5 British People vs 1 Fake

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- I am British. - I am British. - I'm British. - I'm British. - I'm British. - I'm British. (Patriotic music) - Why am I nervous? Is anyone else nervous? - I'm nervous too. I'm actually a dual citizen. US and UK. I grew up in England, in London and I moved to America when I was 12. So you'll hear I have a bit of a like clunky accent. - I'm not a dual citizen, I'm a citizen of the UK but I also moved when I was 12 and - Oh cool - my accent for the most part, I think I still sound kind of British. - Yeah - Yeah. I'm a citizen of the UK. I spent about four years in India so I got a bit of that as well, and I moved to the US two years ago for UCLA. So I'm a student right now. - I'm also a citizen of the UK. I moved to the US two months ago. - Oh! Welcome. - I lived in Canada before that for four years which was horrible because I hate the cold. - I've lived here for 11 years. I'm from Liverpool. Yeah, I've been here a long time. So my accent kind of sounds muddled, but I'm a scouser - Scous. - I'm also a dual citizen. I moved here when I was 12. Well, I got my dual citizenship when I was 12. - Lots of people got their dual citizenship at 12. - I - Suspicious (laughing) - Got my eyes on you - Not there - I said it first. - That's true. That's true. - You're from London. Where in the UK you from? - Yeah, London. - Leicester. - Liverpool. - [Omar] Where are you from in the UK? - London. I'm from Manchester. - [Tejes] What part of London? - Peckham. - No way. Okay. I'm from up Norwood. - [Rocko] Yeah. - Where specifically in London. - West. - West, Okay. - Yeah, I'm from Leicester in Wigston. - Oh okay, nice - Where in Liverpool? Why'd you leave there? - I was, I was born in West Arby. - Wigston, that's right near Oadby. - Yes? I believe so. - [Rocko] Market Harborough. - Market Harborough, Sounds familiar. Yeah. I mean I, I grew up in a very small bubble. I mean my parents would take me everywhere and I grew up in India for like 14 to 18 and then go back to the UK, finish up my school there - How long were you in Leicester for? - From zero of fourteen. I was born in Leicester. - [Rocko] That was cool. - I feel like someone from Leicester would have automatically known where Market Harborough is. I'm from Manchester and I know where Market Harborough is. It's a tiny little town. - I don't know a lot about English geography cause I'm so in my own world and yeah, my parents would take me around everywhere so it, his story was convincing to me because that's similar to my story. What were you guys', first impressions of America - Really overwhelmed. - Big - Big, right? I was like oh my god - They have like huge portions with their food. Like every plate is like - Their medium sized pizza is our large sized pizza. - [Michael] Yeah. - Overwhelmed. - The Imperial system. - Yes. - (Bleep) horrible. Well I've been here for two months I'm still trying to get used to Fahrenheit and it's really stressing out - Yeah - The, the temperature is one. Things like that, you know? And like I work off a 24 hour clock. - Yeah, yeah - I still got that. (Laughing) - I think tipping culture is pretty bad. - Oh, tipping culture is, - Whatever the price is, it's like at least $3. - We can stay in this conversation for ages. (Laughing) - I got a lot of questions, like people assume because you're British you like something. - [Tejes] Yeah, yeah, yeah - So when One Direction was big they're like, you're British, You like one direction. - [Mallory] Yeah it's funny (Laughing) - I was like, I have heard maybe two of their songs. Or like Harry Potter, hot take, I haven't seen all of the movies. I've only seen like two. - You're joking. (Laughing) - Sorry, I know! That's like the peak British thing and I haven't done it. - Well like the first thing they say is like talk about tea or, - [Mallory] Yeah, right. Tea and crumpets. - Oh yeah. - They always say, say water - Or like pip pip, Cheerio like, sorry, no one says that (Laughing) (Bell Rings) (Upbeat music) - His story at first kind of seemed like he was just making something up. - He'd the worst British accent I've heard ever. I'm, I'm so convinced it's him. - Cause he didn't know his geography. (Buzzer) - I was just shocked. I was a bit sheltered but so I didn't know my geography very well but I was wondering when they're gonna get Michael out. - That was surprising. - Yeah - He's sounded very British. - I think it's a joke. I think everyone's British. (Laughing) - I feel like when, when I meet people they always say, oh you're from London. They automatically like assume everyone's from London. - I'm like, no I'm from Liverpool. They're like, oh the Beatles. And they mention the Beatles. But the UK is so big, like they just think it's just London. - It's funny because I feel like a fake when I say I'm from London cause it's like, oh of course you're from London. - I spoke to someone that thought London was the country. ♪ England is my city ♪ - One time someone asked me, are you from England or Britain? - Yeah. - Well that's because American's don't know geography at all. - I will say since living here I have felt my just general world knowledge declining as I go through the gen education system. I don't know anything about anywhere anymore. - For me, since I moved when I was 12 