Guess What Language I'm Speaking | Lineup | Cut

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what's your religion nunti what is it HTI HTI Noti HTI did I say it correctly mhm hello hello what's your name my name is Drew my name is to I'm Mary I'm Matthew you're back I am back yes pretty much almost exactly two years ago I was here on set and I'm here to guess more languages today you're guessing what language people speak yes how many languages do you speak uh I speak two fluently English and German and then I dabble in a couple other languages I am fluent in English Thai of course that's my native language and also a m in Chinese I used to be a professor of international music I taught about music from every country in the world so I've heard quite a few of them I can sort of pick them out of the crowd just by exposure to them I'm like that type of person who like emulates what Bad Bunny is saying you know selfie sagey hey and then after that I'm like vibing out we got eight different languages for you okay ready for your first test yeah am I going to be blindfolded or I go okay you ready for your first person sure like are you in front of [Music] [Laughter] me okay all right starting it out already hi I'm Matthew I just heard War what is uh I in Mandarin and also I'm hearing a lot of tones how do you say let's go out tonight you speak like one of my friends can you say strawberry in your language T yep it's ch it's definitely Chinese it's probably dialect I think is from the south of China I know that in China there's a lot of wo languages like Su W oh that like s thing you just did I know a son in Shane Hines that did exactly that final guess Shane Hines I would have to go with that it that's one of the dialects of Mandarin it's a dialect from China I think it's from Hunan okay I'm going to guess Japanese it just sounds like part of an anime almost like it's like you can take out your blind you were right oh goodness oh hello hi okay so was I right no oh was so I speak Shang Hines which is a dialect in China no way that's Shang Hines I live in China for like 6 months really how close was shanghan to Mandarin Chinese it's pretty different so my grandparents they don't speak mandrin and so sometimes when they like go out in public it's a little difficult for them because now mandrin is like the most widely spoken language everywhere did you like grow up in Shanghai and then move here or I was born here but I speak it with all my family because all of my family like my extended family they all live in Shanghai and so when I go back to visit them that's the only language we can all communicate in interesting what is that like like speaking a language that's definitely like a minority language mhm it's really special for me especially now like the kids in Shanghai aren't learning it at home so for me I'm really trying to hold on to that like it's a special part of my identity oh thank you good luck yeah M me say Japanese oh goodness you're here to kill me that's how you say hello lugage wow that's like a lot of like tongue exercise tongue jib they said that their their tongue works great that's what they said what's your religion nunti what is it hunti hunti Noti did I say it correctly mhm have you heard of that religion before no what's the most amazing fact about you who I would say this language is from around India or within India I feel like we are in India I don't know like the the specific Indian language but I'm just going to go with with the overall encompassing Indian if that's bad sorry sorry it sounds very similar to Hindi the sound from the Thro who could the like something something something like that I think it's from Tibet I'm going to say the number in Hindi and then you say it in your language okay e e do be okay he said be be this is Gujarati they use Bay and Gujarati yeah it's guati nice good stuff dude all right good guess good region correct country the language is called guati it's a state language India in India oh my God okay I feel like my friend is kti yeah kti is the language and also how you would refer to someone from that state oh my God how did I miss that your friend is going to go in the comments I know and say you didn't know I'm sorry D if I saw a tiger what should I say vog that's a vog okay very like thr you have like breathe out as you're saying it [ __ ] yeah perfect thank you that's should say meet yeah you say tiger tiger well yeah you want other people to know that there's a tiger okay you know that's very considerate of you actually nice meting nice meeting you hi hello this sounds like something that is like related to Arabic but is not Arabic my first instinct upon hearing you is like ah Horn of Africa like Ethiopia errea could be speaking like Amar toia how do you say what are you doing tonight but like say it like flirtatious you know saying like you're trying to hit on me was that not fous enough I wasn't really feeling it but like I appreciate the effort you know can you introduce yourself are you from Asia Maya Maya Maya Maya I guess that's a no um is your country Muslim ha ha okay okay does it sound like Nigerian oh you got Nigerian shade are you some Nigerian shade I love you some Nigerians I was thinking North Africa cuz the kind of flow the pattern of it was really similar to Arabic I'm going to say from Morocco I think it's Middle Eastern it also smells really good okay final guest Dubai he smells really good and from my experience people from Dubai put [ __ ] ton of perfume on them and it smells so good so I'm broadening my area to include Somali you might be Somali okay I know this like Somali hip-hop group called waha usub you seem to have some sort of reaction to that how how on KAS based on how you reacted to that I think you're speaking Somali it sounds like toia like Somalia like how the how he's