Guess the Psychopath!

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think you can spot the psychopath to answer that question I've gathered these 11 people 10 of them are normal but one of them is a psychopath my name is Eli hey I'm Jay and I'm not I am not and I am not I'm not these guys will have five rounds to ask each other questions and try to sniff out who's the psychopath I think they're still here with us both of them are so unbelievably sucks I was just curious have you lied today what where good luck to you guys all right Rebecca welcome back Rebecca is an actual psychologist who's going to help us know what to look for as we try to find the actual psychopath here after five rounds of the psychopath is still among them they lose it turns out spotting a psychopath isn't as easy as we might think which is scarier in some way oh what the Josh what are you doing bro why is my girlfriend in there I don't know bro she's kind of sus this is scary she's not a psychopath there's no way that she's a psychopath but on the off chance that she is no just to be clear guys if you're not a psychopath you need to answer these questions as honestly as possible however the psychopath is allowed to lie as much as they want all right guys round one starts now you have five minutes my name is Ramsay and I'm not a psychopath because I just don't feel like it yo what's up y'all my name is AKA I'm not a psychopath because I just got way too much to do this guy can't think of one reasons why he's not a psychopath so I'm obsessed with him already my name's Jay okay are we we're continuing I haven't gone yet oh hi my name is Eli I am not a psychopath because just got a clear head on my shoulders when Jay started to speak before Eli got to speak you could see Eli kind of get a look on his face I did not notice this money's on Eli I'm Jay and I'm not a psychopath because I'm often hired as a public speaker that feels like a psychopath job right yeah because I grew up with great parents I'm hope could hope be a psychopath I'm not a psychopath because I'm just a regular girl next door it's a horrible answer horrible answer hope I'm Chris I'm not a psychopath because I work as a teacher I am not a psychopath because I'm not on any medication because I just don't think I have I don't think either of these girls are psychopaths they're too nice and smiley and friendly even if you're on medication that's not a bad thing because I have other Mental Illness but not that one because I spend time around people willingly so I'm curious why you were late me yeah and you walked in from over there and it just kind of threw me I was gonna are we just supposed to pretend that she wasn't was with us I just had a couple of things I needed to they had her out of the room so that they could surprise me but now it's causing this giant ripple effect where they think that she's the psychopath you want to like tell us what those things were it was like personal it's personal stuff okay all right time's up I want each of you guys to step forward and vote on who you think is the psychopath now I did a little bit of research and it turns out we don't call psychopaths psychopaths anymore is that right that's correct it's aspd I feel like the word psychopath gets thrown out a lot and used as derogatory when you know this is a personal personality disorder and these people are still people they just happen to have a little glitch in their Matrix oh my gosh hope we got you you crazy how long is your average uh romantic relationship last a year and a month I've never been in a romantic relationship interesting why is this important because people that have anti-social personality disorder are not able to keep relationships the question for you guys has there ever been a movie that made you cry uh full-on like bawling no I don't think so I definitely brought like tears to my eyes and like had me in my feels How to Train Your Dragon 3. Edward's sauce bro Moulin Rouge I have no idea what that is um bamboo Bambi I don't trust her King Kong King Kong yeah it's emotional uh Land Before Time everyone's laughing except to eat a lot do you see that shindra's list that's a weird answer it's Annie when I was a little kid when she's on the fire truck Adam Sandler's click what all right he's freaking hilarious I'll say it Eli's off my naughty list that was maybe the most psychopath answer he could have had I cried watching New Year's Eve any childhood Disney movie where they murdered all the parents and then the kid grows up so have you ever been arrested I got pulled over for DUI blue under but they still arrested me I blew a 0.07 I got a wet and Reckless for it coming home from work I have not been arrested we're asking this question because one of the top traits of a psychopath is somebody who often breaks rules has no regard for the law yeah and very impulsive it doesn't know right and wrong I haven't been arrested but was put in a drunk tank in Whistler Canada for public intoxication this guy just has a good time lots of high school