12 Steps to Acing Your Big Interview

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hey everybody Don Georgevich here with job interview tools if you have a job interview coming up and you want to ace it I'm gonna give you 12 steps that are going to prepare you for your next job interview no matter if it's over Skype or zoom or it's just a one-on-one it doesn't matter but you can master these 12 steps that I'm going to walk you through I guarantee without a doubt you will be a top contender you'll be in the top two or three candidates for any job that you interview so if you want to be a top contender in your next interview go ahead and tell me now by hitting the like button on this video subscribe to my channel and ring the bell and we'll dive right in so first things first as I walk you through these twelve steps I'm literally how to be the best candidate truth is the most important thing I want you to be truthful throughout the entire interview process don't lie don't mislead don't exaggerate but be truthful and as I go through these steps if I tell you to do things that are not true for you or don't feel comfortable or don't feel right for you then don't do them I'm not telling you to lie and I will never tell you to lie I will always tell you things that have worked for me and have worked for my clients if they don't feel right for you then just don't do them or take a version of them that does work for you and that you do feel comfortable with fair enough now first things first number one you must know your greatest strengths you must know your superpower what are you better at doing than anybody else so if this job is an accounting you know what can you do an accounting that is better than anyone else and if it's not better than anyone else as good as the very best or if this job is an IT what can you do well better than anyone on i.t do you know UNIX better than you know Microsoft do you know how to fix computers what specifically is your strength if the job does in the medical field what do you do better than anyone else or if it's the leadership position how are you the greatest leader what makes you the best what makes you better than everybody else that you are competing for in this job you must know this to know this maybe you don't know it before your interview but I urge you to think about it have a conversation with yourself take a walk around the block walk in the park think about what you do that makes who you are that makes you feel good inside and that is clearly better than anyone else moving on here to number two you need to understand their problems you need to know what the biggest challenges are in this position or that this company is facing I mean after all they are hiring you to solve problems I mean why else were they hire you and those could be customer service problems those could be engineering problems those could be financial problems sales problems could be anything you need to understand why they're hiring you and what those problems are now maybe you don't know I mean maybe you just look at the job description you don't know we'll read through the job description very carefully and look for areas of concern what what do you think their biggest problems are by reading the job description now if you're still not getting an idea for that when you're in the interview casually bring it up say you know so what are some of the biggest challenges facing this position and they'll tell you and then what you want to do is you want to be a solution to the problems and show them how you could solve their problems and help them get what they want and oftentimes you can do that by knowing what your superpower is your greatest strength and you'll be able to leverage your greatest strength to what their problems are to help them solve it kind of just all goes in a big circle there right so moving on to number three and how that you understand what their problems are now you want to show them how you can be a solution to their problems you want to talk about how you have been there before how you have worked in the trenches in your past jobs you want to show them how why that you can solve their problems moving on to number three now that you understand what their problems are you want to talk about how you can be a solution to the problems you want to talk about how you have worked on things before the exact same were similar problems this will show them that you understand that the the challenges that they are facing and then how you can be a solution to them you want to talk about how you have done similar things how you've worked on similar assignments projects engineering projects IT projects accounting projects finance whatever it is you want to talk about what you have done before and that's related to what their needs are this is going to build rapport with them this is going to show them that you know you have worked in the trenches before and that you are the type of resourceful individual that can step into this role and help them solve their challenges and not just today but for tomorrow as well moving on to number four make the interview about them talk about the kinds of things that they are doing publicly and align with them talk about you know why you're interested in that and what excites you about that and working this job you know what would fulfill you in in doing the kinds of things that they're doing I mean by making the interview about them you make them feel important you talk about them they get excited about that if you just talk about you the whole time they're really not gonna hear it you want to talk about them and that's gonna get them excited about you and that's going to build rapport with them and you go much farther in the process they will eventually start to really like you because you sound like them alright moving on to number five ask them questions that shows that you understand them you want you don't want to ask them just any kind of question you want to ask them questions that are specific about the company specific about the role specific about what they're doing what their expectations are for the role you want to ask very targeted and focused questions that show them that you understand them and you understand their needs I mean think about this for a second if you were interviewing two people for this position and you asked both of them why do you want this job and the first person says well I need a job I need them and the second person went on to say how he would do the job how they've done it before they would talk about the details of what excites them about this type of work they would express that this is the kind of stuff that I love doing and they would go on and on and on and tell you about why you should hire them so in the end you've got one person who says I want the job I need the job and the other person says this is what I do this is who I am this is what I love doing and here's how I would do it who are you going to hire exactly