5 Dumb Products That Actually Work!

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Welcome back everybody. Now, it was about a year and a half ago I was at the park with a special guest doing some dumb items that actually worked. Today, we're doing it again. I've got a special guest here to help me out with some more dumb items. Let's get right to it. (chill music) All right. So my friend Cathy is all the way here from Nashville, the 2-cent chick is here is going to help me review some dumb... - Excited. - Some dumb products. - And they're pretty dumb. - She knows that they are, but she hasn't seen them yet, so we've got a bunch of dumb products here. We're just going to try them out and hopefully they, hopefully they work. I mean I, I tried to pick out dumb products that do work, but maybe they won't. We'll see. But we're going to rank them according to two different criteria, how dumb they are and how useful they are, so they could be dumb and useful or dumb and not useful. But... - All right. - I'm going to let you pick. We've got five items here. Just see which one comes up... - All right. Let's get the most embarrassing one out of the way. - Oh, embarrassing one. Okay. (chill music) I think these are called Snap Glasses. - I was actually impressed by the case. - Yeah. I think the case is the nicest thing about this. The Snap Glasses, I paid $12 for. - Amazon. - On Amazon, yeah. Everything is... Four of these five are from Amazon. One is direct from the manufacturer. They actually have two features. Not only do they... not only do they snap, see, they have these little snap... Like the old snap bracelets. - Yeah, the snap bracelets. Like that. But, that's only half the thing. They also fold too. - Ooh. There's more. - So you can fold them... - Nice. - And then, you snap them on your wrist. I mean that's kind of useful. Would that be useful to some people? - Sure. All right. Let me see if I can... - [James] First time use here. (laughs) - All right. You have to play with them to get them to sit down on your ears right. - [James] Maybe you can like snap them across, across your head or something, huh? - Oh, yeah. Like that. - [James] Can you? - Well, I mean they snap. - [James] I was actually joking. I mean that was actually... - But, I mean that holds it better than this straight. - [James] I was literally joking when I said that. - I mean if it was longer, it would go all the way around, but it's... - [James] I can see your hair moving around too. - I mean does it go through my hair? - I can see a little bit of green, yeah. - [James] So, now let's try the, the folding and the snapping to your wrist. - Fold. Fold. - [James] Yep. And then, snap time. - Aw. - [James] Come on. You have to admit that's kind of useful. I'm defending the Snap Glass here. - Yeah, you are, because I am never ever would wear these on public. - [James] No? - Well, you would? - [James] No, but... - Okay. All right. - [James] Is somebody would? - Maybe a kid. - [James] Could you send, send Johnny to school in third grade with those if they're going to have a field trip or something? - Maybe? (chuckles) Maybe. Poor Johnny's going to get made fun of though. - [James] He will. Either than or he's going to be the genius of the class. One of the two. - That's true. Probably not past third grade. - [James] Depends on his social status going into it, I think. - Yes. Yes. - [James] All right. Let, let's switch here. Let me give it a shot. - Okay. All right. - Fold... The fold's a little bit awkward, because there's just like this clip in the middle that's not straight, so I don't know. But let me, let me put them on first. Let me put them on first. All right. Yeah. The quality wise looking through them, isn't really that bad. - [Cathy] I don't even think about looking at the quality of it. - You're just worried about the style. I mean they're very clear, these lenses. At least right now. You can kind of snap... - [Cathy] Let me see, let me see. Oh, it kind of digs into your head. - And it pushes my ear out a little bit, so I kind of got that going on, but... - [Cathy] Do they feel weird like that on your ear? - They, they do like that? Yeah. - [Cathy] You don't have the hair to worry about. - It doesn't feel... I don't like how that feels at all. All right. So let me try this. Let me try folding this up. - [Cathy] Now, would you wear those out? - Maybe if I was running or something or... I'm trying to... There's got to be some... - [Cathy] You're trying hard. - I am. I always try hard to see the... 