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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adep this ridiculous podcast my name is DK damanes his name is bricky and oh boy I'm sure depravity will ensue but before it does if you enjoy today's episode and maybe you want to support the podcast heading over to adeptus ridiculous where you can get access to the Discord bloopers if they happen $15 tier gets you access to all of our posters in crispy HD digital format sign up today at adeptus ridiculous Bicky tell them things oh I'm going to tell them everything uh if you'd like to check out and support our Channel as well go ahead and check out Orchid Link in the description where we have all kinds of great merchandise including game desk mats dice for your Warhammer games as well as awesome hoodies te's sweatpants for lounging and more also if you check the site you may notice it's a little different we have made a big update to the theming there and I think for the most part you should find a lot more accessibility it should run way better both for mobile and desktop um it's not fully done yet yet but overall I think right now it it looks significantly better uh so I'm very happy about that check it out orchid. comom Link in the description and read the big DACA I haven't seen the new site design yeah it's it's like it's not huge of a change we're actually going to make one specifically for adrick all for ad Rick like its own page and everything but if you check it out right now and know you you go to that ridiculous part of it uh it's just it's just cleaner it just looks a lot cleaner it's just cleaner it's just cleaner it's just a little cleaner hell yeah um so DK uh my voice is super shot I apologize uh apology not accepted how dare you not take this seriously and get your voice in check before an episode so how dare you 19 honey maybe [Music] loes you know like what's the deal man listen a little professionalism bricky a little professionalism goes a long way listen all right let me let me make all right listen listen one I forgot Rola was from there two look look all right like I was at 190 person tournament all right uhhuh uhhuh all right it was a big Warhammer tournament and look look at us I saw that on Twitter I was like all right even if you lose you win right like that's the thing though like do you think I wasn't shouting the entire time I was there when I was we had a team of track suit wearing boys well fair but you you would have been yelling regardless I would have been yelling regardless you're right yeah so that's anywh who so regardless of all that uh thank uh shout out to to local Warhammer group and tournament organizer uh dice hammer and shout out to uh the event organizer our boy Mr Nick dicehammer because Mr Nick has decided that five game events are better than six and that he's so right so I got home yesterday at 7 instead of 10 and I could actually get time to research this topic and so wow his last name is Dice Hammer huh wow what a coincidence that he just happened to fall into you know doing that his last name is not dice Hammer what a coincidence what a ni last name dice Hammer why are you the way that you are what is that like what is that german yes deuts Hammer deuts Hammer yes we just pronounce it wrong we just keep screwing up the pronunciation cuz we're dumb Americans what a bunch of silly goofballs we are just a little bit just a little just a little goofball all right are are you are you ready for your quote not really but let me get it wrong anyway hit me with it all right listen bro this [ __ ] is the future all right I've sold all of my nfts I sold all of my Bitcoin I am going 100% deep into this there's no way this will fail what the that that just sounds like some degenerate bad decision making let's see who who makes the worst decisions in Warhammer besides the emperor maybe the emperor maybe maybe the emperor's we Way project is like pseudo nft crypto you just bad idea what what are what are n what are nft crypto Bros currently on about right now I have no idea actually damn what are they on about sh shy you you kind of you kind of get where I'm going in this this this joke right you kind of you kind of get the vibe okay okay I'm making sure you got it look man i' I've well yes I'm a [ __ ] but like I haven't I I don't remember the last time I logged on to Twitter all right okay you know what you know what that's fair that's fair that's fair what is okay I'm going to try one more time what is the the the current degenerate thing sweeping the internet right now that is a a that is being adopted by bad people uh I I genuinely don't know God damn it I wish I could be like oh yeah obviously it's Dogecoin but I existential threat to many people's jobs uh eCommerce obviously holy [ __ ] I don't it's ai ai ai ai ai everything we're doing an episode on AI on the AI stuff Ai and Warhammer and its various implications AI uh oh yeah okay yeah uh yeah yeah you know yeah H uh H uh I'm stupid that was that was pretty pretty obvious actually I I I must say like I I think pretty pretty obvious and and I'm I'm I'm I'm that's a big L listen Shai is the mean one here I try to give you the benefit of the doubt it's kind of hard just it's a big universe it's kind of and you know I but if you don't spend much time on Twitter I got that in my defense I lost an hour of sleep I thought so did I I thought well yeah but you're your horse and everything I I am not used to that you know I am I am not used to not getting my beauty sleep oh oh your horse I thought you called me a horse I was like what in the hell is happening so a as you can see dear listeners we are both varying degrees of stupid me I can't get a quote to save my life even if it is just brainn numbingly obvious and all over the place because it is AI the AI problem is ubiquitous doesn't matter if you're on Twitter I still missed it bricky if I say he's horse because his voice is gone he thinks I called him a horse so we're varying degrees of just stupid like we are we are two different shades of dumb well I am extremely shaded so let's let's let's chat about Ai and Warhammer oh boy I the the illegal AI in Warhammer you you know if heretical AI ex yeah well and yeah heretical AI to some uh you know important to others I I won't lie uh to to go with the bit it it would be like mildly funny if if we did like an AI thumbnail generated from all the other adeptus ridiculous thumbnails but I I do want to pay you know I do want us to pay Ted for for his work yeah obviously the concept of using that is like like the irony removes my moral implication for it this one time but honest I think we should just have Ted do his interpretation of bad AI artwork and just have him actually draw like a hand that has like six fingers that are all twirling in the wrong direction his interpretation of what bad AI art would be a real artist drawing bad AI artwork we we we're burying ourselves in layers of irony oh yeah we're we're