The way I saved all the 7 Hag victims in Baldur's Gate 3

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aunel hides a total of seven innocent victims in her diry secret hideout I've been planning for quite some time to make an experiment about this to see if all those victims could really be saved I should tell you that I've been pretty much successful on that process and on this phase of Showtime let me display all the paths I've gone through to make it a successful one first of all I went to eel's house started the conversation and waited till she vanishes Marina I always kept one thing in mind don't let eel flee don't let AEL flee I believe you have already got my point I had to prevent the hack from teleporting to her daddy Hideout there are several ways to do this but I trusted Gail to do the favor Gil said or klock I said go ahead please it this spell was supposed to lock the stairs to prevent the byby Loveless from teleporting bye-bye lovelies but when I Did It For the First Time The hag unlocked the stairs and teleported so I had to reload I'm telling you this because if you try to do this yourself you better make a custom set prior to this however after reloading arlock was strict to his duty which made the B less uneffective and I took the full advantage to smash [Music] her now I found the conversation with this dat hack very interesting while she reveals some real cool secrets you knuckle draging upsite you will bleed you will choke on your own guts for this I didn't want the girl sweee I wanted her Bain I would have gobbled it up and given birth to my very own hag daughter the mmy God she would have come my blood my B it would have been glorious I'm a h little snot you think I didn't plan for this death and I are old friends but I won't be a corpse forever that I can bloody promise you only that I don't get to see the flesh Melt from your bones your guts dissolve and your brain liquefy as you turn into a mind flare you'll weep you'll beg you'll plead anything to me make it stop and once you stand tall proud and tentacled you'll butcher your friends and your loved ones like the elepant scum you are please it's you L to come to me all you do is want to be prettier to be richer to be loved people at their own worst enemies pet I just let them see it the Brat's husband is dead so sad she wanted me to bring him back to life Little Fool thought it would fix everything the Spell's power wains you can ask no more question questions as I've talked to this dayag it triggered new dialogue options with Marina why she completely swung her mod but before showing you that let's talk to the other victims me head oh no no why ain't I petrified I have the bite L's bite oh how am I still breathing I wouldn't wish it on anyone your insides end up on the outside petrification stops the spread I was on death's door but now I feel I feel great oh he detects traces of decaying magic within him likely the cause of his disease but that doesn't make a lck of sense the bite ain't magical unless that double crossing filthy lying hi she Meed me sick and then trapped me in stor for kicks I don't know days years my kids were only babes when I left the stones know how old they are now only CU of you I I ain't got no way to repay you you won't be left wanting youve my word thank you you won't be left wanting does it mean we shall find him again later what do you think I tried to revive this dead woman knowing that it won't work and as expected it didn't work now let's get to the next one is the hack gone God tell me she's gone oh please may she burn in the nine Hells the hag there's never been a more vile creature the things she did to me I was a fool I wanted to know my fate I had a choice between two lives and I was frightened of choosing wrong I asked the hag to help me see what the future would hold got what I wished for too I Saw My Future Self a corpse rotten with maggots and everyone around me dead putrid and dead a boring story stay or go marriage and kids saw a life of novelty I lost my best years rather than just choose yes I will thank you this man took the byby Loveless to be a future telling time machine and got his lesson we need to leave you're not supposed to be here she'll be furious I thought I was lost could feel my mind slipping away if it weren't for you I would have ended up like the others hollowed out and as good as dead sheer desperation my mother's mind is gone she's forgotten herself I tried medicine magic prayer I'd have begged Merkel himself if I thought he'd listen heard about this wise woman out in the back end of nowhere who could help I knew it was too good to be true but I didn't care home to Boulder's Gate this isn't over yet you think Ethel was the only hag in the Realms not by a long shot there's more hags out there and I'm going to do what I can to make sure no one else has to go through what I did I've liked this lady she is quite ambitious now all the complexities come about the mask victims I have promised myself that I'll snatch all their masks if you try to pick pocket it doesn't work but I have other plan to get their mask now I will activate non lethal attack from passive menu and knock them [Music] out now I can take their mask if I take a long rest now they will be on their feet next day let's do this it seems this individual doesn't think very highly of you but few can resist a well-timed gift why is Auntie so quiet I'm scared Auntie's dead no no no no no Auntie will be awake soon she'll be so angry I'll tear your throat out did something happened to Auntie I I can't feel her anymore a very Dr oh Madam most amusing Auntie cannot die no mas no hack still they are acting weird I've also tried some spells to kill them but they always still like this what's going wrong but it is the best I could do for them if you know any better option let me know in the comment section now let's get to Marina I saved her from hack cage but her reaction was unbelievable anyway I could convince a later for a happy ending let me show you you did you ruined it you ruined everything Ethel was going to bring my husband back back from the dead and now I'll never see him again because of you what but she promised to look after them teach the magic I trusted her I'm so stupid so bloody [Music] stupid so guys this was the video for today check my channel to get more B sketchy videos like this subscribe if you like till then have a nice day [Music] goodbye
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 review, Baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 guide, baulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldur's gate, baldur’s gate 3, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, BARBARIAN, BARD, CLERIC, FIGHTER, MONK, PALADIN, RANGER, ROGUE, WARLOCK, WIZARD, SHADOWHEART, WYLL, bg3 ending
Id: IvVjMyyq5X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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