The 5 Most Dangerous Interview Questions You Must Watch-out for

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hey everybody don georgevich here with job interview tools and in this video i want to give you five things you must watch out for before your next job interview because well if viewers are sneaky they're going to frame their questions in a certain way so that they can learn more about you but maybe without you understanding what they're actually trying to learn so hopefully once i go through these you'll at least have some insider knowledge on what some of their tactics are and what they're trying to learn and why they're trying to learn it now before we dive right in if you like this channel you like the kinds of videos that i've been putting out please subscribe that way you'll get notifications every time i release a new video and if you find this video helpful if you really like it i'd appreciate it if you give it a thumbs up that'll let me know to make more content like this that that you enjoy and that you find helpful so the first thing you need to watch out for in your next interview are questions about your past manager they might ask you you know how did you like your past manager how did you get along with your past boss what did you like the most what did you like the least and you know did you trust your manager so any questions revolving around your manager you really need to watch out for because what they're really looking for are patterns they're looking for patterns from one manager to the next so as you describe the last three jobs that you had they might ask you about your manager in each one of those you know what did you like about them what didn't you like what were some of the best things about him and they're looking for patterns so if in each example each job you describe your past manager as you know being mean to you or maybe not giving you enough responsibility or you just didn't like them if you say that about all of your managers then they're going to see that you have a pattern of disliking your manager for certain things and what they're really going to think whether it's true or not what they're really going to think is that you have a problem with management and that if they hired you into this position that the pattern would continue you would find things about your new manager that you don't like either and that's really what they're looking for so now you can turn this around you can also say you know good things that you liked about your manager now maybe maybe you didn't even like your manager at all but there's always something that they're probably doing that's good and if you're consistent with your answers if you're always saying something good about each manager and you can even you can even preface that and say you know we always didn't see eye to eye on things or maybe we didn't have the best working relationship but you know we always got the job done and you know these were some of the things i admired about him or her always keep it positive but always try to be consistent from manager to manager i mean it's okay if you have one outlier maybe you know out of five managers you know one of them you really didn't get along with but the other four that you did but like i said the things to look out for is the pattern and they're looking for a pattern of consistency throughout your career so like i said if they see that if they hear that you say a lot of good things about each manager then they can probably assume that in your new position you're going to say good things too or you're going to you're going to have a good working relationship if you just describe all bad experiences with all of your managers or half of them then they're probably going to assume the problem is with you and not with your manager so moving on to number two they might ask you some questions that are like you know how's the weather and they're really not asking you you know how the weather is or how the drive was into the office these are trick questions that you need to watch out for because when they say you know so how was the drive in and if you're like oh man you know there was so much traffic i couldn't get through there was so many people on the road it was raining if you just complain about the weather then what they can probably assume is that you have a negative reaction to things and that if they hired you that you would be that type of negative person in their environment and they don't want that i mean i don't want that and you don't want that i mean do you want somebody on your team who's always you know complaining about everything so the how's the weather question isn't really how's the weather it's just a test it's just a test to see where you're gonna go are you gonna say oh yeah you know it's an easy drive in or yeah the weather looks great outside a beautiful day or you know hey you know even though it's raining today i think it's supposed the sun's supposed to pop up this afternoon whatever give a positive answer not a complaining whining answer so moving on to the third thing that you need to watch out for in the interview is the question why did you leave your last job and again the same thing with the first one in manager what they're looking for are patterns they're looking for patterns of why you left so if they were to look back at your last five jobs and see that you were laid off twice you quit and you were fired you know that's not a good pattern and they're probably going to assume that if they hired you you know that pattern is going to continue but if you describe a pattern of you know hey maybe i got laid off here but this position i quit take another position because of greater responsibility and more opportunity for growth and then the next position i quit to you know again you know more growth more opportunity more responsibility you want to show a pattern of leaving jobs for growth now and maybe that's not entirely true for you maybe you were laid off twice or maybe you were laid off and then you then the next job you quit maybe you were fired but what you want to do is understand their reasoning for asking this question of each job and what they're really looking for in the end it's just a pattern if your pattern shows that you're leaving each job for for gains for more responsibility for more opportunity then they can assume that if they hired you the pattern will continue you'll keep growing but if you're showing a downward pattern of maybe you're taking jobs with less responsibility each time or maybe maybe you take a job with less responsibility and then and then the next couple of jobs they're just um transitional jobs there where you know there's no real change in anything that you did you just switch jobs to switch jobs those are lateral moves so if they see that you're just making a bunch of lateral moves then they could probably assume that the pattern is going to continue so it's all about patterns and that's what they're looking for so moving on to number four they might ask you have you ever asked for a raise it seems like a pretty innocent question right no what they're really testing you for is entitlement because why should