45 Minutes of Joe Lycett on Would I Lie to You? | Would I Lie To You?

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Joe lyset is first tonight oh yes okay I once had a fight with the Flamingo and one last Christmas the biggest family R in the lyset household was over how many Doof Doof there are in the East Ender's closing theme chain oh lmax team so you mean the bit just before the music starts the I think I mean obviously you know you were in extenders yeah but I never actually got myself a doof Duff oh no I was there for six years no doof Duff you never had a doof Duff I did I had one doof Duff and and Wendy Richards was in it and then when they took it to the edit they zoomed in on her and cut me out the Doof Doof how many doof duffs did your family decide there were so it was a generational Gap so me and my sister thought there were eight because there are eight my parents thought there were seven give us give us your eight Doof Doof Doof Doof Doof Doof Doof Doof oh laugh excuse me though no that can't be that's not how many Doof Doof there are that's how many doof there are if the unit is Doof Doof then there are four he he does have a point David has never been invited to someone's house for Christmas I think you stuck too many dffs in there go on you do it dof dof no no no that's not it you were in the show did you at the end of the night find out exactly how many doof duffs there were or did you just leave it we right you're wrong without KN yeah basically we didn't rewind we don't actually know right now with our eight well we do there's eight it is eight you you a't really checked it have you yeah I have you have checked it you watched these stenders and I know but I've watched these senders but I don't ever I don't think you have I think there's only three cuz I think the fast ones at the end aren't doof duffs they're something else I'm sort of with Joe I think it's probably two to two and a half Doof Doof or four to five doof before the nature the nature of the noise changes such that it can no longer be labeled either a doof or a half doof so yes yes with bearing that in mind and knowing your love for music give us your rendition then of the end drum now I feel that would be I I I'd be humil would you like me to give you a lead in a dramatic moment no thank you this is Elsie who works in a laundry who's Elsie she was never in she's a character that I've created well what about dot cotton come you look a bit like do cotton you do a bit You' [Applause] got are you ready yeah I'm going to try it oh oh I think that's M Jager you doing yeah I don't know what's happened in my laundry it's gone [Applause] somewhere Doof Doof Doof Doof Doof Doof Doof Doof all right what do you think what that sounds like the washing machine's broken yeah see I think after about 5 minutes I would have just gone to the gone to the YouTube and had a little look on there I I think he's lying I always like to go counterintuitive so I'm going to say I I think he's lying as well yeah okay I'm going to have to say lie you're going to have to say lie okay Joe lies it truth or lie it's a lie oh very good so please welcome this week's special guest [Music] Amy so Joe what is Amy to you this is my friend Amy and I grossly offended her when I made a less than perfect sculpture of her head Nish how do you know Amy uh this is my friend Amy we became friends after I found her asleep in a box of volleyballs finally David what is your relationship with Amy this is Amy she is the charity shop worker who sold my shoes whilst I was otherwise engaged trying on a pair of cowboy boots Lee where do you want to start Nish what we remind us again Nish uh I found her in a box of volleyballs first of all where were you where there was a box of volb I was working at a Leisure Center uh just after I left school um and Amy was also working there over the summer between school and uni and um they sent me to check on the volleyballs check on the volleyball they that's a good job from you guys make sure the volleyballs aren messing around did your manager recently you been watching Toy Story I believe the technical term was conduct inventory so I was just to count them yeah you're supposed to count them and it turned out that what she was doing was because no one really wanted to play volleyball she had found the perfect spot to have a mid workep how big was this box it was like woman's size could she stretch woman's size you've heard of you've heard of a volleyball coffin that's how they transport volleyball so you w ped it up and you saw a sleeping woman amongst all these volleyballs how many were there like I think probably like 35 you see you've just said to me that this box was woman size now the largest woman I've ever seen is still smaller than 35 volleyballs us this as a jet up line my woman says oh I feel a bit fat in this i' always go don't be silly less than 35 volleyballs for me so she did you wake her up yes and so we