that's what I thought and that's why you want to ask them questions that show you understand them because that's who they're gonna hire they're gonna hire the person who understands their needs the best all right let's move on to number six and this one ties back in to number five share with them why you want the job why is it important to you that you know you worked at let's say Google or Facebook or the Ford Motor Company I mean maybe maybe you have an interview with the Ford Motor Company why do you want to work there what interests you about it is are you an automobile fanatic maybe so maybe if you work at Google you want a job there maybe you are a programing fanatic or maybe you're an advertising fanatic or maybe if you work at a game company you're just fanatical about games or maybe if you work in the health care field you're just crazy about helping other people you love helping other people in need whatever it is maybe you're an accountant and you know what excites you about that maybe it's the numbers maybe it's about running the calculations in your head maybe it's looking at all the graphs and charts and making predictions share with them why you want this job that is so important because employers don't want to hire people who this through the job isn't going to serve them as well I mean employers I mean some people think that they're they're just this inhumane corporation but they're not they won't hire people who this job is going to fulfill them it has to meet their needs as well the job has to meet the needs of the employer and the company has to meet the needs of the individual if it doesn't meet the needs of you then you're gonna leave you're only gonna work that job for six months maybe a year and then you're gonna get out and employers know this so that's why they want to find out if this job meets your fundamental needs and if you are aligned for it so that's why you want to share with them why you want it why is it important to you don't just tell them I need a job I need the money yeah we all do that that's the very basic level for any position but why do you really want let them know let them feel that let them understand that all right moving on here - looks like number seven when you're in the interview now whether you're doing this over Skype zoom or you're in face to face mirror them what I mean by that is mirror their body language I mean if they're constantly just sitting back in their chair you know you might want to take a more relaxed approach if they're ups straight and they have very stern body language mirror that as well because I mean if they're sitting up straight and they main to maintain good posture and you're just kind of sitting back hunched over the whole time you know that is you're showing them that you are unlike them you want to mirror them to show them that you are now as far as speech goes if they're really fast talkers you might want to try to talk a little bit faster but if they're a fast talker and you have a tendency to speak very slowly that is going to drive them nuts so you want to try to meet them yeah maybe halfway maybe pick up your pace a little bit now if you're a really fast talker and they're really slow talkers you're going to drive them nuts they're not gonna hear they're gonna hear every other word that you say so that's where you want to try to slow down your rate of speech so you want a mirror you want to mirror the body language you want to be Ruhr their vocal tones you might even want to mirror some other hand language hand gestures you want to mirror them to show them that you are liking them that's a way to build nonverbal rapport and that's what a lot of the interview is it's nonverbal it's both the expressions on our face how we express our body language and our vocal tones all those different things alright moving on here to number eight be humble if there's something that that you don't know don't try to fake it I mean if they ask you a question about you know how you how you've done something or if you know a specific piece of software or hardware or whatever it is a certain tool and you don't know just tell them you know I haven't worked with that but here's something that I have worked with that is very similar you're always better off to not just end it and say I don't know even if you don't know you'd want to try to meet him halfway and come close to what they're looking for that way you're again you're building rapport with them it's okay to say I don't know how to do something but it's a lot better to say I don't know how to do this but I've done something that's very similar and you go just so much farther in the interview when you try to at least meet them halfway on things so be humble and show humility in the interview and these subtle qualities are going to show them that you are the type of genuine honest decent person that they do want to hire all right let's move on here to number nine and be clear about what you want so when they ask you why you want this job you want to be crystal clear about what this job is going to do for you how this job is going to fulfill you at the end of the day after doing this job you know it's gonna make you feel a certain way and whatever that is I mean it could be working in customer service you say you know what I want this job because I love working with other people I love getting on the phone I love solving people's problems I mean whatever it is you want to be very clear about what you want and why are you looking for another job I mean they're gonna want to know why are you leaving your current job to come here and that's where you want to tell them well the current job isn't offering me these certain things over here and these are the things that I'm looking for and you guys are and that's why I want to leave where I'm at so I can come over here and get what I want this is this is one of the few times you can really start talking about yourself and what you're looking for and you can make it about you because they want it out they want to know why you want this job and that's your perfect opportunity to be more personal and straightforward and genuinely honest with them about what you are looking for specifically all right let's move on here to number 10 give crystal-clear on point answers to everything minimize your babbling as much as you can I know we all have a tendency to just go on and on and on and ramble on endlessly in the interview but usually that's because we're unsure of what we want to say and we're unsure where we want the conversation to go so I've got a great little formula when they ask you a question very quickly think about a time that you want to talk about and think about where you want to start the story think about immediately where you want to end the story that will you create an endpoint so now you've got a story in your head and you've got a starting point and an end point and then and all this happens in just milliseconds in your mind then you go ahead and