THE FASTEST WAY TO EDIT in DaVinci Resolve 16 - Editing Tips and Shortcuts

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[Music] greetings my name is casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube and today we're talking about how to edit faster talking about keyboard shortcuts we're talking about general workflow we're talking about how to get some chops on the chops get it cool me too i also get it just a warning this is a video for slightly more advanced viewers so there's a chance that you might be a little confused if you're not super familiar with resolve if you aren't check out this video it goes over the basics of the workflow of resolve do it do it and why haven't you subscribed come on let's go before we get started let's take a look at what we're going to be editing here at kevin's bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend while drinking or eating something so we spend most of our time filling things with other things whether that's filling a glass with ice or a liquid of some kind sometimes we do it without spilling and sometimes we just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill we fill things with other things all right so we're gonna make a simple little kind of commercial thing like 25 30 second little ad spot and i'm going to show you my workflow for editing in real time but before we get into that pretty much any time that you want to edit quickly you're going to have to set some keyboard shortcuts or at least learn ones that already exist so let's take a look at my keyboard shortcuts up here under davinci resolve in the upper left hand corner click on keyboard customization and that will bring this up so i have just a few things set first of all i have q if you click on all commands here you can search i have that set to start to play head and that's going to be ripple trim start to play head by default it's ctrl shift left bracket i've set mine as q w is ripple end to play head control shift right bracket or ctrl shift right bracket to set a keyboard shortcut all you have to do is click this little plus next to whatever you want to set and then it'll turn orange and then you just type whatever you want on the keyboard so i'm going to set that to w the other one i have set is s that is set to split clip and i also have p set to append to end of timeline so q is ripple start to play head w is ripple n to playhead s is split clip and p is a pen to end at timeline those are the only changes i've made because those are the ones that are the bomb so i'll run you through my workflow for the quickest way that i've found to edit let's go the very first thing that i like to do is grab my vo this also works if you have an interview and just drag it down into the timeline i'm going to right click and set our track type to mono because it's just a mono vo and now what i'm going to do is just play through this and i can cut this audio by hitting s and i'm literally not even going to listen to this i'm just going to cut out all of the silence and so i can make a cut here and then move over to the right and then hit q and what it'll do is it'll split this clip select this delete it and move everything down all in one foul swoop so it looks like this and then you can go through and basically just do that throughout the whole clip close our media pool so we have a little bit more room and i'm just going to go through and cut out all the silence that's just going to make it a lot easier to actually listen to this and figure out what we like and what we don't like here at kevin's bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend while drinking or eating something so we spent i'll also while i'm playing through this i'll trim this a little bit so that these are a little bit tighter and all i'm doing is using q and w to trim the edges of these clips drinking or eating something so we spend most of our time filling things with other things whether that's so we spend most of our time so this is a repeat so i'll grab this and hit delete on the keyboard something so we spend most of our time filling things with other things whether that's filling a glass with whether that's filling a glass with ice or liquid of some kind or a liquid of some kind sometimes we do all right this is a repeat so i'll take it out of some kind sometimes we do it without spilling and sometimes we just spill it wherever and sometimes we just and sometimes and sometimes we just get stuff everywhere there we go and i'm just cutting out all of the repeats we do it without spilling and sometimes we just get stuff everywhere and since we just pour it every and sometimes we just pour it everywhere i actually like that last line without spilling and sometimes we just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill kevin's bar and grill we put thing kevin's bar and grill we fill things with other things okay that's great and now we have our voiceover so really a voiceover or an interview it's like the glue that holds everything together your whole video is going to be structured based on that when it's this style of edit so now that that exists we got to pick the b-roll the quickest way to do this in resolve i'm convinced is using the cut page some of you might not be familiar with the cut page but it's really really nice for doing this kind of thing so down in the lower part of the screen i'll just click on cut and that's going to bring this timeline into the cut page the cut page is designed for speed and without getting super into it there is a feature called source tape source tape opens up all of your b-roll anything that's in your media pool all at once and so it's really