became friends because then I I would also often have a napley in the volleyballs what was her job what was she supposed to be doing at the time but it we perhaps she was sent to count the volleyballs earlier been become bored by the monotony of the process the boss kept like keep sending people to count the volleyballs and they never come back working at the Leisure Center Nish what else did your job demand of you basically all round dog's body so I would work on the front desk sometimes I think say all round ball games so everything except rugby yeah uh bowls David what they're not totally spherical in bowls that's why they I would say Cally they're still round though oh hello it's all kicking off at Bridge Club all right who else would you like to quiz okay Joe what situation were you in were you was sculpting her head uh we I I have an office in Birmingham where I live that'll do so uh yeah I totally believe I mean that that Mak you can answer any question you like I don't mind you have an office in Birmingham yeah why why just uh to write jokes and be creative in so you went to this office to write jokes yeah and said to your friend would you like to come along sit in the corner and I'll sculpt your head I've been looking for a use for all that clay I keep in my office have you just been watching a Lionel Richie video hello so did you know how to do this no but yeah I thought practice makes perfect so I called Amy and um how long did you spend doing it maybe an hour or so weren't you tempted to just make it really soft get her face push it into it then do the back of her head and at least I got a mold you said she was offended by this sculpture yes she was offed what did you end up with um it didn't look like her what did it look like um you look more like anley Harriet okay now what about David I'm looking forward to this what was it you claimed David that that Amy is the charity shop worker that's right oh yes who sold my shoes whilst I was otherwise engaged trying on a pair of cowboy boots can you talk us through the incident please um well I was in the charity shop which charity shop it was a a Mary cury charity shop near where I live okay I'm setting the scene before this you're you're at home you're thinking it's about time I got myself some cowboy boots but I'm not willing to commit to a new pair in case I go off your idea just on the very slightest off chance it don't turn out to suit me and my personality [Applause] cowboy boots I'll be honest with you don't particularly appeal to me aesthetically wow that surpris I don't think they go with what I like to call my style well how would you describe that style David I I don't I think my style is Indescribable oh no I could describe it let I think it's best left undescribed okay uh I wasn't sitting at home plotting the purchase of some cowboy boots no I was pottering around near my house and I saw the Mary cury shop and I saw in the window what looked like a nice selection of secondhand novels right and I I went in and it wasn't a nice selection of secondhand novels it was all Ken folet crap but I did notice the the the array of shoes and I tend to take my shoes off at home and maybe wear slippers or socks I don't want this to get too sexy and so I I need my inh so what I vaguely was on the lookout for was a pair of everyday easy to put on non- Laing shoes that I could keep by the back door in case I needed to pop into the garden for some G but you said you'd taken some of your shoes to the charity shop I was I was wearing shoes what you just say take them off in the shop and hand them to her when when you when you go shoe shopping do you go barefoot when I take shes take you seriously no when I take shes me waiting I need when I take shoes to the Sue Rider shop I choose shoes that I no longer want I don't wander around and then go you know what you can have these if you want why would you do that you take them ready to give I wasn't it was not my BL can I just say Ro you're the only person in the whole of the United Kingdom watch this that isn't following this story well he said he said he took off his shoes why did you think he took the shoes off try the other one try the cowboy shoes on oh sorry sorry well David David I I owe you an [Music] apology there you are in the shop yeah uh I'm in the shop and I spot these cowboy boots and to me they look sort of quite loose and easy to slip what length um not WID length I'd say that long about that so they're coming up to just below the knee they're not they're not you know how tall are you rob for me they'd be silent can't see over [Applause] these I would say they're for a cowboy they're shortish Bute but they're not ankle boots leather or suede leather and with a sort of bit of um just I don't know the technical shoe terms but sort of like a bit of uh crenulation sort of flapping on um I'm just going to have to use the terminology of the medieval castle it's the only way I describe it