7 Reasons You Failed the Interview and Didn't Get the Job

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hey everybody Don Georgevich here with job interview tools and today I want to talk to you about why you didn't get the job in specific I want to talk to you about seven reasons why maybe you didn't get the job and and I know he didn't get the job because well you're here watching me and I'm just not that entertaining and people don't watch my channel who already have a job so you're either you're interviewing for a job or you know maybe you had a job interview and it didn't work out you're trying to figure out why why didn't they hire me well that's what I want to talk to you about today because employers they don't they won't tell you why and as a job seeker you spend so much time so much time just looking for jobs to apply to and then when you get the interview you put a whole lot more energy into that interview and maybe you spend three or four hours interviewing with a company not not to mention all the prep work that you did ahead of time and then after this huge time investment on your part they say no we found someone else or if you're lucky to even get that a lot of employers if they don't hire you they'll just ignore you did they'll just ignore you you'll have to bug the crap out of them just to get them to say oh yeah we went with someone else so they're kind of rude in that sense and and I don't like those kind of employers or interviewers I don't think they're intentionally being rude but they're kind of just ignorant of the fact that someone put a lot of time into something they deserve a little bit more than silence I mean I think so anyway so I want to help you come to terms with maybe what happened during the process and I mean a lot of times you know maybe maybe you were right for the position but we don't get every job I mean there's been a lot of jobs that I was right for it at least I thought I was right for him and I felt in my heart I was right for them but I didn't get them so you're not going to get every job even though you feel that you're right for it but the number-one reason the first reason first of the seven reasons but you didn't get the job is they found someone else I mean you were qualified but someone else was a little bit more qualified and that could be anything that could they could that could mean that they have a little better education that could mean that they had more experience or maybe you had more experience and they had less but maybe their experience was a little bit more narrowly focused on what the company was looking for so they went with the person who maybe only had five years versus the person who had ten years but that five years was more focused on the specific competency that the employer was looking for simple as that that's that's the number one reason if you ask me I found that that's why employers choose one candidate over another it's because that experience that they have is a closer match for what they're looking for as simple as that I mean you'll never really know why because well they won't tell you a lot of cases they're their own company policies prevent them from talking to job seekers to telling them why and it just has to do with legal issues and liability and stuff like that so that's why employers are kind of mom on why they didn't pick you so don't feel bad don't feel bad if they didn't pick you at least you learned something from the process you sharpened your skills you got better you learned how to be better all right so number two next reason why you weren't as qualified as you thought you were and I mean this is me too I've gone into a lot of job interviews where I felt really good about it and I felt like I matched the job description and then as we got near the end end of the interview process I didn't get the job and what happens is and I learned a lot of this because I was an interviewer as well what can happen during the interview process it is after an employer interviews a handful of candidates they change the requirements for the job because employers learn from job seekers to employers are learning as they're interviewing people it's their way of gauging the level of talent that's out there on the market for that just for that particular competency or that job and as employers are learning and growing and educating themselves about the talent the level of talent that's out there in the market they alter they alter the job description mid strain through the interview process and they won't even tell you they'll be like wow you know we found that you know we can get a lot more experience if we aim for this group of candidates and unfortunately that kind of cuts you out because you know maybe initially you have the experience they were looking for but then they found that you know they could get a little bit more they learned that they needed a certain level of experience as they interviewed candidates and you know you just kind of fell on the other side of the pool there and you didn't get the job it happens it's weird it's a very weird situation to be in because you know initially you felt great you looked good you met all the requirements and then midstream some more along the way they change things and now now if you're not qualified anymore and they don't even tell you so that kind of really just leaves jobseekers scratching their head after the whole process is done so again you won't really know you won't really know if this happened and for a lot of these you won't really know if that's the reason or not I'm just trying to shed some light on possible reasons that you know maybe you know you can read these over watch this video and just maybe get a better understanding of what happened to you and put a little bit