Metal Detecting Tips for Beginners Guide.

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we've got um we've got cath here she's got tons of gear she's got everything she's well equipped and well equipped we've got let's turn around yeah we've got what we've got so what have we got water obviously very very important because you get dehydrated you can if you've got underlying health issues like i've got that's quite dangerous to come out and not actually have any uh drink you know any sustenance etcetera anyway i don't always bring it but so i have one of these sort of fine patches that goes around your waist as well it's easier and i don't actually have that much in here although mike seems to think it's very fun it looks loaded up it looks like you've loaded it up it's hardly anything so what i have in here is a little bigger little thing of water fantastic to clean your coins really soft one of these it's actually meant to be for delicate glass but it's brilliant for coins and i just have some wet wipes and a couple of plasters wow plasters as well i mean that really is very important yeah because you could take your finger couldn't you honestly so in here some tissues uh i don't know what that is sometime lotion [Music] [Laughter] and in case you get bitten you get a bite thing and this obviously just to put all your rubbish in this middle pouch yeah because when we're out you want it if you're picking up sort of like little bits of sharp metal and stuff you're going to want to take it home precisely so i have a a better finds pouch and i carry that because i'm really sad yeah just doing a little bit i am ocd about having scale i'm really sorry everyone on the forum will know that yeah and i have actually for walking to the field this is where i put my headphones oh wow fantastic pinpointer yeah which i leave here it's perfect place to have it because some people don't like pinpointers some people don't like pinpointers i don't always have this but i do because one past year today um and actually so you don't have to dig a picture as a woman that's a evolution it is an evolution one and as a woman um it's really handy you feel a bit safer as well yeah i'm not surprised yeah set of gloves these are really cheap ones yes i've got even cheaper ones [Music] you've got to remember not to get ones that don't match sometimes which i do headphones obviously headphones i've not got headphones because because i'm doing the video i want to be able to let people hear the beat from the obviously you're better off with headphones if you're not filming because it's definitely fear more yes because if there's wind you're going to be able to hear the targets better and you're going to be able to hear those deeper um lighter faint targets a lot better an awful lot better actually and where we are we're nowhere near anybody so it's not for other people it's purely for me yeah and then i also have one of these but i have one with a d handle because i prefer it yeah and my desk and the deos metal detector right that is about it right what we're gonna do now i'll turn it round to see my ugly mug is actually uh before we start is just actually have a little chat i don't wanna bore you too much but to actually have a little chat about permission because obviously when you start metal detection the first and very important thing to do is get permission a lot of people um tend to buy a metal detector and think they're going to be able to um metal detects on public land they think public land they can do what they want it's literally a public byway you can't dig holes you're gonna have to get permission from it's very important to get permission from the landowner and uh pretty much every square meter of land in the uk is owned by someone so it's important very important to get permission uh permission can be very difficult to get not many people want to actually go up to um someone's front door and ask if i can you know metal detect on their land um how did you manage to get your permission here so um this one actually my husband got for me actually because he knows them um my first permission i got it was a friend of mine i live in a village so i'm quite lucky um but it was someone who had horses and so i just asked them it was quite a small pasture field and then from that i actually did a couple i knocked on doors i didn't know them um and i've had one from going and chatting in the pub yeah that's a good good idea in pubs and places like get chatting with people word of mouth yeah and that's how you get to it's much simpler much simpler yeah but i find if you do research first and you're really passionate about the what you might find there and and what's happened um in the local area that really does make a difference yeah and then you can you can explain that to the land owner and they know you know you're not just there to get treasures and riches and things like that but you know you're generally interested in history et cetera and i've even found going to the local village shop and chatting about stuff that you get other people interested in involved and i've actually had one person you share that enthusiasm it's a contagious sort of thing yeah i think in a relaxed atmosphere it really works fantastic excellent so there you have it so let's actually uh set about uh having a dig that's what we're here for anyway catch you in a bit right the first thing we need to do is uh set the actual stem length because obviously at the moment this uh well macro cruiser's stem is uh folded in and it's far too short i mean i'd be literally like this walking along and i'll give myself a bad back it's not going to work very well at all all we have to do is just simply adjust the stem if i can pull the stem out it's locked in one moment didn't realize it was get there in the moment oh there you go right so we don't want to be bent over we also don't want this lead all jumbled up at the bottom you want it roughly uh coiled reasonably tidy up the stem shaft upper lower shaft i think that's about my right the right height actually for me you can see i'm not having to bend down it's quite a relaxed sweep i do fantastically right now we've got this stem length correct but first thing we have to do now is is on a lot of these machines what you have to do is ground balance and basically what ground balancing is it's actually to compensate the mineralization that you're finding a lot of uh on a lot of land it's just general mineralization within the ground and if i wouldn't if i wasn't to actually um ground balance this machine what would happen is uh camerawoman stay focused what would happen is it would actually give out false signal stop laughing it'd actually give out full signals um and it would be almost like you were actually finding