45. Gyroplane Flying Made Easy: Follow These Simple Steps

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foreign hey guys Henry from Adventure air here and uh so we had a request from one of our viewers here that uh they want me to go really slowly step by step through a lot of the procedures we use for taxi and for takeoff especially take off and then perhaps a landing uh so I'm gonna go really slow and I'm going to kind of just talk out loud about every single thing I'm doing we're also going to cover on the take off um things that go wrong and what you can do to correct them as well so uh let's go have some fun okay guys so uh we've got the good old checklist here always use checklists because uh it's very easy to forget something and we're just going to run down the whole checklist here and make sure that I remember everything so before boarding uh we did the pre-flight inspection uh we cleaned the rotor the prop the windows the aircraft we checked our fuel level uh we're good to go there uh so we didn't check gas we checked the oil level we checked the water level as well we're all good uh we have our headphones here with fresh batteries and um our cameras here for filming are ready to go go to the passenger briefing any loose items that are secure we want to make sure that loose items are secure we do have what's called passenger participation so we let the passenger know if they're going to help us fly um what all the switches do and all the connections and everything Communications between us um I tell them not to touch the switches unless I tell them to you don't want someone turning your mags off in Flight that would be interesting I explained the throttle to them how the thing steers what the pedals do we also talk about positive controlled exchange your aircraft they say my aircraft I say your craft we do it three times to make sure everybody knows who's flying seat belt instructions we go over also how to exit the aircraft how to open the doors and over the emergency procedures in case something happens we talk about all the procedures for that as well now we get to before starting so before starting the aircraft I make sure my pedals are properly adjusted as well as the passenger's pedals adjusted make sure our seat belts are on and secure and then we're going to to make sure the fuel switch on the firewall is on there's a switch that uh that's on the firewall that turns the fuel on and off down to starting the engine uh the first thing I do is I make sure all the fuses are in the parking brake on the aircraft is set um and then we go to master key on I turn the master key on the noise that you hear is one of the fuel pumps so we know the fuel pump is working I'm waiting about 20 seconds on the startup to let the computers all boot up while I'm waiting for that boot up I'm gonna check the second fuel pump there's a switch on the on the panel here that says pump two which is right there I'm going to turn it on and we're going to listen not sure if you could hear it but that's the second fuel pump it is working turn it back off again all right then we're going to turn both of the magnetos the electrical system is on mags one and mag2 so on is up for those then I'm going to check my prop area really carefully make sure no one is behind the prop on both sides and I'm going to say clear prop clear prop okay this one has a carburetor so we're going to hold the choke on as I turn the key and I'm also trying to hold the brake at the same time here we go I leave the choke on for about five to ten seconds before I take the choke off just so the engine has a chance to kind of get going good so I take the truck [Applause] the engine's gonna bog down so I'm going to increase the throttle we like to idle the engine at about 2000 RPM that way it doesn't shake the gearbox too bad I just had to replace a gearbox recently and it costs about six thousand dollars so we want to try to keep those gearboxes in good shape okay so we put our headsets on so we get a little bit better audio for me to tell you as soon as you started the engine the first thing you want to check is the oil pressure and it's on the panel here so it says oil pressure 62. notice how some of these are yellow those are in caution so we have engine temperatures and an oil pressure oil temperature or both yellow because the engine's warming up right now so once they turn black you know everything is good obviously if something is red and flashing at you that is not good and so you would have to take that into consideration the rotor speed here of course is zero since we're stopped but that will change once we uh do the pre-rotor uh so the engine uh back to the oil pressure the oil pressure is good now we have our avionic systems over here I'm going to turn the avionics on and also I'm going to turn on the nav and the strobe lights can't believe there's a lot of context entire Tower one two zero point six today all right so our radio system is on uh the headphones we put on and adjusted we made sure make sure we turn on our noise canceling as well okay so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to check atis which is our weather station it's on 125 and notice there's a little line underneath there that shows which one that we're using then I'm going to move the cursor to the next character go to eight move the cursor 50. so our 8s is 125 850. it's in the standby position so we want to move it to the active so I push this button one time is there in effect and it moves it to the top now we're going to listen to our anus if you know report information Yankee 148 Zulu win three four zero at eight one six visibility one zero 3 300 scattered temperature 242.12 Altima three zero zero four iOS Runway T6 right approaching youth landing and departing