tell them the story now the key thing here is having that end point in mind that's your marker that's to tell you to stop talking when you hit a certain point that means everything that you told them throughout the story is going to be enough information is it going to be the complete 100% full story no it's not it's going to be the highlights of the story but it's got an end point so you talk about you know a situation where you know there was a time then you talk about what you did in that situation and then you follow that up with what happened in the situation and then you stop talking generally you can answer any question within 30 to 45 seconds now the shorter your answer is the better because the more you talk and talk and talk the harder it is for interviewers to comprehend everything that you're saying when you talk for maybe you know 30 to 40 seconds it's a lot easier for the human mind to comprehend everything that you said and in most cases they're going to say oh that sounds great and then they're gonna move on or they want clarification they might ask you for some follow-up but if you ramble on for two or three minutes endlessly about something the human mind really just isn't capable of comprehending everything that you said the first time now if you said it over and over and over again yes it would but in the interview that's not an option you get to say things once so minimize your babbling create a starting point and ending point for every thing that you want to say this will give you a target to hit in the inner table when you answer the question and you come out with shorter on point answers that make sense to anybody but you say them to all right let's move on to number 11 now what you want to do before any interview is go through and we remember your past experiences and skills this is one of the things that everybody fails to do they just think that all that you know past five ten years of experience they're going to be able to just pull that out of their head at a moment's notice in any interview but the problem is everybody goes into the interview and what happens we're nervous boom naturally nervous were in front of other people that we have never seen before they're asking us questions we're not used to and they're gonna ask us questions about a past experience now normally if anybody asked his questions about her past experience we might be able to pull out an answer but in the heightened tensions of an interview it's a lot harder to pull those things out so it happens is people are job candidates get asked a question in the interview and they have to think about it and they got to scratch their head and and then they give a really long rambling babbling answer that goes on for three or five minutes and the interviewer doesn't even know what they said but had they taken the time before the interview a couple days before the interview preferably to go through the past experiences write them out get pen and paper and write out all your experiences talk about write out things that you've done projects that you've worked on write out all the details what this is going to do this is you rewrite that information in your mind it's gonna pull it from your long-term memory it's gonna move it into your short-term memory so that it's a lot easier and more fluid for you to talk about those experiences and when they ask you a question you'll be able to just rattle something off in 20 or 30 seconds they'll be like it happened yesterday it might have happened five years ago but you took the time to remember and rewire and rewrite those experiences into your mind so that the fresh so that you can talk about them in a very succinct manner and some things sum up experiences that used to take you five minutes to discuss into 20 or 30 seconds now you'll also be a lot fresher on the things that you've done this will put you in a much stronger position to answer any of those questions that you're just not prepared for because it's gonna happen they're gonna ask you questions you're gonna have no idea never heard of a question like that before but taking the time to go through and refresh and rewrite those experiences and move them from your long-term memory to your short-term memory is going to enable you to answer any type of question that they throw at you even if you have to struggle anyway they might have to see you think but you'll still be able to give them a very focused answer that addresses the other question all right let's move on here to the next one it's clear on why you want to leave your job now if you're not working somewhere yeah but this one really doesn't apply but if you are working somewhere and you want to go to another job be clear on what that job isn't providing for you be clear about what you don't like about it what it's not giving you and what you were looking for in a new position now a lot of times I mean the number one reason people leave their job is because and this is statistically correct it's because they don't like the boss they don't like the manager and that's why they're leaving but nobody ever wants to say well I don't like my boss they reason they don't want to say that is because it makes you look bad usually I mean because the reason you don't like your boss is probably subjective I mean there's something about them that maybe you don't like but you know what I bet you there's ten other people in that company that do maybe they don't I don't know but usually there's just something that you don't like about them not that they're a bad boss so they ask you why you're leaving I mean you might want to you could say that you know you don't really get along with your boss but you want to say it in a way that you don't get along with them on a personal level and you want to let them know that it doesn't affect your ability to do your job but there are better reasons to discuss or to explain or Express why you're leaving your job but whatever your reason is let them know that this job that you're at now isn't giving you what you need in your career and what you're looking for in a new position because employers are smart they want them they they're more than happy to hire you away from your old job and put you in a new job but they want to make sure that this new job is going to meet your needs they don't want to just take you out of there and put you over here and have you end up with the same problems that you had in your old job and then in six months you're going to be leaving and interviewing for jobs somewhere else they don't want that they want you there long term so be very clear on what your old job isn't giving you and what this new job is going to give you and you will make them feel a lot better about bringing you on board all right let's move on to the last one here this could be twelve thirteen or fourteen I don't know I lost track I said the top twelve but last one here is self-sabotage and we all do this and what I mean by this is there's something usually something