'Cause there's going to be people that like this. If I just bash on it, they're going to say that I was unfair. So, there's going to be some people who like it. Am I one of them? Probably not. We're going to rank these, 1-10 dumb, and 1-10 useful. - Dumb? I'll go... a nine? - Nine on the dumb. That's a, that's a setting the bar pretty high early on. All right. - Yeah, nine. - And what about useful? - I think a nine for being useful? - Really? - It is useful, but... - Wow. - Because I know a lot of people would lose their glasses. So, I guess if you had them around your wrist, you wouldn't lose. See, I'm trying, I'm trying. Just like you do. I'm trying to find good in it. - Right. I mean I can see how this use... You're on the extreme end, I think of this one. But, I'm going to say dumb, it's probably at least an eight. And useful, I'm going to say about a seven. I think it's a little more dumb than useful. Yeah. - Dumb than useful. - I'm just kind of... I'm trying to leave myself some room in case something's dumber and more useful. So, I don't want to go too high to start off with, but... - All right. - All right. Well, that was a good first item. Let's see what's next. (chill music) While we're in the sunglasses mode, we got more glasses-related products here. Now, this one, it's funny 'cause I thought this was pretty dumb when I first saw it. But when I posted a picture on social media, a lot of people said they didn't think it was very dumb. So... - Yeah. When I saw it, I said, my uncle has it and loves it. - This is the Readerest. And all these... I think this was on Shark Tank. All this is a magnetic clip. You have one side that goes on the front of your shirt, the other side that goes in the underside of your shirt. And it basically creates a little, a little hook that goes on in your shirt, so you can put your glasses there. My mom... I saw... My mom saw this, she was already eyeing it. She's like, "Ooh, I want to see, I want that." (giggles) - See? - So, I can already attest that there are people out there that want this product, so I'm not going to hard on this. Well, maybe it'll be hard, if I don't like it. All right. So... You know what? I'm taking these glasses off. I can only handle those so long. Wow. I'm starting to like these less as I saw myself wearing them. - Right. Right. (giggles) - So, I think what we should do is try these out and see how they actually work. - [James] All right. So you do how these work then? - I think. I mean I just saw them on... - [James] The magnets are very strong. - They are very strong. - [James] I mean I was... - Very strong. - [James] It's, it's way stronger than I thought they were going to be. - First time. - [James] So you just kind of like hold it in place there? - Oh, there. That was easy enough. - [James] Yeah. It's very simple. - All right. - [James] So now just put... Like hand your glasses there, I guess. - I'm going inside, I don't need my glasses. - [James] What do you think? - It's very useful. I probably would not use it, but I could see where... Especially if someone has Readerest, I could see... - [James] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Using it for that. - [James] Give it a tug and see how strong it is. Pretty strong, huh? - I mean... - [James] Yeah? (chuckles) - Yeah, that's... - [James] You don't say don't pull too hard now. - I'm impressed how strong it is. - [James] Okay. - Because I was wondering if it would work with the sweater, but I don't think it would be any issue working with the sweater. - [James] They're very strong. - It is very strong. - [James] All right, cool. Let me give it a shot. Here we go. You went from the top. I mean I guess that would make more sense. I was going from the bottom. - [Cathy] Oh, you're bottom? - Reaching all the way up. All right. Let's see. I guess if you took your glasses off... It's kind of weird. - [Cathy] It pulls on your shirt a little bit. - A little bit. But it's really strong. I think it would, it would be a lot to take this off. - [Cathy] Right. - I mean I usually put my glasses right there anyways, which I probably just continue to do. I can definitely see that this would be useful to some people. Will I continue to use it? Probably not, unless I was using it, but I'm not sure unless I had a, a, a pocket or something. So I don't know. Seems like it's pretty useful. All right. So Readerest. On the dumb scale, what do you think? - [Guy] The what? - I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to the camera. How dumb is this? - May be a four. I could see where people would use it. Like especially a button-up shirt. - So that's, that's useful scale. On the dumb scale, you're saying four, but useful... - Useful, I would go probably nine. - That's pretty yeah. - It's pretty useful, I think. I mean I would not use it personally. no. But I could see where it would be useful. - Right. I would say on the dumb, I'm going to with two. I don't think it's very dumb at all now that I, now that I've actually seen it. - Wait a minute. I'm not rating this the wrong