What Happens If You Keep Ignoring Shadowheart in BG3?

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Soldier hear my voice obey my command the voice is irresistible you recognize the overwhelming author Authority that you've used on others only infinitely stronger and turned against you your vision clouds leaving you in a dark featuress shadowscape nothingness in every direction then there are three figures before you an armored male elf exuding power and command a handsome younger man with a quick easy smile and a pale young woman with even paler eyes These are My Chosen they speak for me Aid their search for the prison and you will be worthy to stand beside them in my presence you feel energy pulsing from the artifact lifting the pain from you pushing the voice away my power grows my forces gather the Reckoning draws near I imagine you must have questions we should talk you're lucky I managed to catch up with you when I did we're both Lucky in fact hear me out your life depends on it we've both got the same problem though only I might have the solution I don't know how but this artifact is protecting me from whoever controls our parasites you won't get much farther without it shielding you trust me you need me at your side the artifact is being hunted and so I'm being hunted the absolute forces want it g yanki Raiders want it I can't afford to get rid of it but I can't protect it alone either I'm lucky to have made it this far never mind how I got it just be glad I have it for now let's just help each other what do you say no the artifact stays with me and I'll do whatever is necessary to protect it if I can't make you see reason there's no chances without me only certain death or Worse I'll wait here until you come to your senses for both our sakes I hope that happens very [Music] soon I came just in time you are [Music] transforming your salvation and not for the first time I saved you before and I'm here to save you again again don't worry you will not become a mind flayer not while I'm around I'll protect [Music] you we haven't much time so listen closely there is great potential within you it comes from that parasite your instinct is to resist the power it gives but you must accept it nurture it I will keep it from consuming you but for the sake of both of us you must learn to wield it [Music] a fight for the fate of fyon a fight we are losing for now you can change that but only if you Embrace Your Potential I have to go the enemy is closing in I will be back wake now you'll feel better I promise make haste I would have words with you kak incoming well met I am Raphael very much At Your Service suddenly you feel an unfamiliar weight amongst your belongings a curious multi-sided artifact ancient looking glyphs cover its dark metal exterior you don't sleep well flitting between Dreams and Nightmares [Music] a curious alln night box its many sides are engraved with indecipherable glyphs [Music] the Box doesn't yield a box that simply refuses to be toyed with happens to the best of us no openings you can see yet you sense something inside it curious artifact isn't it ancient beguiling cryptic the ABCs of mystery looks like that box is taking a shine to you so unconditional isn't it the affection of inanimate objects [Music] I'm feeling a bit parched and peckish changed your mind yet I don't think either of of us have the luxury of time not against what we're facing you need me at your side no the artifact stays with me and I'll do whatever is necessary to protect it if I can't make you see reason there's no chances without me only certain death or Worse I'll wait here until you come to your senses for both our sakes I hope that happens very soon yeah your attempt at pick pocketing has yielded nothing but a fight [Music] my [Music] [Applause] word la la la
Channel: Erin In Soup
Views: 47,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3
Id: aYrhBQbLYfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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