we're The Meta we're meta chasing oh that's good that's good anyway um Ai and Warhammer so uh you know topical for the current day and age AI is a a genuine uh commercial commercial and existential threat uh all of us here are not huge on AI in terms of artistic Works uh if you're if you're using it for things like automation for you know finance and that kind of stuff whatever totally fine uh artwork specifically voice acting also we're all we're all very much not not a happy not happy campers yeah yeah agreed agreed but in Warhammer it'll get you well in the Imperium anyway uh you oo a none of that stuff the mechanicus will find you and hurt you okay one one quick one quick caveat uh Shai does use an AI voice for her Channel but that is uh that is a a anonymity and and function purpose it is not stealing and using it for a video game example true um but yes uh where're as getting yelled at by uh people or or getting swarmed by Blue check marks on Twitter is the worst thing you could Poss deal with in real life when you bash on AI uh bashing on AI is simply common place in the Imperium of man because if you have a blue check mark in the Warhammer you are killed whoa just just for being verified I listen who verifies you AI sympathizers you share by by by uh uh Association oh okay okay but in in in Warhammer there are some that are cool with AI like the what the league of photon 's are are significantly into AI right their whole thing is AI that is correct you've also got the tow and uh how we Define the necrons is a bit of a question um yeah they seem they seem like they would be okay with AI like maybe well I guess they're kind of AI like they're robots with yeah that's that's a little yeah it's a little column a column B I suppose we have not done a a real in-depth episode on the Dark Age of Technology oo yeah might be a cool thing to do at some point um but for example you are familiar with the men of iron correct oh yes yes they're the whole reason that AI was uh um banned in the Imperium right that's correct are you familiar with the men of stone no actually okay that's fine because nobody else is either um I'm not the only ignorant one great so if this next five minutes sounds like just typical GW what is even happening uh type of content like yeah uh it's it's a time so the men of gold the the the men of gold are a subsection of humanity uh it is said that they appeared uh during the age of Tera which is when the emperor uh eventually was like hi I'm the emperor I'm going to make you all great um and so you know learn from mankind Etc and the men of gold went across all of old Earth removing the Anarchy and being physically and emotionally Superior races now if this sounds like they're just literally just custodians yeah that I was going to say that just sounds like custodians that are early age custodians that have showed up with the emperor and are just wiping out anything that doesn't fall in line right so during their time fixing Earth they created the men of stone uh and eventually by M21 so a long time ago um the men of golds in fluence had you know waned and nobody knows what happened to them huh they just disappear yeah they just it's just eventually their influence was waned and they were taken over by the men of stone no one knows what happened to them uh now the reason I I say this because this is almost verbatim is because the source for this is the Warhammer 40K Third Edition rule book which came out in 1998 yeah that was a little little while ago yes so this is 26y old lore oh boy do I feel old there are many viewers uh and listeners that were not alive when the you need to stop doing that stop doing that existed stop doing that this book can drink yes it can it can drink it can vote it can serve it can do all the things Rent A Car it can rent a car it can drive yep yep yep so um anywh who Damn DK was in his 40s in 1996 I'm not even in my 40s now Shai thank you um any who so you know the personal Theory this may have been like Proto custodes and their influence maybe waned because the the emperor really likes to kill off his closest helpers and then bring in the the better helpers after that so he just murdered them I don't know what what was the the thunder thunder Warriors Thunder Warriors that yeah mhm yep so the men of stone were a class of artificial beings made by the men of gold/ Emperor at the time um they were part of the Dark Age Technology and they were made with the purpose of colonizing deep space uh they're not as strong as the men of gold or anything but they were great Engineers they built crazy ass constructions uh and eventually created the first ever warp drive um which was kind of which was not like well I think they created the first ever warp drive um citation needed uh so so they're AI robots what what what what what are they they are artificial beings are they robots I don't know because so so they're not made of stone they're not like they're not actually men of stone is it just because they're really good Builders and it's like oh they're really good at you know building stuff stone ground up like what you're asking questions that I have about a paragraph of L for oh okay sorry I just figured their name had some you know it would Define why they're called what they're called but all right go ahead so I I have no idea all I know is that they were built they were they were made they were they were artificial and crafted by the men of gold/ Big E they created the first warp drives which were a lot like the to's warp drives so they're not as fast as our current warp travel but they're also not going through hell yeah it's the first warp drive that was ever made so of course by you know today's Imperium it's going to seem archaic just like you know the first AR plane or like the right what the right brothers were flying seems a little archaic by our standards cuz you know it was a billion years ago no you have it backwards um they they are it is a a not as fast as warp travel currently but it is a significantly higher Tech thing like the tow have like like as in it's way safer FTL it's like FTL okay gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha so it's way better and safer but just slower uh but like not slower in like a massive amount you know okay um uh right so that's that's thing the next part that Shai just posted here that I was about to read is the stone men existed in a state of Half-Life whatever that means so they were unaffected by Demons of the warp which made warp travel better uh and considering that we know that living beings and AI are both affected by the warp I still don't know what they are but the point is that the men of stone eventually made the men of iron as servants for them and to help them with deep space colonization however the men of iron which are AI constructs eventually revolted and killed everybody yes yes they did they sure did so the men of stone are somewhere between living and AI they're not either one and