Runway two six right and Runway two six left now there are many multiple cranes in the city of Chino Airport amendments to the instrument approach procedure and Optical departure procedures are in effect five genomes in effect for Chino Tech nodes for details advisory to Airman has weather for Southern California Great Wall and flight service frequencies safe position I should contact repack Runway assignment and all short instructions these guys are for birds and wildlife and the vicinity of Chino Airport advise that I should contact you have Yankee information Yankee so I'm going to go to the Ground Control here at Chino that ground control is one two one point six hundred I'm gonna put in the tower frequency on the bottom on the standby just to have it ready it's 118 500. all right so we have ground control on top and Power on the bottom all right so everything else is looking good we are going to start our taxi now all right so we're gonna go ahead and close our doors I also make sure that my seatbelt tail is inside the aircraft [Music] I checked the front and the back of the door it's latched properly I'm going to release the parking brake for us to taxi so I squeeze in on this neural num I never want to grab the parking brake itself if I just squeeze it in like that it releases by itself and then we're going to start Taxi for taxi you always want a taxi on the center line also the taxi speed should not be super fast it should be at the fastest about like a like a fast walk on the cavalons and a lot of the other gyro planes if you start taxing too fast you don't want to ride the brakes so what I do is I squeeze the brakes kind of quickly here slow us down and then I release them if you hold the brakes the whole time and you ride them you're going to heat the brake pads up and you may have a little trouble with brakes so being off the brakes as long as possible keeps them nice and cool and you just use them sparingly when you need to so right now I'm going to apply a little bit of break and we're going to slow down and then I'm off the break again okay I'm coming up to an intersection here so I want to look both ways of course we are still in What's called the non-movement areas we don't actually need permission to come out here but I'm going to roll out into the middle of this taxiway which again is in the non-movement area this taxiway's name is Mike it also allows the tower to see us all right if you want to get a shot of the tower there so now we're in a position where the tower can see us and um we are going to call uh the ground control and get permission to taxi to the runway and it was information whiskey was that Yankee thank you that's right okay thanks get the power down bye all right so I'm gonna give them a call it was information Yankee and I'm gonna tell them four things who am I talking to Chino ground who are we gyro 378 whiskey x-ray where are we we're at the T hangers actually which is called Eagles Nest 2 and then what do we want to do we want a taxi the active uh Runway and oh yeah we have your weather information Yankee and he'll give us our taxi instructions let's do that now good morning gyro 378 whiskey x-ray at Eagles Nest two taxi 2 6 right with Yankee sorry something with the expert in the ground run away Jesus right attack has been Mike Delta Alpha cross runaway two one taxi to 26 right via mic Delta Alpha cross two one eight whiskey x-ray all right so we'll continue our taxi now what the heck did I just say I don't even know no I'm gonna say maybe I do the taxi instructions here were take taxiway Mike Delta Alpha and then cross Runway two one two Runway two six right I know that sounds like a lot but when you say it two or three thousand times you get used to it so right now we are on taxiway mic so we are going to look for taxiway Delta again I'm driving at a slow pace uh like on like a at the fast or fast walk I'm staying on the center line somewhat and we just take our time and roll out on the taxiways as I said before this mic taxiway is in the nod movement area but we are about to cross into the movement area and that is the area where we had to have permission to go before we get there so we're now on Mike but we're crossing into the movement area it is signified by a solid yellow line on the ground and we're crossing it now now we're in the movement area we could not have come into this area unless we had permission and we're making a right turn on Delta I know that because of the taxiway sign there and now we're looking for intersection Alpha all right the next taxiway is Alpha it is to the left we're gonna make it doing like the ground Runway two seconds take a left turn Juliet Alpha across Runway two one okay so we're coming up on the runway 2-1 we have permission to cross but I'd like to double check anyway to make sure nobody's coming I don't see anyone so we're gonna go ahead and cross Runway two one at the very end of this taxiway Alpha is the run-up area the run-up area is the area where we pull the gear craft over and we're going to uh check out our airplane and go through our checklist again to make sure we're ready for takeoff and for those of you who are watching don't forget that uh I would love to see you uh please come out here and visit me at the Chino Airport I'd be happy to take you on a ride and kind of show you about the gyro planes and uh if you want to do some training with us that would be awesome uh we are open pretty much seven days a week and I have a number of instructors that work here so please come out to Chino to see us okay we're coming into the run-up area so there's an aircraft leaving the run-up area so what I do is I go to the back of the run-up area I'm gonna go all the way to the edge to make room for other aircraft coming in uh we're just trying