An In-Depth Video About Wii Tanks

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you know what game I like we tanks we don't be seriously tanks or is this better known as the only good game we play well billiards is already too I guess for all two of you that are uninformed we play as a compilation mini games released back in 2007 at least for us in the West the fifth best-selling Wii game in fact but I can assure you this had very little to do with the game itself every copy of we play came include two of a standard Wii Remote and this is during a time where the Wii was the hottest thing since Wonderbread and a single Wii Remote was a whopping forty bucks so when we play came to store shelves price of fifty dollars bundled with the Wii Remote it was like damn what a steal it's basically like a ten dollar game how could he go wrong and when we got home and played it we were like wait a second this game sucks we got Barry a slate hasn't got off or anything but for a collection of only nine games you think they'd all be a little bit more in-depth but they're even more simplistic than what we saw on Wii Sports for your first introduction to the Wii these can be pretty fun at first but they wear out their welcome pretty fast this is a video about the tanks game in particular but for the sake of not having the comfort us game again in the future why don't we take a quick look at what we got first up is shooting range which is basically just stuck on not bad and your targets change each stage for a bit of variety but personally I think I'd rather play duck hunt for the novelty of the zapper finding me it's Where's Waldo most of the levels you just have to find to meas that look the same table tennis you would think this would be pretty cool having a swinger paddle to hit the ping pong ball and whatnot nevertheless all you actually do is point the screen where you want your paddle with me it's basically just a glorified version of pong speaking of a glorified version of pong laser hockey is a glorified version of pong it always kind of bothered me that both this and table tennis were included and we play neither are terrible or anything but for only nine games you would hope they'd all be a little bit more distinct from one another I mean you have one version of pong where you move the paddle that's right and then another version where you move it top to bottom great pose me a game where you move your me in a bubble to other bubbles you have to change your pose in later levels but that's basically it billiards the first game on here that's actually word for damn you can't go wrong with a classic game of pool and row works pretty well here I'd personally rather have had a game of 8-ball post a nine ball though from what I understand nine ball is much more popular in Japan so I guess it makes enough sense why they chose that and said for what it's worth it's still a lot of fun so I can't really complain fishing easily the worst game if for no other reason than a reminded me of how terrible the original Wii sensor bar is like holy moly this thing does not work well at all supposed to catch these fish but the controls are more of an obstacle than these Crayola drawings are charged this one is all right you hold your Wii Remote sideways and tilts it left or right to steer the cow the whole game is just you running over scarecrows and reaching your goal pretty rudimentary but again it's fine lastly there is tanks which is the game that most people remember from we play and for good reason I mean the rest of this video will be mostly covering just tanks alone so to be fair it's not a terrible selection of games in really that's the most accurate way to describe we play if someone ever asks you hey house we play all you need to say is yeah but if we consider we plan to be a $10 game given there are nine mini-games here we'll be fair and say each game should be worth one book even though technically each is one point one repeating and if you look at it that way yeah most of these probably can't even justify a single book it's strange too because clearly so much time and effort when do we tanks but then well what the hell happen with the rest of the game almost seems like a mistake to be honest like how did the guys who made all these lazy ass games have to make one brilliant game it's like 10 times better than everything else and we play to put things in perspective I'd say this one simplistic game and we play alone is worth five bucks and we play still is it a ten dollar game anyways I just want to get all that crap on the way so we can focus on the real story here so holy crap we tanks is brilliant in the tanks game you are a little blue tank facing off onslaught of other toy tanks you move into the control stick aim your cannon by pointing with the Wii Remote and shoot by pressing B alongside bullets you can also lay down mines with a button the goal of each wave is to eliminate all the enemy tanks you keep proceeding for the levels until you run our lives or if your legend reach the final stage needless to say simplicity is tanks biggest strength and yet for the simple set of tools provided there is so much strategy that you can incorporate you can ricochet your shots on Falls and get enemies behind cover you can destroy some blocks