way. No. Two. Okay. Two's... All right. - When you see it, you think that's dumb, but then you use it, I can see how people would want to use this. I would say useful, I would say it probably is a nine. I'd agree on the usefulness. - What'd you pay for that? - $10. I mean it's probably cost them $0.40 to make this, you know? But... - But, look at Bed Bath & Beyond too and use a coupon. You can get even cheaper. - Yeah. You can get it for like, what? $8 in Bed Bath & Beyond with a coupon. But quite useful, so I think that this, this definitely is a dumb, somewhat not very dumb. It's slightly dumb, but definitely works. And we're going to have to move somewhere, because there's, there's some trombone players sitting up here now. All right. Well, part two let's go somewhere else. (chill music) All right. Next up. This is the one that Cathy really doesn't want to try out, but she's going to try out anyways. - But when he told me about it, I thought it was going to be the rainbow old school, because I've seen these before in the past. - No, this one is, you know... Actually, I bought this a year ago. And what's funny is I bought it for like $12, now it's like $25. - Oh. - This is... This looks like in a regular umbrella, and it is an umbrella, but it's an umbrella hat. The way it works is that this kind of comes apart and fits over your head. Here's how it goes on your head. I'm not really sure that's really the best way to do it and like what if my head hits this? Like what's up with that? You're supposed to pull the string. And then... - [Cathy] It's complicated - I know. And then, this goes into that, into that hole right there. So now... There we go. All right. So now it's fully extended. And then, I think this is a chin strap. - [Cathy] No. (chuckles) Oh, it just got better. - I think that's a chin strap, because if you're in the wind or something, it's going to blow off. - [Cathy] I guess. - All right. So here we go. And I have an unusually large head as it is. - [Cathy] Okay. - Someone who works outside... - [Cathy] So are we looking more of this for sun or, or rain? - It could be used for either one. Like, I mean I use an umbrella in the sun out in the desert. We don't have much rain here, but I can see... Imagine if you're working outside, this would be helpful. I'm trying to defend the umbrella hat. I mean I haven't seen how I look wearing this yet though. I mean you, you see, you see what they're seeing. I don't see it. All I know is that from a functional standpoint... it's not very comfortable either. It's like... It's pretty solid, but it's not comfortable. There we go. Okay. Is that better? - [Cathy] No. (giggles) - I don't think she wants to put this on. - I don't if you would have been able to get that open without looking. Ah! (laughs) - [James] Wow. It like covers your entire body. - It is tight on the head though. I mean... - [James] It is kind of tight. Not good for the hair. - Aw. It kind of hurts. I am not going to run in this. - [James] No? - No. It hurts. No! I was thinking like at a baseball game, like my son's baseball games when it's like really hot. But, no. No. I mean I have... - [James] If it was more comf.. If it was more comfortable? - No. For the... No. But I mean I have one that hooks to my chair that I, that I use. - [James] Oh, that sounds more convenient. - Dit that hit your head? Or did I just have it down too far? - [James] It didn't hit my head, but I can see how it would. - That's a big no. Ah! I just broke it. - [James] Oh, I think she broke it now. Uh-oh. We have a first casualty out in the park. I wouldn't worry too much about because I'm probably not going to use it again. (laughs) - But you should not use it again. Oh. - [James] There you go. She's determined to figure out how to open that up by herself. There's chaos in here. She's breaking it. - It's, it's... I did. But still. I have to guide it. - It's a 2% job. - But it's bent. - Oh, it is bent. Oh, it's bent. - Just don't want many levels. - There you go. - Oh, yeah. - Child's play on this thing here. It's easy. - Not easy. Not easy. No. - So on the dumb meter, on 1-10. - 10! - 10 on the dumb. And useful? - I could see where it could be useful. I give it a five. Four. No. Six. I'm going with six. Sticking with six, because... No. - I'm going to say... Dumb? It's pretty dumb. It's going to be... It's going to be a nine dumb. Useful? I'm going to say it's... I'm going to say... (stutters) - I'm rolling my eyes under here. - I'm going to say yes. I think you're right. I think a solid six on the dumb. I mean six on the... - Six on the useful. - Six on the useful and I'm going to say I'm close to you. I think we almost agree on this. It's very dumb, and very useful to some people. - Very dumb. - We had to move, because there's some trombone