Ultimate Guide To Metal Detecting The Beach: Everything I Know

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hey YouTube it's Merrill and in this video I'm going to teach you everything that I know about metal detecting the beach now before you listen to anybody you should ask them about their credentials you know are they able to do that and I came prepared um yeah I have kind of a ring problem that's been going on thanos might be jealous of me I don't claim to know everything about everything but metal detecting the beach I have lots of experience here's the rest of the Rings by the way yeah so it's something that I've done quite a bit of and I really want to make a video that communicates everything that I know on the topic it's something that I am passionate about and if you watch this video from beginning to end I think that you're gonna learn a lot and I'm hoping if you do I'm hoping that you hit that subscribe button and that like button let's get started while objects may move what you need to know is that the beach is a predictable machine its clockwork predictability is based upon the laws of physics the habits of people and the forces of Mother Nature maril what the heck do you mean what I mean is that if I could teach you what makes people drop valuables often at the beach what tools and skills do you need to retrieve these valuables and where do you need to look then I've done my job and you can spend your new discretionary income from beach detecting on a necessity such as buying a pair of grills now let's talk a little bit about the habits of people let's say that Meryl decides to go to the beach and he decides to bring all of his rings with him he stays in the water for over an hour with his floaties he doesn't think of the fact that his hands shrink when they get exposed to water the sunblock that he used exacerbated the problem and he drops all of the Rings as well as the coins in his pocket the swimming area is just one place where people lose valuable earlier that day before the swim Merrill put his stuff down in the sand he was eager to get in the water and he left one of the zippers open by the time that he left the beach at the end of the day his remaining coins spilled out of the pocket now let's really break this down here are the points where Merrill put his bag and lost coins and swam and lost all of his rings and pocket change look at those other people sitting on the beach chances are something similar might happen to them but I said earlier that the challenge to the beach is that everything is moving in order to be a great Beach metal detectorists you have to know where Mother Nature consolidates and how she consolidates fortunately as you get to know the beach you will begin to see that each Beach is a predictable machine perhaps the most important thing that you can take from this video is to search between the high tide line and the low tide line now you might remember that Merrill spilled coins from his bag but it was beyond the high tide line I would recommend not going to get them let the tides do their work eventually mother nature will pull those coins back into our sweet spot in between the high tide line and the low tide line but do all coins and rings stay between the high tide line and the low tide line absolutely not many of these valuables go out to sea and that's why you see some metal detectorists hunt underwater in fact I have an analogy for you the sea is a lot like one of those coin pusher arcade games if you put the quarter in the right spot and it drops in the right place it might push other things around and you might hit the jackpot metal detecting is like that on any given day storms and strong currents can move objects at any given time and a huge storm could make you hit the jackpot but there's no guarantee that says all of the objects will remain on the surface and that's where physics comes in now let's talk about the physics and it's actually pretty wild I'll tell you this right off the bat like objects tend to stick together in other words if you're talking about a quarter or a dime those objects they tend to stick together and think about it their flat surfaces same thing well rings are not flat surfaces but same thing with rings you usually find rings at the same level they all wash in somewhat together and it makes sense if you think about it if you're talking about gold gold is one of the heaviest objects on earth it's it's molecules are heavier than almost anything else and it's going to take a really strong wave or current movement in order to get something like that in but what you find is you find the phenomenon of what I call or what metal detector is call a coin line where you could literally walk down the beach and you could see a line of coins that are just being pulled up one next to the other next to the other and there's also patches basically if you find one coin like just sporadically you like that's away from others that's a rarity usually if you find one you find others and next I'm going to show you techniques on how you could maximize your ability to get as much as you can from the beach each day that you go what to look for there are formations at the beach that give you clues that treasure could really be near now memorize this this is very important that's a cliff and it's basic beach erosion but if you think about it the waves came in strongly to that point and are starting to carve out from the sand and it's it's like this little ledge that is right above there and if you start to detect right in front of those I I've had some very good luck doing just that now remember sometimes sand can build up and just because you can't reach an object or your metal detector is it doesn't go deep enough that doesn't mean that the object is not there but these clips they tell me that objects were pushed to this point that the waves were going very hard to this point so anytime you see a cliff I would say search the fifteen feet in front of it and I mean the fifteen feet in front of it all the way down the beach for as far as it goes formation to our beach depressions basically think of gravity you always want to search the lowest spots on the beach each Beach has drainage not man-made drainage but natural drainage that happens and any time that I see one of these especially if they repeat in the same place that tells me that water is going down there water is seeping down there and think about what you know about gravity and how it pulls various objects you know like if there is a sinkhole you know water goes down there and pulls other objects with it so I've had some luck over the years to a lesser extent than the cliffs but anytime that I see one of these depressions I always walk through and you'll be surprised what you find in there I would say three or four rings in various beaches that I've found in areas where there is depression you can tell that it's a depression because you see you see those lines those water that's it that shows that there was standing water that was there so that is the tell-tale sign that's what you look for they usually don't go all the way down the beach but maybe maybe 10 20 30 feet and you want to search that entire area for the overall slope of the beach yeah we want to see a downhill beach we know we're gonna have a good day if we see a downhill beach because think about it objects sink and let's say that there was a storm surge let's say that there was a huge storm that pushed a lot of objects in but it also buried them in sand those waves that will follow that storm surge will eventually carve out and bring back some of that sand into the water and expose some of the coins and valuable objects that were left behind so if you start to see a beach that is going downhill from the high tide line all the way down to the low tide line that means that there was some beach erosion that was taking place and it's a very good sign that you're gonna have a good day so formation 4 is areas of wind erosion so look at the grayish brown areas of sand