by using your mines for different routes you can shoot oncoming bullets as it means the defence you can use your land mines as a facing tool to prevent enemy tanks for going a certain way you can even use your minds to kill enemies through the walls in addition there's a handful of different color tanks that all behave differently so in turn require you to approach them differently some can lay mines some can't move some shoot missiles some play offensively others play defensively in fact the white tanks can turn invisible and even change the pitch of their engine sound depending on if you're playing offensively or defensively or at least that's what I'd read online I didn't notice it myself but I read on the internet so I'm sure it's true the tank colors are as follows there are the brown tanks which are the first type you see they can't move in they're not too smart they shoot every once in a blue moon so if you somehow die to one of these guys exit your nearest ten story window because hot damn your bed I mean you can literally just roll up to these guys and they still won't shoot the great tanks are your first mobile tanks but they're not too good either so nothing to worry about the teal tanks are probably the first type of tank that strikes any sort of challenge instead of standard shells they shoot incredibly fast missiles not to mention they're not complete idiots so you got to watch out for these guys the old tanks are decently fast but they want too much however they will place mines all over the place much like your own mines these are proximity so I wouldn't advise getting near them red boys at the introduction to the really good tanks these guys are smart they will lead their shots in mole fire multiple rounds at once while they're bolts may be slow they will bounce off walls so you got to be cautious green tanks green tanks can't move but they very accurately calculate missile shots that rebound off walls trust me these guys are paying the ass there's a lot to say about them and we're definitely gonna get to it later purple tanks they're basically the faster and smarter version of red tanks white tanks the white tanks as mentioned earlier are interesting because they will become invisible at the start of the round watch the tracks or treads make to keep a visual in their position the very last tank introduced order black tanks they're the fastest the second smartest and they shoot missiles that might seem pretty bad but by the time they're introduced each stage is just a cluster different enemies anyway so it's not actually that bad the different variety of enemy tanks the varying layouts there is a surprising amount of strategy for such a simple game this is the sort of game design I love to see it's on the smash brothers level of stupidly simple to understand but hard to master and Jesus Christ is a hard literal you ask anyone who's played weak tanks what they think of this game and I guarantee you just about anyone you talk to will make some sort of mention about how stupidly difficult it is you know what though we're gonna buckle the hell down and we're gonna do this twenty sages how bad can it be [Music] stages one through four aren't too bad but as early as stage five is when they introduced to missile launchers but whatever we got this these stages aren't too tough they introduced the yellow tanks that lay landmines at level 8 as stated before though they're pretty slow so not a huge deal red tanks on 10 these guys can be pretty hard later on but they're a bit of a pushover on this level particular level 11 a bit trickier but still doable we got this it's in the bag don't even sweat what are the games that don't say 12 sage 12 is when it really starts munitions because that's when they introduce these bastards the green tanks holy smokes screw these guys to put things perspective I've shown tank secondly mines fire multiple bolt of rockets the white ones stripped run invisible then the black tanks are stupidly smart fast in fact they can outrun your bullets and yet with all these different types of Tanks these green ones that can't even move are the worst we'll make some so bad these shoots super fast rockets that can bounce off two walls for one and the way they calculate their shots is ridiculous they will never shoot directly at you instead they will plan out a sequence of walls to ricochet their missile toward you not only that but they will typically watch what direction you're moving to lead their shots what's so hard about this is that all the other tanks shoot right at you so even if you don't have enough time to evade the shot you can still shoot any projectile coming towards you to dispose of any attacks but yeah good luck trying to do that with this precisely aiming if the Wii Remote is already hard enough as it is but then trying to calculate faster than the game which angle the missiles will come before they hit you is nearly impossible even if you think you're in a safe spot these dick holes will quickly demonstrate the various ways in which they can connect a shot with your quote-unquote safe spot look how fast again kill you on stage 17 in fact look how fast I can kill you on any stage just to give an example of how smart these guys are check this out this green tank here is showing all the way