players and now we're going to have to figure out where to go from here. So, we're just kind of meandering around as we figure this video out. - All right. Onto the next one. - Next one. (chill music) Next up is the $40 Burrito Pop. This is a burrito holder. And not only is it a burrito holder... And by the way, she just asked me before I hit record if they have different colors. They do, and she asked why I picked this one. I didn't know it had a pink handle. I picked green, because I had my SubSafe that was green. - Oh. - And I thought they kind of matched. They could kind of like be on my boneyard together forever in their green matching color, but I didn't know it was going to have this bright pink handle. This is strictly for burritos. So you take the lid off. And then there's nothing magical inside. But you turn this like a big chapstick and it, and it pushes your burrito out so that you don't have to touch the burrito and supposedly it keeps your hands clean while eating the burrito. I'm going to say going into this, this is my pick for the dumbest one already. But, we'll see. - I'm kind of with you on this. Yeah, on that. - I, I should also point out that I actually reached out to them about how to clean this. I didn't get a response. Then, there's no instructions. In fact, hold on. - He said this was a kickstarter. - It was kickstarter. I bought it direct from the website. - So they actually raised money? - They did. Originally it was $50. They, they've lowered the price. You get like a good deal at $40 here. - I'm thinking $9.99 tops. - Yeah. On sale for $5. It comes with these stickers. You can this sticker separately for $8. (chuckles) Yeah. You want some Burrito Pop stickers? All right. I have purchased a delicious burrito from Roberto's which is a popular chain here. The thing is, when you buy a burrito from something like Roberto's, it's wrapped in tin foil which already keeps your hands clean, so I don't know why you would need this and they show that. And, and they're... - There's foil right on the... Yeah. - In their promotional videos they show it with foil and the Burrito Pop like, it's like doubly clean? I don't know. I didn't see a lot of positive comments about this anywhere, so I'm surprised it even had comments on the video I saw. - It's tin foil? It's tin foil. - It's not even like an overly large burrito. - No. It's like it's going to keep it warm or - Yeah. You can't even close it. (giggles) - Did you have it all the way down? - Let me see. Maybe I didn't. Oh, it is all the way down. I can barely close this. I mean I feel like I'm smashing it by closing it. All right. - What are the reasons you would use this? - I wouldn't use this. But I'm saying it's like, oh, you carry it around like say you're in art festival or they have food trucks somewhere and you're walking around and you don't want to finish it, so you put it back on and carry it with you some more. - Oh, you're pulling the James now trying to find uses for it. - I am. - For every product out there, there's someone who had an idea why it would work and in their mind, it works, so they're... And in their mind, it worked and other people's mind it must work. So, there must be people out there that think this works. I think it's probably one of the most ridiculous products I've ever seen. But... - I think it has to be... 'Cause I'm trying to think, okay, that person has obviously had issues eating a burrito. You wouldn't use this at home. - They show the person walking down the street swinging their burrito. (laughs) In their video. They do. They do. - Okay. (laughs) - So I guess I'm going to open up the burrito. And I'm going to take a couple bites of it and, and see how it works. So... - Yeah, I want to see how this works. - And it's so large, you know? Like where are you going to store this thing? - Let's see if a water bottle can fit in there. - That's funny they... Roberto's put it in paper in foil, so like it's double wrapped already. - Because if you want somewhere like Taco Bell, the burritos aren't that big. - On Taco Bell, it would, it would drown in there. All right. Here we go. I think I'm ready. - Put it in there. (giggles) - Oh, my burrito is in... It needs to be, it needs to come out there. There we go. (giggles) There we go. It's, it's kind of fun though in that respect. Okay. Now try eating it. (laughs) - Look at that. (funny tongue noise) All right. (laughs) - Let me see your hands. let me see your hands. Oh, clean. Nice. - That's a good burrito. - Save it for later. - Somehow the flavor is enhanced on the Burrito Pop. Or I guess it could be like, "Hey, I changed my mind. I want to eat this whole thing now." Let me put it in my Burrito Pop and I can eat it later. - We're making fun of this product. And I feel a little bad, because