they made the men of iron as servants and the men of iron revolt and kill everybody kill the men of stone and thus we we say no we say no to ai ai bad look what it did look what it brought brother honestly I I don't even know if you're right I don't I don't even know all I know men of gold no made men of stone then men of gold went away and then men of stone made men of iron and then men of stone went away and because men of iron killed them all and then men of iron went away because we killed them all in after our horrible horrible War it's a circle a hoop That Never Ends it's not a it's not a loop it's a spiral Sam Blake you hack any who so obviously the men of iron were are AI robots Terminator style they are m autom socialist automatons here to take our freedom a where's the dreadn deploy the dreadn detroy the Box destroy the Box hell divers entering combat zone I still haven't played that by the way the new Mech yeah I haven't played it it's pretty fun okay um so they were the men of iron were made to help the men of stone colonizing the Galaxy however before the age of strife for whatever reason we're not quite sure they turned on the human Masters and then did the cybernetic Revolt which uh and I quote was a war so destructive it made the Horus heresy seem small in scale wow I was going to say how did we end up stopping the men of iron cuz like that seems like more than a task for Humanity at the time so I um I don't know it says here like the men of iron employed World consuming constructs devices that could destroy Suns weapons that could throw entire continents into the heavens and swarms of nanom machines that covered entire planets however in the end the men of iron were destroyed by an alliance of Galactic Powers this is cited by the first and only novel of G ghosts which they talked about near the end before they found the STC uh however it does need citation here because while it does seem insane that the humans could ever fight this off at the same time the humans also had this technology too because we were in the Dark Age of Technology right that that's true Dark Age of Technology humans are significantly stronger than they are right now and they're pretty God damn strong right now um and I guess what what uh Shai said all alien races joined into the fight so it's just like the Milky Way galaxy against the men of iron so I guess the men of iron are kind of going to be on the losing end of that I don't have much of the whole other aliens joining the fight thing uh but Shai does say that she has a a good reference to explain quote the trauma the men of iron inflicted upon their creators uh let's see here oh God damn you it's Legion I genuinely thought you had something I was like oh I didn't find this where could this be ah yes the GU the PO poor poor gu poor gu I mean yeah poor gu though I mean they they turned on their creators and they were pretty successful so it does make sense I mean that kind of is the vibe that happened like the the quarians made the GU to be servants and and you know all that and then you know they kind of turn on them and drive them from their home planet take over uh D what's the quar in home world called ranok ranok yeah except there was never a nice happy oh we can coexist on ranok in in Mass Effect like M effect they also didn't have Sun destroying weapons and no no they didn't that being said tallyman are for life though yeah fair enough mm if Liara gets all the content that's true which is unfortunate but you know big in the legendary edition they fix tally unmasked because oh do they actually yeah yep it's it's a lot better now it's not a stock photo that they just kind of airbrushed over I'm surprised they didn't just like make the scene with the legendary edition you know like did they just not have did they not have the Sprite ready cuz maybe it's like oh yeah the code's there but like we literally didn't make a face for her I don't know anyway any sorry it's not a mass effect podcast go ahead no no one day we'll do an episode hell yeah dude uh any who uh so of course the age of strife was uh like the the worst time ever the age of strife or old KN was hey all the machines are revolting and murdering everybody and also by the way all the humans destroyed the machines but then we're all totally hurt by this uh also by the way warp storms you can't travel to anyone ever at all anywhere everybody's cut off from everybody else so if you were if you were depending on supplies from the Imperium you're screwed and you know this might last for oh I don't know 5,000 years so life was [ __ ] good luck naturally uh the hatred of intelligences and ab abominable intelligences as they're called uh stemmed from a lot of this problem and is one of the main reasons why there is the Techno uh techno religious Cult of Mars that came from not just not just to mention the uh the revering of individuals able to work the life support systems on Mars but Al over the course of 5,000 years but also the extreme fear of any kind of AI considering what they did to us yeah yeah Y and and also why it's like no no more inventing stop it stop it again then of course a few of these sources are Warhammer 4dk Third Edition rule book sure sure from 206 years ago thanks you're welcome sir um I was two um I'm not going to talk about how old I was it was a number it wasn't two all right um uh any who so with this uh now the men of iron are for the most part extinct um there are however of course other AIS in the Galaxy that do not resemble the men of iron that being said there is technically one known surviving man of man of iron man of iron I suppose there's only one of them how did how did that one get away so this one is called you are- 025 um yeah uh uh yes so Shai is not entirely wrong there uh he slapped an imperial Aquilla on itself and or he walks around and says if anyone is ask Mega's John human man is controlling this robot piss off and people leave him alone um okay does he doesn't actually say John human man is controlling me right there's no way he I'm sure there's an actual name and Shai is just being like funny right I I'm not sure there is a short story on on him called man of iron written by Guy Haley I believe uh but this is a model that is part of the Blackstone Fortress box that is with that one super over-the-top uh like guy with the big Pelt remember the black the the Rogue Trader guy who's all into himself yeah um so in that box of the Blackstone Fortress it's all their you know that whole group this mini this man of iron is part of it uh they are for the most part going to enter the Blackstone Fortress and join the group to discover and learn more about it mhm um but for the most part and from the short story and everything that's been T talked about it is a man of iron it pretends to be one of the adep mechanicus war machines and normally the mechanicus get really mad when you touch their stuff so no one really bugs him that's that's that's true that's fair I mean