5 Best AI Text-to-Image Tools of 2023

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in this video you'll see the best 5 AI texture image generators out there right now there are advantages and disadvantages I'll show you images I created in each of the platforms so you can see how good they are and of course compare them at the end of the video I'll tell you which of the platforms is best for you so if you guys are interested in this tutorial let's go to my computer I rated the generators in this list in terms of quality and usability of the images and also the features available in each of them in the fifth position we have canva when you go to canva.com you can use any of the documents available in the platform so I'm gonna open a Instagram post let's create blank once you are inside the editor you can go to apps and then you have here text to image if you don't see it up here you can search for it so you can type text to image it is this one right here you're gonna type the description of your image in this box and then you can simply click generate image or you can also select one of these Styles available in here I'm gonna go for concept art and then generate image if you like any of the images click on the image and canva will upload it to your account and will bring it to your design if you want to generate more images like this one you can click on generate more in canva will give you more variations of the description that you entered one of the disadvantages of canva is that the images have a really low resolution if I were to bring rulers to my design and bring the image to the corner I can see that the image is around 600 by 600 pixels and if I were to stretch the image you can see that it looks very blurry and kind of pixelated this one we kind of can see a watermark on top of the image so of course we won't be able to use these on our designs I want to show you another way to access this text to image app let me close the editor and let's go back to the home page go to the panel on the left hand side where it says discover apps you will find the app and they're popular so you see it right here if you don't see it under popular you can search it with this search bar let's click on this app and here you have two options you can use it in existing design or use in new design I also see a lot of advantages of using the app text to image in canva because if you are already a canva user you can use this feature even if you are using a canva free or canva Pro account you can create up to 100 images daily so I think that's not bad another advantage that I see if you are already a canva user is that you don't need to learn anything new it is an app that is already available inside canva and as you saw it's pretty easy to access it another Advantage is that you can use this text to image from the browser from your desktop app or from the mobile app next we have Dali at the moment we have daily 2 which is the latest version and you can access it with this URL from here you can either log in or sign up I already have an account so I'm going to log in when you log in into your account Dali is going to open this new window and in this box you are going to paste the description of your image and then click generate one of the disadvantages of Dali as you can see is that you can get a lot of creepy faces as you can see here but Dali has a feature a really cool feature that actually works really well for us to tweak these little things that we don't like in one image and to make it better for example from these results I liked this option but I didn't like the antennas or these shapes that we have above the head of my ferry so I'm gonna click on the three dots of the image and select edit image from here I have the Eraser selected and I'm gonna delete the section of the image that I want to remove or change now we need to tell the bot what to do with it so complete empty space and then generate now we have the original on the left hand side and we have four different variations and as you can see we will have the antennas in the background and we have a completed image in the background because we had removed a section of it I'm gonna select one of the variations and then I'm gonna continue tweaking the image so I'm gonna select edit and I'm gonna delete the face of my fairy because I don't like it too much so I'm gonna ask Daddy to create a peaceful face with closed eyes then I'm gonna click on generate and there you go we have four new face variations and what I love about this feature in Delhi is that it recognizes the style of the image and then when we ask to add something new it adds this new element with the same style of the image so as you can see the different variation of the faces that we have in here it has the same style of the overall image now if you want to download your image click on this arrow and then you will be able to save it on your computer the advantages of Dali is that it is extremely easy to use the experience is very chill as you saw it's very minimalistic we have 50 free images in the first month that we use it and then you'll get a free top up of 15 credits every following month and as you saw you can change little sections of certain images to make it even better as you were able to see we went from this to this to this quite wonderful right in position number three we have blue willow [Music] from here you are going to select join the beta you're gonna accept the invite if you already have a Discord account you'll be taken into this chat if you don't have a Discord account yet you'll be prompted to create a new account but it is really simple to do once inside Blue Willow you're gonna search for the rookie section you can select any of these options you're gonna type in this bar slash imagine and then select this option right here you're gonna type your prompt I already have mine reading here and then hit enter we get this message that says that they are working on our image and we just need to wait we have our four variations ready so this is what Blue Willow created for us it is not bad but it's also not the best if you liked any of these variations you can download them by selecting one of these options so you have variation number one two three and four so let's say that I want to download variation number two I'm gonna select U2 and then if you wanted to create more variations of any of these options you can select any of these options right here so let's say that I want to create four more versions of the image number one so I'm gonna select