right there those are actually iron particles not all sand are silicates they its eroded rock and there are many different types of rocks some are metallic these metals are heavier than others and they stay down even when a strong wind blows but we're looking for areas of the beach that look bumpy that look just not like regular vacations and this tells me that water was there but it it dried up and the sand actually blew away and remember there's different types of erosion on the beach everybody thinks of water but I'm telling you if if a coin gets pushed in it does it often does not end up on the surface and you indeed that winds to blow away some of the sand so anytime that I see areas of extreme wind erosion I make sure that I go and I detect them and I've had good results because chances are the stuff that is there it's on the top and I've found a lot of surface fines in the areas where there's wind erosion so this part I want to give you the full disclaimer I don't claim to be an engineer or an expert in the the functions of metal detectors how they work I do know how to use them but you know in terms of the full description of this I'm going to struggle but this is what I know there's VLF and there are pulse induction metal detectors for the most part the more popular Beach detectors tend to lean towards pulse induction and let's see I've owned Bounty Hunter discovery Garrett 18 Pro my lab Safari White's Beach Hunter 300 my favorite of the four is the whites beach hunter and it does not have dials that really tell you what the signal is going to be a lot of the detectors that run on multiple frequencies like the Safari and like the other three on the list you know it gives you a number that tells you exactly what the target is going to be and the beach hunter it's got lights on the side and that's the closest that it gets to it but it's the it runs mostly pulse induction and when I was at the store I was told that the best metal detectors are for the beach that is our pulse induction detectors my advice to you would be to read up on the metal detector that you're planning on getting because man I went to the beach with the first two the Bounty Hunter and the Garrett 80 Pro and if who was freshwater no problem but once I got to the saltwater that was when the struggles really started so it it was like switching detectors and then all I suddenly found all of this great stuff it really was like that so sometimes it's a little bit more of an investment but I would consider it a worthwhile investment just a side note a two of these detectors I've paid for with the change that I found meddled and that's kind of the fun of it you get to practice and you have a goal at the end that's the way I'm wired maybe a few of you out there are wired the same way but my big suggestion from this part is for the beach look for a pulse induction detector or something that runs on multiple bands like the mine lab Safari III in the videos that you're singing including this one you see me using the Safari so that will work too so it's either multi frequency or pulse induction another tool that I would highly recommend is a sand scoop it helps you because it speeds things up a lot it has holes in it that are bigger than a dime so that nothing that is coin-sized can get through and you could shake it or you can put it into the water and sip through it that way but it just makes it really really efficient I'm gonna be doing a lot of live videos so you'll be able to see that in the live videos but sand scoop I would consider to be essential equipment although you can get by with just a regular shovel maril from start to finish what is your exact process for detecting a beach so first thing that I do if I am going Beach metal detecting in a day is to check an app called tides near me and it basically gets your location and it tells it lets you select a beach that's close to you and it tells you what the high tide and the low tide times are and basically I look for the time that low tide is because that gives me the chance to get out as deep as I can and I plan my trip according to when that time is once I arrive at the beach my next objective is to find the sweet spots this is easier said than done because like I said before the objects at the beach are always in motion they're always moving I have an efficient process that I would like to pass and recommend for you to try and let me show that to you tip that I'm gonna recommend to you is going to sound absolutely bizarre so I'm gonna recommend that you do exes all the way down the beach until you hit a patch where you see a little where you have a lot of signals wait what are you talking about so basically I would enter the beach and I am looking for my first signal and I'm going for I'm gonna walk straight down to the water line then I'm gonna draw a walk to the high tide line back to the low tide line and I'm gonna keep doing this till I find my first signal now signals almost always never happen in isolation so I've been doing my exes and I got my first signal I'm gonna dig this but I'm gonna search around this let me let me dig this up first but as soon as you get your first signal you are looking for a patch because maybe there is more so let me dig this up let's see what it is right here sounds like a quarter let's see what we got it's a diamond all right so put that away and now we're gonna see the immediate area and look yep see so we have a verified patch in here now after I start finding signals I'm gonna start narrowing my X's let me show you what I mean so after I start getting hits look at how I narrowed the Criss crosses from the high-tide line to the low tide line they're basically twice as narrow as before and also if I stop hearing signals I'm going to widen those Criss crosses believe it or not there are actually people who grid the beach and walk up and down the grid all oh god I could not do that that would drive me absolutely crazy that would take the fun out of it remember to keep this fun this is absolutely crucial to do that I guess it depends on your personality but for me I would never want to do that I want to be free to roam but I also want to be efficient with what I do so this crisscross method it's worked for me if there's a lot of signals I narrow it and vice versa in closing you know I'm also looking for all of the things that we brought up before such as are there clips are there lower areas is the beach sloping you know and so forth is there areas of wind erosion and while I do my Criss crosses I apply that also you know the beach is a predictable machine you know go back to the spots that you have found stuff before because a lot of that could be caused by waves pushing it in in the same spot and that has to do with the underwater topography of the beach there's a lot of repeat places where coins rings everything keeps washing in so this is my process I hope that you learned something from this video I hope that you took a lot from it if you do please subscribe because there is going to be more from this I don't want to just be a metal detectorists here I take pride in my teaching and it's something that I love so it's it's I want to teach you too so anyway again I hope this helped I look forward to your comments I certainly read them all and thank you for watching thank you for checking out my channel
Channel: Metal Detecting NYC
Views: 86,748
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Keywords: learn to metal detect, metal detecting tutorial, metal detector beach, metal detecting, metal detector, beach detecting, how to metal detect on the beach, how to metal detect for beginners, metal detecting guide, beach metal detecting tips, beach metal detecting 2019, learn how to metal detect, metal detecting nyc, beach metal detecting, metal detecting beach, metal detecting how to, beach detector, how to metal detect a beach, beach metal detector, ultimate guide
Id: Jsq1ihTX3M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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