of closure to a past interview so that you can move on so you can be better I mean that's that's the whole thing right you want to learn from each interview you want to know what you did wrong so you don't make that mistake again for the move forward that's what I want to help you with okay number three you turned off the hiring manager simple as that you probably said something about how you acted or what you did in a certain job or it could have been something personal but for some reason you turned off the hiring manager and it happens we all do it and we don't even know we do it I mean you could have been talking about a your favorite sports team and maybe the universe is like wow you know I hate that sport I don't want anybody working here who you know does that sport to be as simple as that I mean might be weird for a hiring manager to go to that level but you know we're all for human beings we have personal feelings and we have certain biases about certain things I mean another example is maybe you know maybe your your interviewer was a hunter and you talked about you know how you loved you know playing with your bunny rabbits and guinea cats and they kind of felt that well you know we really don't want someone you know soft and furry like that around our office or the reverse could be true maybe your interviewer is a real big animal lover they'd like to go to petting zoos and stuff like that and you mentioned how you loved to hunt the two were kind of at opposite ends and maybe you know maybe they didn't want a hunter in there in their in their work environment because they felt that would be somewhat of a clash because they have certain biases associated with personalities of hunters or soar where sports fans could be anything but the driving reason here is it's possible you said something that ticked off the hiring manager and they just don't want you there regardless of your experience they don't care if you're qualified or you know maybe there was something about the your values that didn't align with what their values are and what they're looking for and so that's a completely valid reason on their part to disqualify you from the process but again they'll never they'll never tell you why they just won't and but you can do about that or let's move on to the next one number four you weren't a culture fit I mean we can't match everybody's culture and we have we're our own being and we're not going to fit into every different type of corporate culture that's out there I mean maybe maybe you are you have like apple culture to you you know Apple Computer company maybe have that kind of laid-back easygoing culture and you were interviewing at a job that was like IBM you know it's a very formal strict culture kind of like a law office and they just didn't see your loose personality and style fitting in with their culture or the reverse is true maybe you went in and maybe you're a very formal individual and you were applying at a very relaxed company and they thought you might be just a little bit too stuffy and not really gel with the the current staff it's totally possible but it is a valid reason that you weren't a culture fit on some level or maybe your values weren't aligned but there was something about you the way you talk the way you spoke the way you did things that just didn't align with their culture and maybe it's the culture that you came from maybe you came from a very formalized culture maybe you work maybe you worked for a formal government agency and now you're trying to get a job in the corporate world and those two cultures those two departments are just completely at odds with each other it can happen and it does but again you'll never know they won't tell you this is something for you to maybe figure out after the fact all right let's move on to the next one number five you weren't able to articulate why you were the best person for the job this is a very common reason as well because when we go into a job interview as jobseekers we're nervous we are our nerves are you know they're all the way up to here and sometimes we're not ourselves and we're unable to explain why were the best candidate for the job well we're just like it but we can't we have a difficult time expressing getting that feeling out as to why they should invite us in to their company and we just some people call it a brain freeze they go in there and they just they can't say everything that they want to say and so they can't express themselves they can't express why they're the best person for the job and it's like you know so Don you know why should we hire you and you're like well I think I'll do a good job here and that's not gonna sell them that's not gonna sell for you to express why you're the best person you need to go deeper than that you need to let them know the things that you've done in your past jobs and how that is going to help you be successful in this job and you can't just say I'm gonna be successful I'm gonna do great you have to go into detail and before you can go into detail you have to understand what they're looking for you have to understand the position you have to understand the problems facing that position and you have to present yourself as a solution to those problems most people don't do that they just they don't know how to present themselves as a solution because they don't even understand the depth of the problems facing that position in the first place so that's where I would encourage you to truly understand the problems your interviewer or your employer is facing and what they're really looking for and ask them questions about it dig deep so that you can understand what they're really looking for and only then can you present yourself as a solution to that position that's the only way