you have to ask for a raise if you are doing such a good job in the last company why do you have to ask her a raise if you were to do a good job your manager would have already given you a raise you shouldn't have to ask for the raise so it's a trick question so be careful for it and i'm not telling you i'm not telling you to lie to say no i've never asked for a raise you might be totally justified in saying you know what there was one time where you know this job that i had i was really working hard at it and i think my manager just forgot about the work that i was doing so i kind of had to remind them or you know maybe i had to ask for a raise because i literally just wasn't making enough money anymore i couldn't make ends meet there's always exceptions to the rule but the point here is to watch out for the question and understand why they're asking it they want to see if you're entitled or not and why should you have to ask for a raise nobody most people really shouldn't have to ask for raise some people do and some people get it because you know their team forgets or the manager forgets about you know all the great things that they've done and but they shouldn't i mean a good manager really never shouldn't forget should forget about that kind of stuff but just keep it in mind on your next interview watch out because that's really what they're looking for so moving on to number five the last one here tell me something that makes you angry if they ask you that question tell me something that makes you angry pause for a second what they're looking for is to identify people who are angry and i don't know about you but i don't want to work with people who are angry who are always you know flying off the handle about things so if i'm in an interview and they say you know tell me something that makes you angry my response would probably be you know i really don't get angry i might get frustrated a little bit let me tell you something that makes me frustrated or let me tell you something that makes me annoyed or let me tell you something that makes me feel uncomfortable but i'll never say something that makes me angry i mean sure i mean i get angry i'm human you're human too we all get angry but it's a trick question you don't want to get in there and tell them something that actually makes you angry um because then they're going to label you as a as an angry person and and i know you're not an angry person you have emotions too i mean we all keep them in check and i mean that's that's what we do that's how we control ourselves so it's just a question you want to watch out for and you want to know why they're asking it because if you give them something that uh if you tell them something that makes you angry they might be like ah okay this person they they have the potential to be angry we don't want them here i mean nobody wants angry hot heads working for them i mean i don't know about you but i've worked with people like that and i can't stand to be around them they're always flying off the handle they're always yelling at everybody they're always complaining they're no good for the organization and i know that's not you but be careful about the question so there you go five things that you need to watch out for in your next interview now to help you with your next interview i have the top 10 interview questions guide i want to give you this absolutely free i just rewrote this this year it is fantastic it's got several answers for each of the top 10 questions and it's going to tell you how to answer you know why you left your last job or you know about your boss you know what did you like what did you dislike and these questions are going to give you it's like a blueprint it's like a field manual for your next interview and it's going to give you that insight on what interviewers are looking for and you can get this free you can go to jobinderviewtools.comtop10. just put in your name and your email address tell me where to send it i will send it out to you immediately even if it's 2 a.m in the morning but it's a really cool guide that's going to give you that confidence of going into the interview of knowing what interviewers are looking for and that's kind of why i made this video the five things that you need to watch out for to give you some insight on what interviewers are looking for now another thing i have for you is the complete interview answer guide this guide is like the bible for interviews this is going to walk you through how to do phone interviews how to do um behavioral interviews how to prepare for an interview it's got over 40 different behavioral questions in it it's got a total of 140 interview questions in all i mean you're not going to get asked 140 questions in a job interview nobody really does but it's going to give you that insight and all these different questions and as you start reading through these you're going to see patterns of how to answer them so that when you get asked a question that you're really not you've never heard of before you're going to be in such a better place to answer that question just by having an understanding of how to answer all of the other questions so it's a really great guide the cool thing about this is you can actually get this hard book um shipped out to you i do print these it's also available in ebook versions and that's the most common one people just they go to and it's like 50 bucks you can get the ebook instantly download it even if it's 2am and you can start preparing for your interview i also have this book created in audio and video format so if you like listening to me if you haven't heard enough of me on youtube here and you just want more you can get the auto version download all of those all those question tracks to your phone your small device mp3 player whatever it is your computer take me anywhere you want and you can listen to me until you just can't stand it anymore but i promise to help you pass your next interview and that's what this book's going to do whether you want the hard book whether you want the ebook whether you want the audio video version either way um you are going to be well prepared for your next interview so that is all i have for you today my friend i wish you good luck on your next interview and if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up and let me know and subscribe to my channel so you get notifications every time i release a new video that's all i got for you good luck on your next interview we'll see you in the next video bye now
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 492,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dangerous interview, dangerous interview questions, job interview questions and answers 2021, job interview questions and answers in english, job interview questions and answers for first timers, difficult interview questions, hardest interview questions, interview questions and answers, how to answer interview questions, how to pass a job interview, नौकरी के लिए साक्षात्कार प्रश्न और उत्तर 2021, नौकरी के लिए इंटरव्यू प्रश्न और उत्तर अंग्रेजी में
Id: 8uGODmOslWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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