7 Smart Things to Say In A Job Interview To Make A Great Impression

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hey it's Don with job interview tools and today I want to give you seven things that you should always say or convey in a job interview I mean let's face it job interviews make people feel nervous and they really just bring out your anxiety I mean you might have one or more hiring managers sitting across from you just peppering you with questions from every angle you know just trying to lure you into their trap where you know you say one wrong thing and then they immediately cut you loose I mean that's not exactly how it goes I mean nor is that their intention but that might be how you feel that might be your interpretation I mean I know I felt that way but the thing is Two Can Play That Game you see employers ask these probing questions to get a feeling for how you would benefit their team and you know how you'd work Under Pressure but they're looking for certain traits and candidates and in this video I'm going to reveal the seven most common traits that employers are looking for in candidates and how you should respond to that and let them know that you know you possess those traits as well now as I go through this um if I tell you to do something that isn't necessarily true for you I don't mean for you to do it I'll never tell you to lie so you have to take this information that I'm sharing with you in a way that um you can apply it to your own situation so that you come across as honest and truthful and by the end of this video I mean you're just going to be armed with these seven new tools that are going to help you knock your next interview out of the park so we're going to do do these in reverse order number seven you play nicely with other people you see Teamwork Makes the Dream work as they say even if you're an individual contributor you'll need to interact with other people in the company I mean to get your job done that's just the way it works and that requires teamwork and the ability to adapt to varying personalities because there's all kinds of different people in the workforce so you want to be prepared with examples of how you contributed to the teams in your last job so that means you need to have examples from multiple jobs that you've held if possible I mean if you don't that's okay and if you don't have a work history demonstrating this ability you know think outside the box think about volunteer work organizations or maybe even you know you planned your family reunion or a wedding all those things can show how well you worked in a team setting okay number six your experience needs to line up and what I mean by that is the experience on your resume is consistent from job to job and it's aligned with the job that you're applying to so even if you're transitioning Industries you can show that your skill set is aligned with the interviewer's needs essentially showing transferable skills and you want to make sure that you've read and re-read the job description before heading into the interview so that you can focus on the portions of your work history that is the most related to the requirements for the job you see it's your job to prove your worth during the interview I mean you need to sell yourself I mean you need to show them why they should hire you so don't be shy when sharing your past successes you know from your last jobs okay next up number five be excited be enthusiastic but not because you want the job but because you're excited about what this company is doing and where they're going be excited about joining their team team to help them achieve their goals be excited about their Journey not only you know does it illustrate your passion for what they do but it shows you know them it shows them that you're like them and when they realize that you're like them they're much more likely to invite you into your team now I mean this is hard to fake I mean you'd have to be a pretty good actor to maintain your excitement about a job that you just couldn't care less about you know for the entirety of an interview I mean one way to generate this excitement is to share stories tell a story about you know why you decided to apply for the job not just you know for the money but because it means something to you and Mission means something to you I mean perhaps it's a company you followed and you use their products you're loyal you've been a loyal customer for years and the opportunity to collaborate with such you know an inspirational company is just thrilling to you and when you personalize your interests in that way you're really making a stronger impact and and you're setting yourself apart from everybody else because interviewers and people they remember stories that that's how people remember you from the stories that you share with them if there's nothing interesting about you throughout the interview you end up being forgettable and I know you're not and I know you have great stories to share so get them out there all right moving on to number four you plan to keep learning you are a student for life I mean you might be applying for a specific job today but is that job you know going to have the same exact parameters you know a year from now you know or more unlikely you see many companies offer perks like tuition assistance or reimbursement to students and learning and it's always going to be cheaper for a company to invest in training for its current employees rather than to you know Outsource or hire new ones so candidates who show a willingness to learn new skills or you know gain a better understanding of an industry are going to make great long-term employees and those are the kind of people that employers like to hire so put this narrative into motion you know during your interview talk about continued learning by sharing your interest you know in the industry specific Publications blogs or other companies that you keep tabs on so they can see that you know you're always in the know all right moving on to number three you know and understand the company that you're interviewing with platforms like LinkedIn indeed monster you know make finding jobs listings or jobs you know just practically effortless I mean they've also streamlined the application process you know and with one click you know you can apply to 500 jobs or 500 companies at once and I mean this is both good and bad but you know if you get a call from one of those 500 companies that you apply to I mean what are the chances that you're going to remember anything specific about the job I mean this is just one way employers are going to weed out candidates simply by figuring out who's done their homework and who hasn't now personally I am not a fan of flying to 500 jobs at once because it's unlikely that you know any of them are going to call me and I doubt that I'm even qualified for 500 jobs so this is why I will only apply to a few jobs at a time but these are jobs I know know that I'm perfect for I know in my heart I'm perfect for and I'll do my