the bad guy they can get that magic item and use it for themselves it's a great way to be like look at this cool thing that you could use and then they will and then get it and then use it it's fun manual of flesh golems now I did say that like summoning items I don't like very much but I think this one is different a manual of golems teaches you how to create your own golem in which you your artificer or wizard can become a mad scientist and find a book and spend a stupid amount of money to make their own creature that follows them around and does their bidding hurry up the wound closure is great and I know a lot of people will think that they're stupid and they're overpowered because it basically just makes your characters unkillable but I think it's really interesting just to give your party one and then watch them decide about who gets it and who deserves to live more you know those death saves are always really really really terrifying and the best part about the parity opt is that you don't have to worry about it anymore you know that your character is basically safe but they're not entirely safe you could still go unconscious and still get hit and still die it doesn't make them unkillable but it gives a player a sense of security and I think that's really interesting and makes the magic item really good balanced I love all potions all potions are awesome to me I think the one use give you an ability for a little bit of time he's really interesting I love the potion of fire breath where you could just start belching flames if you want to I think potions are a great magic item to give to your players because you don't have to worry about them being too powerful besides maybe the giant strength ones because as soon as your fighter or barbarian gets one of those they're just going to be doing tons of damage in one combat and probably my last favorite magic item is the wand of wonder I love magic items that just add random chaos into your games and I also love character still like I love the wild magic sorcerer just because it can create situations that you and your players does have to deal with because of a dice roll I mean think back to the last time that happened in one of your DMV games it was probably really fun and everybody was having a great time just getting like oh my god what are we gonna do this sorcerer turned into a potted plant everyone's goats and I think the wand of wonder while being really really powerful can be an interesting item like this for example it can cast a stinking cloud or fire ball or a lightning bolt or you know summon a rhinoceros or make the grass grow I've given the one of one or two a couple of my parties before and they've kind of just used it like once or twice and was like yeah this thing's useless because we can't control it and they get rid of it I think it would be fun to disguise another wand as a wand of wonder and maybe this one like a wand of web at cast web like twice and then on every odd time that you cast it something random happens and you can either be from the table from the wand of wonder or you can make your own table or use the table from the wild magic sorcerer stuff if you want to overall chaos good crazy things happening me like anyways those are basically my favorite magic items and also a little bit of me talking about the magic items I don't like I don't know if this was useful or helpful in any way so I tell me in the comments to this video that's the video this is I really like playing turns and things and or just spells in a bacterial form all right I don't regret doing that at all
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 992,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, how to, tutorial, funny, monk, fighter, 5e, player, book, dm, dungeon master, roll, ranger, rogue, paladin, cleric, barbarian, bard, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, artificer, mystic, skits, idea, character, stats, build, new, tips, gm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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