which is seventh grade here in these states - She mentioned seventh grade and usually we say year seven or year eight or year nine and it just threw me off. - The biggest change I noticed was how students address their teachers. Like it's very informal, you know? Whereas I think growing up in England, like you would never question your teacher, you know? Or like I feel like the parents have that kind of - What school did you go to? (Laughing) - It was funny because obviously growing up in England you wear uniforms all the time. - Yeah - It was lavender in the summertime with white socks. - Yeah you have a winter and summer uniform. - Yeah a winter and summer uniform and a PE uniform that changes based on the season. - What school did you go to? (Laughing) - Sydenham High school, shout out! - All though thinking about it, Like I feel like I'm so glad that we had a uniform in school - Oh yeah - because the poor fashion choices I made at 13. (Laughing) I'm so glad I didn't have to go to school dressed like that. - No genuinely, I look back my Facebook photos and want to disassociate from the whoever that girl was. (Bell Rings) - Hey, good humans, it's Timmy here - And maddy - Ugh. I'm a sucker for a good British accent. Do you think you've sniffed out the mole yet? - Honestly, I'm not sure. All I've been smelling are these sweet sweet fragrances I got from Scentbird. - What's that? - Wait, you've never heard of Scentbird? Well Scentbird is actually the sponsor of this portion of the video. Scentbird is reimagining everything about how how people discover, shop for, purchase and even experience fragrances. They let you try new designer fragrance every month for just $17 and every month you get to pick what you wanna receive. So there aren't any surprises Here try this. ScentBird has a huge selection of perfumes, colognes, and unisex options and with each fragrance you'll get a 30 day supply. So you can try out fragrances before committing to a full size bottle, which can easily cost over $150. This month I received Memoire's Wish You Were Here and I love it because the notes of summer rain toasted almonds and fresh ground coffee. Just gimme the cozy vibes of chilling in a cafe on a rainy summer day. - So good. This is Throne from English laundry. It has both floral and fruity notes and you know how much I love my fruity notes but it also has that mask vibe that you get with a lot of cologne. - Oh my god, I love that. My boyfriend's getting that one for sure - Excuse me, I'm keeping this one for myself. - No, no, no. You can actually use the coupon code Jubilee55 to get 55% off off your first month at Scentbird. It's just a little over $8 for your first month available in the USA and Canada. - Be sure to check out the links in the description for all the scents we received this month. Thanks so much to Scentbird for sponsoring this video. Now let's get back into the episode. (Upbeat music) - She was a little bit quieter than the rest of the group. (Buzzer) - Ugh, bye guys - No! - You guys did good, you guys did good. (Laughing) - I think I said grade seven. There are words that I say in the American way now. (Upbeat music) - [Game Host] Raise your hand if you think the mole is still in the box and you'd wish to continue the game. All right, majority rules. That means we move on to round three. - So you guys still think the mole's in the box right now? Who? Who do you think it is? - Well because I had no suspicious about? - Who do, Who do you think it is? - We can't tell you right now, can we? - I thought you guys were all British. Like I really was ready to - Honestly - Ready to win. - Start to pick up on some accent glitches. - I'm just a really suspicious person generally. - Okay. - If you had to pick one item from a supermarket what was it like your favorite item from that store? So, - Chocolate fingers. (Roniyah gasps) - Hey, this is a really random thing to say but the meal deal, the Tesco meal deal. - Oh my God, yes. - They're always the best. - I ironically, there were these, it came in a yellow package. It was like an American pancake. It was so good. You put it in the toaster and I put it in the toaster all the time. It was really tasty. It was just a generic. I think it might, - I don't know that one - But it wasn't, yeah, it wasn't something notable. - What would you get? - The prawn cocktail sandwich (Roniyah gasps) - Definitely. - Oh no, I like this crisp, the prawn cocktail crisps - Yeah, yeah, the pink one. - I think the crisp I missed the me are Monster Munch and Quavers. - I was gonna say Quavers. I was gonna say Quavers. - Wotsits ♪ Crinkle cut, cheesy Wotsits ♪ - Wotsits - No, I don't give a (bleep) about Wotsits. - What? - What about Discos? Do you guys like discos? - What's a Disco? - [Rocko] Yeah, they're crisps. - Discos, they're crisps. Yeah, they have like a bunch of flavors. Salt and vinegar, - They're old school ones man - BBQ - [Omar] Are they here or the UK? - UK - Oh no, they're not here at all. He didn't know what discos were. I mean, okay, well he can't be be British. - My initial suspicions, Michael. - What? - [Roniyah] I don't know, just out of everybody - It's probably my accent. Like I'm not, - No, not even the, I think also too you were the only one who didn't raise your hand and - I really thought that, cause I thought you guys were