V1 and here I want to show you a little trick because this feed can get overwhelming because there are a lot of people creating their images and finding our image can get complicated you can either go to the Inbox and check if the bot created in the image for you so we can see in here that we have the upscale of our image ready we can select jump and this is going to take us to the message where we can download load the image so we can select the image as you can see the face and the hands is not perfect but it's also not bad if you wanted to download this image go to opening browser right click and save image as now let me go back to the Inbox and see the four new variations that the bot created from one of the images here we have the four different variations number two it looks nice disadvantages of Blue Willow as you can see in these images Blue Willow struggles with faces eyes hands and feet and when you scale one of the versions that you liked this scaled image is not very detailed now let's talk about the advantages of Blue Willow it is completely free to use as of now you can request unlimited images which gives you more freedom to try different prompts and variations until you find something that looks nice and something that I really really like about blue willow is that you can send requests in a private chat with the bot so you can make the experience less overwhelming let me show you how to do it when you are in the chat every time that you click on this icon you can show the member list or you can hide it so I just opened the window and I can hide it you would like to show the list and on the top of the list you will see blue willowbot right click and then select message from here you can also submit request to the bot so you can type slash imagine select this option right here and then start typing your prompt you're gonna hit enter and the bot is going to generate the images in this private chat I love this feature because I don't feel overwhelmed every time that I'm in that rookie Channel there are so many messages and images that it really feels cow thick and I also feel that I spend a lot of time because I'm trying to find my message so I scroll scroll scroll without finding what you want so this is a very easy option to create your images with blue willow now let me talk about one of the disadvantages of Blue Willow I said that this platform struggles with faces hands and feet but in the latest result you can see that just one out of the four images is struggling with the face I think that these three images are looking really cute but let me show you some of the previous results that I got from the butt this one is not looking that bad but what about this face this one or this one and let me show you some other examples these two faces on top are not that bad but what about the ones below and also look at these hands let me show you some more images these are not the best but as you can see if you keep trying if you try different prompts different variations you will be able to generate a good image in position number two we have a playground let's talk about these advantages I found that the playground also struggles with disfigured faces weird eyes hands and feet but as you have seen many of the other platforms that are also very strong struggles with the same so I have to mention it as a disadvantage but all of them struggle with this let me show you some of the images that I have created with playground for you to know what to expect these are the images that I have created with playground and let me show you some of the bad examples so for example this one right here you can see the face is not great this one I wouldn't use this image at all this one it doesn't even have hands and I have seen that this happens a lot with the eyes in playground maybe we need to adjust some of the settings when we are creating the images so you can play around with the settings I'm gonna show them to you in a second so maybe that can be a solution but so far I found very cute images but I cannot use them because of the face or the hands now let me show you some of the good examples so I really love this image right here is my favorite so far this one is really cute but if you pay attention the nose looks a little bit weird and the head is not complete this one right here is really cute as well the eyelashes on this one are a little bit weird but overall the image looks really nice nice and what about this one I find this image really beautiful even though it doesn't look like a fairy I asked for a fairy but the composition the colors and the shape of the subject it looks really nice now let me show you how to create an image in playground you're gonna go to playgroundai.com You're Gonna sign in or create a new account it's pretty simple once you are logged into your account you will see this create button on top of the screen click on it and then playground is going to open this new page you're gonna enter your prompt in this box and then you can either generate an image straight away or you can adjust the settings present in the page in order to adjust the outcome so you can select this option right here to describe details you don't want to see in your image you can select a filter which is something that I really really like about playground you can select any of these filters right here I'm gonna go for play tune because this is the style I'm looking for in the image I want to generate and then you can play around with these settings right here these are the settings that I was talking about maybe you are able to find the perfect configuration for you not to have this weird eyes or weird faces on your images if you happen to find the perfect configuration please share it in the comments in my case I'm only going to change the number of images so instead of one I'm gonna go for four images and then I'm going to generate my images these images are really cute but they don't look like a fairy so that is something that I need to have into consideration the faces on these results are not looking that bad but let me zoom in into one of these images this image looks a little bit weird to me so I wouldn't be using this image right here even though it looks really cute and let me zoom in this image as well here we are missing one leg in the faces are not perfect are not looking the best so I would go either for this one or this one even though as I mentioned they don't look as fairies and they don't have a magical forest in the background those are things that I'm looking forward