5 Easy Rapport Building Steps to Make Interviewers Like You and Hire You

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hey everybody don georgiovich here with job interview tools and today i want to talk to you about one of the most important things that you should be doing on every job interview yet most people don't do this and that my friend is to build rapport with your interviewer that's right you need to connect with them on a level so that they like you so that they trust you and that they want to hire you you see most people when they go into a job interview they think that all of their skills and experience is going to pull them through in the interview and that that might happen that could happen but if you've been going on job interviews and you haven't been walking away with an offer lack of rapport could be one of the reasons why i mean there could be other reasons it could be a combination of reasons but building rapport with your interviewer is so important because it shows them that well you are like them and those are the kind of people that they want to hire i mean skills and experience are great but if they don't like you they're probably not going to want to hire you and and i know there's probably some people out there right now who are saying well don that's the problem with corporate america that's the problem with the world you know if i have the right skills and the right experience they should hire me well i'm sorry but it doesn't work that way and just let me give you an example about that let's just take dating for example because the parallels between dating and interviewing are just spot-on but let's just say you have two people man and a woman and both people are interested in dating other people it doesn't mean that they're going to want to date each other i mean the guy can't go up to the woman and say hey i know that you're looking for someone you know who has dark hair who's tall who's handsome i meet all of those things you should be going out with me and she'll be like i don't think so you know you're a jerk and it's the same thing in the interview the employer has to like you just because you have this the right skills and the experience that they are looking for it doesn't mean that they owe you the job they have to get to know you they have to get to like you they have to trust you before they can offer you the job so in this video what i want to do is to kind of show you teach you a little bit how to build rapport with your interviewer not in some evil manipulative way but how you can connect with your interviewer to show them that you know that you kind of are like them a little bit and i mean if you're too far apart you know then you're too far apart and it probably wasn't meant to be but i want to show you a few tips and tricks that will help you you know kind of just get over the hump and connect with your interviewer on a more personal level because i mean those are the kind of people that they want to hire people that they like i mean it's great that you can do the job but they need to like you personally so before we get started with that if you're new to my channel welcome i'm glad you're here if you've been around for a while and you haven't subscribed please subscribe that way you'll get notifications every time i release a new video so let's dive into rapport and what you can do to build rapport with your interviewer i mean there's no secret that humans like other people who are like them i mean if you meet somebody and you find out that they're kind of like you or maybe they're even from the similar place or same state that you grew up in or whatever you find some kind of common ground and that's getting closer to building rapport and if you let's say you grew up in ohio and you moved out to california where you know you didn't know anybody and then you bumped into somebody out there who was from ohio instant rapport because you're both from the same place that you grew up in so one of the things that you can do in the interview is ask questions about the job ask questions to your interviewer to show them that you're interested i mean that's one report building technique asking good questions to show that you're really comprehending everything they're saying another one is to listen to listen to what they're saying and acknowledge that that's another way to connect with your interviewer and this goes back to dating as well i mean again when two people are dating if one person isn't listening to the other usually it's like the male not listening to the female but whatever i think that goes both ways um you know then there's kind of a disconnect there but you know when he's listening to her and she's listening to him they connect because it shows that they care for each other it shows that they understand each other and the same is true in a job interview so pay attention listen to your interviewer and ask good questions to show them that you know you're genuinely interested in the job another thing you can do is match their rate of speech well not exactly but let's just say you go into a job interview and you know the guy behind the desk you know he's just a fast talker welcome dawn you know i'm glad you're here i want to tell you all about this position it's going to be great and you know you're really going to love it here and you're like wow and let's just say you know you're a slow talker and you're like well mr jones that sounds very interesting i'm really interested in this position you have an immediate disconnect um because he's super fast you're super slow you're gonna think he's just too fast and you want nothing to do with working for him and he's going to think that oh my gosh you're too slow you you won't be able to cut it around here so what you can do if i mean if he's super fast behind the desk and let's just say you know that you're not a super fast talker anyways you can at least pick it up a little bit you can say well mr jones i'm definitely interested in this position and i'm really looking forward to talking to you more about it so even though you're not a super fast talker you can step it up a notch to try to match and mirror them a little bit because what this shows is it shows that you're like them and when you're like them that makes them like you that's just that's just how we work it's the same thing with dating you know when um two people like each other not just you know um you know looking for someone to date but when they actually like each other and they have common interests you know then they can further rela further the relationship the same thing is true in the job interview so another thing you can do in a job interview is match match their tone so if you go into a job interview and you know the person behind behind the hiring desk is like you know well done welcome i'm glad you're here and i can't wait to tell you more about this whole job interview and you're and if you're just a real soft talk i say well i'm really interested in this job and i'm excited to be here just immediate disconnect so what you want to do is raise your tone of voice now let's say you may you might still be a soft talker but you can still enunciate and you can you could even talk slowly and say well mr jones i'm very interested in in uh pursuing more uh about this job and learning what you have to say so you can raise your voice to match their voice now it's the same goes you know let's just say you're the loud talker and they're the soft talker you're going to walk all over them and they're not going to they're not going to want to continue with you so if they're just talking real soft it's probably a lot easier for you to step yours to step your tone down a little bit to match theirs to show them that you are like them now let's just say they're super serious and they're like don i'm glad you're here i'm really looking forward to talking more about this job with you you can turn if you let's just say and then you come back and you're like well you know i'm really happy to be here and i'm excited to learn more about this job you know you're too happy and jovial and they're too serious you have that disconnect so you want to match that you want to match their serious tone with your own serious tone and say you know what i'm really excited about this job too and i'm looking forward to hearing more about it so they're serious be serious if they're happy and jovial they'd be happy and