to be a little courteous here again being a gyro with the blades moving front to back we take up very little space only about six feet wide so uh we can kind of fit in anywhere around here all right I'm at the very edge of the run-up area we're facing into the wind and I'm going to stop right here to set the parking brake parking brake is set all right we're gonna get out our checklist here again and we have the uh at the run-up checklist right there all right we're at about 1700 RPM I'm gonna warm the engine up again I'm going to warm the engine up at about 2 000 RPM all right we're warming up at 2 000 RPM that way we don't shake the gearbox too badly we do is a control check and a control check is when we take the stick we're going to do a left and a right movement checking the blade make sure it has nice blade movement up there a little left and right now in an aircraft you have the Yoke you come back you do left right you do this big circle we don't pull the stick back because uh the rotor is not spinning and the rotor uh anytime the rotor is not spinning uh there's some sag in the blades if I pulled the stick all the way back to my stomach the rotor blade would actually come down and it would hit the propeller so we don't want that once we get to 200 RPM on the rotor system the rotor blades are rigid and they when they come down they don't have sag and they won't hit the prop in the back so we want to make sure we have at least 200 RPM before we pull that sticker full back in Center all right next thing we're going to do is we're going to check the magnetos which is the electrical system so we're at about 2000 RPM right now I'm going to actually roll the engine up to 4000 RPM [Music] there's about four thousand we'll turn mag one off we'll look at the drop about 100 RPM drop that's pretty good back on now we're gonna check out the second mag also about 100 drop that's pretty good back on again now we're gonna throttle back down to 2000. all right so checking that mag we should have less than 300 RPM drop on the mag and also between the two mags there should be not much of a drop as well uh so both of our magnetos are are working uh well uh so we throttle back to idle next is I'm gonna do a fuel gauge check and uh looks like we've got about five gallons in the fuel tanks or a little low but we're just going to stay in the pattern for a couple passes here all right now we check our oil temperature our oil temperature has to be greater than 120 degrees and our oil temperature right now is 188 so that's greater than 120 and we're good I'm double checking my navigation lights are on they are both on and I'm also going to turn on the second fuel pump for takeoff for safety so I'm going to go ahead and turn on that fuel pump all right our doors are secured my door is secure how about your doors my door's secure that sounds good all right and then you always check with your passenger to make sure he's ready Jeremy are you ready for takeoff I am ready for takeoff oh my God he's ready that's awesome we're gonna go up to the runway and then we're going to call the tower to get permission to take off I'm double checking here in the run-up area that guy doesn't look like he is ready I'm going to tower frequency and I'm going to pull up to the whole chart line now this procedure may vary at your Airport but here they'd like us to pull up to the line before we make the call to the Tower when I pull the whole Short Line I make sure my even my rotor blade does not cross that line calling the Cherokee to the washing the wing up that face from a 2-6 a left to clears the option number three following that Cherokee 265 clip for the options okay we're going to take off from Runway two six right and we're going to stay in the pattern which is right closed traffic I'm going to call the tower and get permission for us to do that we'll hear what he has to say here we go and Chino Tower gyro 378 whiskey x-ray holding short of two six right for right closed traffic anyway hold short of two six right eight whiskey x-ray whatever the tire tells you hold short you have to say hold short the runway and your call sign all in the same sentence take off two six right right close traffic eight whiskey x-ray all right he's clearing us for takeoff I double check to make sure no one's landing on us just for the heck of it I'm Gonna Roll out here to the middle of the runway and we'll start our takeoff procedure I leave a little space behind me on this airport so he can take traffic to the other Runway if he needs to okay coming up on the center line of the runway I'm getting myself nice and lined up and again take your time make sure everything is right before you do stuff now I'm going to put the aircraft into flight mode I let go of the brake just for a second then I come back and I'm holding the brake all right keeping the stick centered I make sure I'm around 2000 RPM and with my right thumb I'm pushing down on the pre-road button the Bendix grabs the rotor up top and it starts in a spinning as it's bogging down I'm adding a little power and to your right I want to keep it around 2000 RPM as the rotor spins up I'm watching my rotor speed now 150 160 170 we're going for 200 or better 80 90. 