5 Compliments to Make a Man Love You

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hi and in this video we're gonna talk about five compliments to make a man love you hi there Matt shaper your empowerment connection and relationship coach and I am so excited to share with you one of my dear friends and fellow coaches Clayton Olsen with you today to have a really juicy discussion about a really powerful topic and Clayton I'd love for you to introduce yourself to my audience and tell them a little bit about what you're about yeah thanks Matt I appreciate you having me on your channel well my name is Clayton Olson and I'm a relationship coach who has been working with both men and women through different relationship challenges that have come up in their life that require them to uplevel the way they see relationship the way they see themselves in the way they see life in order to create extraordinary love and I'm really excited today because we're gonna talk about some just really five things that you can tell a man that really can light him up and have you be seen in a way that ultimately positions you as a precious asset because of the way that you see him mmm I love that and really I think women don't always really understand the power that they have through the way that they talk to men through the way that they acknowledge men you can really activate and elevate a man in the way he sees himself right and so I love that we're gonna be exploring that today because I work with that with my clients and students all the time and so ladies buckle up is gonna be a great conversation and before we dive into it be sure to take a second hit that little subscribe button because you know I'm always uploading new content and collaborating with rock stars like Clayton and you know you want to be a part of it so Clayton is there is there any context we need to really understand like what do you think we need to really know on the front and as we dive into the sort of compliments that men really want totally yeah great question so just to set the philosophy here so you understand where I'm coming from with these these are not tactics these are not something that you would say out of integrity to a man if you do not believe these things if you are not living these things if these are not existing in your mind as a thought already that you haven't articulated do not say them to a man they are meant to manipulate the second thing that I want to name is that and I want to remind you that if a man is close in your life and you are in a connection with him that is turning into a relationship and the two of you are intimate with each other you occupy an incredibly privileged and sacred space just like he occupies a sacred and privileged space in your life and your relationship just try this on them as an idea the relationship you have with a significant other very well might be one of the most significant impacts you ever have on a human being in this lifetime so with that comes a certain level of responsibility and there's an opportunity for you to be generous with your perception of somebody and so these five copula complements are gonna help you see that we can speak to a man's places where he may doubt himself we can speak to a man's places where he might secretly be proud of himself and help him see himself more powerfully like Matt was saying and also it opens him up to begin to see you in a similar light and want to return the favor and I love that because that circles back to a principle that I follow and then I teach a lot is that relationships are a mirror right and sometimes one of the greatest ways that we can mirror each other is to mirror each other's greatness in a way that maybe we can't fully see you know like I want to reflect back to any woman that I'm in partnership with I want to reflect back to her the beauty and the grace and the power that she possesses that maybe she has out of taken for granted or she's forgotten and and and it's compliments and acknowledgement in a meaningful way is one of the best ways to do that so I'm excited for you to share these with ladies so that they can use them to really help you know elevate their partner which is so important you're gonna have a deep powerful meaningful relationship because he he will see you the same way you know once he starts to feel that and connect with that within himself hmm yeah he'll be curious around seeing the gifts that you bring as well and he'll feel like he has permission to bring that into really the relationship because of the way you model it with your communication and so leading likeable totally and so maybe just for this video realize that maybe your words can be actual magic right they can create things in this man they can create realities between the two of you that allow for more expansion joy and love to occur so should we dive under the house one let's dive into it clay and what you got two also the first one is I love the way you think I love the way you think and now why I love this one is because I don't know really any man that doesn't in some ways pride themselves with their ability to be analytical and to break a situation down it's something that's left brain it's something masculine and when you can notice the way that a man is thinking about a situation and give him some sort of reflection that the way that he's thinking is impacting you and the and you you love being around it and you love giving an attention it actually reinforces this masculine part of him to stand into a situation and maybe take on his life in a way where he is priding himself with his type in his intelligence perhaps he's making even decisions around the relationship he feels empowered by you he feels supported by you and again it moves him even more into this masculine polarity where it empowers him to lead yeah yeah I I love that man and really I talk a lot about polarity and what you're doing there what this compliment says I love the way you think is that it's a woman basically saying you know I I see and I understand the way that you operate and it's almost like implying that that you feel safe with him that you trust him because you trust his mind because in the day and age that we're living in these days like back in you know early survival times right it was a man's physical strength that created security and protection for the feminine and created that level of polarity but in today's society right in today's culture it's his it's his cognitive strength it's his ability to out out think and overthink and think his way around and navigate obstacles and challenges right and so I think it's really a beautiful way to say I feel safe with you I trust you and I'm willing to you know surrender and follow where you lead in a surrendered feminine way so yeah if I if a woman said that to me I would be deeply touched yeah by that absolutely all right so the second half is is a little bit of an overlap with this one but we get a little bit more specific and we're going to add a little bit of a sexual edge to it as well so the next one is the way you make decisions turns me on the way you make