anyway they look so you saw them you saw the I saw them so I thought you know I'll try them on yeah but they were slightly harder to get on than I imagined people in the shop I imagine were going why is David Mitchell trying on cowboy boots the shop wasn't as packed as you're imagining I thought myself to be the only customer there right I was soon disabused of that not when did you notice that your own shoes had been sold I think well I I remember I walked to the back of the shop in the cowboy boots restraining an urge to walk like John Wayne and when I came back towards the shoe area I noticed that my shoes weren't there did you see who' bought them I didn't no I'm picturing a scene where you walk out the shop and you walk home and then a few minutes later A cowboy goes up to the counter and says excuse me um I I was just trying on a Pur and then behind him a clown and then a sailor this just goes on all day round and round David David I I don't know you I've just got to know you today and I admire you very much but what I know of you from watching you on TV the cowboy boots it's just I can't buy it I can't imagine you'd even try them on well in which case then you should say that I'm lying that might so we need an answer uh Le team is Amy Joe's myth model nish's sleepy sidekick or David's sneaky shoe seller I'm more inclin to believe Nish myself you believe Nish because because I don't know I think Amy and this they could be really good mates miles you think well I was looking at her very closely while Joe was talking about sculp she looked quite icy about the whole thing and of course she was very offended in the story but during David's story she looked I mean understandably baffled I think he might be Joe actually what do you think well I'm I'm not I'm beginning to think I mean it doesn't even matter what I think I mean your own your I mean my job really is to agree with you Lee I mean you are a man are we trying to reenact Dad's Army you think that's wise um I think I uh I think Nish is telling the truth you think Nish is telling the truth you think Nish is telling the truth right in that case I'll go with what my team say you're saying a Nish no I'm overruling I'm going with Joe Are you seriously I feel this joke all right Amy would you please reveal your true identity I'm Amy and I'm Joe's [Applause] friend this is the sculpture that Joe oh good lord this is the SC sculpture get ready for this you will never in your lifetime witness a worst sculpture than [Applause] this poor poor woman yes Amy is Joe's myth model thank you very much Amy if I'm ever walking alone at night I call out the name of an imaginary dog to deter any muggers David te what's the name of the dog Brian if it's going to be a vicious dog it will be Brian wouldn't it definitely um and do you think a wouldbe attacker would from the tone that you say Brian know that you mean a dog and not a Brian to me it sounds like you've be calling a you know a middle-aged civil servant do you well um it's because I read an article um with uh written by Darren Brown in which he said if you're in a situation where things look like they're getting a bit choppy if you do something unusual the other person is so sort freaked out by that that they generally stop doing what they're doing if they're being a how do you shout imagine I'm a terrifying would be assassin you know in your whole panel maybe you're not the first choice for that John imagine if John was um so all right imagine Danny is a terrifying wouldbe assassin yes and do you know go for it Brian you don't want to attack me now do you terrifying is it just someone comes up to you at night makes ask for the time you go Brian you just flip out or is it a general Muggin I like you Danny everyone's got their own showas personas and you Danny completely gone for different ones aren't you I think we're very similar in many way we're lovers Dy stay calm stay calm down calm down you start shouting Brian just say Joe you're playing with fire there I believe it I'm feeling this one read a Dar Brown Book for a start he that sort I believe the Darren Brown article but the whole point of that is that you say something random that sort of puts people off their stride whereas you're going for something specific calling upon a dog called Brian to come to your aid but that's immediately disprovable the absence of Brian is immediately evident that's whereas calling upon Brian they're going to go Brian oh there's no Brian fine my big sticking point is still if you were trying to create the illusion that you had a dog why you would give it a person's name yeah would you shout dog you'd shout like dog no or F that would be good if you had a dog called dog that would dog dog what would you call him John Rambo my my defense is slightly different I would wet my pants so what are you thinking David John I don't believe it Danny I think I think it's true you think it's true I think now I don't now I have to