easy to page through without having to double click on each clip and open it up and set ins and outs and edit it you can just click on this button right here that says source clip and it will open up everything so this is great if you're looking just for a bunch of b-roll so what i like to do i'm just going to move my hand to the i and o keys here on the keyboard so that i can quickly set ins and outs and then remember we set p to append it end of timeline so i can just scrub through all of this and set individual ins and outs like let's say here and here and then i can hit p to add this to the end of the timeline and that will just throw this at the end and i can move it around later really what we're doing is just selecting the different clips so i can pretty quickly move through and figure out what i like in out p in out p in out p in out p in out p in out p and out p and now we have all of the footage that we like in our timeline i can switch back over to the edit page just by clicking on the edit button and i'll hit shift z to zoom out and now we have all of our footage here ready for our edit and now it's just a matter of putting the footage over the lines that makes sense so let's play this back here at kevin's bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend well okay so she's hanging out with this guy so i'll just put this on the upper track here because i don't want to move these around yet bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend while drinking or eating something so we spend most of our time filling things with other things whether that's filling okay i want to make this a little bit quicker so i'll just cut out that silence and i know this line is about ice that's filling a glass with ice or a liquid of some kind all right where's liquid here's this beer or liquid of some kind sometimes we do it without spilling actually we'll do this one for not spilling we'll do liquid right here with ice or liquid of some kind sometimes we do it without spilling and we'll just trim that sometimes we do it without spilling and sometimes and we'll get this messy clip here sometimes we just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill and sometimes we just pour it everywhere kep and that's great we'll say kevin's bar and grill and we'll put this graphic at the end this might work great for the beginning so we'll just throw that at the beginning here at kevin's bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend while drinking or eating something so we spend most of our time filling things with other things all right we'll just grab a little bit more of this clip eating something so we spend most of our time filling things with other things whether that's filling a glass with ice or liquid of some kind sometimes we do it without spilling and sometimes we just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill we fill things with other things that's a good first edit i'm gonna grab all of these tracks and just hold down alt and hit down on the keyboard and that's gonna collapse everything hear it so now everything's on one line it's just a little bit easier to look at and organize and stuff now let's add some music i'll go up to my media pool and we have this music i'll just grab it and drag it down into our timeline and the first thing i'm going to do is turn this way down because music always comes in way too loud i'm going to turn it like negative 17 or so now let's see how it goes here at kevin's bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend that's pretty good but this audio needs to be louder i'll just select everything from the dialogue track go up to the inspector and boost up the volume here at kevin's bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend while drinking or eating something so we spend most of our time okay so that works i'll close my media pool and we want this music to end right when the talking ends so what i'll do is grab the end of this clip i'll hit s on the keyboard and just grab the end and drag it down to where it's supposed to be and then i'll delete this middle part and now we have a good ending we fill things with other things we'll just time that out for now without worrying about how it mixes with this first clip we fill things with other things and we'll make that other thing give that a little bit more of a [Music] handle great so that's awesome let's grab these last clips and i'll drag this down and i'll drag our music out because i want to cut this on the beat this is something that takes a little bit of practice but really all you have to do is wait until the snare drum is hit and you try and pause it right on the snare drum and it usually works okay there's the snare drum hit right there and i'll just have that start there so now all we really need to do i'll just mute this first track is find a snare drum hit sort of towards the end of this clip somewhere in here so let's play it back there's the snare drum i'll have it stop right there i'll grab all of this and move it back down and i'll let these clips snap together and let's listen [Music] this transition isn't very good but because it's synced up with the beat i can actually just take this and roll it back this way to a place that is a little bit less awkward [Music] this part's not working so we need to kind of come in a little bit later again cutting right on the snare drum and if you don't quite get it right you can always grab this track and hit greater than or less than to kind of move it back and forth that's a decent music edit probably no one will notice good enough for government work and i'll unmute our first track and see how it sounds and