4v4 MegaRandom | Low Resources Map | ft. TaToH

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no come here alright oh I didn't pick Camaro what's wrong with me don't imagine if I got come here still that would be the best one opposite my gran okay Tata cheerio you be different are you going to be the first do not [Music] it seems way more land oh I don't think there's big water if it's like the second time they're all the same this feels weird is water around yeah one more so far [Music] a lot of the demos like a lot to do it's good it's naming my dear man you know we look at the back well there is no water in the middle is there yeah have you nice deal is for with my militia you can try okay I am NOT Scouts I'm muggers it's pretty close I go for it that's fascist militia right I mean this should work excellent got it since our assassins Teutons persians and my girls for us how many boys have seen anyone so far unless I wanna soar as well but I have to again Mongols Latinas Mullens Ethiopians no mana like our your persians man the cross wasn't enough cuz their thing they need to note that more how a muted sorry now say hello will be your person man you're fine just not possible the kids all my dear man is that they kill them all he's like 20 deer be able to kill the moment I pretty much like y'all and then we were both here [Music] revenge is fair enough man [Music] well he's dealing my Boorman stealing my bar why you can take a dip [Music] Oh miss miss you don't care okay not miss come on I did not take my board it's not a lot of gold there actually there is no ball yeah like this delivery of ice no controlling corners will be important only we had male as well oh I can make my girl huh sir we have also not no gold units man it's how it works crews Oh lectures aren't as important as watching this stream okay it's just a reality of the situation again typical man if he moves he goes it's like there's no middle ground it's either/or problem is I'm his pocket so what's good for me it's hard to get used to not place in farms as come here anymore I'm so used to displace in farms forever now it will be named as coming from foreknown yes what is better in doing me oh yeah No [Music] [Music] how many relics there a few relics I don't want to see one what look at this guy man how is he that's a cheater I said two relics actually Satpathy don't be so grumpy I could lose my 93 weight world man [Music] ladies the feature you see if it more else I know probably oh my stubby cell right I don't like this I see a sage workshop there's not too much Willis not might be more in the corner towards the edge of the map Wow still teleporting wait wait any noise haha it worked [Music] Oh is doing pikemen siege push it's not good [Music] and nights my pocket is booming right so be exciting this year well he said so didn't he yeah there's a monk [Music] [Music] but damn in there what's up ladies yen what's he doing he's killing my face man oh oh how dare he yeah it's real bad like I invite him to do that kill it kill it man revenge get it then what do you did you want or not you said you will get it I'm alert alert Reuben Reuben [Music] hey we have I'm gonna stay here so I didn't make em all get there pull these in this level let's go hi you need kibosh is there no no commitment woman man no my woman compared to the woman why the woman I mean oh no God noise took my bastard there's not much food so reasonable it's a waste or to go for Commodore Quran [Music] [Music] whole these guys already man vas Oh welcome least it's good man like that you have a pocket man chill [Music] talking outside oh yes redemption that's plenty of them oh no Mike our just okay about whatever it's fast fire isn't he's going fast far as an outside it's him really you know you serve Redemption [Music] yeah [Music] let's go baby [Music] no no no no where do you see no no should be good Rubin listen you know if you want to trick here that was marketers give me the ability knows I mean the woman I mean a woman is a castle where are they trading I see marked trade cars already running they want to trade on the side teleport through my use isn't teleport through man incorporating is important he's not I should get have a plow first I heard that's good this one come here man and rinconete farms I know that feeling and she has been posed is the man who dies we know one can reasonably kissing but thank you renji god I appreciate that want women to get the crenellations home is the champs Marlene champs just go commando and dominate please the maximum dose chuckles so expensive there's no root man Julia doesn't help yelling wood and the max stick in my boot Martinez hello I mean I don't even want to the bags any small body to lose the hassle out there today yeah come on during not just a school and a booth by the man I don't have food man he vote man don't have good you do have I wish I had max already as a million trade the greedy man no grapes max need stone man 30 just a little stone like 100 stones having another caster take that at the man I love you it's exactly what I needed I need three shots to be one champion like we're what actually the reason I came to portrayed is because don't know would disregard this weaboo suicide should be finer as well just need to get my guruvar self-reflection going we started pushing here as well sort of fish kind of not really but we try I don't need tread man should eat right true East crossbows we can actually use some crossbows here if you can afford I can't have any man oh yeah true across Wisconsin well actually consent somewhere that's fine I would say as how it since okay but I'm popular to be alright it was invisible right how do our villages in your side it's no sense hilly my boot I guess very beautiful Oh cheeky cheeky [Music] [Music] you know like a lot you kill I'll be cool [Music] [Music] this after mix crews actually we're very tight if I sling you and you my wood and then you make crossbows and incres were there anyplace with it the right side teleport through this Goodman casting that is a cast oh that's bad you have finder I just saw wood I'm stupid care for a crossbow Teddy let's see we push here just on your my husband okay just in my house out there I have two strips with Amish but you guys already halfway in there no problem [Music] in all the production with diabilities like bugs associates eternity two trips [Music] such a weird game why am i bad with those once you start treatment do Cornishmen [Music] they can't have much resources look at the trade yeah now look at this trade name they were like soggy stuff yeah I mean they have markets on the right side but that's insane how light this man laid like this wait wait wait my bass yes does it 14-8 yeah sick there was a normal wooden map no Tito we have been dominating without you I feel the bottom score no yeah there was one two three people below me man nobody's below you are you guys done with that game yes can you kick somebody we just finished man
Channel: TheViper
Views: 35,363
Rating: 4.9017859 out of 5
Id: 7m1nKenOFZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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