make a decision my gut is that it's not true let's go noden let's have a lie let's say lie you going to say lie okay Joe truth or lie it was a lie yes [Applause] yes it was a lie all along Joe doesn't call out the name of an imaginary dog to deter muggers so please welcome this week's special guest [Applause] David So Joe liys it what is David to you this is my neighbor David and last year to save money we time shared a Christmas tree Ruth how do you know David this is David and he walked into a charity shop just as I was donating the gift he'd given me a few days earlier Ruth's charitable Chum and finally David what is your relationship with David this is David and when my daughter lost her beloved toy rabbit we held up a train so I could board it and grab it so there we have it Le's team where would you like to begin Joe next door neighbor yeah well first first of all why aren't you just buying your own Christmas tree well David and I decided to save a bit of money we knew David was going away on Christmas Eve so he wasn't going to use the Christmas tree after that point I was working pretty much up until Christmas so we thought it was a good idea that we so he he got it from the the 1st of December he got it on the 12th to the 24th then I had it from the 24th to the 1st I got rid of it on the first and did you take it decorated just in want that and just plunk it in your house so that's why we won't do it again cuz we worked out that the the savings that we made from sharing the cost of the tree which was about 60 quid we saved that but the amount of bobles that we lost in the transit and this was all about saving £30 yes but you know you're doing all right David's not what was your Christmas setup after the 24th did you have people staying with you they didn't stay but they came for Christmas dinner for the day you remember they came to watch East Enders yeah you you had a big row with them don't you remember the big right who would you like to question next um Ruth yes can you remind us of your Dave's my cousin and he walked into a charity shop just as I was donating the gift he'd given me a few days earlier what was the gift what was the gift first of all right it's one of those you know them really ugly porcelain Pig things that open you know them cookie jar yeah but smaller than a cookie jar not big enough for a cookie jar so you couldn't even use it for that so sorry you've gone into the charity shop to get rid of this pig thing yeah that's the only words that canbe he walked in yeah and gone taking a pig for a walk what are you doing with a pig what did you say I didn't expect him to be there did you did you carry on with the process of like let's get R yeah talk us through exactly what happened after he walks in right David came in because he saw me there was absolutely no other reason for him to go in the charity shop you could tell he was really upset but without wanting to but did he me what did he say he went oh what are you doing like he just points at his pig that I'm holding yeah and I panicked so I said look I didn't want to tell you at the time but I've already got one ah so when did he actually find out the truth then so I had to call David and tell him I was coming on would I lie to you and I can't stand the thought of hurting anyone's feelings so you thought you'd bring him on national television and humiliate him no no no no no no we've we've since spoke and he's lovly right now Lee what about David David remind us of your claim and your statement this is David and he helped me board a train to rescue a rabbit first of all where were you going from I was going from London to Cardiff with with your wife and child exactly was was you g there for a reason what you mean by that you're going to have a reason to go to Cardiff oh you come down here with your Cockney patter people go to Cardiff just cuz they want to visit it sorry mate did you did you like it there David it was very nice i' you know I'd put Carlile into the Train app [Applause] so talk us through what happened well what happened we got on the train and she uh this rabbit called pink rabbit it's a pink rabbit what's it called she calls it pink rabbit that's if she's got your sort of creativity thank you um and it's her second favorite cuddly toy who's the favorite the favorite is another rabbit he's called Wiggles Wiggles okay a but Wiggles never leaves the house oh has he got an asbo it's better we always know where Wiggles is okay but pink rabbit is the uh the favorite of the toys she will take out of the house how how had you acquired the rabbit where had the rabbit come from I it was probably it was probably a Christmas present at some point but the thing is it was around for a couple of years it's among the various she got lots of toy rabbits and that sort of thing and then suddenly and I'm not quite sure why pink rabbit came to favor was like Starlin emerging as the front runner of the pollet bureau you know