200 and 210 four steps for the takeoff my thumb off the button stick it back release the brakes rolling down the runway here we have the stick fall back I'm watching my rotor speed increase I'm staying on the center line 250 260 at 300 the nozzle left 70 80 90. there's 300. there's the nose off the ground I'm balancing the nose about six inches off the ground when I want to take off I just add more power traffic and the Machine hops off the ground I'm adding trim but I'm staying close to the runway at about 60 miles an hour I pull back on the stick slightly and we climb out all right our best climb rate on this one is about 60 to 65. we've cleared the end of the runway now the tower hasn't said anything different to us so we're going to make a right crosswind turn downwind Midfield Runway two six or right clear of the option get in space two one two six right we'll give helicopters space they're talking to you our pattern altitude at this airport is about 1400 feet so I want to make sure I'm pretty close to 14 as we stay in the pattern I'm clearing my downwind turn now and we're gonna make it downwind turn Jurgen down every whiskey the Trap who you were following is departing area to the east keeping us at 1400 feet for the pattern and we're on the downwind now all right things are looking good double checking my instruments everything looks like it's nice there's nothing overheating it's a beautiful day today here in Southern California nice 1400 feet on the downwind you guys tired of me doing the rule yet all right okay Tara said he was going to call our base turn there is helicopter traffic on Runway 2-1 which is uh different from us we're on Runway two six right so we gotta watch out for those characters as well [Music] check out dailymap all right so let's return bases I'm going to start reducing the power because I definitely want to come down on the base turn I'm checking for traffic too looks like we're in pretty good shape yeah he's got traffic uh two o'clock in a mile northeastbound two thousand five hundred there is traffic on the other Runway two six left so again we want to stay on our side go traffic uh 10 moving 11 o'clock in a mile 1 800 indicated Cherokee turning on to final Runway two six right all right looking good Runway looks clear we're gonna land a little bit on the longer side so we don't have a long taxi we are going to full stop this landing and taxi Off The Runway forward section canceled Roger that uh all right so once again my pedals are straight my AirSpeed is above 60. the runway looks like it's in good shape and we are lined up but we're just gonna slowly work our way down to the runway here Landing in two stages the first stage I'm gonna fly down to a foot and then we're going to wait till the energy is dissipated and we're going to come back on the stick a little more to set those back tires on the ground up got a little gust there ship wind is Shifting right now after restriction canceled idea the traffic's across 100 minutes right now should uh a little bit longer like I said waiting for the power here gonna set the back wheels on the runway is nice and softly leaving the airspeed off waiting on that nose wheel and once we stop stick full forward we're gonna pop up the pressure by pulling down on the hat okay just updated with the exit generated Delta got the ground point six right at Delta in contact round eight whiskey x-ray turkey four one whiskey for exit change print yeah we want to keep the rotor the stick into the wind the wind is coming from our right just a little bit so as I turn to the right I keep the stick forward we are still officially on the runway until we cross these double yellow lines so we want to continue on and then stop after the line so we can contact the ground to get back to the hangar now the blade is still spinning down we're gonna see where it stops it's kind of like playing roulette let's see if we can make it once more around come on baby look at that paying the preacher we're going to Vegas now all right contacting the ground control that could be a Charlie it's Charlie Charlie and we'll get permission to go back to the hangar Chino ground gyro 378 whiskey x-ray off 2-6 right next to the Eagles Nest two three seven eight you know ground Texas parking via Delta Mike Delta Mike parking a whiskey x-ray all right in my tax speed about like a a fast walk at the fastest it's a little warm in here Jeremy and I love to be together in the heat here but uh I mean I'm going to open the door here and get a little air right yeah that's what I'd say a little spicy egg over there I know there's my Mig where did I park it [Applause] yeah guys the Chino Airport here is uh it's a big old World War II airport which is kind of cool they have a ton of World War II aircraft here uh there's a bunch of stuff flying today they have P-51 Mustangs here b29 b-17s uh there's a Russian Mig right over there and uh it's wild everything flies and uh they're flying stuff all the time so you'll see a squadron or something flying over pretty much every day here at Chino I want to get a shot of the Mig there a little bit there's my Mig where did I park it all right guys so we're taxing back to the hangar again uh if you have any comments at any time please let me know that's how we made this video someone asked me just to go through really step by step a lot of the flying and the takeoff and Landing procedures so I did that but if you have anything that you want to see please let us know don't forget to like And subscribe to our channel here to see exciting content like this what excitement and um I'm here at the Chino Airport we will say have a great day see ya
Channel: Adventure Air
Views: 70,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aircraft, airline pilot, airplane, autogyro, aviation, aviation101, aviator, commercial pilot, experimental, flight, flight instructor, flight school, flight training, flight vlog, flying, foreflight, general aviation, gyro, gyrocopter, gyroplane, helicopter, how do gyrocopters fly, how do gyroplanes fly, how to fly a gyrocopter, how to fly a gyroplane, photography, pilot, pilot life, pilot training, pilot vlog, private pilot, student pilot, what can a gyrocopter do, what can a gyroplane do
Id: zUasRP3I1mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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