466 - Training an Egg to Level 100 Before it Hatches!! The Level 100 Gauntlet

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level 100 pinnacle of power for a Pokemon very few Pokemon ever reached this level this is a series of videos in which I've pushed pokemons levels to the absolute limit by raising them to 100 in unconventional ways and environments because more or less I'm crazy this is the level 100 gauntlet I hope you enjoy the pomegranate is a bizarre fruit full of usually hundreds of red edible orbs known as arils throughout history the fruit has been symbolic of abundance in many different cultures the berry named after this fruit and pokemon the pabich berry could not be more worthy of its namesake first of all because it's bizarre I mean the tree that it comes from looks like it's from another planet to be fair though most of the gen 3 berry trees look like they're from another planet especially with the way they move around it dance but I'd also consider the pom agraria to be a symbol of abundance because in the third gen games particularly emerald version there is a glitch you can perform with atomic berry that opens up hundreds if not thousands if not even limitless possibilities for things you can do in the games I'm about to give a brief explanation of the fon mekk glitch and how it ties into this gauntlet but before I do that I wanted to say that what I'm doing in this goblet barely even scratches the surface of what the pop med glitch is capable of there are some applications of it that open up avenues to data corruption and arbitrary code execution and here are some channels that you can check out if you want to see more of these crazy applications or see what else the Pama glitch is capable of but throughout the scholar we're going to this stick with a very very basic version of it so let's get into that [Music] as of emerald version the Palmieri when used on a Pokemon increases his happiness and lowers its HP V's by ten assuming it has some HP Eevee investment if you use a pom McGary on a Pokemon with one HP its max HP and current HP will drop meaning that it will either reach 0 HP effectively having it in a fainted state or it can even drop below zero HP is stored as an unsigned integer in these games meaning that a negative number is not really interpreted as as a negative number and is instead seen as an incredibly large number in this case in the ballpark of 65535 HP I can go into further depth White's like that but in this gauntlet we're actually more concerned with the 0 HP scenario anyway so don't worry about it now the whole quirk of the 0 HP scenario is that if the Pokemon you're performing the glitch on is the only Pokemon in your party upon reaching 0 HP and knocking it out you will not white out allowing you to freely roam around with just a fainted Pokemon in your party now for this gauntlet we will just be walking around with Pokemon we're performing the glitch on which will be knocked out and an egg when you walk out into the tall grass with the egg at the turn of your party you're able to send that egg out into battle the Pokemon within the egg shows up in battle but with the eggs color palette so it looks really weird it's capable of using the attacks that it would use whenever it would hatch in addition to this the egg is capable of gaining experience and leveling up and that is the subject of today's 11100 gauntlet using the pom egg glitch we're going to train the Pokemon inside of an egg to level 100 before it hatches so there is a lot of preparation to be done here in order to make sure things go smoothly there are lots of things we need to keep in mind too every single step our character takes is one step closer to making our efforts in this gauntlet somehow more mood point than they already are in the first place because if we were to walk enough steps for the egg to hatch it resets back down to level five only retaining the moves it has learned in its current form in the evolutionary line three to go out this in a normal way with wild encounters we've been making a lot of small trips to the Pokemon Center but small trips to and from the Pokemon Center really add up in terms of the step count so we don't want to do anything that will have us going back there any more than a few dozen times also there's another fairly unique catch to this at the end of every battle the game finally notices that you don't actually have any fighting fit Pokemon in your party so you white out which sends you back to the Pokemon Center which is exactly where we don't want to go and on top of that it means you have to repeat the glitch again because you're fainted Pokemon is then fully healed meaning that the number of paumanok berries we have is another really important resource we have to keep in mind there is a workaround to Whiting out by using or a 5 on the fainted pokemon during battle but then you still have to repeat the glitch on it again and then you have another resource to worry about the revives I don't even want to think about how many pom bag berries revives and how much HP Eevee training I would have to do on top of this the training eggs are level 100 and a normal conventional way to add some further complication an egg is still just an egg so we can't give it any held items like a lucky egg imagine that an egg holding an egg or take an easier route with items like rare candies [Music] keeping in mind all these exhaustible resources in order to maximize our efficiencies we're going to do the tried and true Lissie secret based strategy the Blissey secret based strategy is exactly what it sounds like it is a secret base full of Blissey this became a very popular training method with the release of omega ruby alpha sapphire with the super secret bases but in the original games you're still able to pull this off through regular secret bases and mixing records given that you have six level 100 Blissey so to start out with all the crazy preparation for this gauntlet I trained a bliss eagle of 100 since the focus of this gauntlet is training an egg for level 100 and not necessarily the Bliss II I did something that I don't normally resort to doing and that is using the Emerald cloning glitch I figured since that we're already using the pomade glitch might as