about quitting our job and taking on a new job that is fearful for us because we're taking on the unknown we're starting a new job we are moving into the unknown and what happens is sometimes that there's something that makes us feel uneasy about this new job we might sabotage ourselves so that we don't get it it sounds weird doesn't it it's like you know I really need this job I need the money I need you know whatever it is but if there's something about this job that makes us taking this job that makes us feel uncomfortable we might say things in the interview that [Music] sabotage us from getting the job and it could be anything and it's usually a very subconscious thing so before your interview think about this position and what scares you the most what scares you though I was just working with a client the other day and he had been with a company for 14 years and he wanted to leave and he wanted to go on to a new position somewhere else he wanted to leave because he didn't like his boss but he was also fearful he's like you know what I've been at this company for 14 years I'm kind of afraid that if I leave and I go here I'm stepping into the unknown who's to say that they aren't going to terminate me in you know three or six months and I have wife and kids and house and cars so I have 14 years of stability and I'm trading all that for the unknown that made him very uneasy about this interview and the past interviews that he's had before that he failed every one of them and he didn't fail them because he wasn't any good he was he's top he's top-notch he's like the best of best but he failed them because he was fearful there was something about taking leaving his old job that made him fearful I'm taking on a new job and so he sabotage himself every single time and we actually we had a conversation and we kind of figured this out but we isolated this isolated what the problem was and this is what I want you to do figure out what scares you the most about this position isolate that and minimize that threat and understand it I do this all the time with people I meet with them over Skype and we talk about a particular job interview that they're going to be Faye and we discuss what they might do to sabotage themselves so if you've been going on interview after interview after interview and you're just not getting anywhere and then you go through and you apply these 12 amazing steps to acing your interview and you still don't get anywhere and you just stuck and you want someone to just give you a look from outside you want someone to help you see for yourself what you can't really see then I would encourage you to reach out to me go to job interview tools comm / each PC you can find out more about how you and me can meet over Skype and we can discuss any job interview you have your resume what's troubling you we can talk about questions and answers and how to shape your responses we can do whatever you want to do and I do this with people all over the world not just in the United States but I do it in Canada I did South America we do Australia China Singapore Germany don't matter where you are in the world you and I can beat over Skype and we can get to the bottom of what is holding you back in your interview so but hopefully these 12 steps that I have covered with you today are going to help you unlock what has been holding you back in your interviews and to find out why you just you've been getting close but you just not crossing the finish line and getting the job maybe you've been getting down to the wire maybe you've been getting down to the top - every single time and never getting anywhere I mean I recently had a client where there she for the past six months she she was the boss she was just ace in her field every time for six months she'd get down to the final two and they picked someone else final to someone else final to someone else and she comes to me she's like Donna what is going on I mean I'm good at what I'm doing and I get down to the final two and then I blow it so again we met over Skype we worked on things we figured out what was holding her and kind of just dialed them things changed for approach and then voila you know the next couple interviews boom she got the job you know and sometimes that's just what people need because you've been interviewing for job after job and maybe you can't really see for yourself what is holding you back you know and that's where a simple one hour coaching session with me or you know any other coach can help you see things that you can't see for yourself see what's holding you back so I would encourage you if you're just stuck and these twelve steps or just you know getting you close but not getting you're not knocking allow the park and landed the job reach out to me at job interview toes calm slash HPC and we can go further so that is all I have for you today now before before your next interview in addition to mastering these twelve steps you also need to master the top ten questions yeah you can grab these from javva DB tools comm this is the quick and dirty twenty thirty eighth book that is going to walk you through the top ten questions questions that you can expect to get a stone your interview they're gonna ask you to tell Matt yourself you know what are your weaknesses what are your strengths why do you want to work here now those are all key things that i talked about in these twelve steps but this little guide here that you can download from job interview tools calm slash top ten is going to give you some examples of how people might answer those questions when you can master these top ten questions in the silver walk that i'll give you for free and everything in this video master all of that put it together a guarantee you are going to be a top contender you'll be in the final two are you gonna get the job who knows that that really is up to the employer I can't tell them that hey you know Bob knows everything that I taught him and you should hire him it just doesn't work that way you have to in and sell them on why they should hire you and I can only help you get there I can only help you get to the fine to the rest the rest is up to you so that's all I have for you today I wish you the very best on your next interview and I will see you in the next video take care bye now
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 64,934
Rating: 4.9549112 out of 5
Keywords: interview tips, job interview, interview prep, why should we hire you, interview questions and answers, senior management job interview tips, executive interview, senior job interview tips, senior level job interview, senior management interview, interview preparation, interview questions, interview tips for teachers, interview tips for manager position, interview questions and answers for freshers, interview questions to ask employer, interview preparation for amazon
Id: 33ilxNO93HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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