small little targets but when you dug them there'd be nothing there so what you have to do is ground balance right on this machine and as the camera lady comes forward um can you see that okay yeah we've uh basically just got a switch on first and fire up this this is the macro cruiser by nocto macro and all we do now well what i should have done is kept the uh search call a little bit uh further from the ground and away from uh metal objects etc whatever you do when you go to ground balance don't actually put your search head on the ground because you'll pick up that mineralization and it's going to affect the calibration uh all we have to do now is you can see on here we've got the ground balance uh button on this uh specific machine all we're going to do is press it and pump the coil about between an inch and eight inches above the ground parallel with the ground right and there you go when you hear that beep it's actually auto ground balanced and we're ready to go as you can see cap's doing a dreadful sweep of that coil you see a lot of people um if you go to a rally there'll always be somebody sweeping the coil um this high and it's just not it's going to lose you loads of fines you can see at the outward sweep it can be about you know about eight ten inches off the ground so it's a really big no-no to keep the coil uh level parallel like half's doing now parallel with the ground slow and low on loads of machines you can sweep the coil faster on certain machines because they've got a good um processor in and they're going to be able to cope with it but a lot of machines especially if you get a an entry machine um on the you know starting out slow and low is certainly the way to go right i found a first target and it's give me a reading it's giving me about 30 38 on the screen and i'll show 90 degrees if i can locate a little bit more accurate and it seems to be approximately around here so what i'm going to do i'm gonna put i'm gonna i'll put my macro cruiser down over there out the way and i'm gonna make a little uh plug i call it a little door uh three-way cut so we can actually [Music] um bring this clod out nice and tidy so we can put it back nice and tightly and i actually not many people can't even put a spade out um not many people that's quite such a lot of suction on this ground isn't it [Music] and i actually make quite a big clod because i like if i don't want to sort of make another um that's right tread on my [Music] tread on my metal detector cap and um i like making a big clock because then i know that i've pretty much got the target if i bring it out okay what do you mean unlike me so now i've got this nice door i've cut it there there and i can flip it over there so i can put this plod back nice well the idea is to put it back nice and tidy ideally but there you go let's see if we can all right oh there's me to open right now that's tied me out that's i'm not used to this [Music] now i've got this to help me it's uh it's a little handheld tech uh metal detector it's called a pin pointer and basically it's very good at locating small targets uh which can take you forever to find if you get those little uh little small fragments of metal um the last thing you want to do is actually be here for god knows how long especially if you're restricted for time if you're in a rally et cetera and you you know you want to get onto more positive targets and something like this is going to save you a lot of time now some people love these some people absolutely hate using them a little bit and um we are i like them because it's like a little geiger counter it's a little bit of fun really when you get the target you sort of home in on it and for example let's get my spade if i switch the pinpointer on when you get close to a target it's like a little geiger counter so when you get closer you get a solid tone then you know you've you've located the target now we've dug this clod it might the target might be near the surface and this thing wouldn't pick it up but we'll have a little bit of a go and i'll just switch it off um i'll switch off yep right [Music] oh in fact the target is still in the hole wow okay can you hear that yeah and it's approximately there and calf is so kindly i've got the spade but i should have brought out this uh blade this is an evolution pro cut blade and it's just ideal for once you're down you've dug the main cloth out you can actually use it to locate the target let's see if we can uh oh okay oh we're very very very close people very very close that's not trying to ruin it let's dig under it oh let's take that little claw down is it in there no oh let's get this out oh it's actually in my hand is it treasure is it a ring pull a shotgun cartridge [Music] it's here and we have oh [Music] celtic ring money unfortunately not it's a little loop of metal right um one thing i totally forgot and i've just been towed off by cath is not wearing gloves very very important um you can actually catch all sorts of things from soil um because soil is an animal uh feces and urine on it and there's um degrading uh you know plant life etc and there's lots of uh quite nasty things you can catch from soil so it's always good to actually bring out some gloves i've actually brought gloves with me but totally forgot so i've had my hands literally slapped by cath which is a good point very good point anyway what we forgot to do is actually put this club out you know i just made the door like um you know dug the door shape out of the clod this is the reason why because you can literally put this door back in [Music] and stamp it back down and you would off you know over a few days that grass would grow back you wouldn't even know we've been there check that out what do you think that looks really good really good and it's nice and deep so that means it does damage the roots of the glass either exactly fantastic that's a good fall anyway thanks yeah oh [Music] just inside there it looks like something modern possibly thanks again all right let's stick this side out [Music] let's stick this side out see what's going on ah we've got what we got we've got a really old big button by the looks of things [Music] and that is the reality of a lot of metal detection you know we're going to find little bits of bits and pieces that aren't generally that fantastic but it's all a part of history we're not always going to find us you might see um videos you know finding ancient coins and other really lovely artifacts but for people to find them they might have had to been metal detecting for absolute years to find something like that you know it's not they're not going to find them straight away so if anyone gets the aspirations of actually coming out metal detector and finding lots of wonderful finds in reality