well be fun make use of another glitch to make my life much easier pulling off this glitch is actually pretty simple just save the game with Pokemon that you want to clone in the PC go to the battle tower in the battle frontier withdraw the Pokemon that you want to clone and put it in your party go to the receptionist for the link multi battle room choose your Pokemon and when she asks us to save it yes then after the little freeze that happens before we start actually saving the game turn off the game turn it back on and then the Pokemon is both in your party and in the PC I repeated this until I had 6 level 100 Blissey oh and in order to have a Blissey secret base I guess we have to have a secret base - so I got one of those I chose one on route 119 because it's relatively close to the Pokemon Center and then on my other copy of emerald where I plan on actually doing the gauntlet I mixed records with this emerald with the six Blissey in my party we also need a subject to perform the glitch on and I chose Gengar because with curse whatever it has an odd amount of HP it allows you to get down to one HP just by using it twice very easily and we're gonna be having to get down to one HP quite a bit during this gauntlet I also made sure to invest in maximum HP V's on this Gengar because we're going to have to perform the pom and glitch multiple times and oh yeah we need an egg too honestly I could have chosen any Pokemon to be within the egg but I actually opted for one that I've already used in a level 100 gauntlet and that is nincada or nincada however you choose to pronounce it because at the end of the day when it reaches 100 we'll have to level 100 eggs when it evolves into Ninjask Shedinja I just can't resist that possibility also it's perfect because it's part of the erratic experienced group meaning that it requires the least amount of experience to reach level 100 which should be just enough for the limited number of palming berries that I already happen to have on this file so yeah I didn't actually do any plumbing very growing preparation for this gauntlet at all I just gathered a lot on my regular playthrough of the game I taught the eggs father and you might recognize the toxic and sandstorm TMS and since dig is also a TM it will also get passed down to the egg these tools we our main ways of defeating the Bliss II installing out turns as their HP slowly whittles down I actually generated the egg on my other end will copy and traded it over because believe it or not eggs actually do get the traded experience boost despite the hatched Pokemon having your ot and not getting that boost and now at this point with the egg on our game I'd say we are finally ready to get into the crew gauntlet almost ten minutes into the oh my gosh I'm sorry Oh On February 9 that all really began since Gengar had an odd maximum amount of HP at this point it was really easy to set up to get to one HP just use curse twice and we were good to go walked into the secret base use the pom Akbari on the Gengar made sure is in the second slot in my party save the game and I was ready to take on the world but the unexpected happened for some reason my fainted Gengar got sent out instead and there was no way I could bring the egg into battle and then as soon as the Gengar fainted the game softlocks I was completely crestfallen and had no idea where I went wrong I started to wonder if it was even possible to do egg battles within secret bases since the Gengar got sent out instead I was really worried that all of the preparation had been for nothing I shouldn't have been worrying about it though because vape ama glitch has a video where he demonstrates something with this method but I completely missed it in my research for this video completely dejected I did what any insane person would do and tried the exact same thing again the next day expecting a different result you only get one chance at these secret based battles every day so it all came down to this or I'd have to wait another 24 hours [Music] no way it actually sent out the egg this time the talk slot the the soft lock has been avoided I have no idea why that happened yesterday I didn't do anything different in a strange turn of events after doing nothing different somehow we were fighting with the egg now and the true knowledge can begin words cannot express how happy I am about this I have heard some weird things about the palm village still sometimes have any unexpected results so maybe it was just a weird outlier case where it happened like that but now I have a strategy to use toxic in this Blissey and the sand storm oh ok that's interesting it ends after one turn because I technically white it out so what I'm gonna have to do is I'm going to have to use revive on my Gengar first turn and then do this I'll be back again alright this time I'm going to use revival on Gengar first turn so we can actually fight the Blissey go egg yeah alright revive revive the Gengar so it's technically there so we don't white out first turn this is gonna use light screen and good we have an actual turn to battle now Thunderbolt doesn't affect egg alright let's see how much exp we go eight thousand one hundred ninety four not bad finally the strategy was working and it was working great it took about twenty minutes to take out the whole team of six bliss e's for just this battle i'm going to show a time-lapse of the whole thing but don't expect this for all the other days of this challenge because it's very much just rinse and repeating the same strategy over and over again there we go 33 levels on an egg in one battle in one day and now the egg is evolving which is crazy a mashing B to prevent it from evolving right now okay yeah we can prevent the egg from evolving but we're gonna not prevent it on the final level so we can get two eggs from this and yeah let's check out the status of our party we have a fully healed Gengar now and just another unassuming egg but yeah I guess now we got to repeat the glitch again I got to do this I think twelve times based on the amount of experience that we got it since uh it'll take 600,000 experience to reach level 100 so we'll just have to repeat the glitch again with this Gengar and then we'll be all set up doing it tomorrow another day another