58. Safety First: Common Gyroplane Flight Errors

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foreign hey Friends Henry from Adventure air here and today we're going to talk about the most common accidents and um the causes of those accidents on takeoff and landing of course takeoff and Landing are where the majority of accidents happen so we're going to cover the the most common things that people do on takeoff and Landing that can cause a problem and how to fix them so let's go try it all right guys so let's go out here and uh see if we can make some mistakes just offer three traffic at two o'clock and three miles Southwest on climbing out of 2200 let's pick 13. all right first mistake people make is they don't put it into flight mode they leave it in break mode you can actually pre-rotate with it in brake mode and your stick pressure is going to be very heavy all right flight mode we go to then I'm going to increase the throttle just under 2000 RPM with my right thumb I'm going to push down on the pre-road button and hold it down adding a little bit of power that's the second thing people do find prior travel they don't add enough power as the rotors spinning up and they let the engine bog down and it dies that's the second mistake next thing is pulling the stick back under 200 RPM so we're gonna go to 200. four steps I'm off the button stick back release the brakes add power another problem they do is they're not on the center line they're just wobbling all over the place when we get to 300 RPM the nose is going to come up off the ground another mistake they don't put in enough right pedal so if they don't put in right pedal I'll show you what happens as soon as you're off the ground it's going to roll like this so you got to push that right pedal in to keep going straight it's a lot of power on these 915 engines so you'll see what happens when I take my foot off the pedal it yawns to the left you've got to add right pedal now there's a lot of forward stick pressure I'm going to show you if I let the thing go see how we dive all right you have to add shrimp by pulling down on the Hat the trim is zero right now on a cavalon you got to pump it up to about six so not adding enough trim pressure at six I can actually let everything go there we go number two Falls that's the short front over my two six right for the option turning right across one clear is the option two six right two pops anytime you're adding a lot of power the torque on this 915 engine pulls the nose to the left so you're going to take my foot off look at that see how we roll left so you have to have when you have a lot of power in a lot of right pedal to keep it straight as soon as I back power off like this now see I don't have to put any right pedal anymore it flies pretty straight but anytime I add power that nose is going to pull to the left now conversely if I take power off quickly watch with the nose does the numbers Runway two six right quick it rolls to the right okay that's especially important on Landing because as we're coming into land all of a sudden people are coming at the runway and they jerk that power off quick that nose pulls right you have to give a little left pedal to straighten it out thank you all right he called us we are clear for the option on two six right number one we're turning uh base right now on the base I'm starting to come off the power a little bit because we want to go down if you keep a lot of power up turning base you're gonna get to the runway super high how much power do you pull off I don't know on a cavalon again maybe 3000 RPM 3200 that's about right all these Maneuvers and things I'm talking to you about are relating to the auto gyro cavalon by the way your gyro plane may be different in its speeds and its engine RPM and its rotor speed so whatever your operating manual says to do that's what you should go for on your machine all right we're lining up on the runway here I'm going to show you the two most important things I think in coming into the ground I want to be at least 60 to 65 miles an hour we're doing 77 now so that's pointing fast and I want to be straight I don't want to come in like this I don't come in like that I want to be perfectly straight As I come in I mean to the close to the ground pulling the nose up I'm waiting waiting waiting down here and then I'm just going to pull the nose up and just like set those Wheels on the ground keeping the nose off the ground as long as I can until it all I can't do it any longer will almost come to a full stop then the nose sets down all right we're going to take back off again here's another thing people do too much boom they get that nose way up here like this way high okay keep the nose close to the ground if your nose is up too high you have a tendency to roll over you don't want to do that you want to keep your nose close to the ground adding power and keeping the nose down if I don't do that the nose is just going to pitch up like this and then you're going to get in trouble [Music] so getting that nose too high on takeoff as soon as you're off the ground you're not pushing forward on the stick to keep the nose down close to the ground all right we're going to climb out our best climb on this guy is around 60 knots 65 so we're going to be somewhere in that ballpark right about there that's our best climb again we're full power now so a lot of right pedal again left stick right pedal is the magic phrase there we're gonna turn crosswind now so right crosswind I check my right nobody there here we go [Music] even on the turn I'm giving right pedal if I let that because again I got almost full power going if I let that Pedal Go watch whoa now we're sliding sideways so you can see the string as soon as I put the right pedal in straightens us back out