to do it so that that's one of the most common reasons that you didn't get the job is you weren't able to articulate yourself I mean maybe you had the experience maybe you had twenty years of experience but if you can't express how that level of experience is going to help them they're they don't care gonna hire you they're just not so try to be more passionate about yourself in the interview but before you can do that you have to think about what you can bring what do you have what energy would enthusiasm what competencies do you have that can help them in this position and help them grow half but you have to understand what they're looking for before you can be a solution before you can present yourself as a solution to their problems all right let's move on to the next one number six the job was already set aside for someone else and this is kind of one of those reasons that employers will never tell you no matter what and we actually we had to do this before when we worked at Exxon and what will happen is let's say for an example in my department we have an opening for a programmer all right now we already know who we want to put in there it's like we have we have a personal recommendation from one of the staff members and said you know hey this guy Joe working over at this other company he'd be perfect for this job I'd like you to hire them okay that's great but you can't we can't just go hire someone else without interviewing a whole bunch of other candidates so the first thing we have to do is make a public job description and post it on the job boards then and this is required this is required by the company HR says we can hire anybody we want but you first have to interview at least 10 outside candidates and then after you interview those 10 candidates one time then you can hire the person that you want they just have they have these internal policies that they have to go through so this is what could happen to you you might be one of those external candidates you apply for this job you do really well and they're like wow you know you sound great and all then you never hear from them again that's because they went with someone else they went with an internal candidate they went with somebody else where the job was already set aside before you even interviewed for this job someone already had it it was already given to someone else they just didn't tell you now this is dirty I don't like playing this way and it's a huge waste of time it's a huge waste of your time it's a huge waste of time for the employer but some of these larger companies and you'll only find this with larger companies rarely we find this with a small company small company doesn't have the time or energy to interview ten candidates just to discard them all so they can go hire the one that they want and the smaller companies generally generally don't have those types of policies and procedures placed on their hiring methods they can pretty much just do whatever they want but if you're interviewing at a larger company big company the job could be set aside for someone else how often does this happen maybe ten percent of the time maybe it's hard to say because no one will ever really tell you oh yeah we set jobs aside all the time no they won't tell you that but it's possible reason so if you went in for an interview and you did really well and you only got to the first round and then you heard nothing else it's possible the job was set aside I mean there's also you know other reasons too but it's a possibility so don't beat yourself up if you went into an interview and you felt good about yourself and you delivered a good presentation don't beat yourself up over it don't feel that you know you're not good at interviewing you just need to keep interviewing you need to keep going out there because all the jobs are not set aside for all the positions the more you get out there and interview the more you practice talking about yourself and expressing the value and the experience that you can bring to a position that the more you do that the better you'll get at interviewing and you know sooner or later usually sooner you'll end up getting a job all right so let's move on to the last one number seven you didn't seem enthusiastic enough about the position and again this happens a lot too and sometimes sometimes our enthusiasm is masked by our nerves I mean we might want the job and we might be like yeah we really want it but we just have a difficult time expressing ourselves in the interview and we just kind of come across as yes the job please I would like it and we just you know come across in this way that is just dull and boring and just not not being ourselves I mean that that can do it that can do it right there for you another possibility is maybe the job itself just isn't that interesting and maybe maybe you've been interviewing for a year or more and you go into interview for a job that's just kind of boring and it doesn't really excite you it's not exactly what you want but you just kind of want it because well you need a paycheck I mean that happens too so just when you go in there I mean you're not excited and how do you get excited about something that's boring or that's about the type of work that you don't really want to be doing it's hard to fake that level of enthusiasm so interviewers will pick up on this they only want to hire people who are enthusiastic about the job who are excited who want to do it I mean who I mean think about it who are you gonna hire you can hire the person with 20 years experience who comes in and says yeah I would like this job or are you gonna hire the person with you know three or four years experience it says yes I can do this this is something I want to do I've been wanting to do this for a long time