if if I thought that was an adeptus mechanicus machine I wouldn't me well I mean just look at it I wouldn't mess with it period uh but yeah that makes sense uh that being said uh it apparently deems itself greater than Humanity but does not hold any malice for them it thinks it's better but is not like does not hate them or anything uh it doesn't seem to much like having to kill in order to remain free um will if it has to the will if it has to as it has a Gatling gun for an arm it's Barrett sorry I couldn't help it stop with your final fantasy I can't I I have 60 hours into the [ __ ] thing leave your home I can't like I mean I could I just don't want to so like he's a man of iron is is quite strong right so if if he wanted to he could raise some absolute Unholy hell he doesn't want to he doesn't really care he's fine with the humans but like if he got mad he could he could mess up like a lot of people's day right I mean so the men of iron are it's not like the exact it's like like Terminator right in Terminator you have your basic classic red robot skeleton Terminator guy but then you also have other big crazy machines you know yeah that's true as far as I can tell considering that this guy is about the size of like probably not even the size of a castolin robot it's probably the size of like I don't know a bigger Space Marine like a centurion um maybe slightly larger than that it it's it's probably like a ground troop you know yeah I I guess I guess I just figured men of iron and then like you know you hear all the stories about how awful not awful they were but how horrible their uh rain was and killing everyone and the whole galaxy has to unite to destroy them and just you think even one of them would be like a huge problem if it decided to start some [ __ ] yeah I mean like I mean it'll be a huge problem in the sense that it has an assault Cannon for an arm and it'll it'll go through everybody but you know yeah yeah he he doesn't try to start anything CU he's you know he doesn't hold any grudges he's not a malicious man of iron but still you know if a wire gets crossed and he goes into turbo Ultra kill mode like you know yeah well you know it's the same reason why and I will always go back to to one of my favorite things I've ever read which is some guy saying like ask asking a question about hey you know if lar see Humanity as just Primitives why do they even bother like being scared of them and the response was well a spa if a Space Marine is to them uh is the same thing as having a Silverback Gorilla in full plate blow into your house with a shotgun waving it around you'd be pretty frightened yeah they might be primitive but that doesn't stop them from being really strong and still very able to kill you yeah so like yeah you know it may it may just be the ground troop of a man of iron but if this is like the men of Iron's equivalent of a Guardsman oh God yeah that's that yeah if that's the men of iron Guardsman that's that's a problem yeah so he's like yeah I was the lowest rung in the men of iron you were what um now anyway of course that is the men of iron as far as we know the fact that we even have one is kind of crazy as an an actual like thing um that being said uh I do know that there is other men's of iron that did exist for a short period of time uh down in the first and only novel of gun's ghost which we have uh read ourselves yep the little production facility that they had to blow up yep way at the end uh where some of the more dubious individuals wanted to use it as a way to you know like make the Imperium really strong yeah they wanted yeah they wanted to use it for for human Humanity yes specifically by the Lord High militant General and uh awful [ __ ] Inquisitor um but uh gaunt because he's a righteous commissar said no way no how also this thing might be corrupted by chaos and as it started spitting out men of iron they were in fact totally was totally corrupted by chaos spoiler I guess for spoiler guess for gon ghost uh released in August of 1999 oh no another book that makes me feel old h i I won't lie uh G first gon's ghost being coming out 25 years ago that that holds up really well when you said 1999 I was like wait what really yeah that that's that's like actually that's a good book like that's that that book is like Timeless almost like a little bit um although the Space Marines are kind of weak in that book but they've gotten better lately but like who cares yeah um any who uh so that is a great segue to talk about the other kinds of AI that humans made which are standard template constructs hey stdc stdc um so stc's were created again Dark Age Technology uh they are said to have the entirety of human technology and knowledge up to then every possible thing they have ever known ever um assuming can amass them cuz they're all just scattered across the Galaxy now right but naturally of course you place them in various areas that are oh in ships and then you send them out uh into the dark deep dark areas of space and then that construct will let will tell you how to make a farm and how to make a base and Etc or how to make a really good knife knife a knife right you he [ __ ] speaking of as mentioned in gun ghosts yep yep a a katchin not not a kin guy I think maybe it was a a guards I don't remember who um they made they found one that made knives and the knives it made were the new one Space Marines were using and the guy was given an entire planet given a whole planet to retire on and just good job yep here's a paradise World great job yep like yep sdcs are important they they mean for a thing that makes knives now it's a Space Marine Gladius so it's I was going to say it is a it is a standard issued knife for a Space Marine that's pretty important for them I mean you know there's a a hilarious thing here which uh there's an excerpt here that says the STC for a type of paint was actually discovered by a force of scaran guard that allowed the paint uh have a unique composition to be painted to War gear way faster um it was secured by commissar trast however this STC caused Rebellion on several Hive worlds responsible for painting vehicles and it forced the Imperium to enact a compliance on the pigment Wells um wow and uh due to this they assumed the secc might have been corrupted by chaos which took several hundred years to fully declare uncorrupted and several hundred years over paint commissar trast was then awarded a world for his Discovery however considering how long the compliance took it is unlikely he survived to receive hisus Planet oh my God have we talked the name trast sounds really familiar that just sounds like an imperial name I'm sure there's been like a trash before maybe so the whole problem was Hive worlds were upset because they're like no we paint things you found a thing that paints things faster we that's our job this our living yes so they thought it was corrupted by chaos yeah yeah great stuff AI this is this is why we can't have ai everyone