so on the 9 15 inch in an overabundance of right pedal you got a really fun way pieces right cleared for the option clear for the option two six right two Papa calls a lot of right pedal with the 915 engine [Applause] all right turning onto the downwind 1400 feet here at Chino in beautiful Southern California come out and see me sometime quit talking so much Jeremy I just can't contain myself all right we're at 1400 feet which is pattern altitude we're on the downwind let's see what else happens here uh every once in a while I'm glancing over my engine instruments I'm checking fuel pressure it's good my oil temperature oil pressure and water temperature are all good as well whoops I've climbed up 100 feet I was at 14 now I'm at 1500 so I'm going to back the power down just a smidge for the cavalines I found out about 4 500 RPM is a good straight and level flight if I'm much under that we're going to go down much over that we're going to go up turning onto the base what do we do we're going to come off the power a little bit clearing my base turn the tower has already cleared us for the option what does that mean clear for the option what's an option the option means we can do pretty much whatever we want to do if he says clear for landing only we have to land and get off the Runway if he says option we have the option of getting off the Runway doing a stop and go doing a touch and go flying low down the runway pretty much whatever you want so Kim giving us the option to do whatever we want is the uh the most generous thing the tower guy can do all right I'll show you another thing problem that people do coming into the landing foreign we're looking good we're about uh 500 feet off the ground I'm gonna come down and this looks good we're gonna we're just gonna flare it out right here we're just gonna stop all of our motion oh my gosh our air speed drops down really low and then now we're in stock and so we have to get the nose down you do not want to flare too high I like coming down to the runway at about 60 miles an hour once I'm down here you can either cut the power I'm going to put those back tires on the ground again slow it down slow it down keep that nose off the ground as long as I can touch down I'm gonna add power if I keep the stick back look what happens we start backing up we don't want to do that either our rotor speed is still 300 so I can keep the stick back [Music] this is something like the telephone we're heading Runway 267 take off a lot of right pedal right now my nose is way too high right here way too high push it down get it down right there close to the ground foreign power keeping my nose down left stick right pedal up we go again I still have a lot of right pedal in because our power is full power what [Music] all right clearing my crosswind turning crosswind [Music] two all my temperatures and pressures are looking good on the panel turning onto the downwind crossing 1300 for 1400 I mean about a thousand foot per minute climb rate there's 14 back the power off two forty five hundred which is a good Cruise level and we stay right at 1400. 011 trim is very important I like to trim this thing so I can actually let everything go and we can just fly without our hands on it 1400 feet about 70 miles an hour 65 knots and I haven't touched anything if you're not trimmed properly and get trimmed so you don't want to have a lot of forward pressure on that stick you don't want to be pulling it back or pushing it forward you just want to be able to fly with one finger if you can just fly with one finger you know that the trim is set properly okay all right let's turn our base again clearing my base turning base what do we do on the base you guys remember yeah pull the power back a little bit let's get on down we go squaring my base the tower likes nice Square turns to downwind base and final no cheating and kind of curving it in that final's looking clear he has cleared as he's watching out for us but I like to kind of look around myself just make sure that we don't have any yahoos out here trying to mess with us turning on to final our speed is good our descent is good we're lining up on the runway here's another thing that people do they tend to not be lined up on the runway let me show you they kind of line up on the right side here for some reason and I say are you straight and they're like yeah yeah I'm straight I'm straight so what happens is when they get down at the last second they got to do this crazy maneuver to get on the center line so they get down here and they realize oh I'm not straight so then they have to do this they get over and they swing it back and it's just adding a lot of trouble and and stress when you're trying to land you know so down to the runway now here even this I'm flared too high here I'm at like 15 feet if I do this and slow way down you're going to fall from 15 feet you don't want to drop from 15 feet so get down close to the crown learn where that one foot off the ground level is which is about right here and just be able to fly down at one foot when you decide you want to land you can slowly come off the power touch those back wheels down onto the ground keep the nose off again as long as you can until that thing almost stops set the wheel down we're gonna add power to keep going we're still at 300 RPMs I don't have to worry about the stick being back all right another thing people do is they'll start drifting this way you know to and what they do is they'll try to correct it with a stick by pulling the stick right what does that do that just lifts your left tire off the ground keeps the right one on the ground you don't want to do this either but you want to get left stick right pedal if you're laying with two seven zero one one altimeter stay on the center line left stick