good. - I mean not that that means, again not that that means anything - I was like, okay, these are my fellow Brits right here - And then you said, I thought you all were British. There were just some things, that I was like - No one has that much British camaraderie. - I'm not saying it is you. - Okay. - I'm just saying out of everyone who it could have been in my mind. - Okay - It was closer to being - I'd rather not say - So now you look suspicious. - Nah - I don't trust anyone. You could all be lying to me - If it's any, I mean, I don't know if this is cheating but I literally have a tattoo on my body of my postcode - [Game Host] And... we're done. - Yeah I was gunna say, (Bell Rings) (Laughing) (Upbeat Music) - He didn't know what Disco chips were. (Buzzer) (Clapping) - You mother (Bleep) - Okay, wait, I'm surprised. - He knows I, you know - I'm really bitter about being voted out. Just because somebody doesn't know the same snack as you does not mean that their nationality should be questioned. - [Game Host] If you think the mole is still in the box and you'd like to continue the game, raise your hand. - But, oh God - I still feel she might be the mole. - Really? - I'm really like - [Game Host] We continue. - Okay, so you got your dual citizenship when you were 12 did you move with your family and where did you move to? - I got sponsored by my Aunt - Sponsored? - Yeah, we got sponsored from when we were really young. So pretty much when we were born by the time it came through that was a waiting list back then. So, - Wow. - It came through when we were 12. when we were kids we used to come every year and my mom wanted us to move, you know, or have the option when we're older to be able to go back and forth. you know - I've been here for 11 years. I came in 2012 and I originally came over to see my sister. She lives in North Carolina. She has her own little deli, so I was helping her out. And then in 2014 I moved to LA and I've been here since, yeah - Your turn. - Okay. I know I, you guys are like ganging up on me. So my dad works at an IT company and so they asked if he could be the manager in LA and we all moved and we've been here for 12 years. So, Went to school here. - You said you go to UCLA? - I go to UCLA. I'm studying linguistic anthropology minoring in French, I don't know. - Linguistic anthropology - Linguistic, yeah. - Do you know a lot about football? - No. - Like do you know any of the teams in the Premier league? - Well, okay, I never got into football really when I was there. I only supported the teams that my friends. - Which ones? What teams? - So, Chel, obviously Chelsea, Arsenal, Man U were like the main ones. I don't watch sports in general really. - Okay. If a games on, if the World Cup's on, obviously - [Michael] You'll watch it. - England, Broadway, but in general - I don't really watch too much at football, but if you grow up in England (Ticking) - You'll premier league is - [Rocko] Yeah - Yeah, no. Gosh, this is hard. (Bell Rings) (Buzzer) I had a feeling, you guys are wrong. I think they'd made a pact (Laughing) and I was just the only one not in that pact. - [Game Host] Do you feel confident in your choice? - I do. - Definitely. - You're not the Mole are you? - No - Okay, good. - [Game Host] If the lights turn green, that means that you have voted the mole out and you both win. If the lights turn red that means the mole is still in the box and you lose, So - If you did, you did a good job. Yeah, - Yeah, I'm coming from, yeah, nothing to worry about. - [Game Host] 3, 2, 1. (Upbeat music) Will the mole reveal themselves? In 3, 2, 1. - Oh wow. - I knew it. - Are you kidding me? - That was my first pick, man. I mean, I got it from the get go. - [Game Host] You knew it was Tejes, and you continued to play. - I told you it's all about the dineros yo. - I, I studied but not, not the geography. I was looking at the map, but I didn't recognize all the places and I could always do somewhat of a British accent or at least I thought I could. And then I just Googled like, where's the most amount of brown people from the neighborhood? And I was like, Leicester, Leicester it is. - Your accent was really good. - I was thinking, I had some somewhat of a plan, but not knowing geography's pretty American, so I'm pretty sure (Laughing) - Flabbergasted. Dumbstruck. Bewildered. - He probably sounded more British than me. - I, I guess I have a joke. I'm not sure it's very funny. But what would you call my leaving the box in the first round? - [Game Host] What? - Brexit. (Laughing) Sorry. That was all, that was all I could think about when I left I was like, oh my god, this is yeah. Anyway (Exciting music) (Laughing) (Cheering) - Some more in there yo.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,499,137
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Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, british, sexy british, los angeles, mole, meme, odd one out, jason lee, nectar, british accent, hot guys,  sophisticated, posh, liverpool, london, travel, flights, white people, black people, indian, immigrant, fake accent, actors, lying, game show, funny, crazy, fail, money, cringe, bloody, harry potter, one direction, the Beatles
Id: fi8l2TE0pBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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