telling me I got one of them I don't know which one it is which one do you think about Sali is that how you say it Somali ding ding ding Dy oh my God wait can I take it off yeah oh so nice am I right no no you were right about the perfume that I had being from Dubai I did get it from Dubai I was back there but I'm actually Somalian uhuh I mean your homework yeah I mean I well I gave the homework I used to teach a class about International music for every country world and they were in the homework that I assigned to my students that group they they still doing their thing and everything you filthy you did that dang I'm culturally competent y'all what was your name Abdi obdi Mary nice to meet you thank you up what do you think of my outfit P how's your day it's giving Asian do you have any like songs from your childhood that you'd want to sing for us and if you don't want to sing I understand Parts where you're saying remind me of Tai but you're not using enough consonant clusters for me to think that it is Tai how do you say hello again sa I'm going to go with Tai it sounds really similar to what I think Tai sounds like M oh m m it's like you're right dang I am wo Thailand and La is pretty much like neighbor so we have like the same dialect Lao is very similar to Tai linguistically I don't hear a whole lot of LA because their music industry is it doesn't have the best infrastructure they're not really they're not they need help um it's the government's fault not the people's fault I just go with LA you can take out your blindfold look very close it's loud language is very close all right okay it's loud yay she's loud gang she's I'm good yeah she's very good we don't have much of music that I don't think anyone know much about it yeah I feel people mostly just listen to like Tha music over there yeah we can yeah we can only understand what they say I can speak fluent L and high it's we close neighbor so therefore we totally can understand what they say nearly 100% maybe 99 do you want to go back to LA yeah I go back and visit yeah I'm going home in December and I'm so excited nice meeting you oh wow okay how would you order dinner for a Roman partner Tre P sale Shala sha say I love you tell you Bes say that you mean it tell you besk South America South America I think we're somewhere in South Asia and one language that coming to mind for me is uh conani it's a language from the state of Goa in India but it was conquered by the Portuguese so it hasn't like Portuguese influence to it we are going I think like towards the European okay maybe Italy you want to take me or what's up oh what's your favorite pasta let's go uh spaghetti expecting him to say something along the lines of like fing girl let me stop sounding racist let he saying fetuccini like we're in Italy this is sounding like it's remnant of Irish the trill are yeah you can take your blind this man is [Music] funny you're beautiful okay so is it Italian no Brazil nope it's not it's not South American so did I get it right no not even close Romanian man Romanian what yeah I us to with Romanian bro I he spoke Romanian all the time I should know this embarrassing then that is very embarrassing I'm telling you what's like a Romanian dish that's really popular sarmala that's what I was saying and you asked me to order it and I was like I would get sarmala sarmala and Mama Liga my grandma best what's m Liga it's like a Penta well I was like M Liga Le something I'm very sorry to say this but of all the countries in the world Romania is my least favorite country in the world musically out of all of them I think your it's not your fault your pop music industry needs to get with it and realize that people want something interesting not just like some plastic thing you can dance to okay cat music like I'm talking to you right now I'm sorry teach me how to curse in Romanian suula suula which means suck my dick such oh come on great meeting you yeah great meeting you too you got some good looking people up my here hello uh yeah good oh gosh pretend you're like your mom and your mom is like get over here right now yes I think this is a language in India is it Hindi can you say how are you is what's your religion Muson Muslim Bon it sounds so sexy and that might be Arabic can you whisper in my ear and say you're [ __ ] hot [ __ ] that's so that is so sexy we're probably looking at some place that has very noticeable Arabic influence you might be speaking like an Iranian language not necessarily from Iran but like in that Branch linguistically we have like you know FY Persian whatever you want to call it of course could be like PTO Dari from Afghanistan could be a Kurdish do you have any specific feelings about MOA Jamal Zada who's that she's a very Famous Afghan pop singer I don't know how interpret that but Mo usually sings in Dari so if you spoke that I would think you might have an opinion about her I'm going to say that you are speaking fars SE I think it's Arabic I think it's nepes I'm going to land on Turkish I did like the dingo course on Turkish for like two days hi I looks like I'm right no speaking Daddy ddy Daddy yeah it's from aist did you grow up in Wasing Washington or um I was America born in Afghanistan for like sixish years and then I came straight to Seattle and do you still like speak your yeah yeah my mother speaks English to me and I have to remind her like do not don't like I I don't want to lose this like you got to speak Diddy come on yeah and if you have kids will you still speak oh 100% 100% oh my God babe you were on it you were so damn close oh my God first off I'm sorry but you said it a littleit differently I've definitely heard of her I didn't grow up in aist done so I don't really know her that much she was big you're right that's crazy that you know her what were you saying in the beginning