kaggers I have underage drinking all the way I have not been interested I have not been arrested either I have not been arrested I have not been arrested nope all right time's up I want each of you guys a step forward and tell me who you think is the psychopath all right who are you voting for I have suspicions about Edward and I have suspicions about Valerie and I have suspicions about Eli Eli look at Eli rubbing his hands together okay so we tied so basically we don't know Edward I'm gonna give you one minute to plead your case on why you're not a psychopath yeah we're okay to come up with one reason other than not but me I don't know all right Eli um why am I not a psychopath you can't think got a good head on my shoulders good sense of self but um I'm kind of at a loss as well both of them are so unbelievably sus all right Eli and Edward I want you guys to look down if you think Edward is a psychopath raise your hand and to confirm if you think Eli is the psychopath raise your hand foreign you guys think you have a limited to the psychopath so far eliminated the psychopath I don't know possibly so Eli's out of the picture Rebecca out of who's left here what are we thinking I feel like I'm leaning towards Edward he didn't plead his case I don't know and then the question about relationships I've never been in a romantic relationship is just suspect for sure all right guys we're moving on to round three someone can start with a question if they want so let's say I came to you guys right and I was crying about my boyfriend breaking up with me how would you guys help me having a Sister I'd jump right in and say my answer is french fries and ice cream what kind of ice cream you're the one crying I'm gonna tell you like honestly like you're better than him the whole time anyways I feel like Valerie just turned this entire thing into a dating show hey it's Friday night Girls Gotta Get What Girls Gotta Get she's gonna get what she's gotta get all right let you talk and get it out and vent and all that I always say the same thing Valerie like I'm a really good listener so just do whatever you want to listen Ryan is a psycho bro my money's on Edward um I have two questions for Tommy you said you're in a relationship for a year why did you all split up okay well I was really sick at the time and then he also lived across the country like was traveling back and forth the second one was we all said we're not Psychopaths you said we have other illnesses do you want to like say what those are an eating disorder oh that was that was the one but I'm in recovery I have a question but what's everybody's zodiac sign zodiac sign okay this is no science backing any of that I'm a Leo I don't care I'm a cancer but I just wanted to know I was wondering if everybody has pets I have two dogs um their names are snowbud and Mimi Husky and me uh Rottweiler Jay freaking his dog's name yes Ryan's psycho yeah he just made that up he doesn't have dogs yes I don't but I volunteer with dog rescue gnarly and Pacer I have no pets um I have a cat I can't have pets Place unfortunately particularly one he's acting like a psycho there's like someone else controlling the ship in his brain did you say something I said someone was in see somebody rolls your brain no I didn't say that I just want to say um Jay is the like person I least expect Ryan what if Jay's been throwing us off this whole time like that was a psycho move I'm gonna get every single look you just made me vote for me unless you're a phenomenal actor all right time's up we've gone through three rounds of voting they have they have absolutely no idea who the psychopath is all right so we got a tie between Rose and Edward if you think Rose is the psychopath raise your hand and if you think Edward is a psychopath please raise your hand oh wow that was done wow guys tell me about uh your elimination process on Edward that was pretty unanimous vote I just didn't think it was Rose just seems so sweet I don't think it's Edward or Rose you feel like you've already eliminated the psychopath I think they're still here with us I feel like I know who it is I'm saying what then why wouldn't you vote them out I know it's not James I question everybody Ryan just keeps throwing Jay out it is actually really hard to tell who's not being transparent out there kind of like how businesses aren't transparent about how to save you money oh my God that was a good transition fortunately my favorite online shopping tool honey searches for promo codes for a lot of your favorite websites say you're already using and automatically applies the discounts it's like having a best friend who's always got your back except with savings money money whether you're shopping for clothes video games or trying to get some food delivered honey is always saving you money it's free it's fun and you can start using it right now all you have to do is add it to your browser for free by going to house party my fellow part here is this is a brand new channel honey it's cool enough to be making this video