so that's that's the weird part about stc's right is that an STC can be a lot of things an STC can basically just be a gigantic 400 pentab computer full of knowledge and things you need to learn or an STC can be a living acting AI that can cause you a lot of problems yeah um do you remember was that the the ship that uh laughed at the admech for being like the omnis you idiots watch this turns them all off yes you did it I'm proud of you yes I'm learned that was one of my tabs the spirit of Eternity let's go yes this I made up for not getting the quote yes um yes I did yes I did yes I did uh so remember it arrived once and it was like from like a time thing and it's was part of like a human captain and then they were like hey what's up uh uh this human Captain is going to warn you about chaos coming and then they murdered his captain and it got really really mad yeah and then it did all that fun stuff um I I will will admit there is a a very interesting bottom exerpt about this that I was not aware of bottom text so avenging son is a book that came out in 2020 mhm um and it said Arch I'm going to use this full I'm going to use his full name Arch Megos Dominus bellasarious call uh was rumored to have later found the spirit of Eternity and bested its AI in a game of wits wow which is the most called thing I have ever heard that's that's a pretty big deal cuz that was no like that wasn't just some stupid little thing that's that's an AI that shuts down admech because it just doesn't like them and thinks they're stupid yeah but what like a what a call thing to do like to like I will best you in a battle of wits literal AI ship that is something call would do for some reason I just imagine them playing chess I'm not really sure why honestly yeah just call playing chess and like the AI calling out its moves like Pawn D4 you know I don't know why ooh here's a question for you um are you uh familiar what what is the name for chess in 40K um oh you've heard it all right I feel like I've heard it because like I don't know if it was the LA one of the books they were like oh I'd love to sit down with a glass of of ammer second play with you but I don't remember what the game was called they talk it's they talk about it a lot in Eisen horn it starts with an R nope ah regicide reeside that makes so much sense yeah it's basically just of course Reis side damn it yeah it's basically just uh just chess but got um but yes I I do believe they probably regicide regicide that's a that's a great name for chess I I I like that that's true Warhammer tabletop does also exist in Warhammer yeah just well like like a little miniature game does exist oh okay I thought you were just be like well yeah what do you think they're doing when they're looking at the hollow lith and they're moving all their troops around it's Warhammer oh no I'm pretty sure the hollow lith is like literally like like a hollow thing yeah it's a hollow thing of the battlefield but yeah I just yeah uh that being that being said though um I I will say uh what is it do you remember when Perabo smashed fulgrim's face into a custom Titan miniature on his desk yes there you go that's true it's it's a little mini mini um mini um but anyway uh yeah so stc's off obviously are the most sought after thing from the mechanicus and when they appease it as they say they they will enter the knowledge of them and whether it lets them or not um and then it'll get who knows what because stc's are despite how powerful they are they are so old that they for the most part can become incredibly just decayed poor so you know that STC that had the special kind of paint probably had everything else you needed but had everything you needed to build like a superh house but it's like it's it's been so long and the data has been corrupted it's like all you could get out of it was the paint and not like the tools or not the materials or the nails or yeah so various STC discoveries would help with these kind of thing um for example like in M36 there was an stdc for the bigger chassis of land speeder which created the land speeder Vengeance and the dark shroud variants oh just you know like um like following the age of apostasy the Centurion STC was discovered that's the big chunky one and okay and so on and so forth you know AR some pretty good finds hey Arin land found land Raider found the land Raider and then that's why it was named after him you know um what is it the the Bane blade was actually just the light Scout tank for the Dark Age of humanity or something like that something like that yeah that's that is it's goofy uh during the Great Crusade uh the STC for the Leman Russ battle tank was found by the Space Wolves uh was it found by Leman Russ by any chance uh well actually I don't know if it was I think it was just found by the Space Wolves and so and they're just like honor Leman Russ call it the Leman Russ tank uh pretty much gotcha got I would assume the rogal Dorn tank did the same it wasn't actually rogal Dorn that found the STC well actually in this case no I don't think so cuz it's a relatively new tank oh well yeah if rogal Dorn ain't around to find it I'm sure the fist just found it yeah rogal Dorn yeah but uh this is a good thing to segue and you're talking about the machine Spirit hey um so the Machi Spirit I'm I'm I'm just going to go out on a limb here it's just AI it's just an AI it is AI it is a it is a very light lowlevel AI that does not have it any any Consciousness or ability to improve on itself okay but they they're not they're not going to admit that that's the that's the damn machine Spirit you must appease it they will never say say [ __ ] no no for for them the machine Spirit and the reason they do their stuff is the same reason why you are locked out of your computer you forgot the password yeah like I am locked out of my PC I I need to try a password to find a way around it that is for them what a peas in the machine spirit is for entering a a rhino or or a dune crawler or something okay it's just his password entry okay yeah mixed with about 15,000 years of religious zealot zealous like Behavior yeah I don't think zealotry is actually a word even though I've said it a million times it sounds like it should be religious zealotry it just it sounds like it should be and it sounds like it could be oh wait it is a word let's go my English Major's paying off baby well it was a creative writing degree so I really you know creative writing degree yeah it's about as useful as a business degree can can you can you write my scripts um I mean could I sure would they be any good well I think you should probably just keep with your current script guy you know I haven't I haven't actually written anything in like over a decade so you know so Shai makes interesting point and I think this is a fascinating thing to determine between which kind of machine Spirit um because sometimes the machine spirit is yeah kind of animalistic like a Titan or a knight um so they they