How to Quickly Build Rapport with the Job Interviewer

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Today it's gonna be about building rapport and it really what I want to focus on is building rapport in the first few seconds of the job interview why is this so important I think you all could agree think about anything in your life anything that you do anything sports presentations whatever it might be when you get out of the gates fast you feel a lot better you feel more comfortable more confident like you got momentum right any of you golfers out there right when you pipe that drive down the down the center of the fairway it sets up the entire hole or maybe you pyro a birdie your first couple holes you feel like the rounds gonna go well or that basketball jump shooter that knocks down a few shots early right you get the hot hand or the quarterback who completes those first few or three passes you're getting kind of a rhythm what's the same kind of thing when you go into a job interview even I as I give you these talks and I've probably I know I've mentioned this a few times as I've as I've done these talks most of you probably know I never rehearse my entire lesson to you sure I know what I what I want to say I know the four points I want to take you through a four or five points I want to take you through today but when I get into these talks the only thing that I actually say a couple or three times is the intro I want to get the intro right I actually want to start on time but I want to get the intro right it sets me in a nice rhythm with you I feel collected I'm sure you feel like that when you get into a job interview and why is this so important in the job interview when you think about what it is that you are dealing with whenever you you meet somebody right look let's be honest people judge pretty quickly right those first impressions they're starting to formulate them before you even open your mouth right are you smiling are you doing things like that do you appear warm and welcoming well think about it their biases kick in they majorly kick in in a time compressed interview and if you can make them feel more warm and welcoming about you about themselves the dialogues gonna go better their biases are gonna work in your favor and and they're gonna have those little Rhodes rose-colored glasses so to speak as look at you as they listen to you you will start getting the benefit of the doubt instead of the detriment of the doubt that's what I'm talking about that's why this is so important and the last thing I want to say before we run into the into the lesson is I was thinking about this actually I was in the shower not too long ago and I I was just kind of thinking about you you all how much I missed you this talk and all that good stuff and I was thinking about you know went went oh my goodness I'm gonna I'm my wife I'm gonna I hope she sees this I we got these little nets and they keep interrupting my live shows but just just think about how important this is and I was thinking about this lesson and what I love about it is it is so simple it's very very quick and what I'm gonna teach is very very powerful very powerful and I was trying to think in our relationship in all the videos in all the articles in all the podcasts in the webinars in everything I've ever given the speeches the training programs I don't think I've ever given you what I'm about to give you anything nearly as close pound-for-pound is valuable with his little effort that's how simple these tips are gonna be but they're really really gonna pay dividends for your entire job interview with whomever you're meeting so I'm stoked about that got my note cards I want to take you through different scenarios as you go into the interview and these are the four that I I think will cover you completely let's talk about these so what am I talking about as you get into the interview you want to make sure that you're getting off on the right foot they're feeling good about you so one thing that always makes people feel good is when you say something nice about them but there has to be something connected and sincere about it so this first one so item number one I want to talk about the referral opening and I want to talk about when when you actually know somebody who knows the interviewer or the company or at least can say something about their reputation so let's take these two so what am I talking about specifically well it perhaps network your way in or you got a reference or a referral or somebody spoke highly about the person that you're gonna interview with if that's the case open up with something like hey Sally it's really great to meet you John said so many nice things about you I was really looking forward to this that's it just something like that when you actually have the luxury of somebody you know who knows the interviewer this happens quite a bit it actually happens quite a bit but this is this is I mean that's the homerun that's the one where you can draw that connection people generally feel good about that people love to hear compliments about themselves they do it court of course it needs to be sincere but you need to be able to do that and if if you're if your friend your colleague whoever it was referred you into the company but does not necessarily know the person you're interviewing with you can also say something similar along those lines hey Sally I was really looking forward to meeting you my friend my friend John or Jerry or whoever it is said so many nice things about your company I was really looking forward to talking with you and learning more about it just something like that very very powerful and if if you don't have that kind of connection and your friend or your colleague doesn't necessarily know the the interviewer you can if if they know of the interviewer you can also say something along the lines of their reputation I'm really looking forward I was really looking forward to meeting you so-and-so said he heard so many nice things about you and the impact that you have inside this organization says you got a great reputation so I was really looking forward to meeting you something like that but when you've got a referral capitalize on it true story here you go for many many years and and still to this day most of you know that I operate a search firm called mile walk and we're an executive search firm we get hired by businesses they want us to go out and recruit top talent we go do that before every single interview we tell our our job candidate the seeker to when they say hello to the interviewer if we know the interviewer we tell them you just make sure you say I was really looking forward to meeting it and he said a lot of nice things and that's true because I did say a lot of nice things or Andy said you really do you know you he gets great word on you and your impact you're having in the organization so they always get get that advantage when they go in same kind of thing a true story about it about a year and a half ago a client of ours chief operating officer she was looking for a very senior salesperson she was looking at she and her team were looking on their own they'd interviewed a bunch of people they really weren't finding anybody that they liked she calls us up this is common this is how it happens right they try it on their own then they come to us we showed him one person guy's name was Jason Jason calls her for a phone screen just to introduce himself gave him the little coaching but he picks up the phone gets engaged with her when he's done he calls me says he has a great call she's gonna line him up to meet with the rest of the team she and I debrief first thing she says out of her mouth is Andy we're gonna hire this guy I knew that in the first five seconds the way he picked up the phone his energy hello his greeting all that good stuff she knew that quickly she knew that quickly and obviously she had some things to compare it to but this is what I'm talking about you you get it in your head and so yes sure of course he went through the rest of the process but what was that like when the chief operating officer says to everybody else I love this guy I think you're gonna love him too right so that's what I'm talking about that that kind of connection is important but let's say you don't know that you don't know somebody