decisions turns me on now I mean has this has personally been told to me and the it's by my partner right now currently and I just the her perception of being able to reinforce the way that I make decisions empowers me to take a risk in life it empowers me to lead the relationship it has me realize that even if it's not the right decision sometimes just being in action can be a powerful and valuable investment into the relationship right making a decision around a restaurant that we're going to go to maybe making a decision around some type of date or hiking trail that we're going to hit here in Colorado and being rewarded by them not just as an I I love the way you make decisions but also the way you make decisions actually has a body impact on me is incredibly hot and it has me yeah so being more decisive moving more into my masculine knowing that it affects my woman in a a bodily way absolutely man and again that so powerful right because one of the greatest things that a woman can do when almost activating things she can do right is to give a man a window into how his behavior activates and turns her on right giving a man a window remaining into her body like nothing there's nothing that turns me on more than having you know a woman that I'm connected to or that I'm in relationship with tell me the impact that my thoughts and my feelings and my actions are having on her so truly like the and again it's acknowledging his leadership it's acknowledging him and I mean it's very empowering I mean for a man to hear something like that so if you're looking to really polarize a man and empower a man especially a man who maybe maybe is doubting himself a little bit yes you know or maybe has gotten into his head about decisions that he's made in the past I mean this is the sort of compliment you could say that what I think really helped activate him and ground him that you know that you believe in him because sometimes I mean I'm sure you've been in your own life Clayton sometimes I know I have been where like I'm starting to doubt myself and I'm like what am I even doing you know with all this stuff and to have a woman look at you and say you know what like I love the way you live your life and I'm so impressed with you know like who you are and everything sometimes like it's really healing for us to borrow a woman's perception of us you know and and help remind us of our own of our own strength it can be a lick sir that can take you from self-doubt into a place and really believing in who you are and I believe that just in general one of the areas where the masculine is blocked is being able to really give that kind of enough acknowledgement to each other and so if you imagine that you're in a world with men where not a lot of men are vulnerable with each other not a lot of men actually have somebody in their corner that is saying these things to them when you can come home Hong and acknowledge something that feels true for you and that is an expression of how you're being impacted by him it's like water in the desert Amen brother I love it I love it so what's number three what we got number three is I love watching you you are so freaking hot and now depending on you know feel free to swear feel free to you know you can tone it down if you want match it to your words to your value system here but saying to a man that you love watching him you know I've said this before and someone we're like oh wow that sounds kind of creepy that I love like watching you well look if you're make your partner and this is somebody that you've already been intimate with letting them know that you love watching them is just an acknowledgement of you love the way that they move through the world you love their body language you love the way they take on situations you know there was a point where I was guarding in the backyard like my partner said that to me and I immediately was like whoa I didn't know that I could just be going about my norm des and just being me with you know my body language or whatever not even aware of it and that that could actually have an impact on my woman and so just being able to name something like that if you see him doing something whether it's maybe he's at a restaurant or perhaps he's working out in the backyard or maybe it's even he's on a phone call and you're just noticing something about him that you find attractive let him know that there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong that he will appreciate it and he will also it will just ramp up the passion your relationship absolutely absolutely bro I completely agree with you and truly like I've said it a million times and I'll say it a million more times the masculine is craving acknowledgement from the feminine for what they are doing and creating in the world we are craving it we're dying for it is our oxygen right it is like a drink in the desert to get that and it can be over little menial things like I love them I love the way that you you know clean the gutters I mean it can be like that or it can be you know significantly more intimate but anytime that you want to like acknowledge a man for anything that he's doing physically sexually in the minor or the or the major level it's gonna be just really empowering and and healing and it's gonna build intimacy you know it's gonna encourage I talk a lot about you know being a powerful invitation being a powerful feminine invitation for a man to step into his power well when you making it when you acknowledge you know that you're watching him and that you appreciate him at that level you're inviting him to do more of it so whenever you see a man doing something that you love let him know how much you love watching him do it and watch him respond to that we want we want to make you happy oh we want to do things that make right absolutely and it's great because it gives a roadmap to I mean you see the man and he's like trying out cooking some new meal right given the encouragement that what he's doing is having an impact on you and I know that saying some of these things might even feel vulnerable for you it's like whoa like I'm gonna actually step forward and say something reveal something within me that is that appropriate is that okay and so by learning to acknowledge your partner you actually get to practice another vector of in your relationship so why not you have it's there's a note it's a no-lose situation and you get to develop a skill of being able to speak the things that you see into reality that creates more of it because you're giving it attention absolutely buddy I love it I love it so let's go on number four what's our number four number four you make me feel so safe because you make me feel so safe because and here's the key because the reason I'm saying because is you want to make it specific okay you can't say you make me feel so safe right well you could say you make me feel so safe because of just the way you think about situations you make me feel so safe because of how decisive you are you make me feel so safe because of the way you listen to me right you could put anything on the end there but the way that he listens