on the other side of the map and he's still calculated a shot that almost killed me finding these guys is like trying outsmart a calculator also yes this game gets stupidly difficult as early as age 12 so you can't imagine how crazy hard this game is by the time you reach the end the purple takes are introduced in level 15 but they're not so bad things can get a little hectic but no okay I got back to mission 15 I didn't freakin tight this time we even got a 1up oh yeah I forgot to mention on top of the three lives you start with you receive an additional life for every five stages you complete it's not much but in the game as hard as tanks you're going to need every bit of help you can get you know what stages hard on the stage 15 Stage 17 you got six green tanks training that's life you if you make one wrong move and believe me you will what makes this stage even harder are all these damn walls obscure the missiles at the enemies shoot you straight up just can't see the bullets at they're behind a wall which is a pretty big problem if they want to have this angled top-down perspective that's fine but the bullets should highlight red or something when they go behind blocks so many of these deaths even outside this stage have been due to a bullet I couldn't even see okay if you're able to clear mission 17 though it's in the bag stage 18 and 19 are nothing to write home about and then you've made it stage 20 the final mission you're placed in an open arena against two invisible tanks spam your way to victory in a long last you've done it if you've made it this far and then give yourself to Pat in the back making it through all 20 of these nail-biting stages was tough and it probably took an hour or so of practice but it's all over now [Music] there's more than 20 stages aren't there oh boy here we go in my excitement of finishing what I thought was all the stages I mean how could I not when stage 20 literally says final mission I found out via the internet that there aren't just 20 stages there's 100 of them what the there's 100 stages but we played as a terrible thing we're prevents you from passing stage 20 until you've been twenty stages on the previous run in other words for the game to even allow you to get to the later stages you have to first speed the first 20 rounds go back to the menu and then start up a new game and I hate this crap it's such an anomaly and even though I can't think of another game that does this off top my head I know I've ran into this before in other Nintendo games because it drives me up a wall every single time the only thing I can think of right now it probably doesn't kill is the binding of issac the very first time you meet mom it plays a cutscene and boots you back to the menu but on subsequent playthroughs unless you proceed to the womb however I don't think this counts because it's not nearly as bad gneissic as it is in takes sure you can't proceed to the rest of floors until you play it again but you're rewarded with a cutscene and also being a roguelike every playthrough is different we tanks on the other hand goes up to you and says oh wow it's been pretty hard getting this far huh gee whiz you can say that again yeah well cute dude I'll get what will that least be slightly different nope I ain't no quitter though so we're freakin doing this all right here we go I'm feeling this one I'm going to get this stage wound up okay well not a great start but I still got this as long as I can make it past the dreaded stage 17 will be a stop this is the hardest damn stage yes that's right even though there are so 83 stages left to go it's stage 17 that is the hardest in fact I don't know if it's because I got better or the stages actually got easier but once you do the first twenty levels you're probably good to go at least until you get into the 50s I nearly lose all my lives getting up to stage 20 but for whatever reason after that ayuh rarely died I think a big part of that is that we tanks recycles the sages and is sort of see starting with stage 21 you start to see the level house reused they will change out the tank colors used but otherwise the level design itself has been untouched not all of the levels on your way to 100 will be retreads but again many of them will I genuinely believe this is why the game seems to get easier stage 17 for example I've told you how stupidly difficult the stages but a big part of that is the color of the tanks being used having five green tanks and levels seemingly designed around their strengths is nail-biting ly stressful but here we have the same layout and stage 68 and it's a complete joke this level was hard because it was designed with the green tanks in mind so the second you swap out the tanks the layout no longer coheres to the abilities of the enemies something else I should mention that I didn't even realize it's all scripting this apparently starting of stage 21 all of the levels are randomly generated with the exceptions of stage 50 and stage 100 I seriously would have never noticed this was it not for the fact that I was watching other people's gameplay when I was doing my research as four stages 15 100 stage 50 is when they introduce to block tanks they're the fastest and they shoot ricocheting missiles as mentioned before though green tanks are