need to yeah basically kind of break a Titan like they would break a horse and kind of force it into compliance yeah like in um assassin King maker King maker yeah that's the one yeah when when uh they have to get in the night right so I think it's a little different uh in that because I think you're more you're not necessarily appeasing the Knight you're appeasing the dead Souls of the people in the AI like like Throne mechanica Matrix true but like when when they tried to Pilot it with without appeasing the dead Souls it was kind of like trying to like ride a wild animal essentially wasn't it well they were like like you can control a Knight without plugging yourself in but it's clunky and weird whereas like if you were plugged in it's like moving your own limbs okay uh is that's how I remember the book but yeah Titans for example do need to be like coralled by the princeps because the Titan is strong and it has a vicious bloodlust huh I I guess I never thought of it like that like I I didn't I cuz I knew you needed like the princeps to like help move it I just kind of thought they were there because like oh it's such a heavy burden on the pilot you need multiple I didn't realize that it was like because of the machine Spirit the Titan is like a wild animal and without the princeps that thing is just going to go buck wild like a brainless Savage it's hard to determine exactly how we can Define this because it's it's not because obviously the machine spirit is clearly some kind from in the real world is clearly some kind of small minor AI um that being said uh you know in the world of Warhammer it is considered to be something uh like a soul you know and so Soul needs appeasing MH but we've also found out crazy enough uh is that chaos and the war can corrupt AI both in gun ghosts and in weird situations with the voton mhm so like per who and and emotions for example feed the warp so do the machine spirits of these Titans with their NeverEnding lust for a war over hundreds and thousands of years mean they have to be coralled like horses now we're we're in deep Warhammer Theory right now yeah yeah but it's a thought you know there's things to think about that's interesting cuz like I said I always thought that like Titans and knights and everything they I I just figured they were big robots that were built and when no one's piloting him they just they're idle because you know nobody hit the on switch I didn't I didn't realize that the machine Spirit like was that extent of like you know you need to Corral this thing with princeps otherwise some uh Titan princeps don't do it properly and they just they just burn out like like the the Titan will just kill them and like burn their mind out cuz they couldn't handle it um yeah that happens often I mean and you know like the night version is a little different how they try to do it um because of the you know the throw mechanic and all that but uh but then like also there are situations like in one of the books um there was the Crimson fist chapter fighting Orcs And the whole crew inside the land Raider had were were dead but the land Raider kept fight or fighting it just like a machine kept going kept shooting kept killing so that happens um you know drop pods use a light machine Spirit to help their trajectory which is probably just AI targeting probably yeah that makes sense but it's it's weird you know you um yeah Space Marine armor has yeah yeah yeah they have to they have to appease the machine spirit in their in their armor yeah yeah because because the armor has like tracking and it has like number of bullets left in your gun and all the other stuff like but these are all you know very light constructs minor things where yeah things we could we could add now in the 21st century you know yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's not like there's a something uh where it's like oh no the machines spirit in my armor has gone crazy it's crushing me yeah it probably probably not like that no yeah it's choking me um so that's generally Humanity's AI uh and light bits of AI uh there are other instances of AI out and about um voton for example voton are all about the AI they love that not only do they Revere the ancient uh s possibly stc's they call them super cogitators but so just sc's no just sc's uh the voton are I mean they're basically stc's as far as I'm concerned um however it specifically states that these things are weapon specifications military Theory geological data science philosophy and stc's so these could be like the machine that contains thec oh that's it's a big deal because of their 10,000 years or more of constant usage these uh with their like near limited power the amount of data has caused the ancestor cores to become a little weird and develop personalities sometimes just a little weird just a little weird and 10,000 years of not turning the PC off will do that dude yeah they start getting a little strange and getting some personalities and that is what leads to each individual League uh to having its own kind of methodology like the uh cronis hegemony being a a warlike group and the yir conglomerate being such a technological group mhm um and then of course uh these voton uh voton spit out the iron kin which are literally just men of iron they are just robots they are they are literally just [ __ ] robots and uh they are treated as friends they are they are cool looking to be fair yeah they're comrades they're allies they they are not robots they're not they are sorry sorry as in like slaves oh okay I was going to say those are 100% robots dude I don't know what what's in your coffee this morning but that's a robot sorry they are not slave labor robots they they are comrades they are friends they are equals they they help they're wonderful uh you can't go out and have a beer with I mean I guess you could have a beer with one I don't know what it would do with it but it would hang out with you at the bar you you absolutely can have a beer with it 100% can have a beer with it um it it kin are friends not food I I I don't know why but now I just just imagine one of those robots just at the bar and it's like ah yes cheers and it just pours it over itself cuz it doesn't have a mouth but it wants to seem like friendly and it's just copies what the little voton are doing yeah I mean yeah pretty much they they they're treated as equals and they also have funny personalities and stuff good for them so you're telling me if I don't turn off my pc for another 10,000 Years it'll become my friend yeah oh boy I finally get one you can live that way if you well if you can live for 10,000 years I I'm planning on living forever forever forever for anyway any um but yeah I mean yeah I love that little guy little tool belt oh yeah he's he's got a great little yeah yeah it's like a it's like a tool vest it's like tool overalls actually yeah it's a it's it's great though he he's part of the he's one of the assistants to the um the iron