it's not going to be the case all right cash just found a target which sounds quite positive i don't know what the numbers were what were the numbers um 68 6870 [Music] get more depth this way here we go [Music] that looks like a spoon already i've seen a spoon that's what it is how about that fantastic right here we go put the club back this is that circular one and look at the tidy jaw see you wouldn't even know that's almost as good as mine it's actually really you wouldn't even know it's a little oh okay let's [Music] just break that apart a little bit [Music] it's right on the edge there i do like it when we get it in the hand you're never sure what it is [Music] there it is you close enough can you see [Music] oh what we got there oh it just looks like a washer a modern day washer i don't know maybe normal i think so oh that's a button and there you have it just a little button never mind that was quite a depth very pleased with that a very sharp target quite a nice step can't complain anyway brilliant move on right we've just been finding a few little bits and pieces a few little coins and uh we're both a little exhausted and hungry so we're gonna make tracks to find some food somewhere at the local wherever pub the pub sounds good anyway we're going to be right back catching a bit hello all we're back again um we've just gone for lunch at a local pub and caf's actually paid for my lunch can you believe it i mean i like she's invited me up here as a guest how nice is that and and she's actually paid for the lunch she's definitely i'm definitely i'm definitely paying next time that's for sure anyway we're back again after i like we're feeling a lot better towards the end there we're a little bit as you do when you need a bit of sustenance and uh we've had a lovely meal and we're back uh detecting there she goes she's gone look she's off and uh we'll see what we can find this uh second time round and chuck in a few more tips as well anyway catch in a bit [Music] we have a coin and i will give it to the one that has a very good eyesight apart from that oh another toasted it's toasty toasty it is you never know it might clean up yeah might be able to get something from it yeah all right that's in the bag great stuff hello emirates back cafe we've decided to stop with for a break and have some juice you don't want to get dehydrated do you uh we've been thinking of a few more tips to help newcomers to the hobby past time and one thing we uh what we brought up was uh insurance basically third party uh liability insurance because if you're out at a rally or you're out metal detecting on a private land permission you're going to need some sort of insurance to cover yourself if you mess up basically you might leave a gate open you might let animals out they might get killed i mean that's going to cost a lot of money and the what you're going to need is insurance from somewhere like the ncmd which is the national council of metal detecting or you're going to need uh insurance from the fed possibly the fee id uh that's uh a federal uh the federation of independent direct detector sorry and they offer third party uh liability insurance which goes into the millions uh so it's really great cover and it only cost you uh about eight pounds a year so it's well worth having anyway that's just one um another little tip that will certainly help you if you decide to uh take up the the hobby you know more longer term and something to think about especially with like rallies if you decide to get into rallies a lot of them stipulate now that you're going to need some sort of form of insurance anyway i hope you that was off some of you cheers okay so once you start finding some nice things you will think about having to do some um records of what you've got a lot of people just get little bags and they put in the gps card which is the um which you can get off a number of different sites actually if you go onto the mdf there's loads of tips on where to go and get different maps and how to actually make sure that you've got the right information that you need to add to the bags [Music] and some people keep full excel records or they put little marks on the maps and actually marry that up to the records of the individual little bags as well if you find something that's more valuable though you will it might be treasure so basically it's an item over 300 years old and predominantly made of silver or gold and it isn't a coin then the chances are it's treasure if it is a coin you need to have found at least two of them so even if you find a single gold coin that actually doesn't count as treasure but obviously it would still be good to record it so um the official way you can record it is going to um the finds database so you contact your fines liaison officer or flow for short and your local flow will help you one to identify some items um obviously if you don't use the mdf um and also to ensure that it's put onto um the main database which is called dot uk they can help if it is a treasure item to make sure that all the paperwork is filled in and they will actually make sure that all of the information that's needed for the coroner um is done for you it's not complicated um but it's something that you are legally advised to do and obviously we want to make sure that actually everyone does it right that about sums our day up it's been absolutely fantastic and i can't thank half enough to let me out on one of her permissions it's been absolutely brilliant and she and she actually bought me a meal as well i feel a bit guilty to be honest but um yeah i hope you enjoyed that video with the tips we uh give you today and hopefully it will be of some use and it's give you a little bit of an awareness what to expect if you start this wonderful hobby um and that'll i say that about sums it up uh if you've got any questions um about any of the gear we're using or methods we've used please you know put a comment in the comments area below the video it'd be fantastic all feedback's well appreciated um if you liked the video please like the video that'd be fantastic if you dislike it just press the thumbs down button that'd be brilliant as well but please put a comment in the comments area to say why you disliked it anyway thanks a lot for watching and it's goodbye from me and goodbye from me cheers all catch you later you
Channel: Metal Detecting Forum
Views: 28,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting tips, metal detecting guide, how to start metal detecting, learning to metal detect, metal detecting uk, mdf metal detecting, mdf forum, metal detecting forum, metal detecting, beginners guide to metal detecting
Id: roLuWbWumpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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