right pedal left stick right pedal climb back out [Music] and guys if you're ever in the Southern California area um I'd love to fly with you come out here um I'll route through this stuff with you personally and we'll get you signed off on the on the gyro this thing is the funnest thing I've ever flown it really is [Music] we're open pretty much seven days a week I've got four instructors that work for me and we can always uh accommodate you we have some inexpensive accommodations here if you need a place to stay and we are the busiest gyro training center in the country so come out here and play with us 1400 feet I'm gonna back that power off to what about 4 500 RPM again right about there is straight and level a lot of times when you're flying too you're going to hear the sound of the engine what sound is that humble is making if you hear it like this and it's really low you know you're going to start going down if it's like this and way too high you're going to be climbing so you'll learn what 4500 is without having to look at it all right we're at the power line so we're turning our Crossland that's what the tower asks us to do now here's another trick I'm watching this Avion on the runway he's pulling coming in there I don't know how long he's gonna take but so you don't want to crowd him but the great thing about the gyro is if we do turn on to final we're crowding the guy we pull that nose up add a little power we can pretty much just hover here is welcome back let's just sit here for a minute got a little bit of a headwind so we're actually just kind of hanging out here where's that Avion okay he's turning off so let's go again goes down get our air speed back I got 305. checking my tram looking pretty happy I can even do a turn without touching the straighten it up one finger don't be gripping the stick too hard I see people over here white knuckling the stick just like oh my God I gotta hold this thing so tight you know once you trim it up it's best just to keep loose keep loose lightly hold the stick make little Corrections on everything that you're doing you don't need to be like death gripping this thing it'll do pretty much whatever you want to do once you get in the habit of what what the machine will do for you always glancing up with my super uh my my super expensive wind indicator the Scotch tape and the string up there you know if I'm a little off I'm gonna make adjustments with it if I see it flying like this I know I'm flying sideways to the right it's like this I'm flying to the left so keep the string in the middle a lot of people get impatient too they want to slam this thing on the ground why not get down and get as slow as you can before you touch the back wheels on the ground the slower you land this thing the easier it is to control it if you're coming in and smacking it down at 70 or 80 miles an hour then you got to contend with all this Speed come in nice and slow again the minimum I say is about 60 but once you get down to close to the ground you can bleed off your air speed until you're flying really slow let's see how slow we can play all right down to the runway down to a foot all right we're down in here come back on the stick I'm going to keep the wheels off the ground until it just can't fly anymore slow slow slow slow slow slow that was about 25 miles an hour okay wheel touches we're gonna full stop now so what do I do instead of backing up stick forward rotor break on break Pump It Up by pulling down on the Hat on this cavalon I'm going to pump it up to about eight what that eight does is it locks that stick forward I can actually let it go now I'm checking my win my wind is pretty much down the runway so I want to keep the stick into the wind this is called rotor management we're going to exit on the Delta intersection up here is probably what the tower is going to ask me to do as I make my turn onto Delta I do it nice and slow no fast turning this is another one of your accidents people slam it on the ground try to make a fast turn off and then they end up like a wheelbarrow and they tip it over so look at this nice and slow Off The Runway golf ground point six two around point six yep yeah [Music] a little shout out to Jimmy Buffett that's a great loss I grew up in Florida I'm a big Jimmy Buffett fan so sorry to hear if it's passing very sad anyway okay so um we were showing you some things that you can do to eliminate uh some problems that a lot of people have on takeoff and landings so remember keep that rotor speed up at least 200 this is on a capillon before you pull the stick back otherwise you're going to have some issues you could uh chop your tail and chop your prop back there so make sure that you follow the steps that I set um if you guys have any questions about anything that I did or you want more explanation please leave us a comment below and don't forget to like And subscribe that way I can keep putting these videos out and trying to help you guys also if you're ever in the Los Angeles area please come out and see me I'd love to fly with you and show you how easy it is to fly these gyro planes I can teach anyone except for that fly that just landed on me otherwise we will see
Channel: Adventure Air
Views: 20,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air crash investigation, airplane, autogyro, aviation, aviation101, aviator, experimental, flight, flight instructor, flight school, flight training, flying, foreflight, general aviation, gyro, gyrocopter, gyroplane, helicopter, how do gyrocopters fly, how do gyroplanes fly, how to fly a gyroplane, mayday air disaster, photography, what can a gyrocopter do, what can a gyroplane do, what is a gyroplane
Id: qTQYwRE6Ph4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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