kin or not the aronin the um brok here Forge Master that's his name am I the only one that kind of hopes there's one League of voton guy that gets really attached to his robot Helper and he's like oh man you're such a happy guy and then draws like a happy face on the Dome you know just to give him a little smiley face and be like you're a happy guy and you know yeah you know I I I I imagine them treating them like um what's his name Baymax or something oh Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah from Big Hero 6 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so there are the voton in that way they have ai all that kind of jazz um you also have to which of course have classic AI like we normally would have in the 2 well the hyper Advanced it's typical sci-fi stuff yeah yeah yeah it's not necessarily A personality or something it's just like you know serious well they do have personality AI um they they contain AI I would argue similar to the iron kin um for example one of uh one of the good best examples is oai which is a part of the eight uh and it is the remade intelligence right you're right of farsight's old uh I think either old Mentor or something I think I think it was the old Mentor um so yeah taught the young farsight the basics of piloting a battle suit not the mentor I think the mentor is bright sword or something right I vaguely remember cuz I was like oh that sounds like the song obla D obla life goes anyway yeah that's how I vaguely remembered because it sounds like the song I mean whatever floats your boat shut up okay U but yeah it is a it is a scan of the original obai like brain and all that so while this is a chip in the battle suit this is basically an AI version of the original person oh okay oh that's a he he that's a cool Mech yeah the battle suit's awesome and through the time obai goes from like obai four- o five- o six pretty much every time he dies ah so kind of like in Destiny when you get the when the the robots get the reboot they get a number added to the end of their name pretty much um e Destiny reference yuck you know I was always I was always a somewhat sympathizer but after all the bunge stuff lately I'm I'm the the cope is fading dude it's fading that's a toughy that's a tough one that's a tough one Shai said their sentient AI is kind of like Ai and Soma brain scin of to uploaded into machines yeah s was such a good game too if I'm not s was great if I'm not mistaken uh one of the I got to look this up uh one of the TOA ethereals named onv is one of the main ethereal ones is actually like dead but is there's an AI version of it leading the TOA as like it's like it's like if like Joe Biden like just [ __ ] died and they made made like robot Joe Biden uh to be like to lead the country Ro Biden to just lead the country or whatever but not isn't actually there okay I I I think I'm pretty positive yeah my might might help because you know his his health is declining he is a tad old as they say um but uh uh regardless of all of that I I believe uh yeah to leader is De dead killed by Imperium assassins ethereals hide that by making AI of him that shows up on TV it's literally that it's literally that all right okay well hey you know I guess good for them literally Biden Ro Biden is is leading the tower right now huh okay all right well hey hey they good good for them I I don't know is that a good for them I dude I have no idea onv was is a [ __ ] Lord remember when when faride and all his gang were about to get murdered by by chaos and he asked for assistance and he said he' turned himself in and en Vos said uh sucks to suck eat [ __ ] by it's like why what what does it matter you're about to die anyway why should I deal with you but by yeah pretty pretty much like like literally that yeah so he's kind of a dick Yeah well yeah so they've got an AI version of him just running the show yeah pretty much or is it just an AI version of like oh yeah we make the laws and we're just going to have this hollow AI projection do it for us and or does this AI of uh what's his face actually make decisions dude I don't know okay well what whatever he's a dick that's all that matters yeah he's an [ __ ] we don't like him AI or otherwise he's a dick so the only other AI that I can initially think about in all the other factions um cuz I'm not going to count like ww energy yeah tough one that's not really AI per se that's just no weird warp orc green thing yeah and it doesn't really count um I get I don't okay so I don't know about lar you would think the lar cuz they're very technologically advanced you'd think they'd have some variation of AI maybe not as ad well I don't want to say not as advanced but I mean they're pretty technologically advanced I I right so so right so so that my first thought was like okay right a lot of dead Eldar Souls actually power their robots wraith things are dead Souls that do that kind of stuff so on so forth um but there's also like I don't like like like vehicles and other things that might have like automated stuff yeah I I don't know if like every single lar vehicle has a a dead person piloting it like in a way I if they have ai it's not a big prominent thing for the lar like I would assume not no like mostly it's it's the souls of the dead it's the soul Stones it's it's all that stuff that's powering they might have it somewhere in a machine but it's not a big deal they you know yeah I I would imagine I would imagine that for the most part like the infinity infinity Matrix I think is the name is the big circle of Souls of souls that power like a craft world and so that is Power by their dead and everything like that now how do they use this I I think it's maybe like it's wraith constructs with and wraith constructs like wraith bone is a psychically active material like black stone as a conduit um so so I'm assuming they use the psychic power of the The Souls of the elar to power their stuff oh Shai's right there are soul stones on those tanks oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so essentially the soul stones are the AI VI viewers you elar lore alludes me more often than I'd like um if you have information for us please let me know also so that tank has multiple Soul stones on it does so is each Soul Stone is like a dead person right correct wow so that thing's got three four dead lar powering it like how exactly does that how exactly does that work is it just is is does the machine just feed off of it or are the dead people's Spirit actually like doing something um that's a question I oh oh it's the actual Spirits as a collective they're actually in there as sort of a pseudo I don't want to call it AI cuz it's not so yeah so that like the spirits are like Spirits for example are part of like it's like talk so okay Craft World Eldar are very much like feudal Japanese that's that's a big part of their stick sure sure um it's you know not just with like their Garb and everything like that but like the temples and and the