research on each one of them in depth so that I know and I truly understand the company and their needs I mean I might check out their LinkedIn page um their website any blogs press releases white papers they've written social media anything I can do to learn more about them and you'll learn important information about the company's Mission their values their culture and you know you'll also want to brush up on you know some industry terms that might pop up into the interview so the more you know about the company the more relevant you're going to be and that's why I suggest only applying to a select number of top jobs at a time that way you understand who you're applying to instead of just you know blasting off 500 resumes because you're never gonna know what all those companies are like but after doing a little bit of digging you know you know you might not even be sold on the company I mean you might do some research and you'll be like I don't know if I really want to work there or not but you see the more jobs you apply to the more jobs that you're going to get rejected from and without even getting the interview and what this does is this kind of wears on your self-esteem and so after applying to those 500 jobs you know without a single response you're probably going to feel a little reluctant to apply and again I mean you know who needs all this rejection so it kind of wears you down so that's why I suggest you know you only want to apply to a few jobs at a time and learn about them but you know only the ones that you know you're perfect for because those are the ones that are most likely to lead to an interview okay let's move on to number two you need to see a future with the company that you're interviewing with and in the interviewer needs to know this I mean you might not know during an interview if you want to spend the rest of your days your life you know working for them but you can probably say that you see a long-term and rewarding career with them I mean that that's fair game but from the employer's perspective you know they're hiring new talent and they're dealing with turnover you know all that costs them a lot of money so if you can communicate that you plan to stick around for a while and you know work up the company's ladder that's going to make you a much more uh enticing candidate to them and additionally demonstrating that you're invested in the company and your future is going to allow an employer to feel good about investing in you all right and finally number one show them you can hit the ground running I love this I mean no one expects a brand new employee to be able to fulfill every aspect of their new position but at the same time an employer needs to understand how you're going to benefit the company how you're going to be able to solve their problems how you're going to be able to help them grow or whatever it is so when I interviewed for jobs one thing I always did was I explained what I would do in my first few weeks and I mapped it out for them but I did this knowing exactly what their needs were you know what their pain points were then I could paint a picture for them and say you know well Mr employer you know if you brought me on you know I would be able to hit the ground running on day one you know because I'm already skilled in the areas that you need help with and I don't need any training before my starting job or starting date you know and then you know and then I might even I might even ask for the job at that point and say you know so do I have the job now I mean you can only say that if you're at the right point in the interview but just telling them you that you're able to hit the ground running is fair game and you can probably close with that in any job interview and just letting them know that you know you're not going to need two or three weeks worth of training that you're ready to go on day one and that's going to kind of separate you from your competition but to close and say you know so can I have the job I mean your timing has to be perfect or you're really just going to fall flat I mean another I made another video on that topic a while back about how to ask for the job and I'll put a link for that in the description for you I mean it's really a good watch and it's really made a big difference for some people now it's one thing to train yourself to say or do all seven of these things during an interview but you also have to mean them I mean hiring managers will see through your insincerity before you even finish your thought so if you plan to use any of these strategies make sure you've internalized these responses and approaches and you'll definitely outperform your competition in any job interview and you'll you'll go a lot farther in the process all right my friend that is all I have for you but while you're still here I have a free gift for you this is the top 10 answers to the top 10 most common questions this is a great little book it's free my gift to you you can download it from jobinterviewtools.com top10 and this is going to show you how to answer some of the more common questions and through the uh throughout that video I mentioned a lot of the things that you should bring into the interview as far as things you should say and stuff enough to take that one step farther take those ideas and incorporate them into your answers into your interview and that's really going to just kind of button up every edge of the interview and you're gonna you're gonna Ace that interview hands down it doesn't mean they're going to hire you but you're definitely going to do well and you're going to rank in the top you know two candidates of the of their process so again free download here Japanese tools.com top10 my gift to you just because you're here watching me and if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up I would appreciate it and let me know how your interview went let me know if you applied any of these strategies in your interview even if you just you know picked one of those seven things that I talked about let me know how it went let me know uh if you got any feedback from the interviewer on it let me know if it let me know if you bombed I'd love to I'd love to hear it so that's all I have for you if you want to get notified every time I release a new video please subscribe to my channel and that's all I got for you good luck on your interview and I'll see you in the next video bye now
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 18,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interview tips and techniques, interview tips for freshers, interview tips for teenagers, interview tips and tricks, interview tips 2022, interview tips to get the job, interview advice for teachers, job interview advice, job interview preparation questions, job interview preparation tips, 7 best things to say in every job interview, interview tips, job interview tips, job interview
Id: y65NAbdaloo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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