the inventor had obviously has a reason, had a reason for inventing this. Obviously, he must... He/she must eat a lot of burritos and this is an issue. - Right. - But for the majority of the people, people out there, I don't think we have a problem eating burritos. - Say you're, say you're the construction worker who work, who lives across the works, works across the street from burritos, and you have a burrito every single day there. You don't always finish it. It's perfect for you. But I'm really stretching to come up with a scenario where... This isn't for the mass public to use. - No. Absolutely not. - But this is... - And for the price tag, that's another story. - This is so dumb that she's feeling guilty about the inventor. I mean that's how dumb this is. I'm probably going to get an email from the event. Every time I, I, I review a product from an inventor and I list any cons at all, I get an email from them. Every single time. There's one way to use this. You put a burrito in there and turn the, and turn the crank in the bo... That's it. So there's... I can't... If they say I'm using this wrong, then there's something wrong with this if I'm using it wrong. I don't think I really need to do much more with it. It works, it works like I thought it was going to. - The product works. - So, dumb meter 1-10. - There's got to be dumber products out there, but for this... Okay, I'm giving it a 10. - Yeah. And then, on the use... Does it work? - It, it... You know. It works. Was it difficult to eat? I mean... Did it, did it feel awkward? - No. It was... It worked. - I'll give it a nine. - Wow. Very generous. That's, that's, that's a guilt nine though. I mean I think there's some guilt in that nine. (giggles) - I mean your hand was clean. You didn't get messy, you didn't get anything on your shirt or your shorts, so... - Oh, actually I did. (giggles) I got some... I got some stuff. - But that's when you're trying to open it though, wasn't it? - Was it? Maybe. I think the procedure of opening and putting it in there was messier than actually eating it. I'm going to say it's a 10 on the dumb scale. I mean it's... There aren't much many more dumb products that I've used in that. It does work. I'm just going to go, I'm going to go five. (giggles) I think that there's the, the five that it's useful for. There's going to be people that use it, but there's a lot of people who wouldn't ever use something like this. All right. Well, we have one more thing to test out, and then we'll wrap this thing up. (chill music) All right. We got booted out of our park, because of the trombone player. It's been kind of hard to find a spot, so we just picked a random spot. We're going to do the last item which is the self-stirring mug. Now, have you ever seen a self-stirring mug before? - I've seen a self-stirring cup. - The different between a cup and a mug is a handle, right? Did it work? - It did work. My step brother uses it for chocolate. He loves chocolate milk and... - You know what's funny is? I found this on... I looked up dumb products and... Half the list had this on there, so I mean... just by default, it has to be on there. One thing I've noticed. I've had this for one day. It's already got fingerprints all over it which would make... which would make me OCD out. - Yeah, me too. - And then, it takes two AAA batteries. Not included. Not much to it. There's a button on the handle. And this lid comes off. And there's a little propeller in there that makes a noise. You have to hold it down too. So I brought some hot cocoa and some hot water in my Hydro Flask. Then, after that, we're going to clean it out and then try something else and see how it goes. Right out in the middle of this remote parking lot. It wasn't what I had in mind. This wasn't what I had in mind, but this is... That's where we're at. - It's like if we're camping. - It's kind of... I guess, I guess... Maybe it's better to do it in the middle of nowhere. Without trombone players in your ear. - [James] We got the good stuff. Hydro Flask. I just like saying Hydro Flask. If that come squirting out of there, I'm going to be upset. (chuckles) - [Cathy] Over your camera. - [James] And do it. (laughs) - [Cathy] Oh, there we go. - [James] Oh! - [Cathy] It looks like a tornado. - [James] Oh, that's kind of cool. - [Cathy] Yeah. - [James] Oh, wow. - [Cathy] It's like I don't want to stop doing it. (chuckles) - [James] It seems very fun. - [Cathy] It is fun. But it looks... I mean... - [James] Wow. - [Cathy] It looks hard to tell what the... - [James] I have a glass. We can pour it into to check. - [Cathy] Okay. - [James] See how... - [Cathy] Oh. It looks pretty good. - [James] Is there anything left in the bottom there? Nothing in the bottom. - [Cathy] Pretty good! - [James] Oh yeah. Jeez. It