Ranking Every Super Mario 64 DS Minigame [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another ranking video right here on tetra bay gaming if you're like me and grew up with a Nintendo DS this is the part where it turns you on then chances are that you played new super mario brothers or super mario 64 DS these games not only offered a full-fledged single-player experience but also fun multiplayer battle modes and my favorite additions the minigames these were a fun little slide experience to enjoy when needing a break from the game and the ones that were multiplayer were a blast to play with friends now I don't know about you guys but I played these minigames a ton when I was younger and this flub here probably played some part in fostering my affinity for gambling so in this video I will be ranking all the minigames from both super mario 64 DS and new super mario bros from worst to best and yes I know that Mario Party DS exists but I kind of count those minigames in a whole other category so I'll just be sticking to these two games also there are some multiplayer exclusive versions of minigames but I'll only be covering the ones that are significantly different than the single-player ones this ranking is of course my own subjective and biased opinion basically just based on how fun I think these minigames are to play and with all of that said let's a go kicking things off we have loves me a game in which you just tap a bunch of flower petals to get Yoshi to pluck them off to find out if an undisclosed someone loves him or not there's no progression here or anything you just win or lose and it's all just based on how many flower petals you begin with so it's all luck with no skill I guess it might be more environmentally friendly to play this minigame than to destroy a flower if you really want to find out in no real shape or form if someone loves you or not Saiki oat has always been one of my least favorite minigames you basically have to guess what the image is on the card sometimes you can kinda see through the card to get it right but come on look at this how on earth was I supposed to know that this was a cloud super unintuitive and super not fun but this minigame is very similar to the one toad house minigame from Super Mario Brothers 3 align the assigned character to move on it gets harder as more characters are added and the speed increases but the fun level stays pretty low memory matches exactly what it sounds like yep this is just a basic memory game just match up all the pairs out of the facedown cards to win now there are several things I think of when thinking about Mario games on the DS memory game is not one of them the same thing but with double the cards and a sneak peek at some of them haven't had enough memory games yet well boombox has got you covered this time instead of a visual memory game it's audio based it's not really any more fun than the other two memory games but I guess it's at least a bit more interesting as the game makes use of stereo sound haven't you listened to both speakers carefully to match up the sounds correctly this mini game has you drawing lines to try and connect each head to their correct corresponding body nice looks great these can sometimes get pretty hard and you have to plan really carefully to get them right I just never found myself having a good time with this mini game so it's always been a hard pass for me but Mario slides has the same idea and gameplay as connect the characters but this time you only have to focus on getting one or two Mario heads to some stars instead of all four things this game always reminded me of pipe maze from Mario Party one except with less RNG I do think it's more fun to play than connect the characters but it's still pretty mad the talks box shuffle is a pretty basic shuffle game keep your eyes on the prize to win I always enjoyed games like these in Mario Party but this one just isn't very interesting a blue yoshi eventually does get added to shake things up a bit but it still remains pretty bland also I realized the Mario getting set on fire sound effect is used when winning each round [Music] yeah that's unsettling I couldn't figure out how to emulate Mike blowing so time to bust out the real McCoy this mini game has you blowing to lift Yoshi up to an airship above with several fly guys in your path now it's not a terrible minigame I just can't be bothered to put in the efforts to blow into the Mike lucky stars is probably the second most basic minigame only behind loves me all you have to do is place your bets pick a card and hope the one you chose has more silver stars than the other despite its simplicity I actually find myself really enjoying this game for some reason at least for a bit 50-50 chance double or nothing easy as that which wiggler is another pretty basic minigame tap on the wiggler on the bottom screen that matches the one on the top seems simple right well it starts off that way until they start moving around again not a terrible minigame I just don't ever find myself having fun while playing it paragon has you matching up adjacent cards to clear them off the table to move on to the next round there are certainly more fun minigames out there but if you're into puzzles playing this one will require you to plan ahead sufficiently as to not run out of pairs snowball slalom is one of the shorter minigames out there and one of the few finite ones as it will only last a maximum of 20 seconds the game is simple swipe up on the touchscreen to build up speed and size with the snowball while also avoiding obstacles short and sweet but almost too short and I'm not a huge fan of the lack of progression would have been a lot more replayable if you could progress to more difficult levels or something after clearing each stage although being a bigger snowball in this version can lead to getting hit by more annoying obstacles this one lasts twice as long up to 40 seconds and seems to have some nice segments without any obstacles it's a bit better but I still have the same problems with it as the other version alright now we're getting into some real gambling Mario slot is exactly what it sounds like a Mario themed slot machine it's really simple bet some coins tap and hope for the best it's actually surprisingly hard Wyn much in this mode so it gets kind of unmotivated pretty fast Eragon and on plays exactly the same as Paragon only now instead of Luigi reshuffling the cards after clearing them the mode is infinite until you run out of adjacent pairs I think this style is way better and more enjoyable to play it can get a bit too easy though but I still think it's a nice game to relax with who like I said New Super Mario Bros has some verses exclusive minigames