5 Camping Gadgets That Are at Another Level #28

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gotta hear a couple of our self um pumping blob matassas for camping they're pretty small there's one you see how there's a pump over here and it stays open whenever you're done all you have to do is close and then there is another one right here they both a little bit different but the idea is pretty much the same you see the pump is a little bit different right here so all we have to do is just uh pump it like that by just stepping on it it's pumping up about kind of pumping up slowly i mean i guess not too bad i would say it will take me only a minute you see i can see the forms over here all i have to do is just stomp on it i'm not too worried about making it wet i'm just demonstrating there's the dogs wow this is awesome looks like i could just step on the whole thing like that not to worry about blocking the hole seems to be so that's what it looks like from far away you see the feel are getting firm now too and that's it self feeling uh sleeping matas i'll probably fill it up a little bit more but yeah it's nice [Applause] yeah definitely could do a little bit more and then there's the other one over here wow this one has a much much thicker pump area so i don't have to step as much but at the same time all i have to do is just go like that just kick it and look it's filling up pretty quickly but it's so easy to really fill it up because all you have to do is use the leg and that's it i think this is really firm now we got to do a little bit block side there's this oh yeah and of course you can lock this up right here when you're done and this one too okay now you can lay down on it and it's comfortable and it has a pillow beautiful to deflate it i like it that there is at the corner also if something happens to the pump you can just fill it up to here and obviously you want to go from this end look how easy it is to deflate all the way out if you have some kind of stick would be even easier probably in three because of the pumps so one pulled and one more right here and while i'm rolling all the air is gonna come out at that end over there that's why i'm keeping this one a little bit open you see so the end is over here you want to kind of keep it on the outside so that then you can let all the air out and lock it in and put it where it came from i mean you be the judge i think this is amazing i really like it what's up guys for today's video i'm going to show you anytime anywhere real coffee so this is a camping bag like a kit that you pull over it and this bag seems to be you don't have to throw away because you have a refill pack wow that is cool so whenever you open this i guess you can use a few times obviously at some point it will go bad there's a ziploc bag which is gonna use the camping stuff and make this coffee so there's a bag of coffee inside of it as you can see completely recyclable it just paper like a big tea bag over here we're gonna boil our water boom probably should close it so it boils faster i've got my water boiling okay beautiful and let's take this off it's going to be a really hot pot because nothing so as you can see it's going to deep into it very very slowly [Applause] okay let's pull it over and it sketches water you wait till it drips down and depends how stoned the coffee you want you just fill it up looks like we can easily add on quite a bit more [Applause] and then you can just close this end so that way you don't worry about replacing it just yet and now we can use the same cup to actually damage the coffee foam [Applause] wow look at that it is pretty dark coffee over here you see how dark it is [Applause] beautiful and whenever you want to run another cup just take this out and you have another park over here is it just one park let's open it see how many packs in there i'm pretty sure this is just one in there yep one coffee bag in each thing so you can make two coffee big cups with this thing here okay let's see how dark it is by pouring it into the white mug oh yeah it is pretty dark love it so it did really well edit some milk and sugar let taste taste it oh yeah this is delicious i like that coffee you know what thumbs up for me very unique system to make coffee and it's you're usable for a few times and then obviously you have to throw it away but it's pretty cool lightweight five pod holders let's see which one going to be the best this one one of the cheapest burns you see i have boiling water it'll be very very hot with this pot holder really easily you can grab it pour it over something uh put it back on a flame no problem and not burn yourself it is a little bit stiff but super lightweight it's nice next one this is pretty big camping burned especially for the stoves a little bit different design check this out wow that's gonna go pretty deep but it is very skinny i don't know if that's comfortable to go up you see how it's like a little scissors this one is becomes one hander whenever i grape it you see it just becomes one handle easy to hold it it's not gonna go anywhere so i'm not fan of that other one at all this seems to be really flimsy i don't know why they come up with that one okay there is another one a little bit better by same brand okay this two seems to be a bit lighter actually and uh you slide it in oh this is a very comfortable glue and easy to release it again it is very very loose you see grab it pull it over what not let it go super easy with this one you kind of have to open it and close you see so this one not as good whenever you set it back you have to release it and you don't want to tip over by mistake where this one is just kind of opens up by itself grab it let it go release it so much better okay there is a titanium vargo burned oh wow that one is really lightweight but again it's not so loose the way you can have to grab it oh this is not comfortable okay and it's a bit squishy you see it so i don't know i don't feel as safe you see how it is very very squishy but it is lightweight it doesn't bend too bad huh it's all right not my favorite uh cool option over here but it's not fun squeezing it it does not feel very steady and comfortable this one anti-scraping