Perfect Pronunciation! L and R sounds

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today I want to make your pronunciation of the L and the R sounds perfect so let's start with the L sound that's the easiest to make the perfect L sound your tongue needs to tap just behind the top teeth now I know for Japanese and Korean speakers you usually use this part of the tongue but for the English sound it's only the top of the tongue that hits behind the teeth nothing else will touch the top of the mouth only the top of the tongue hitting behind the top teeth let's practice that together la la la say with me practice la la la la la la la all made with just the tip of the tongue and it's the same for other sounds llll la la la la la la loo loo loo loo loo Lily Lily doesn't matter it's only the tip of the tongue making that sound with a word like hello say it slowly you can feel exactly where the tongue hits let's have a look hello hello but if you lose the oh and you just have hell with the same tongue position it sounds weird listen hello hello hello that doesn't sound right so the tongue needs to change position where does the tongue go now when a word finishes in an L sound the tongue doesn't hit the back of the teeth it hits just under the top teeth here hell hell now you can see the difference if we compare hell that sounds wrong hell that sounds right hell wrong hell write another word like Bell Bell see behind the teeth bell sounds wrong but under the top teeth bell sounds right but if we add another sound after Belle Bella the tongue has to change back to this because it's no longer the end of the word that's an L sound it's the middle so Bella Bella Bella I know it's Italian but who cares Italians are awesome so just remember if the word finishes in an L sound it hits just under the top teeth if the word starts with an L or in the middle of a word there's an L it's just behind the top teeth that's the difference hello hell you could practice this with a word like low see how the word starts and ends with an L now you can see exactly how the tongue moves let's look low low low low okay the R sound we all know the R sound it's the pirate sound R or R to make the r sound your mouth the tongue and the lips need to do the opposite of the L sound let me show you in the R sound where is the tongue well the tongue goes back in the mouth imagine there's a little man in your throat and he's pulling your tongue back or her pulling your tongue towards the back of your throat be careful with the R sound the tongue does not touch the top of the mouth the sides of the tongue usually line up with the sides of the teeth that's fine but remember the top the middle nothing here will touch nothing there doesn't touch remember that it's very important so copy my mouth and my tongue as my tongue goes further back it will create that a sound ah and when you hit that sound that's your perfect R sound but to finish the sound your lips need to make a kissy mouth shape and then you open the mouth and release the back of the tongue like this rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah it sounds a bit like a dog but dogs are nice it's basic summary of both sounds the L sound all tongue no lips the R sound or lips no tongue okay let's make it perfect by practicing the two sounds together in words like arrive remember this is an R sound it's all lips the tongue is back in the mouth arrive arrive alive remember L sound only tongue no lips alive remember where's that tongue hitting just behind the top teeth alive arrive alive let's try these two long long wrong wrong okay let's try whole sentences there's a liver in the river there's a liver in the river it sounds like a song the right light not the left light the right light the pirate is also a pilot the pirate is also a pilot Wow there's lice in my rice excuse me there's lisen my rice my friend has a problem my friend has a problem I really love lala land I really love lala land oh my god I really love lala land I love to practice I love to practice I like horror which films do you like I like horror now if you can say this word parallelogram then you're amazing and you should write in the comments I am amazing or if it's still difficult for you don't worry no one gets in five minutes watch this video as many times as you need in order to get it perfect thanks for watching let me know which sounds are difficult for you remember to subscribe and hit the bell so you never miss a class again you can follow me on social media Instagram Twitter Facebook those things you can support these lessons here or you can watch more videos right here should probably watch that one or make that one's good too actually I mean I really like this one but this one it's your choice you decide they're both great
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 316,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Papa teach me, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, l and r, japanese pronunciation, pronunciation problems, british pronuniciation, pronunciation practice
Id: 6wTJKj_GI_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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