and I don't really want to bother figuring out how to emulate local wireless play so let's just grab another DS speed is a multiplayer exclusive card game that plays just like the relayed card game of the same name both players are dealt four cards and have to play consecutive cards on the two placed in the middle it's a decent game in theory but it's unfortunately really slowed down every time you run out of playable cards kinda gets annoying after a while the puzzle panel has you tapping on a tile to flip it and it's adjacent tiles to the opposite style with the goal of matching the pattern on the top screen wow that was a hard sentence to say this is definitely one of the more mentally engaging puzzle games as it requires you to plan out your taps especially in the later stages the same as puzzle panel but with more tiles making it a bit more challenging same as Mario slots only and by Super the game just means there are more wildcard stars thrown in here so the odds of winning at least something are increased making you feel better about gambling in a children's video game but this mini game has you presumably playing as Luigi with the task of catching all the booze in the stage by revealing them with the touch screen I think I enjoyed this one a lot more when I was a kid for some reason playing it now it's alright but it just doesn't seem as replayable and the three second time limit seems way too short and it gets even further reduced to only two seconds after round 15 never wanted to Bop lead you on the head well here you can but unfortunately you aren't supposed to instead in the wacom monty you have to well whack Monty moles there's not much to say here it's whack-a-mole easy and basic fun a key to launch has you using the giant slingshot to fire as many spy shells into the large shells held up by the lucky two's yeah it's fun and all but just like my problem with the snowball games this game unfortunately only lasts up to 30 seconds leaving it on the shorter end of minigames on this list next is bouncing pounce and this is the first of several minigames which require you to bounce several Mario's in the air tap on the mario clones to bounce them and try to get them to land on all the fly guys to advance to the next level this one's okay I just feel that the transition between each level really slows down the pace of this minigame thankfully that's all fixed in bounce and trounce as this is basically the same game but it goes on and on until you drop three Mario's I think this minigame definitely plays better as an infinite game with the goal of getting the highest score not reaching the highest level next up is another Mario bounce game but as seen in the title of this minigame here instead of tapping Mario to make him jump you instead have to draw trampolines on the bottom screen also instead of dropping on to fly guys you now have to bounce Mario onto the lit-up level of the structure there are only two different levels to get Mario to and the only thing that makes this minigame harder is more Mario's and the levels get bumped up slightly higher occasionally I think this minigame would have been a lot better if the lit up area could appear in more places and on the left side of the screen just like several of the other minigames I think this alternate version takes the problems of the original and improves on it now instead of just guiding Mario's to two different levels you instead have to try and bounce them through an endless supply of rainbow rings I have a lot more fun playing this one but the patterns of rings start getting reused after a while making the game feel stale at a certain point would have been nice to see some more variety like different rings spawning at some points or having different enemies two hits this multiplayer exclusive minigame is basically pong but with both players moving around a trampoline trying to bounce a ball bomb onto the opponent's side first ones have 5 ball bombs dropped on their side loses definitely a good time with a friends or you know if you're playing by yourself I just wish this minigame would be playable in one player mode with AI of home it's too if you've ever wanted to play curling with some Koopa shells and boy do I have the mini-game for you shuffle shell is a very basic version of curling and here you just have to hit the shells with the paddle and try to get as many as close to the center as possible for the maximum score I guess the only small gripe I have with this minigame is that it's harder to score well when the target is in the middle then in either of the top corners so if you want to get optimal placement so you sometimes just have to keep restarting the game and hope for the best intense coins and tration has been one of my favorites ever since I started playing this game our pal Wario punches up a money bag enemy and then you have to try and memorize which blocks have coins dropped in them get as many as you can without tapping on an empty block which ends the game this intense version however has less coins making it much more difficult if you have included yet I like me some gambling and one of my favourite card games to play is blackjack Luigi Jack surprise surprise plays just like blackjack try to get a higher number than your opponent without going over 21 if you don't happen to have a real deck of cards lying around this is a really fun game to play with friends but again I really wish this was playable in single-player as well also if you're wondering why some clips have me switched to a 3dsxl I'm sad to say that unfortunately while recording footage here my old original 3ds just randomly disconnected and then wasn't able to secure a connection after that so I think something went kaput since I'd after all these years let's get some EPS in the comments guys for this d/s it certainly served me well beeps nyeh Palmilla old friend but not to be confused with the roulette of the Russian variety mushroom roulette is just a simplified version of Roulettes another game I quite enjoy bet on the color and character or item and hope for the best it's all the fun of roulette without the fear of real money consequences what's not to love oh yeah always bet on red Luigi now if only I was this lucky at the casino bingo ball one of the two pachinko style minigames has you serving up several balls trying to get them to land on certain numbers to form lines up on the board in the middle pretty easy concept the more lines you make the higher the score this minigame is pretty great although it requires a weird mix of both luck and skill is sort of like lucky stars but more fun since you get to play it with friends each player is dealt a card facedown and can see all the other players cards then