jovial if they're a fast talker try to talk a little faster if they're a loud talker match that tone and just doing those things will build immense rapport with your interviewer because they're going to think that you are like them they're not going to pick up on it that you're matching them they're not going to say oh are you are you matching me here by talking really loud like me they're not going to hear that at all trust me they are not they're just going to see that you are like them now some other things that you can do now these techniques actually work better if you're face to face with your interviewer not so much over skype but you can um and this is more matching and mirroring match their body language and you know if they're if they're sitting down and they cross their leg you know maybe maybe you cross your leg not not at the same time but you know maybe you know we you know 15 seconds then cross your leg if they do something with their hands or if they you know put their hand under their chin you know maybe you do that too or if they sit up straight and maybe you sit up straight now don't do these things as they're doing them but maybe maybe you wait 10 or 15 seconds and then you match their body language they're subconsciously going to read that you are like them and when they see that you are like them that's going to make them more interested in you i mean they're going to be like wow this person really seems a lot like me um they have the right skills they have the right education i think they're going to fit in around here now let's just say let's just say you know you're a big jerk and you're you're really loud mouth and you're interviewing with a company that is you know pretty calm and relaxed they're probably not going to want to hire you it's not but let's just say you're interviewing with a company that's very aggressive and everybody is kind of you know jerky a little bit there they're going to think hey you fit right in come on in so it's all these little subtle things that you can do to show them that you are more like them now i'm not trying to teach you to be something that you're not i'm not trying to tell you how to be to manipulate them or anything like that i'm just teaching you how to match their style and if their style is just so far at the opposite end of who you are then you know no amount of building rapport is is going to help you get the job you're just going to be too far apart you're going to be at opposite ends but these subtle techniques are going to help you get closer to what they are looking for and then when you can match what they're doing what they're saying and how they're doing it it's going to make them think that you are like them and they're going to be more inclined to want to hire you i've covered this topic in some other videos before and and i've read in some of the comments people are like don i'm only interviewing with somebody for an hour or two there's no way i could ever build rapport with them in that short amount of time well and i mean i don't know what planet they're from but i can build rapport with people in seconds i mean and you can too i mean simply i mean if you're if let's say you're at the store and you hold the door open for somebody and you know you smile and they say thank you you've just built rapport with them i mean the other day i was in the target and i was shopping and i was in the checkout line and the line was moving very slow and i kind of turned around to the person behind me and i just jokingly said and i think you picked the wrong line and you know she laughed and you know we instantly you know we hit it off we just started talking and you know about you know whatever i don't even know what and um but it doesn't matter we just started talking and within you know 30 to 60 seconds i could have asked that woman to help me carry out my bags to my car and she would have done it so right there in the target line with somebody i've never met in 60 seconds i just built a great amount of rapport so in a job interview you have one or two hours you should be able to really get them to know you like you and trust you and practically offer you the job on the spot and that's that's how some of these super powerful closing statements work and i've made some other videos about asking for the job at the end of the interview and and it works all you you simply just say you know hey you know i think i would really be a good fit here can i have the job would you offer me the job today and and when i made that video i had some people chime in the comments and say oh that doesn't work i've tried it and then i've had so many more people say don i can't believe it that worked like a charm i asked for the job and i got it and the key to that type of closing statement working in a job interview is a result of you having built incredible amount of rapport with your interviewer to the point where they liked you they trusted you and they wanted to offer you the job so if you've been struggling to get hired and you know maybe maybe one year in the when you're in the interview you're kind of nervous and and your nerves are getting the best of you and yeah maybe maybe they kind of mask who you are and they kind of get in your way from building rapport hopefully after sharing some of these techniques with you that you'll be able to do a little bit of them and that will help you develop a better comfort level with your interviewer so so that you are less nervous in the interview and they get an opportunity to see the real you to see that you are the genuine person that they think you are and and that they want to offer you the job so that's really all i have for you today in this short video um but just keep it in mind the next interview that you go on think about how you can build rapport with your interviewer to make that connection now it's not going to guarantee you the job i mean obviously i mean it's not it's not some secret voodoo trick it's just a way to get closer to people and understand more about who they are and to step into their world that's really what you're doing um it's not going to guarantee you the job but i think it'll definitely help you get closer and you know after you go on a few interviews and you try this out um you'll get better at it and you'll get better at being yourself and you'll get better at understanding other people in the interview and you'll get better at making that connection better so that you do feel like asking for the job it's like you do want to be a part of who they are because you really feel that you are like them all right my friend that is all i have for you today and before you go um as always i'll have free gift for you um head on over to japanevetools.comtop10 and i want to give you this free book you can download this it's got the top 10 most common interview questions and how to answer them i go into extreme detail tell you exactly how to answer tell me about yourself why do you want to work here what are your weaknesses what are your strengths even have questions in here to ask your interviewer so this is my gift to you just for spending some time with me today um while i share with you um how to build some rapport and um go there get this book this will help you so i hope you go a little bit farther in your next interview and it'll teach you you know how to properly answer those questions so that you do a better job of connecting with your interviewers so that you do a better job of building rapport and they can see the real you and then they can see that they want you on their team so that my friend is all i have for you good luck in your next interview if you haven't yet subscribed to my channel please do and that way you'll get notifications every time i release a new video and if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up i'd greatly appreciate it that's all i have we'll see you in the next video take care bye-bye now
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 42,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: build rapport with anyone in 5 minutes, build rapport over the phone, build rapport with customers, build rapport interview, rapport guide, rapport building techniques, rapport building questions, how to impress interviewers, how to build trust, how to build rapport, building rapport
Id: SEObpfhMrO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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