My SECRET DaVinci Resolve Effect | PRO Tip

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hi my name is darren mostin and in this episode i want to show you one of the effects i've been using quite a bit recently it's been in resolve for a little while but i've really only just discovered the power of it so let's go and take a look so the open effect that i want to focus on today is called texture pop i've got a clip here i've got two clips in fact i've got another clip here and i've just done a basic grade on them so this is my grade this is my cst i'm not using my usual node structure i've just got a basic grade going on and i've got an empty node on the end which i'm going to apply texture pop to so let's go to our open effects and a quick way of finding it is if you just go to the search bar you can just type in texture and there it is right the top texture pop drag and drop it on and it opens up this dialog box now to make things easier for you to see if i'm going to press shift and f which is going to give me a much larger view of our image so you can see what's going on i'm going to keep my scopes open and we just have our menu here for the particular effect that we're working with so this is texture pop so what's this doing so texture pop is basically softening and sharpening but based on frequencies so we can actually dial in exactly which area we want to soften or sharpen so what does that mean in real terms when you first open it up you'll be in this simple mode okay so there's a simple and advanced mode so let's just start off in simple and color mode you've got the choice of rgb or luminance and chromium so you can split luminance and criminals let me show you that so there we go so this one up here is your luminance and this one here is your cognac and then the output mode will basically show you what is being affected so we'll come to that later so i'm going to stay in luma chroma mode okay and you can choose whether to work in just luma or chroma here and we've also got this option here called tonal range so let me just expand that and let's just go and pull some of these dials around so you can see exactly what's going on so what i have to do is give it some strength okay start is default to 0.2 actually i can leave it where it is defaults to 0.2 in strength but nothing's happening to the image and that's because we haven't moved this slider yet this is still at zero so moving it to the left will soften the image and moving it to the right will show up in the image okay and that's affecting the whole luma range so let me just reset that so you can see as i move this slider the effect happens quite harshly okay so if i just move this down a little bit my image has gone pretty mushy already so what i'm going to do is go down to global blend and straight away i'm just going to half that so what that's going to do is mix back this texture pop effect with the state it was in before we applied this effect so ie the graded point we were at so far so now when i adjust this slider it's a little bit more sensitive which gives us a better control over our image so what i'm going to do is just dial in a little bit of detail so let's go maybe 0.2 something like that and i'm just going to increase my strength a little bit but not too much and you can see already how much this is affecting our image so let me switch this on and off i'm just pressing command d and you can see that's pretty subtle but it's really nice what's happening we're just getting a little bit of well literally pop in her hair and in the um gravel and everything down here in the grass over here let's just dial in a little bit more and there we go you can see that effecting on the scopes here as well and because we're sharpening we're adding kind of perceived contrast as well so in the tonal range section here we have finer control over how much texture pop is in the shadows the mid tones and the highlights and obviously this low range and high range determines what becomes a shadow and what becomes a mid tone so by moving the shadow slider down and bringing my midtones down we're literally only putting texture pop in the upper mid tones and the highlights so let me just switch that on and off and you can see that in the clouds here but it's not being affected in her jeans or her t-shirt so what we could do with that if i just reset this and go back to luma chroma if we wanted to do a kind of black pro-mist look what we could do here is increase the strength soften the whole image let's go back to our blend drop that back to somewhere around half and now what we can do is take out our highlights and take out our mid-tones and all we're affecting now if i switch this on and off you see the clouds are not affected but we are affecting her t-shirt her jeans and just the tips of her hair so that's giving us a kind of black promise look so let's reset that again and what i wanted to do this time is really focus on the texture of the landscape so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back to luma chroma i'm going to increase my strength and i'm going to sharpen it up ever so slightly always pressing command and d just to check where you're going obviously that's very strong there so i'm going to blend it back somewhere around there and that's looking really nice now it's really bringing out this landscape let's just go a little bit further with that and if we only wanted to affect the landscape we could use a mask around the girl we could even use the magic mask in fact let's just do that quickly so if i press shift and f take us back to here let's go to our magic mask and then we just need to invert that and now we've got texture pop just on the landscape and if you want to know more about how to use the magic mask i've done a whole episode on that okay so let's have a look what happens in advance mode with the texture pop so i'm going to go to my next clip so this clip is test footage that's available from the red website this is 8k raw and we're going to use this clip to show you the advanced settings in texture pop so let's just switch over using shift f and this gives us a better view of what's going on and i'm going to switch over now from simple to advanced now what happens now is where we can do the frequency separation so the beauty of the texture pop tool in its simplest form in simple mode it's effectively mid-tone detail it's kind of like a mid-tone detail but in advance mode we can now separate out the individual frequencies to really finesse our look so we've got our strength applied now obviously nothing is affected so what we've got now is rough course medium small fine and tiny and these are our frequency separators so i'm going to switch from rgb into luma chroma mode so i now get frequency separation in the luminance and frequency separation in the chroma when these are set to zero obviously we're not softening or sharpening so moving to the right is going to sharpen that frequency and move to the left is going to soften that frequency so this is really good for fine accurate uh tuning of this of this skin tone for example so what we can do is let's add a bit a little bit of strength in there a little bit more and to work out which of these is affecting what area if i just for example let's just go to the medium you can see that's affecting that area if we get a tiny this is the high the very high frequencies so you can see that's basically the pause in our skin but to get a better idea of what's going on what we can do is switch over this output mode into either differences or differences magnitude so the difference is magnitude one is an easier way for me to see what's being affected but we can now go through these and have a look what's been affected on the rough frequency on the course frequency and you can see we slowly get through and we're trying to find the face so there we go the medium is sort of working small is working now i won't imagine fine there we go so it's like the hair there's this sort of detail here and tiny here is hair and the pores so what i'm going to do is reset these sliders i'm going to increase my strength and let's just bring in a little bit of medium so i want to soften that okay and now that i know which slide is affecting what i can switch this back to my final result and so we can take our medium slider there and what i want to do i try not to make too big a move between these do you want this to be a sort of smooth curve if you can because otherwise you're going to exaggerate frequencies i'm just going to bring up my fine and tiny and what i'm doing here is trying to add back the pause okay so if i just switch that off on and off this is the whole effect off the effect back on you can see that we're smoothing the skin but we're bringing the pores back in to make it look more natural so if we just smooth off skin tone it can start looking a little bit plasticky like that so this allows us to bring back the actual pause to make it look more realistic and what i can also do is use my blend tool as i was doing previously so i'm going to blend this right back now that sort of good half mix and that is giving us a really subtle smoothing off of her skin tone so it's really nice but we're keeping all this detail in the hair all the detail the eyebrows and what we can even do now is go to our tonal range and if we knock down the shadows we realize that then the shadows are not being affected at all which means that we don't get any softening appearing in the shadows so i'm really enjoying using texture pop it makes landscapes look great it's great on skin tone and i just having that frequency separation just takes it the next level up from mid-tone detail for me so i hope that gave you a better understanding of how that effect works this has been quite requested so if you want to see more of these let me know in the comments look after yourselves and i'll see in the next episode
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 19,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my secret resolve effect, Texture pop, How to use texture pop, davinci resolve, Grading skin tone, davinci resolve tutorial, color grading, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17, resolve 17, color correction, davinci resolve effects, colour grading, color grading secrets, resolve17, how to use resolve, OFX, how to use Resolve OFX, ofx plugin, resolve ofx, Which effects are in the studio version, free vs paid, resolve free vs studio, how to grade skin
Id: QqXJPl44TeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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