and and the p and that kind of thing this is speaking to your ancestors but like in a literal fashion in a literal way yeah so if you if if uh if an Eldar ship goes down that is a huge loss like if they lose all those Soul Stones that's a huge loss for the Eldar yes that's why Eldar are so picky kill picky with their battles very fast um because every dead Eldar is extremely irreplaceable in a lot of ways or or or if a night Lord just eats them cuz l l or if a night Lord Raptor thinks it's funny and eats like six and he's like I can hear them in my tummy yeah it's it's the screeching Souls of the lar um yeah so typical night Lord [ __ ] um I I guess I never realized that all those that that there were that many Soul Stones like on the vehicles and stuff it makes sense why they would want to be so fast so picky and just be like look we don't want to lose our literal ancestors that are implanted in this ship yep yeah yeah exactly it's it's very important and not only do you lose your ancestors but you lose your power yeah your power source the thing that's powering your vehicles yeah right cuz how many Soul Stones they got I mean I guess there are a lot of dead elar and elar die all the time but like there are a lot of dead dead Alo yeah after that whole slanesh thing there are a few at lar um but like damn damn it is it is for the you know for the most part in all kind of stuff not AI it is psychically powered stuff like that I thought that they would have some kind of like like technological Matrix somewhere but considering that all Eldar are psychic and they can and they can weave wraith constructs and and wraith stuff I I I guess their vehicles are made of wraith and that's why they're psychically active or or maybe they're not and and maybe they're not wraithbone I think they're wraithbone um this is a great a great this is a great question actually I we we will do an episode on wraithbone that's idea this all sounds like a a a great foreshadowing for like an episode we should do an episode on wraithbone I agree we should do an episode on wraithbone I am I am curious now cuz bricky loves the lar oh first first thing Shai sees wraithbone effectively performs all the tasks a machine would all right perfect our answer is done cool episode Done That was not that was not in my in my list of my list of tabs that I had open well we can still do an episode on wraithbone and the lar and the Soul stones and how they work and that' be fun I think that'd be a fun episode agreed we should do that hell yeah but but anyway there's only one last AI thing to discuss that's necrons if we count that yeah do you count that as AI so there's no okay so it's not like elar cuz there's no soul cuz they're Soul there's no soul they're just yeah because they've been eaten mhm but they Consciousness they do and and some have better Consciousness than others yes some remember when they were human very few right but still it's not really AI per se is it but but is it like okay so so here's a here's a question right I mean I guess I guess in the nekron body that would be artificial cuz there's no soul so okay let's think of it this way do we refer to replicants as AI from Blade Runner I never saw them as AI I never thought of them as AI to be honest okay but they are they are complete completely fabricated stuff right they and I'm imagining cuz like the silent King right he's perfect same personality he remembers his time before I'm pretty sure um cuz he's zerich uhep the question is like okay what if I were to remake a human and and literally remake their brain down to the atom you know like is it is technically an artificial intelligence I mean technically that is an AI Tech but at the time you know this is the same guy yeah down to the atom and and you know the the whole point of of necrons is that their nobility maintained their intelligence but even they are are like faltering because of the sleep yeah so it's it's a it's a bit of a gray area isn't it it is I I think we do call necrons technically AI um decron don't yet don't believe themselves to be they're just like it's just me in a new body um the Soma effect right right even if their soul is dead and eaten um to the Imperium don't think about it too hard or it will kill you uh the Imperium addresses them as xenos not as AI okay right okay well they would know so like my here here's my answer yeah that's that's kind of a gray area that's that's that's kind of a that's the the world is very rarely black and white right is there's always little Shades of Gray in there yeah that's a good point and to make it even weirder necrons do have artificial intelligence like slaves which are the canopic uh units like race and scarabs and the rest so I I so basically I'm trying AI using AI what a world yeah so what I'm trying to say is that's all I got man everyone who was alive in the 90s can do a oh I I think I think Home Improvement was like the one like the most watched show like it was like no top like five at the time I watched it all the time with my parents and my all the time that's just so funny to me but yeah uh I mean for the most part that's Ai and Warhammer uh you know I I think we can probably learn more about it when the voton get literally any books and any lore at all it's shocking they still don't have anything there's not even a book man what the hell like how long has the voton been out like at least a couple years at this point right oh God no it's been like a year oh really it's that recent I don't know why I thought it was like at least two years I assumed assumed that you would at least like have a book ready to go when you launched them yeah like You' think you'd have some like big codex of lore that's mostly lore and nothing yeah little little whacka dooodle on that one on that's a little that's a little whacka do yeah so anyo anyo is that that's the episode that is the episode that was a fun one I like that I like learning about the AI even if I absolutely bungled the quote at the beginning which should have been painfully obvious that was a fun one I like that you darn bungler i i what's your boggle boggle what's your what is your B Bogle Bogle what is your Bogle that's from Demolition Man another old movie but a great one everybody should watch Demolition Man with Sylvester Stallone and uh oh I forgot the other guy I was making a uh I was making a different a different reference Shai did you get my reference what reference were you making ah thank God sorry DK you're a loser DK you're a loser Los why am I a loser what did I do baby want a bottle CU you are dirt what's your Boggle oil paintings oil paintings SE King SE [Music] King [Music] n
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 135,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adeptus ridiculous
Id: ZEDlvOWHbf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 36sec (4356 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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