possible and taking a bet on us so the best way to support these videos is by using the link in the description thank you guys thank you honey and let's see what's going on in the room here all right we're gonna go on to round four I would love to start with a question on this one what is your relationship like with your parents so I'm a daddy's girl I love my dad so much my mom's my best friend I tell her everything me and my mom are cool and then me and my dad are really rough but now I'm like seeing like how solid he is I live two doors down from my mom so I see her every day talk to my dad like a couple times a week on FaceTime my mom is my bestie very well my my occasion but we're not super super close but we did have our little rough patch when I decided that I didn't want to be a cookie cutter she just didn't want to be cookie cutter I'm a huge mama's boy I talked to her at least three times a week we watched the Oscars together she's a she's a mean old south side chick from Chicago my parents live in Jersey where I'm originally from so talk to them a lot uh we Zoom like once a week yeah we've always had a pretty good relationship I always have a great relationship with my parents come to California from Hong Kong and I love them very much guys what do you feel I don't think Ryan is a psychopath I think he's just more reserved than the rest of the bunch Brian yes have you um ever seen like a therapist or a psychologist no never never why um I was just curious he's wearing a suspicion on his sleeve right now I also wanted to ask Rose and Tommy the same thing yes I'm in therapy I just don't know I'm so clueless I'm curious actually like if everyone is currently in therapy or has ever been to therapy because I am in it and have been no I never have never can I ask why just a street though all right time's up I want each of you guys to step forward and tell me who you think is the psychopath Rebecca I heard a rumor that if you don't check the toilet paper after you wipe it's a psychopath tendency thoughts my grad school training did not go over that bye Ryan bye all right so now everybody that I personally sussed out as a psycho is gone except for Rose but now I'm kind of thinking akaraj may be the guy all right we're moving into round five the final round I'm Gonna Leave the floor open to you guys for the next five minutes can I ask something we just do like a rapid fire like yes or no we'll start Tommy have you lied today no no no no no never a lot no I have not I'm not how trustworthy do you think you are as a person you said you don't trust anybody unfortunately I have gone through many situations in life where I was too trusting and everyone else I trust everybody I'm cool with everybody I'm mostly trusting yeah I would say mostly trusting I think especially like friends and things like that it's pretty open I kind of have like some trust issues but for the most part like I think that everyone like can do no wrong well I'll be the honest one and say I trust nobody if you you could choose to like hang out with like a group of friends or hang out by yourself what would you choose friends one person close friends mostly friends but every once in a while I do need my alone time to like recharge my batteries so same 50 50. it's not a lot like a group you're thriving you can tell you thrive and you uh yeah I think balance is both like sometimes likes to go see a movie by myself take a little time but I like hanging out a group all right time's up this is your last chance to vote out who you think the psychopath is thank you no way they all voted for Jay YJ it all just sounded so good and I'm sure he's a wonderful person but it could all have been so when I spoke to him and I asked him how he would take care of me it kind of gave eggs probably had like some narcissistic things it's time for the final reveal oh my I'm too excited sorry I hope should we hold hands will the psychopath the person diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder please step forward no I'll stay here no the most fun part was if I didn't vote for myself in the last round it would have been a tie and I could have talked my way out of that too I have I am going away Jay how much of what you said today was a lie every single thing Jay uh when were you diagnosed 20 years ago I was getting arrested too often not for underage drinking they put me on Zoloft made my stomach upset and then I just thought every shrink I met was an just trying to sell me pills so I don't go I don't do anything on them Jay I have a question what was life like after you were diagnosed did it change at all for you no just getting old does you don't change the way you think if you know something's wrong and you want to fix it go find someone to fix it
Channel: Houseparty!
Views: 3,138,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airrack, airrack houseparty, house party, psychopath test, psychopath, imposter
Id: y2xcVBPLnk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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