gripper what do they mean by that let's see oh i see the anti scraper grapers there's couple of rubber pieces that's cool so that way you're not going to scrape up the pot ooh this is nice whenever you squeeze the part together it becomes one handle it squeezes all the way down so and it's steady it's not going anywhere that's nice and easy to release easy to grip that is cool let's compare this to okay this one will scrape up because they don't have anti scraper especially known on the inside there and you see how it doesn't close all the way you still have almost two handles this one whenever you close has one handle it's uh closes all the way down wow no wiggle room whenever you let go it's releases instantly with this one it's nice but whenever you let go it doesn't releases i guess it does so i think this is my favorite the most functional one and it closes all the way down so i think out of all of this simple grippers this is the biggest winner it has uh anti-scratch and also whenever we lock it in it grabs it so well check this out i can pull it over it's not going anywhere it holds it well whenever we let go it's let's go really really easy and i'm not really sure what this for i guess this thing's for pulling the teeth out out of the oven they said here but i mainly wanna use it for the camping night here perfect those parts don't have handles even if they do they get so hot this is why it's almost like a must-have and this is also pretty lightweight gathered here very powerful camping stove that should boil water in two and a half minutes one liter of water just two and a half minutes so it has two burners as you can see let's un-package it and looks like there's a pot stand okay looks like folds out like that wow that's really big so we'll work for big pots easily even bigger than one like this one so i got one liter of water there you go all the way to the top and i'm gonna get my timer and we're gonna turn it on light it up and see if it actually can boil that fast okay we're gonna turn it on on maximum set the water on one liter and start two minutes 30 seconds timer okay time about to go off two and a half minutes and let's check on it oh yeah it's almost boiling it's not exactly a camping pot so it will take a little bit longer to heat up a kitchen pot but i'm definitely happy with that look at that it is almost boiling but at the same time they didn't specify what kind of pot you're supposed to use so it will boil it in two and a half minutes so this is a mux i guess if i put it upside down it will be more powerful oh yeah almost instantly boiling but yeah with this kind of kitchen part with the bigger one the water start boiling in about five minutes or four minutes so that's not bad and it's a big kitchen pot so camping big pot probably will do it even faster if you want to use it for smaller pot you can fold it together and hold it like that this is much much smaller part actual camping pot so a big cup over here started and make sure we go on max okay and we'll wait till the boil definitely if you put this upside down way more flame coming out way hotter for sure okay we are three minutes now and it's still not boiling so a little bit disappointed it's almost boiling but it's also not a little water oh well there you go three and a half minutes so close but also not i'm not a liter well it is what it is this is why we're testing it go close this off be careful i thought this rubber will be keeping it for being hot not early still gets hot so yeah very cool but not exactly what they say would do so three and a half minutes for this pot of water with this kind of canister jetboil fuel gathered here another pretty unique mini grill let's see what this one is all about so i got it here heat protector highly ventilated and i think there's a little bit of a ventilation inside here fits well this side to like put hot dogs on or maybe boil water and this side here you can throw burgers on like a heat diffuser i know and also there's a little charcoal holder and this goes on top maybe even this one on top like that use your imagination and then you got a lid oh yeah there's going to be a lot of attachments and also they make charcoal for it as well there is a charcoal pretty cool looks like made out of wood or something hopefully it will be really easy to start it okay look at that it's just very satisfying for the grill like that it feels so well let's see if it uh lights up by much oh yeah it lights up by much so we just lay it down so just lift this up and stick a fire starter under it but it looks like it's gonna light up really fast you hear it making this weird noises you see it so whatever that has saturated with it's gonna now that it's going i just needed more powerful lighter maybe like a torch that will light up the whole bucket pretty easily look at that now it's going it's going so it's saturated with something you see how it's sparking up and getting a little bit hot from outside inside so yeah i don't know what it's saturated from with but it's getting whoa it's getting hot quickly i can't even hold my hand close to it but that's so satisfying to look at look at that they're all so different this is a third one i put to the test and this one burns definitely very differently much slower than the other one that i put to the test but it is seems like starts up a lot faster because it's already super red on the inside so anyways very cool grill with the charcoal over here look how cool that is very very hot from the inside out i think you have couple of hours of heat really really easily you can put the cover over it so this is cool it's getting hot from this side this way and i closed it off plenty of ventilation from there from under and yeah we could cook over it easily so we're gonna keep it close to see if it's gonna get even hotter oh yeah so hot almost the handle is too hot it's so much heat and that is cool starting out from the other side too
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 249,555
Rating: 4.8880954 out of 5
Keywords: camping, gadgets, camping gadgets, crazyrussianhacker
Id: tJim-fSk85I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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