still doing the btime stories he wasn't the obvious successor to Lenin but then a few years later suddenly he's in charge so pink rabbit has had a meteoric rise you get off the train at CI exactly and when do you realize the rabbit's gone when we've got to the hotel and my wife realizes and I look she's married to you and has a breakdown thank you as always you've made it so christmy but then she sort of takes me aside and says I don't think we've got pink rabbit no point as your daughter made any reference to this rabbit even though it's a favorite rabbit the I know the thing is when we got on the train uh my daughter said I I'd like can we get pink rabbit out of the bag I want to have pink rabbit with me on the train and it was my strong view that that was a bad idea that we should keep pink rabbit in the bag where we know where pink rabbit is and only get pink rabbit out when we get to Cardiff but no I was overruled it was apparently fine and she would keep an eye on pink rabbit and not forget about pink rabbit okay so your wife said to you pink rabbit's gone yeah do you phone the train station cuz pink rabbit's on the way back to London no no no no no no no pink rabbit is on the way to Swansea yeah where it is going to turn round and then head back to London via and here's the loophole the Lake District No via car ciff the train is coming back via Cardiff so you know now where the train is headed so what do you decide to do we go to Cardiff station in order to get on it and look for pink rabbit all for a cuddly toy oh yes how many children do you have one well of course classic classic only child scenario I've got five I would have said the rabbit's dead get on with your life so what happened well we went to the station yeah David was in the sort of glass room/ booth next to the barriers nice that he's brought it with him and we went up to him and and said look um we haven't got tickets for the train but it's we don't want to get on the train we want to go and retrieve a a a toy rabbit and he looked quite Stern and severe and then nodded and went yeah that's fine and it was it was a it was a wonderful moment of possib right so then what happened the train comes into the station uh my wife goes to the front of the train to talk to the driver she's such a flirt and we've worked out where our Carriage would be coming in yes I get on the right Carriage to look for pink rabbit and as it turned out thankfully find pink rabbit uh and then get off the train the bit we haven't heard yet is that if you have specifically said I don't think the rabbit should leave the B and then you get to the hotel and she says we haven't got the rabbit how did that conversation go what can I say I'm a hell of a guy but what did you actually say I did not say I told you so didn't say I told you you might not said it with your mouth did you say it with your eyes oh well I can't that can I I can't AFF what they're doing they're always admonishing everyone but no I didn't say that because I knew my wife would already have been thinking it it was not necessary for me to say those words because they were already in her brain so be honest and at some point she is going to say you told me so for me as indeed she subsequently did and that is when a relationship is working all right um we need an answer so Le's team is Dave Joe's Frugal friend Ruth's charitable Chum or David's rabbit rescuer this is a tough one I mean Ruth is it's not lightly is it no I don't think that's I'm genuinely torn between David and Joe I don't know I've been in the same situation and lost a teddy bear at the airport and I was gutted criet for ages I'm going to go with David cuz I've been there I have also been there so I do feel that this could be true I'm aware of like how emotionally damaging these situations can be and for that reason we didn't buy our children any toys so it's hard to fair enough yeah yeah Joe what did you think what's it GNA be go with David I'll go with David well go with David I'm going to say that David held up the train okay David would you please reveal your true identity I'm David and David and I rescued his daughter's [Applause] rabbit yes David is David's rabbit rescuer thank you very much D I also went to the same Resort and skinned a cheeter I am wearing it tonight at the end of my first driving lesson my instructor told me I'd done pretty well but that I didn't need to make the noises of the car engine as I drove along these teeth okay so what kind of noises would you make um I find it very sort of reassuring to make noises in the car because I find it I find it quite stressful driving um so on the first lesson this is when it started and I'd just [Music] go you could replicate that if you change gear you'd do what you just did [Laughter] then what's the reversing around the corner backwards noise I need to just get into the into the character into the position I go [Music] um would you make weird about that would you