Blissey [Music] I forgot to do the revive thing again see you tomorrow February 13th I will remember to use revives today I did remember to use the revives and got some considerable levels once I got into the swing of things this actually turned out to be a pretty non-committal gauntlet just 20 minutes out of the day and a bunch of levels because of how easy it felt I felt all the preparation actually paying off you can only do one secret battle per day per base but I took a suggestion from my friend here fried bread to see if I could get around that and the suggestion was to mix records again it works I can just mix records again if I want to battle on the same day so I guess let's finish the prep from The Glitch itself and then we can go back in there and get a battle I wouldn't recorded the second battle I did on the 14th on my good old fashioned Gameboy SP is that's just the way that I roll I could have kept going and done the glitch again and did another battle that night but I decided against it I was having a pretty busy week because of work and various other things I'm really only planned on doing one battle a day anyway down elite trainer box today woohoo let's open it up nice and now it is pomade time I know this is difficult alright did it and there goes DDD despite my best efforts to turn on my DS while wearing a DDD puppet unfortunately this day became a failure I would send out the Gengar today again I feel like it has a small chance of that happening [Music] again without doing anything different the next day the egg got sent out correctly at the time of editing I still haven't looked far enough into this to figure out why the Gengar sometimes gets sent out so if any of you happen to know I would love an explanation in the comments and don't be afraid to get technical with it mixing records again by this point I had reached a level of proficiency at which I could probably complete this in my sleep as long as the Gengar had an odd amount of max HP something I haven't really shown much on video yet is how long it takes to actually set this up with an even amount of HP but the odd HP setup is so easy just to curses in the even max HP scenario like I was in now I couldn't use curse twice because on the second usage of it it would take me down to 0 HP meaning I would have to use it once and then rely on wild Pokemon to widdle me down to 1 HP which as you can imagine was very luck based and sometimes took a long time at this point in the Goblet I guess you could say that this is the only thing that you can really call a challenge double 76 what's up I didn't have work today so I decided I would go try and find an actual pomegranate for the intro of this video and after like 2 or 3 hours I'm going to a ton of different stores no one was selling pomegranates so I guess in order to make today not a literally fruitless day I'm gonna try and see if I can finish this up today if I keep mixing records with myself and I don't end up getting the weird Gengar goes first glitch or forget to use a revive I should be able to finish it today so let's get at it come on the good old balcony again I'm all set up to do this got my SPS with the wireless adapters for whenever I need to mix records got my emerald version in the ESPYs got my Kirby autumn atone for real let's get things going having the day off work meant that I was able to no life this gauntlet at my maximum power level something that I hadn't reached in a very long time but I underestimated how cold it would be outside and did one excruciating battle outside Nicole before giving in and going back inside to do the rest lady one back inside the warmth [Music] and it just sent the Gengar sent out thing dang it I have to wait till tomorrow to finish this gauntlet now but that's not bad I got to do three battles today the next two days I only had a little bit of time so I was only able to get one Blissey bottle off every day but progress is progress and at the end of the 20th we were one battle away from getting this egg to level 100 February 23rd just enjoying some frostbite live and I think today is gonna be our last day that we have to do this for the gauntlet so I'm super excited about it she's gonna prepare the game guard for it gonna see how much oK we've gone into moves occasionally now on the egg which is pretty interesting too and yeah now let's do the battle enter capture mode [Music] yes level 100 egg let's go this has been such a wild ride I cannot believe that it actually worked at the end we did it now it's got to take like a Lizzie killing victory laughs [Music] well that's it now we can evolve the egg egg evolved into ninjask isn't that beautiful and now in our party we have two eggs it looks like they both maintain the same step counter which is pretty interesting but my gosh we've done it we have a level 100 egg what a crazy world we live in and looking back at the first save before the first battle this is took an overall a total of 3 hours and 43 minutes of gameplay not bad thanks to preparation beforehand now I guess let's check out the eggs and combat real quick and then let's hatch him but I'm not going to save after i hatch them because I probably want to keep them as level 100 eggs [Music] color scheme on that looks so cool [Music] shedinja egg [Music] watching these fully evolved Pokemon hatch from these eggs was surreal to me and looking back on it all I don't regret training these eggs to level 100 at all in fact I think the eggs are almost like shinies to me trophies that I can keep on my file and look at every now and then just to remind me something cool that I have in my games that's gonna do it for today's level 100 gauntlet I have lots more plans for the future no telling when I'll be able to put out the next one but as always thanks so much for watching and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: AbsolBlogsPokemon
Views: 701,447
Rating: 4.8052316 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon emerald, level 100 gauntlet, lv 100 gauntlet, level 100, egg, pomeg glitch, pomeg, grena, training an egg, battle with egg glitch, egg battle, nincada, absolblogspokemon, challenge
Id: 05TnlzzhTww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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