LET THEM GO - Td jakes & Joel Osteen | Steve Harvey Best Motivational Speech

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there is a blessing in everything behind every moment of adversity in your life there is a blessing and a lesson every moment of adversity has those two things pain always leaves a gift sometimes the breakup is the blessing see sometimes you got to get rid of a man in order for god to give you the man that you really need if you just have to hang in there he might have something better for you don't worry about the people that god has removed from your life he saw things you didn't see he heard conversations you couldn't hear and he saw he made moves you wouldn't make and that's it what do you do with what god gave you to ride in starts coming apart do you give up hope do you walk away i don't want you to define success or to ask god to preserve the temporary see god promised to get you there but he didn't say how and if you're not careful you will put all your energy and you put all of your work into preserving something that god only gave you for a season [Music] god brings some people in your life to get you from point a to point b the thing you was counting on to get you to the other side the job you thought you'd retire with the house you thought you'd have the rest of your life and the storm got it how many of you lost some stuff in the storm lost some people in the storm and it made you feel like a failure it was a temporary blessing if it was meant to stay it couldn't leave you're in love with what you had and you think that if your life does not retain the shape that you started with you don't think that it can get you where you're going i have learned that every blessing doesn't come this day every friend is not going to be a lifelong friend and if they walk away don't stand there and cry over what was because if you needed them for the future they would have stayed god put people in your life for a reason others are there for a season and it's very important that you recognize when people's seasons are over god put people in your life for a reason other people are there for a season is the season over or have you decided because you're desperate because you just need validation you need all of these people and things around you you've decided to drag these random people into the new season of your life you have a boat and your boat is at its capacity in order for your boat to not sink and go underwater and that could be your career it could be your life that can be your your personal life your relationships is that relationship over do you feel mentally spiritually and emotionally stimulated in that relationship are you just holding on to it because you got this concept of loyalty that you have overviews overused and over abused well i've learned that loyalty has an expiration date loyalty isn't some open-ended thing that just goes on forever because technically some people just don't really make sense for your life in the new season the mind and the space that you're in think about this this is this is the this is a reminder that loyalty has an expiration date you ever been in a relationship with some folks three years ago and that you run into them and you like man what was i thinking dating her or dating him and you almost want to beat yourself up for even the fact that you were in love or had all of these ridiculous feelings for this person that shows you right there that that loyalty has an expiration date you could never see yourself not being with that person but at a certain point all of the signs and wonders revealed itself that that relationship is over so if you had drug that person those people those friends into the new season of your life your life wouldn't be going as well as it's going right now we all have things happen to us in life that we don't understand doors that have closed or people that have turned on us it's easy to live frustrated and fight against everything we don't like we think that it's holding us back everything serves his plan not just the good things the person that walked away is serving his plan if that wouldn't have happened you couldn't reach your destiny what you couldn't see was god had something better you may not like it it doesn't seem fair but it's serving his plan when you understand that everything serves his plan then you won't live frustrated you won't get upset because you didn't get you away the person that walked away wasn't a coincidence it was god moving them away we need to see difficulties in a new life how do you know that closed door that disappointment is not setting you up for something that you've never seen the scripture says our steps are being ordered by the lord if you weren't supposed to be there you wouldn't be there don't be upset over that person that's trying to make you look bad you need them to reach your destiny it wasn't a coincidence it's positioning you for something bigger sometimes it's going to feel like you're going backwards you have to trust him when you don't understand all things work together for good to those that love the lord now the test while it's not good will you stay in faith when it's unfair will you believe that god is still on the throne that what he started in your life he's going to finish god will use people being against you to move you into your purpose you need people that try to throw you into the pit so you can take your throne people can't override what god has ordained for you i wonder if you're upset over something that's serving his plan a person that walked away doesn't make sense stay in peace it's all a part of the plan god knows what you're going to need in the future many of the challenges that you're facing now they don't have anything to do with now it's positioning you for something in your future you will see how god will begin to connect the dots instead of being bitter have a new perspective it's serving his plan the betrayal the closed doors can be discouraging it's not working against you it's working for you god will never close a door without opening a bigger and a better door if you'll keep the right attitude one day you'll look back lord thank you for closing that door thank you for moving that person out of my life i would have never met my amazing spouse we don't grow in the good times everyone is for us things are falling into place we grow when it's difficult when we have to stretch that's why you can't pray away every challenge if the situation is not changing then god is using the situation to change you if god made everything easy for us we wouldn't be ready for where we're going god has amazing things in your future but to get there you're going to have to defeat some big giants outlast some strong opposition you have to stand strong and show the opposition that you're more determined than they are that challenge is not going to defeat you it's going to promote you instead of complaining about what's not turning around see that as an opportunity to develop your faith keep doing the right thing when the wrong thing is happening keep thanking god when you don't see any sign of it his grace doesn't mean he's going to remove every challenge it means he's going to increase your strength so it doesn't feel as difficult now you can handle what you couldn't handle in the past what used to bother you doesn't bother you anymore god has a plan you will grow through what you go through everything that you're going through at some point it makes no sense to you right now but at some point god is going to reveal to you why all of these issues challenges and problems continue to show up and what you were supposed to learn from it
Channel: Motivitional vibes
Views: 694,944
Rating: 4.9406872 out of 5
Keywords: steve harvey motivational speech, best motivational speech, td jakes motivation, td jakes motivation let them walk, bishop td jakes, td jakes let them walk, let them go td jakes, td jakes motivational speech, td jakes motivational speech 2020, joel osteen 2020, inspire for greatness, td jakes let them go, let them walk td jakes, let them go, madea let them go, steve harvey, steve harvey best motivational speech, joel osteen 2021, td jakes 2021, motivational speech
Id: JGxevFBgbd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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