make all the noises would you do indicators for example no no let's not be silly just to get to the nitty-gritty yes name of driving instructor cuz I remember m mine Norman and we ate Percy pigs I don't actually do you know what I don't cuz I had two cuz the first one was a friend of my dad's and he kept shouting Don't Panic it wasn't Clive D was it I don't know that reference um who's cve Dan played holy cve D played you just fallen into the generation Galler this audience actually OED the fact that Joe didn't know who CL they were like oh you peace while you're say oud perhaps they were accelerating so what do you think then Lee what is your team thinking about this Nikki what do we think I reckon it might be the truth you think it's the truth yeah I'd say that g miles I think just Joe is inherently believable very trustworthy okay well we'll say it's the truth you're saying it's true Joe truth or lie it is a lie oh so hard it so please welcome this week's special guest Charlotte so uh Joe what is Charlotte to you this is Charlotte in the evenings I like to relax by watching videos of her rapping gifts on YouTube right Moira how do you know Charlotte this is Charlotte she does such a good impression of me me that I once let her pretend to be me on Radio 2 and no one noticed and Lee what is your relationship with Charlotte this is Charlotte and uh she's my Judo instructor and she and she told me off recently when she caught me having a pint in my Judo kit just before a tournament before before a tournament that's the very worst time to be drinking isn't it David where do you want to start um well Joe that sounds like one of the creepiest things I've ever heard you you watch her on YouTube wrapping presents yes why um because she's very good at it that is not an explanation that's why you might ask her to wrap presents for you not observe her doing it well no what she does she does it um she takes great care over the way she's doing it and it um slow she's slow and I'm not very good at it so Joe how how long does it take Charlotte to to rrap a present would you say um in the videos I think it's about half an hour half an hour per present what are these presents a tank I mean why did you initially think what I need to relax is to watch someone rapping presence on my computer well I've since I've been a child I've had this weird weird sensation when I watch people with Bits of Paper particularly where I get this lovely like tingling in the back of my head and I I was I remember it when my grandmother was doing some paperwork and she licked her finger and turned a page and it made me feel really lovely the saddest thing is the idea that when you used to go around to your grandparents house as a child she used to do her paperwork while you were there they mine used to take me out they'd maybe cook lunch Joe's coming around brilliant got some receipts on to go through so do you think that what you were saying John is that because of the years of neglect that Joe suffered as a child he's come to substitute paperwork for love it's it's a relaxing thing it's like having a massage rather than like a sexual thing it's not a opening I understand I understand a video of someone getting a present and watching The Joy watching someone rrap a present do you get to see who opens it or it just gets wrapped and that's the end it backwards couldn't you all right David who else would you like to question she's the best she does the best impression of you ever absolutely and how did you find this out I walked in on the production team on the floor two floors down from my studio and she happened to be in mid RP she was rapping then she I just remind you of who say what she was in mid imitation right okay so she works at the beam yes she's a researcher right okay so she she was mimicking you yes behind your back so really T turn a liberty really in a while having a giggle and you rewarded her by whacking her not whacking sorry you rewarded her by putting her on your show that was not my show it was the chis his show so she actually read a bit of your bulletin yes on his show his idea oh it was his idea he's a little imp isn't he so what would the introduction be I mean I'm trying to think now and I I listen to you every day of course I do the introduction is this is BBC news on the date I'm Moira Stewart good morning I'm genuinely having a panic attack that my kids are late for school and that's the bit that's the bit that Charlotte did yes it's possible I think moira's voice would be difficult to impersonate don't don't encourage Rob no oniss have a go all right I'll give it a try but if it doesn't work you may never do Ronnie Corbin again I'm out no that's too great to this so what about Lee Lee yes tell us about how you got into Judo in the first place well how does anyone get into Judo um I was watching Kung Fu Panda and thought and ruled out Kung Fu my kids loved it and and so they decided to take up martial