still the hardest tanks to deal with so I wouldn't worry about these too much or at the very least the amount of times I died to the black tanks doesn't even compare to how many times these green boys have killed me because with the black tanks you can roll right up to them and just smash the B button to counter every shot they'll fire at you unlike the green tanks they will always make a clean straight shot right towards you for all their strengths they're predictable which is why despite being the last color introduced I don't think that the hardest since they will only ever try to make direct shots you can really use this to your advantage on stage 84 I didn't even bother leaving my little cubicle here to get them since I knew they would only start shooting if they had a direct line of fire I took advantage of this by instead bouncing my shots off the wall to get them you learn pretty quickly which tanks do what and how you should approach them and you will need to learn how to approach each tank if you plan on getting to level 100 as for stage 100 it's stage one again except someone just vomited all over the screen there is no clever design around the final stage they kind of just throw all the tanks you've been synced throughout your quests and one single level to be fair it does make for a decent challenge just please don't get a game over if you actually make it this far get to that endurance of a stage and you finally done it for real this time you have fully completed we tanks and will be rewarded the platinum medal and we play now you can eject that have your we and never play it again if you guys play in the champion all 100 stages yourselves you better grab a few beers or soda if you're not of age I don't condone underage drinking grab a friend to talk to so you don't get mad and put aside your entire day because I guarantee you you'll be at this for hours not including the additional time I spent failing over and over and over on a successful run getting to stage 100 takes about 2 consecutive hours the last thing to discuss is the multiplayer and I know this has been a surprisingly critical overview of a pretty solid game but this multiplayer really needs to be addressed tanks is one of those games that take some agnostic ass approach to the multiplayer and you know what I'm talking about those games that can't decide whether or not they want to be competitive our co-op so they just throw their arms up in the air go Oh what you get is a game that really isn't good at either in the two-player mode it still has the level completion structure but if both you and the other player die on the same stage it rallies up who's killed the most tanks of determining winner I freaking hate this since there is friendly fire there is incentive to kill the other players so you get all the tanks for yourself but if you do that you are less likely to see the other levels then again the two player only goes up to around 20 anyway so like what were they going for here it's like in Zelda for swords where you need to work together to reach the end but at the same time since there is a competitive aspect to it everyone just ends up holding each other back by screwing over the other players it always kind of bothers me when games to this competitive slash co-op thing seriously just pick one or the other it would have been really cool to see a true versus mode in tanks where you have to eliminate the other player or conversely a true co-op experience that gives each player a pool of lives and gives you a combined score what we got instead was a combination of both and it seems like Mis potential the multiplayer alongside we tanks on a conceptual level has so much room for innovation in improvement it's kind of a bummer Nintendo never went back to visit this come on Nintendo give us a standalone tanks game on the eShop of multiplayer give us co-op give us versus I mean hey if all these battle royale games coming out for Knight apex hell even the Tendo themselves have their own in the form of Tetris 99 here's what I say Tetris 99 where's our weed tanks 99 I was messing around mostly but I kind of an ironic no I mean can you just imagine hey what's up you look different before it kind of looks like you're pushing some placeholder style that was unintentionally used for two years but you know now I finally got a quick update where to meta are we just are we just not addressing the fact that you smash through the wall the bulldozer is that what's going on right now are you still recording yeah so it works videos Socrates of dumb Jan water okay you get in the video now hey thanks for watching I'll be uploading a bit more frequently since I lost my job again so in the meantime I'll be trying to finish out my patreon request my patreon such as Mandy Guth Romy better marked in her said Hagen please let me know if I pronounced that correctly silver skeleton Cash Nader Q Victoria Mars yeah be Knutson thank you all so much until next time have a good [Music]
Channel: SilokHawk
Views: 1,053,994
Rating: 4.8628383 out of 5
Keywords: wii play, wii tanks, tanks!, silokhawk, review, nintendo, kermit, animation, critique, overview, stage 100
Id: ClQgxTgIQNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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