Mortimerian Tales - Bob Mortimer on Would I Lie to You? - Part 1
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Channel: WILTY? Nope!
Views: 14,486,365
Rating: 4.8146405 out of 5
Keywords: WILTY
Id: 1vE8ExuuNZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 37sec (3037 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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The actual breaking happens in part 2, say goodbye to your sense of reality:
This is my go to video when I am sad! His head is bonkers and I love it.
It goes without saying that what Bob Mortimer does to David's understanding of reality is glorious, but I've also come to really appreciate instances when I believe Lee realizes that Bob's telling the truth. The best example I can think of is during the Fuji 9 part of the dentistry one. It's hard to articulate, but I think there's a shift there in how Lee reacts to the story.
I want to see a Mortimer and Mitchell show.
Funniest guy in Britain of all time. Discuss.
Absolutely brilliant. I've been laughing my arse off for the last hour on the train, looking like a lunatic, and loving every minute of it. Thanks for posting - never get tired of Bob's bizarre world
I love how even his own team starts questioning him and looking puzzled as well.
I'd also recommend Bob's athletico mince bits, especially the Scottish song ones and his Peter Beardsley telling jokes bit