to have in my image but I can play around with playground in order to tweak the image and try to get closer to my desired outcome so let's say that I want to edit this image and try to add a forest or Trace by behind my subject I'm gonna click this button that says actions and from here I'm going to edit my photo as you can see this is a new feature so I'm really happy to show it to you and from here I can also upscale this image by four times so I'm going to download this image first and now let me download the image with this button to show you the difference between the two images this is the image that I downloaded with the regular download button and this is the image that I downloaded with the four times bigger option I really like it because you can see a little bit more of the details pay attention to the texture of the clothes and the hair now let's go back to actions and select edit I'm going to select add mask click on this button and I'm going to erase my subject from the mask foreign how I want to change the image so I want to add a forest in the background I'm going to select generate as you can see with just a couple of clicks I now have a forest in the background something that I'm not really happy about this is that playground lowers the resolution of my subject in the image so it doesn't look the same as the original image remember that we had a lot of details in the clothes and when I zoom in the texture is almost gone so playground advantages it is free to use you can create up to a thousand images per day it has a lot of settings that you can adjust to tune the image generation the filters makes the creation a lot easier you can add keywords of things that you don't want to see in your image you can scale the images four times and you can edit your images to add or remove things it doesn't work great but it's always good to have the feature and in position number one we have need Journey as the only disadvantage that I can see with mid-journey is that it can also feel overwhelming because it works inside this cord the same way as Blue Willow so you can have a lot of images and things going on on the screen but if you don't want to scroll and see all the images and all the messages on the thread you can simply click on your inbox and see the messages that mid Journey has sent to you the images that it has generated for you this can be a way to get away with the disadvantage another way is to get a paid account with a paid account you can send private requests to meet journey in this way you avoid scrolling in this feed which can be very overwhelming how does mid-journey works we have this chat where we see all these prompts and images coming we're gonna type our prom below so start by typing slash imagine select this option right here and type your prompt then you're gonna hit enter and your image is going to be generated you can scroll through this thread to find your image or you could also find it in your inbox these are the four variations mid-journey created for me as you can see these results are way ahead from the other results we have seen today pay attention to the details textures lighting the eyes they look very symmetrical and also the amount of elements in this scene what about the advantages and why is it better than the other platforms that we have seen so far it is the best one in terms of faces details and textures you can generate 25 images for free lifetime but you can earn the possibility to create more free images by writing other images if you go to the URL them living on the screen you can have more information on how to earn these free images and as a side note mid Journey didn't talk about the number of images that you can earn but they talk about hours so you could earn a free fast GPU hour each day and with this free GPU hour you can create images if that makes sense and let me stop for a second I just came to the FAQ to answer what our fast hours here they explain that one hour is roughly 60 images generation or upscale command and roughly 200 images variation commands so this is a little technical but that's why I was saying that hours equals images another advantage that I saw with mid-journey is the that among all the other platforms that we saw today they have the best quality scaled images here are the images I created with each of the platforms using the same prompt they are side by side so you can compare them and please let me know in the comments which one you like the best the only two images I was able to create or generate from the first requests are mid-journey and blue willow the other three images you see on the screen I had to create several variations and tweak the images a little bit in order to get these results now which is the best platform for you I think it depends on your needs and of course your financial situation if you want to generate breathtaking images in the less amount of time and you have the money to pay for a subscription I a hundred percent would recommend made Journey if you cannot pay a membership but you can afford to spend time crafting different prompts trying different prompts creating different variations tweaking your images before you get something nice I would go for either Blue Willow or playground both platforms are really good so it depends on which one you feel more comfortable using but personally I tend to gravitate more to playground because we have the option to download our images in 4k let me know in the comments if you would like me to create a tutorial a dedicated tutorial on any of the platforms that we talked about today if you want to get started with mid-journey or Delhi I have two tutorials that you need to watch and also remember to subscribe if you want to keep learning with us I really hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and hope to see you in the next one bye
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 34,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canva, DALL-E, BlueWillow, Playground, Midjourney, best AI text to image generators, top AI text to image generators, text to image AI, artificial intelligence art, Canva design, DALL-E neural network, BlueWillow software, Playground image generator, Midjourney AI tool, AI art tools, AI graphics, machine learning, image creation, image generation, computer vision, text to image synthesis, creative AI, image processing, image manipulation, image editing, digital design
Id: 7znl4viKrW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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