actually worked. - [Cathy] Does it need to put what it is? - [James] Do they have to put that on there? That's so bad. - [Cathy] Is that a part of the dumbness of it? I'm impressed. - [James] It works better than I thought it was going to be. - [Cathy] I thought there would be some lumps left, but no. - [James] Wow. It actually surprisingly worked. - All right. - [James] Let me try to clean it out. I'm not sure if that's the best way to clean that or not. It's kind of spraying out of there. Maybe like a self-cleaning mode, I guess? I don't know. - Unless there's a lid. It should have had the lid. - [James] Yeah, I guess. All right. With the semi-cleaned out mug, now we're going to try some, some powder. This is like a strawberry powder. And, we'll be able to see how well it mixes. About a half a scoop. (coughs) Oh, there's a giant clump. Look at that. Now for the test. I feel like it's going to spray. - [Cathy] I know. - [James] We have to hold, don't you? You can actually see all the way in there. That's kind of cool. You can see the, the blade spinning. Very cool. All right. Let me see how clumpy this is. This went about... What was that? 15 seconds? Something like that. Let me see. There's, there's not much in the bottom. Just a little bit. Not much. I mean I think if I stir that with a spoon, I probably would have had same amounts. I'm going to... I'm going to declare, officially declare the self-stirring mug to be a product that works. Is it dumb? Probably. How would you rank the self-stirring mug on the dumb factor from 1-10? - I'm going to go with six. I don't think it's so dumb. - Not, not that dumb? Okay. - I think having this written on there is dumb, but... - That's might be... That might be the dumb factor. - Right. - It's to write it on there. - Right. As far as the... - Usefulness. - Usefulness, I'll give it a nine. I mean... I mean it's useful, but is it even better, is it better than a spoon? - Do you need it? - No. You don't need it. - I'm going to say it's not as dumb as I thought, I thought it was going to be. I would say a good six, I would say. Usefulness, I don't... I'm going to say a six. Straight across the board. It's useful. - And it worked. - How many people need it? Not many. There'll be people... There's always... You can always find exceptions. - Someone. - It might take as much effort to push it in and just stir it, so I'm not sure that really saves you as far as that... - How much was it? - $12? I'm glad I tried it. Will I keep using it? I don't, I don't know. But if I offer this to you, would you take it? - No. - Okay. I'm going to see if I can... I always try to see if I can get use things after my review, so I can update them a year later. I'm going to see if some of my family will use this. I'm not sure. But I'm going to try. All right. Well, I think that's it. We tried all of our dumb products. What's your favorite? If you were to have to take one of these home with you, which one of these would you take? The umbrella hat, right? - Yeah. Definitely. Maybe the sunglasses? (laughs) I wouldn't use it, but just because I would take it because it was the smallest. (laughs) - I'm going to say the self-stirring mug if I had to pick one. I don't know if it's necessarily the best product of all these. I think some of these may be more useful, but I think... I do drink coffee in the mornings. - I do not. - I do sometimes mix something in my tea like sweetener or and I have powdered drinks. I might find uses for it, so maybe. It's still pretty dumb. But if you've tried any of these products, tell me what you think in the comments below. I appreciate Cathy joining me for this... - Thank you for having me. - I will link her channel below and I'm actually going to be in one of two of your videos. - Two. Two. - Coming up. So, be sure to look out for that as well. So, appreciate you watching and I'll see you next time. Look at this. I am absolutely set. I got, I got my lunch. I've got my, my drink. I'm shaded from the sun. And I got an extra pair of glasses here. If I want to put these aside, I can put them on my wrist. All right. Where's the party at, everybody? Where is the party? - [Cathy] You're not invited. (laughs) - I'm not invite to the party? All right. Well... - [Cathy] Got to go home.
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 320,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, review, as seen on tv product testing, dumb products, silly products, self stirring mug, readerest, readerrest, umbrella hat, snap glasses, snap sunglasses, burrito pop, white elephant, readerest shark tank update, self stirring mug amazon, dumb products sold online, burrito pop review
Id: INmGAZp_1ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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