just like in real poker players can then fold call or raise their bets if they think that they have the highest value card at the end of each round last person standing with the highest value card wins the jackpot I know I'm playing with myself here but I definitely remember this being one of the most fun minigames to play with the group of cows another one of my favourite minigames to play with friends is Baba reverse the goal here is pretty straightforward get as many of your color of ball bombs on the board as possible here you can also change the allegiance of your enemies ball bombs by surrounding them with your own if you can round up some DS's I absolutely recommend you try this one out with some of your friends but next up is lucky to launch again though this minigame shares its name with the other lucky 2 game they are both completely different this multiplayer exclusive version pits one player against another as each tries to fire colored cannon balls to hit lucky two's I wish this minigame was a tad longer but it's still a fun frenzied of a time not only a snowball slam my favorites snow themed minigame but it's also probably my favorite multiplayer exclusive minigame too this one is pretty straightforward two teams of Yoshi's partake in a snowball fight with the goal of hitting the other team as much as possible I remember having a blast playing this minigame for countless hours with friends when I was younger I should really try playing this again against someone that isn't me the normal version of concentration is just like it's intense counterparts only this time there are much more coins that are dropped making it both easier and a lot more enjoyable to play this has always been my preferred version to play with a definitive version on New Super Mario Bros where the game got a visual overhaul wanted is the first minigame listed in Super Mario 64 DS and it's definitely one of the ones I spent the most time playing when I was younger the idea is simple and super intuitive you're given a want to target find them tap them on the touchscreen it's pretty easy for the most part except when you have to find Luigi I get it Mario Wario and yoshi are the easiest to pick out from the crowd but I just feel like Luigi seems to be wanted way too much here either way this Mario take on Where's Waldo is certainly a mini game I enjoy now just as much as I did when I was younger danger ba bomb danger has one objective keep this little bobomb safe at all costs this stressful mini game has you dragging the bomb around to avoid the statue Bowser's fire breath as well as a barrage of little fireballs this minigame certainly has some bullet hell game vibes and always has me on edge the scoring is also time-based which i think is really good as it really fosters replayability another minigame that always has me on edge is sort or splode sort as many ba bombs by color into the correct area to get points put one in the wrong camp boom leave one wandering around for too long also boom this minigame gets more and more hectic as more ba bombs are released more and more rapidly this one is without a question a top-five minigame for me but let is nice blackjack is great but hands down the Luigi casino game that I play the most on the DS growing up was picture poker Luigi deals you hands keep or toss as many cards as you want and hope you get a better hand than Luigi and just like in real life sometimes it might seem that the house is rigged I'm watching you Luigi but this minigame is just mindless fun and I could honestly play this game for hours no you have a gambling problem it all right into the top three we go absolutely the better of the two pachinko style minigames is slots shots I played this mini game a lot growing up fire up the balls feed the piranhas to open the pipe and try to get as many points as possible from the mushrooms holes and the slot machine I don't know what it is about this minigame but I just find it so addicting and fine that I'd always just come back to it the scoring is a bit too much on the RNG side as you pretty much have to hope that you get a triple star or triple seven and they're let to get a decent score but nonetheless very solid minigame shell smash is kind of like shuffle shell just way better instead of requiring grace and precision here you just whip the suckers as hard as you can to hit the other shells around as much as possible each shell that hits will increase the multiplier and green shells hitting other green shells also gives a times ten bonus if you're like me and you love score attack minigames then you will love shell smash and finally capping off this list at the number one spot without a doubt hands down no question is ba bomb squad this is simply a fantastic minigame just like in lucky to launch you use a giant slingshot only this time you have to shoot out cannonballs and defend your precious flowers from the onslaught of evil ba bombs that want to destroy them for some reason this score attack minigame is exciting keeps you on the edge of your seat and is overall just a blast to play some of the minigames on this list aren't as good as I remember them but ba bomb squad is certainly not one of those [Music] and there you have it guys my list of all the minigames from super mario 64 DS and a new super mario bros ranked from worst to best and I hope you enjoy do you agree with my list what are some of your favourite minigames from these games let me know down in the comments below also if you enjoyed this video be sure to slap a like down below it really helps me out a lot if you're new here and you enjoyed this video be sure to check out my other ranking and countdown videos by clicking on the card right here and if you want to stay up to date or support the channel be sure to subscribe here check out my slick merch at tetra big gaming comm and swing by my discord and other social media things all of which will be linked down in the description below as always guys thank you all so much for tuning in and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 178,454
Rating: 4.8900313 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64 DS, Super Mario 64, New Super Mario Bros., Nintendo DS, Mario Minigames, NSMB Minigames, Super Mario 64 Rec Room, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Ranking, Worst to Best, Super Mario 64 Minigames from Worst to Best, Mario 64 Ranking, Super Mario 64 DS Ranking, Ranking Mario, Mario Ranking, Top 10 Mario, DS Mario Games, DS Mario Mini games, Minigames ranked, Ranking Mario Games, Mario DS mini games, Mario 64, Mario, Super Mario, SM64DS, Nathaniel Bandy, NDS
Id: M_zk2obwKmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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