arts and they decided to take up Judah so I took my children to the Judah and it was a bonding thing I said all right they said come on Daddy you do it so I joined the The Adult class was they did the kids class how many weeks have you been going to judia I'd say about I've been through about 30 lessons so it's like a weekly class corre Judo but how does the tournament work well after after is that on the same day as the class or yeah so we do it every week we have a class and then he said to the all the all the the men and the women in the class he said who who's he Charlotte no I haven't got to Charlotte yet I haven't got to Charlotte so I thought she was your Judo instructor is she is she is she is yes but he said let me finish I said I said tournament tournament have done I said I'll do a tournament when you have a sex change mate so she said she said next week we're going to have a uh we're going to have a little bit of a tournament between you lot I thought it was just all a bit of fun so I turned up the following week ready for my tournament and I got there a bit early dropped the kids off but the adult class starts a bit later and I saw the pub went over and I was chatting with the other bloke who one of the dads all right so you're both in your Judo gear yes what's the name for that I call it the white dress go she's come bowling in so she's come bowling in I said bowling's next door and uh why is she in the pub because she's looking for us and we've gone on a bit late oh you've got well actually what actually happened was she she we were a bit late yeah what he actually she's walking past the pub we were actually at the bar sort of looking out the window having aart in the chat and we literally saw someone just sort of walk passing go and then come in the pub and tell us off cuz youed two being you know the star pupils obviously you know you was going to that's not how it works in martial arts daning not just the star pupils get respect ah everyone is equal and what's your favorite move in Judo cuz Judo is full of a wide variety of stances and what's the one that really gets Lee thinking I you had to narrow it down to your favorite six or seven I think it's probably Tepanyaki sorry that's a that's a starter dish isn't it well that's that's the funny thing all Judo moods are named after dishes I did the sushi serak and the weird one you're not going to believe the pot noodle if you wanted to demonstrate any moves the floor is yours if you if you feel that would help prove your point so well what you do is I mean what would you like to see well first of all your your opening stance okay well don't do it back well an example of a move Rob come out here I'll show you I'll show you not in a million years you started it you started this Ro you remember a minute ago when you said get out there you're regretting that aren't you robt right stand how well have you taught him St there right so what you'll do the first the first move you bow to him Rob for God take or he'll kill you not you then you'll uh should you get you come here Ryan Ryan you take a lapel like this yeah you will take a lapel like this yeah okay right forward like this yeah don't you dare and then you get like that that and then you sort of lean on and then [Applause] you sorry Rob they just said in my ear are you okay Rob I'm a ba nominated actor so we need an answer David's team is Charlotte Joe's soothing stranger moira's mimicking mate or Lee's martial arts master well let's just get Le out the way silly o o come over here and say that I yeah well I did it doesn't seem very but that was a good movie well he goes over EAS you though didn't he I think it's more I think Jo Joe's he's an odd Mark but uh I don't know what do you think John I think it's Moira yeah I think we think it's Moira I think on the basis that Lee has shown himself able to push Rob over and that's not nothing at the same time it's not much who who I just the wrapping thing that's just so confusing as a thing that I think I'm I'm going to pretend I've never heard it we going for Moira will go for Moira the impersonation the first bit of the news Okay Charlotte would you please reveal your true identity my name is Charlotte and Joe watches my videos to relax on an evening thank you very much Charlotte [Applause] okay
Channel: Would I Lie To You?
Views: 81,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #wilty, british comedy, british panel show, david mitchell, david mitchell wilty, david mitchell would i lie to you, lee mack, lee mack wilty, lee mack would i lie to you, rob brydon wilty, rob brydon would i lie to you, wilty, wilty nope, would i lie to you, would i lie to you bbc, would i lie to you full episode, would i lie to you nope, joe lycett would i lie to you, best of joe lycett would i lie to you, would i lie to you joe lycett
Id: 4ceIOJkmR4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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