who knows somebody right or they don't know the company how about this one don't even ask me how many times I drew this card with this heart took me like three times just to get a legible heart but I call this one the background the long aspects and the short aspects let's talk about what this is so let's say you don't have a referral you don't know you don't know anybody who knows the interviewer so you don't know anybody who knows the company but you do know who it is you're gonna be speaking with okay so you've got you got Suzy Smith's background you were able to look at it is you should it's not stalking as a matter of fact it's actually bad form if you don't know anything about the interviewer when you very easily could have when you very easily could have so take a look at their background what you notice about it is there a pattern have they been with the company a long period of time have they been with the company a short period of time have they worked at some phenomenal companies whatever it might be same kind of thing you go in hey Susie I was really looking forward to talking with you I looks like you've done a lot of great things I've seen you've been with the company for quite for quite a while I can't wait when I get a chance to ask you what's kept you here but I'm really looking forward to that okay that's one way maybe maybe maybe Sally's just been with the company for a very short period of time company strawberry time hey I loved your background I noticed you you recently joined the company when I get a chance I can't wait to ask you what drew you to the company and what surprised you about being here really looking forward to this right something like that the the point here is you likely are going to know this at least this much and if not I'm gonna take you a rung or two down but think about what is it that you can say as as your as your as you're saying hello now we'll talk about all the body language stuff next week but this is what I want to come out of your mouth as quickly as possible whether you're walking in the door and that you're inside his or her office where you're going to a panel interview or you're sitting in a room and they're rotating the bodies in and out same kind of thing you can get in a few seconds of that hello makes all the difference in the world and think about the messages that you're sending them right you're smiling you're saying hello you're shaking hands you're getting that out of your mouth and you're telling them hey I did my homework I did my homework so so that's that's the background one that's assuming you know the interviewer right okay how about this one maybe you know maybe you don't know the interviewers background maybe the interviewer didn't have a LinkedIn profile maybe you can't find him or her whatever it might be maybe you just don't know a whole lot but maybe at least you know the function of the person so this one I like what if you know the function you're meeting with the CIO you're meeting with the head of marketing your meeting with the VP of IT or a sales person or whatever that's what I'm talking about you love the function you want to learn about it or you aspire to be it so here's what you could do you come in and you don't know anything about me and or the recruiter or whatever hey you know I'm really interested in so we're talking about people who you're interviewing with who you likely are going to be working with I really loved your background I want to understand how you became the chief information officer I really want to learn more about that function because I aspire to be it one day or I'm greatly interested in talking with you about that I've always been fascinated with that so I'd love to learn a little bit about that at some point throughout the throughout the interview something like that but you can reference what it is they do you don't even need to know what their background is but if this person is the VP of Marketing you know that they run the marketing department you can take a look at what VPS of marketing do in general but and you can throw a few extra words in there if you want but you make an association between them their function and your interest or aspiration in it so that that's another good one now sometimes I know some of you're out there going what are you get to the cold ones well what happens what happens when you walk in the door and you don't know who you're speaking with or surprise somebody comes in says hey Susie couldn't make it I'm Sally I'm gonna I'm gonna interview you well first thing you got to do is you got to get some info about that person hey Sally great to meet you just so I have some some context where do you fit into all this well you know what department do you run what what projects do you work on whatever it is that you want to say to elicit a response regarding what he or she or they do so maybe it's a panel interview maybe you know three of them but you don't know one or two of them hey but you know before we get started could you just let me know how you know how do you fit in to the organization that would that would help give me some context and an understanding of who you are and that'll also help me just as I provide context about my background and work working with you or questions that I might have for you that's a very very fair request and then once you get some information about that person then you can maybe use the function connection or something of that nature so so so so those are four really really good ways to draw connection immediately you do not need to ramble it can be very very quick you can say it in 10 seconds you really can now I know some of you're probably gonna say well hey what about when it's just not going well it's just not going they look like a sourpuss the first thing I'm gonna say an Andy like fashion is well you know what if they're a sourpuss and and and they're behaving that way towards you I know everybody's entitled to a bad day but if they go through the entire process like that questions will be running through my head about whether you even want to work there right organizations should put people in the interview process that they want to impress you and you should be able to connect with those people now if it's not going well while you're there and you don't know where this person fits in perhaps I would do everything I possibly can to have very very positive and engaging body language we're gonna go in through more of that in in a in a session or two but just make sure you were smiling you were being polite you are being as engaging as you possibly can I have gone into meetings with people who were like icebergs and you are able to melt them if you keep at it and at the end of the day if you just if you can't then I think you need to ask yourself a different question I think you got bigger worries but just you get back what you give off so hang in there so let me just let me just recap these really really quickly so you've got the referral perhaps you know somebody you can make a reference to a contact or somebody or a group specifically you love their background right anything that you can say about them and their background people love that what their function is and your interest level and learning it or aspiring to be it or if it's cold you got to be a little bit more nimble get some info and then use some of those other those other those other tactics so I hope that helps that I know it was quick I know it was short but this something that you can prepare for in advance if you know who the interviewers are and even if you don't you can be ready to say I need to find out who they are and then my reaction needs to be what is it then I'm gonna say about that particular function so I hope I hope that serves you
Channel: Andrew LaCivita
Views: 70,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew lacivita, milewalk Academy, how to quickly build rapport with the job interviewer, build rapport in a job interview, build rapport with anyone in 5 minutes, build rapport quickly, job interview tips, building rapport interview, job interview advice, job interviewer, job interview, building rapport, being confident, building rapport over the phone
Id: 9CxHt1fStdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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