5 Quick And Easy Ways To Impress Your Interviewer!

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hey everybody Don georgiovich here with the job interview tools and today I want to give you five easy things that you can do that will impress your interviewer so that you can land the job that you want now we all know that a tough interviewer can really just shake your confidence and make you doubt yourself and your abilities even if you've done your homework for the job but there's several things that you can do to make sure that your abilities and your experiences really stand out when you're confronted with the barrage of challenging questions you know from a really difficult interviewer now first thing is remember that first impressions last a lifetime so the first thing you want to do is warmly greet your interviewer by you know just saying hello and tell them how excited you are to be here and if you can you know shake their hands to introduce yourself you can't if you're over Skype or something like that but you know all you're doing that make good eye contact and smile you know but you know don't stare with them or anything like that now this is just the beginning of the Rapport building process and so like said First Impressions left last a lifetime so that's why you want to come across this friendly and approachable and that's what they're really going to remember about you and I can't stress this enough smile I mean when you first meet the interviewer um when it's appropriate during the interview just smile I mean people who are upbeat and have strong interpersonal skills are more likely to be hired I mean even if you're you know talking on the phone they can hear it in your voice they can hear you upbeat they can hear it when you're smiling now remember they called you because they were impressed with your resume so they're potentially interested in hiring you so this alone should just kind of make you feel good and boost your confidence so that you know when you show up you know you actually feel good about yourself next thing compensate for your flaws most employers they'll have reservations about you and even the best candidates don't possess all of the required skills and traits and behaviors for their job so even the nicest interviewers will inquire about your flaws but a tough interviewer is going to grill you on them so this is where some planning comes into play so before going to the interview go over the job description and identify any requirements where your skills get don't quite match up and once you've identified your shortcomings for the role then you can start planning how you're going to respond to questions that May challenge your areas of weakness now you should be able to demonstrate what actions that you're going to take to mitigate the impact of your weaknesses as well as what you're doing to improve your skills in that area so for example if you lack a specific qualification you should explain how your work experience provides you with the comparable or greater level of knowledge and then demonstrate that you're working towards obtaining that qualification you see by taking this approach you're confronting the issue head-on while alleviating any of their concerns that they might have about you okay next thing be enthusiastic I can't stress that enough clearly show enthusiasm for what you do and what you would like to do in your next job I mean it's a good idea to tell the interviewer that you enjoy your job but you're looking for something else and show them you know what excited you about this opportunity that's really one of the keys employers want to know what brought you to wanting to apply to this job what was it specifically I mean was it the company was it the opportunity was it their goals was it their mission you know whatever it is they want to know about this and this is going to help you connect with your interviewer and you know potentially you know get the job there and then what you want to do is tell them you know why you're a good fit for the job back it up with real facts I mean it's not enough to say that you know you're just the right person for the job you need to show them by sharing stories of things that you've done in your past preferably ones that are related to the requirements of the job now the next thing you want to do is control the tempo of the interview and this this can be challenging but what I mean by this is when you're confronted with an aggressive interviewer I mean it's easy to become flustered and then you end up rushing all your responses but this is precisely what they don't want to see and as a potential employer they want to know that you know you could keep your cool Under Pressure I mean if you're under pressure from a customer or something like that you know they want to know that you're going to be able to work through the situation so if you feel rushed and pressured by your interviewer one of the things you can do to kind of reclaim control or you know set the pace of the interview and it's one of the simplest things that I like to do is what I'll do is I'll just confidently repeat the question back to the interview at the interview the interviewer and it kind of softens the tone of the interview and it kind of gives you a few extra seconds to consider your response but you don't want to keep doing that throughout the whole course of the interview um and just repeating the question back just yeah you can only use that once or twice another thing you can do to kind of control the pace of the interview is um have a glass of water with you and while they ask the question before you give your answer kind of just go take a sip of your water and obviously they're not going to interrupt you while you're taking a sip and and wetting uh wetting your wetting your tongue so that will help you kind of slow down a while you're drinking some water that'll give you some time to think about what you want to say okay now next thing you want to do stroke their egos I mean even the most terrifying interviewers are human and they all have feelings just like the rest of us they're human uh Believe It or Not So by showing some genuine interest in their company and what they do they're going to relax their guard they're they're even you know one of the things I like to do is ask questions about the work that their team does or how many employees they manage you know ask you know what their goals are or you know why their products are better than their competition I mean people enjoy talking about themselves I love talking about myself and you know they love talking about their accomplishments so if you can get the interviewer to open up you'll begin to build a rapport with them which will create a more relaxed environment okay now the last thing I have for you is always follow up really always follow up many candidates are going to be discouraged by a grueling interview maybe it didn't go away it you know so as a result they end up not doing anything so what you want to do is whether the interview was good or bad send a follow-up email usually within 24 hours and you know just send them a note thanking them for the time expressing how much that you enjoyed meeting them and that you're really interested in the job and you're excited about the opportunities and you'll be amazed at what a simple follow-up letter like that can do this is going to just reinsure them that you know that you really didn't get stressed out and you know that you're not discouraged and you're still interested and additionally you know sending that follow-up email is going to allow you to address any topics that maybe you forgot you left out of the interview and that'll help you you know kind of remove any doubts or share with the interviewer any doubts that you know they had about you so to wrap this up tough interviews can be stressful it can be difficult but you can get through them unscathed and when you do you're going to show them how resilient you are and you're going to demonstrate your professionalism so remember job interview is also an opportunity for you to evaluate the company and your potential colleagues so if you truly believe that an interviewer was rude or arrogant or mean instead of just you know testing you uh you might decide that you don't want to work there and you know you wouldn't take the job if they offered it and that's really the best position to be in which is the position to say no that means you control everything and when you're willing to say no or walk away from a job offer you have all the power and that's going to put you in just such a stronger position with any type of employer I mean you might have three different employer jobs that you're looking at and if you're willing to say no to the first two and willing to say yes to the third it's just put you in the ultimate position that everybody wants to be in so that is all I have for you but I have a gift for you today since you're here watching this I want to give you my free top 10 interview questions guide this has the answers to the most common the 10 most common interview questions like you know why do you want to work here what are your weaknesses tell me about yourself and it's going to go into detail it's going to show you how to give really good answers to those so that you really impress your interviewers and you can land the job you want now this is free you can download this from job interviewtools.com top10 my gift for you my gift to you just for being here today and like I said that's all I have for you please let me know in the comments some of the other types of videos and content that you might like to see I'd be happy to create that for you and you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up I would very much appreciate it it helps me understand the kinds of things that you do like to see and if you want to get notified every time I release a new video please subscribe to my channel and I'll let you know again that's all I have for you I wish you the very best on your next interview and I do hope you land your dream job I'm sure you will and I kind of think you know you will too so we'll see you in the next video bye now
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 24,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to impress interviewers, interview tips, job interview, job interview help, impress interviewer in 5 minutes, impress interviewer, how to impress interviewer with self introduction, how to impress interviewer in a job interview, how to impress interview in 30 seconds, how to impress interviewer in english, how to impress interviewers with no experience
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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