to you the way that he speaks the way that perhaps he's there for you when you don't expect it these are all things again that speak to a real primal level of bass need that's being fulfilled on your part of feeling safe in the relationship and you're expressing that to him and again it gives him a roadmap of what he can continue to do to foster that safety and the more that you can foster that safety in the relationship with him the safer you will feel to open and spread into your femininity more and more and create more polarization in the relationship I think that's really powerful man and and I think that it's really important ladies to the point I want to I want to emphasize here that Clayton touched on that you know I touched on a lot too is that men love structure men love blueprints may love guidelines like we are not subtle nuanced creatures like we we love to have a roadmap of what it is that you want across all levels so letting a man know you make me feel so safe because of this is you giving him roadmap to help make you happy to help make you feel safe which had a deep level he is yearning and craving to do at a fundamental on an instinctive level he wants to feel safe in any way that he can through his actions and through how he's showing up for you so acknowledging that and letting him know that is really gonna help both of you be happier in your relationship like every buddy wins you know and it may be a little uncomfortable right a little vulnerable but I promise you it is absolutely so so worth it so what's our grand finale Clayton what's the my grand finale is you inspire me or I admire you now said inside of a vacuum with no context it might sound cliche and that's where with all of these I really want to encourage you to be specific so it's around tie meaning context where this can really make a difference so if you're saying you inspire me and you're saying it around maybe the way that he handled his situation with his boss or a situation with a direct report or a situation with a friend where maybe he showed up for the friend and he listened to them or maybe he stood up to his boss in a way that allowed him to really honor his values and make sure he's not taking [ __ ] in a very mature way saying you inspire me around like these specific things that you're noticing that are qualities that you would like to adopt more in your life it really allows that comment to go in deeper so you inspire inspire me can come off flat if you're just saying it in a in a random way that's not context or timing dependent so I would say I want to almost breathe life back into that statement you would inspire me I admire you around something specific that you see him doing that is a quality you would like to have more of in your life and be specific be situational and it will go a far away deep into his psyche amen to that buddy and I think that that whole being specific thing applies really to all these compliments you know like don't just throw these out gratuitously you know don't just love them like hand grenades randomly at various times but like really like be specific and deliberate and and unconscious with the way that you give these to a man and you inspire me that's a really powerful compliment particularly particularly if it's delivered you know consciously in a moment where he is doing something or he's being in a certain way that really does inspire you and and really blows you away let him know like we don't get confident in our lives and this is I think an important thing as we sort of like you know start to start to round this down right is that like men we don't get complimented or acknowledged by people we don't do it another man very often you know we don't get it a lot especially as we get older from our families or from other people in our life we sort of feel like we're like this soul force out there in the world forging ahead without acknowledgement and you have become now basically the sole person with the power to really give us that acknowledgement and that lovin are in our in our Ives so treat that it's kind of a sacred responsibility that you have yeah and I want to say to just bringing it back to you the the viewer who's watching this right now say it from a place of feeling in your body say these from a place of actually stepping into it and truly witnessing it and finding the congruence in the alignment within you and then speak it because that's what makes a difference if you're saying it like a tactic if you're just saying it because you're in a place of fear and you're hoping to pull him back into the relationship or you're hoping to make him attract it to you it's not the words it's the place that you access within you and then the words are simply a vehicle that expressed that feeling of admiration that feeling of safety so find that congruence within you and then speak it and it's gonna have much more of a powerful impact on him I love it man I love it and I've loved all of these and ladies if you love this stuff and you want to follow more Clayton which I highly recommend that you do Clayton what's the best way for them to connect with you or what do you want to share here with our with our with our audience yeah thank you Matt so if you're wanting to follow me and check out more of the insights that I provide for free in my youtube channel the link will be below this video in the description so go ahead and click on that and I've also got a guide for you called the 5 secrets that he needs to feel the feelings of he needs to feel in order to commit in a relationship so if you've got a budding connection and you're really wanting to set yourself apart and get inside his mind a little bit more to understand his map of reality go ahead and check out that that's in the link below this description as well absolutely and I'm sure that's great info I have no idea no no I know no doubt Clayton you always provides such value every time you do anything so I'm sure it's an awesome and awesome value so ladies click do but those link yeah I click those links in the description below and Clayton thank you so much for for coming by man this has been much fun and super day again soon man awesome awesome and for ladies thank you for watching if you haven't hit that little subscribe button yet be sure to do so I'm always collaborating with awesome people like Clayton and you know you wanna party with us have a wonderful day and we'll see on the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Mat Shaffer
Views: 157,535
Rating: 4.8920531 out of 5
Keywords: love, dating advice, dating advice for women, love advice for women, relationship advice for women, dating, love advice, dating coach, relationship coach for women, love coach for women, relationships, what men want, what men think, mathew boggs, communication advice, communicate with men, mat shaffer, matt hussey, antonio borello, mark rosenfeld, helena hart, how to make him want you, attract a man, compliments to give to a guy, clayton olson, make him love you more
Id: LUfBHLuy9P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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