sometimes we just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill we've to make this a little bit smoother we can right click and add a crossfade sometimes we just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill we fill things with other things kevin's bar and grill we fill things with other things [Music] so there's our music i'm going to space out our vo a little bit [Music] sometimes we do it without spilling and sometimes we just pour it ever now i'm just going to space things out a little bit just to give it a little bit of breathing room because it's coming through a little bit quickly take everything down and let the music start a little bit before the audio starts here at kevin's bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend while drinking or eating something so we spend most of our time filling things with other things whether that's filling a glass with ice or a liquid of some kind sometimes we do it without spilling and sometimes we just pour it and we'll give this just a little more room just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill kevin's bar and grill we just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill we fill things with other times we do ice or liquid of some kind that's filling a glass with ice or liquid of some kind and once we have this kind of spaced out the way that we want we can just fill in the gaps with the b-roll here at kevin's bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend while drinking or eating something so we spend most of our time filling things with other things whether that's filling a glass with ice or a liquid of some kind sometimes we do it without spilling and sometimes we just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill we fill things with other things all right i'll fade the last part of this music [Music] and now we have our edit pretty much locked in one thing i'll do is animate this graphic easy way to do that is just be over it here in the timeline and click on fusion that'll bring this up in the fusion page i'll grab a background node and merge it over our graphic select our media in and hit one on the keyboard so we can see it here on the left and with my background node selected i can just grab this eyedropper and i drop that color and then i can mask it with the rectangle mask and we can just put this mask over this bottom line and we'll just animate it this way i want it to end by just revealing our words so i'll set a keyframe on the center of this mask and move back over to the beginning of our comp and i'll just move the mask over to just cover those words and now we have a little animation here that kind of types in those words we're done in fusion i'll just click on edit and that will load in that animated graphic we can also just select the graphic and over here in the inspector click on dynamic zoom and that'll start with this zoomed in kevin's bar and grill we fill things with other things [Music] and it'll zoom out over time which is perfect for a graphic like this so this is pretty great let's say we want to add a quick color grade we can color grade everything all at once if we go to the effects library and go down to effects and grab adjustment clip drag this down over everything that we want to color correct i'll just make sure it's over all of our clips then we can go to color and with our adjustment clip selected here scrub through here to a shot with people in it and we can do our basic color correction by the way if you don't know how to do color correction at all check out this video that shows you how to do it just add some kind of basic look here just so things look a little more poppy you know scrub through and make sure things look nice i feel like it looks pretty good heck we'll even add a little warmth i'll just push the gamut a little warmer and just add a little bit of nice cozy atmosphere switch back to our edit one last thing is we have these black bars over everything i'm just going to zoom this in just a touch to get rid of those i can hit ctrl c and then shift select all of my clips here and hit alt v and i'm just going to check zoom and hit apply that's going to zoom everything in just how we wanted one last thing is i think i'll take this music down just a touch and let's take a look at what we got here at kevin's bar and grill we know that you're here to casually hang out with your friend while drinking or eating something so we spend most of our time filling things with other things whether that's filling a glass with ice or a liquid of some kind sometimes we do it without spilling and sometimes we just pour it everywhere kevin's bar and grill we fill things with other things that was a lightning round wasn't it that was quick if you enjoyed this video i think that you might also enjoy this video because we go over the workflow of resolve and how all the pages work together and such it's good it's good you thought i was going to say something witty at the end didn't you
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 39,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Fasted Way to Edit in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, how to use davinci resolve, edit faster, davinci resolve editing, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, davinci resolve editing tips, davinci resolve shortcuts, learn to edit fast, edit faster in davinci resolve, save time davinci resolve, davinci resolve keyboard shortcuts, divinci resolve, davinci resolve fast editing, fast editing tips, edit quick in resolve
Id: N42Y8GMs9ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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