here's why I'm a great fit for it um here's my experience I'm a little short here but you know what I can make up for that and here's how I'm gonna do it I mean who are you gonna hire who are you gonna hire you're gonna hire the enthusiastic person you always always hire enthusiasm over experience now granted the person you can't just be overly enthusiastic I mean you can't go in there and say yes I really want this brain surgeon surgeon job you know I've only got three years of school but I know I can do it I mean all the enthusiasm in the world isn't going to let you be a brain surgeon you're never gonna get the brain surgeon job or that astronaut job you know maybe you know maybe you have three or four years of experience but yes I really want to be an astronaut I mean all the enthusiasm an excitement in the world isn't gonna get you a seat on a rocket ship so enthusiasm is great you have to have it but you have to combine that enthusiasm with some experience and show that you know this is something that this is an area that maybe you don't have all the experience but you have some and you want to grow in it and here's how you're gonna grow in it all right that's how you do it that's how you do it you guys I just gave you seven solid reasons there as to why you didn't get the job but you know stick around keep keep watching my videos out there and I know you'll get better I know you'll get better at interviewing for jobs and you will you will get hired I am so certain dove it you know how I know because you're here you're watching me today you're trying to make yourself better you're trying to improve you recognize in yourself that you know what I'm missing something I'm not doing as well as I can be in the job interviews I'm not sure what it is but at least you recognize that and you're looking to make yourself better you're looking to improve and you can't ask for anything more than that right I mean you're looking you're trying you want something to try to make yourself better trying to figure out what's wrong keep watching keep watching my videos I've got something else for you here I would suggest get a copy of the complete interview answer guide this is a this is a book it's got about 140 out of 50 questions in it it's gonna teach you the right language to use on your interviewers so that so that you sound smart so that you sound like you know what you're talking about and so that you know how to frame your answers using the style and the framework that they're looking for I mean this guide is going to teach you behavior questions using the star method you know where you talk about the situation or tasks the action and the result those questions are weighted fairly heavily in job interviews and that's an opportunity for you to explain your competencies things that you've done and your past and how you've done them and this this guy it's got about 40 different examples for behavior of questions and and it's gonna teach you how to answer those it's also gonna cover some of the big ones like you know why do you want to work here tell me about yourself you know why did you leave your last job you know why should we hire you all those and like I said like 140 other questions that are gonna get you prepared for your interview so that well you know so that you're not in the interview you know clamming up and not having much to say reading this guide is going to help you become more enthusiastic in the job interview this guide is going to walk you through the entire interview process so that one you know what to expect I mean that happens to a lot of job seekers then go into the interview process and they don't even know what to expect so they're kind of caught off guard and when you're caught off guard and you got all these people who are asking your questions you kind of naturally just clam up a little bit and you end up not being yourself in the interview and when you're not yourself the employers can't really see who you are and so they don't want hire you so they pass so this guide is gonna help the real you shine in a job interview and it's good it's got phone interview tips so if you have a phone interview and most people do that's usually one of the first forms of contact with the interview process is a phone interview where they talk to you on about 20 minutes on the phone and they they screen you before they're gonna bring you in in for an in-person interview because they only want to talk to you on the phone see what you like see if it's worth their time to have a real phone interview with you or a real in-person interview so this guide is going to teach you about the phone interview process and and how you can ace that so that you can move on to an in-person interview where you can talk more about yourself and how how you can help them solve a problem because in the end that's really really what an employer is looking for is how you can help them because they have a problem [Music] the problem or Ratliff rent that's all I have for you today good luck on your next interview and I'll see you in the next video find it if you found this video helpful then give it a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe to my channel so you get notifications every time I release a new video and by subscribing you support me my message in this channel so I'd really appreciate it make sure you hit subscribe [Music]
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 143,611
Rating: 4.8859291 out of 5
Keywords: job interview, failed job interview, did not get job, why didn't I get the job, how to find out why i did not get the job, why didn't they hire me, why didn't interviewer call me back
Id: v3TLIril3WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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