saying hi handsome thank you of course I'm not lying hey he's blushing I know it's okay it's okay let me f him up how are you doing chop it chop it okay what do you think of my outfit what's a song that maybe like a childhood song is that the song I don't want to say that it's not a Bop but I'm not you know what if I accidentally ripped one of your favorite shirt I would say this is like an island language like in the Asian Pacific now this is austronesian austronesian language they sound very pleasant um they have very few constant clusters you're from somewhere around like Indonesia or the Philippines or something like that could you count to 10 for me okay did you notice that Lima was five that's how you know it's astonian cuz like I'll do that I'm starting to lean towards like the Philippines and I think the language I'm going to pick is Tagalog I'm going to guess fary cuz it sounds like it's from the Middle East I don't know but that's what I'm going to go with I'm going to have to go with Malay a lot of the things that you say are words I've heard before in Malay Indonesian stuff those two languages are extremely extremely similar I know that the word for eight in Malay has two syllables and Indonesian has three syllables can you tell me what's your famous dish in your country ning Indonesia Indonesia the giveaway is the nasing was that close close pretty close it was Indonesian oh okay yeah I speak in like slang like not so formal oh you can count in slang like it's the lapan for eight like so you're right but we just like since it's like super fast we just say like lapan oh okay that makes sense then yeah that was like I'm kind of throwing you off with the way I say it but that's the way I say it so yeah yeah you tricked me and it worked and that's fine good for you teach me some slang that'll make them think I'm cool do you want like insult words yeah why not okay B what's that one mean before you say it it's hard to translate it but um like bu bu will people get mad if I go around saying I I don't think a lot of people would understand because there's so many regions in Indonesia that makes sense I think there's like 300 languages there does that ever get hard like having so many languages in one spot yeah cuz sometimes you can meet someone who's Indonesian but they're not from like Java okay so and then they like speak a different one so yeah how do you say thank you uh it's it'si but I just sayi yeahi yeah nice to meet you nice to meet you thank you thank you I don't know if you can tell I'm still upset about Romania uh yeah MinGa Mingalaba Mingalaba Mingalaba another Asian countries m m oh I know this song like Ming that kind of thing and he said mingalar which is in the song It's a bner by the way what would you order me for dinner o yeah and I want like three Entre yeah and dessert un mhm MOA MOA oo T that sounds like a good last dish did you just call me baby I feel like we're in Asia Taiwanese my guess would be this would be from central Africa I am leaning towards Burmese because like I recognize that that greeting as in that Burmese song what do you like about the country you're from you've got some very interesting conents going on here this sort of like kind of thing going on Lovely um also makes me think even more that you could be speaking Burmese I think it's Burmese for sure like 100% because in Thailand there's a lot of Burmese people I am I am so sure Minka 100% yeah yeah you got it all right cool wasn't close at all was I yeah Thailand and and and Myanmar we neighbors we're neighbors for sure L people um you know they they they go to see asylum in Thailand and stuff like that so yeah why did you move to the US BMA the government is a dictatorship so um it's hard to survive there and then education sucks mhm and then um lately uh like 2 years ago um there's a war started between like government and civilian and now is going on I've heard that things aren't so great in oh yeah um especially like what's going on right now you know they fighting for it so I hope one day they get Freedom so yeah yeah I'm really sorry to hear that how long have you lived here um probably like 13 years so how long have you not going home I mean since I I got here 13 years yeah oh I'm sorry I do you miss home I do sometime is is your family here yeah everyone's here okay woo now that's all that matters yeah mostly my dad he did the um all the hard part like he came here first as a refugee and then and after that he called the whole family here oh wow so yeah yeah oh my God thank God for your family that you're here you're safe and you have all of them with you so that's she yay who did Drew guess correctly cool like kind of correct that clarify we'll be gentle we'll be gentle well I guess yeah underneath the I got he this to be nice s out with one two 3 4 50 50% is there something in common with the people you guess all the Asian go Asian who did Matthew guess correctly yeah you can be nice to him too please I'm very upset he was so close but he didn't stick The Landing that hurts me a lot how was this experience Jo it was really fun to try to guess them CU it's like most of these languages I would never interact before so I felt really lucky to get to hear them can everybody say did that if you like languages and trivia and naming things and knowing facts check out Cut's newest game humble brag to win you don't always have to know the answers you just have to make people think you might I give do five American Idol finalists five I think I challenge that Craig a Craig available now at Barnes & Noble stores or check out the link in the description Craig whatever there we go
Channel: Cut
Views: 1,601,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: p9MKY7xtwUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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