Sport Copter M2 #sportcopter #gyroplane #gyro #gyrocopter #new #aviation #Vanek #auto

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foreign [Music] from skywagon University we're up here at Scappoose Oregon with Jim Vanek of sport copter and here's the M2 we were here there's a video previous to this if you look back in the archives there's a video this will be came up and Jim spoke to us in detail about when they were building and some of the design features of it today we're going to fly it yep good so uh Jim thanks very much for having us again thank you for coming and um tell us some of the uh well the unique features of course it's a jar plane the blades are not powered but we have a pre-roader and our pre-rotator depending on the blade we can get up to 350 that's way above flight speed flight speed generally about 3 30 right in there but these blades will actually get in the air at 275 break ground it's pretty amazing and that's one of the reasons this machine takes off so fast and why it performs like it does and um obvious things the chin bubbles not more visibility and the pylons are narrow here better visibility and we put in this top which is really nice glass top and when you're banking the aircraft you can see out the roof and that way you can see other traffic as you're banking this machine is aerobatic I can Loop and roll this aircraft it's very unique I don't have a restriction anything above 40 degrees a pitch or 60 degrees a bank like my competitors the other unique features is this whole machine is pre-pregged carbon fiber and we have a castering nose wheel adjustable Rudder pedal rack toe brakes and you can adjust that rack and the reason you do that is these seats are designed for a hard vertical impact so your thighs need to be at the right angle to protect your spine so this machine has some unique features no other machine has in the world in fact a lot of airplanes one of those is the free constraint those three casts you know as well so when you're ruddering you can see the nose will actually turn and that happens when I run of the aircraft the nose will swing automatically just from the washer yeah have a well it could come in crooked 20 degrees or more and touch down I've got videos of me Landing crab and the Machine Just Whipped straight all by itself so what's nice about that is that's when one would roll over normally correct and what's nice about that is when you're correcting for crosswind and your nose comes down you never have to worry about the machine getting out of control and the rest of the world that's how they do it they connect it directly and what happens is if the fork goes forward and then when you come down a little crooked or you're corrected for crosswind you can't catch it fast enough it's impossible so it's an extreme safety feature and for rough field use the trailing link suspension is amazing how well it works and then of course we have shocks on the main gear and if I uh push that around you can see it and so I could be five feet in the air and below the landing and drop right in and this the gear comes down about 11 inches and it absorbs that impact no other Auto Gyros have got shot not yet but I believe this part we're getting copied right now but not not everything so the other and unique feature is the in-air suspension I think since the last time you were here this might be brand new the mass can move up and down and also orbit and absorb that help absorb the tube on perath so when we Bank a hard turn it's just dead smooth it's really nice there's a little bit of movement in it right now because of these big blades because that means less way or less less wear and tear less the nodes of frequency or smoother makes everything last longer and I've been flying this really hard before we put any of them out okay so the adjustable adjustable Rudder pedal rack uh your router ring you have toe breaks but you can just simply pull this back and you can get way back here so somebody like five foot two it fits them and then people all the way up to six six it works really good because the seat doesn't move seat doesn't move pedals have to move but it also gives us the proper angle for spinal protection so there's some unique features on these sport cups is dim just explain some of the pre-rotator features on it yes so I decided that for training purposes dual control but it needs to be on the outside because this particular machine is made for mustering cattle so we want things out of the way like the U control and then both the throttles are connected and the pre-rotator handles are connected but I wanted to make sure that nobody forgot to disengage the rotor brake so right here you see this little button right here lifts up and disengages and I lift it up and I push that down and it locks now if you completely forgot I when I grabbed the pre-rotator getting ready to protect I pull this up automatically disengages demonstrate that again grab the pre-rotator disengages now I grabbed the protater come up and it locks and then it's a clutch and as it spins up you're slowly tightening it then you're revving the engine up and then you simply pull back let go and take off really easy to operate so what would happen if you took off with your pre-rotator still engaged well you wouldn't because it'd be like taking it would be like Landing with your gear gear up okay okay is this a procedure you don't do what would happen is you'd feel it you'd feel the vibration in the system and you might have to add a little bit more Rudder because you have like engaged it in the air hell yes because it makes a slower approach but I don't you can really get slow adding five just five RPM but you have to stuff a lot of pedal in and you could over torque it Okay so we've had the theories and we've seen the machine now I get the privilege of flying with Jim vanic woohoo let's do it I feel like climbing into a machine that you've built and designed from zero the first time interesting because you've got a bunch of parts that you're pulling in the air with that's what it feels like when you think about it that's truly what's happening I know it's just like what's a tubing here you're flying on and you're remembering that whale you did oh trust me during the construction I'm looking at everything the welding and every little tiny piece so just talk through the the process of various things yeah okay so um right now I just used the trim system to trim up you know to um make sure that I can just put it right here um this has got the stock box so what it's doing is it automatically adjusts the pitch of the front I don't like that feature and so we pretend not to use it anymore is the plant and uh just because you know it's kind of hokey system I don't because you never know when it bites in really good I want I want fine pitch I want fine pitch you know but it's it's it it's working um I I did my started it then the EMS goes off and I'm just setting the altimeter and everything like you normally would um are we really at sea level by 55 feet above wow yeah we really are uh-huh that's down there is like about 20 feet lower wow crazy it actually registers okay so now I wrote a break is is engaged and pre-rotator is engaged and I barely move it that Barrel is a first place the first location [Applause] and now what that's doing is it's slipping the belt oh yeah okay because that's a 30 foot diameter you know with a five inch wheel driving 30 feet so you you've got to give it time to to school up so I move a little one notch at a time like right there and there was a point where it's direct drive you're right no slipping coming up here in a second you'll hear it synchronized right now he's trying to hear that noise like that and we're fully engaged and then from there I can spin up but there's no point in it because like a taxi and have the rotors gone so the stick cups all the way back and a little forward that way I can always be able to Flap and yeah you're farther forward that's good so I got to stick back and taxi and unlike a lot of other brands they don't do that that's because of the nose wheel being connected it's two it's too spooky to do both they have the rotors turning and taxing around so that's road to speed now 99 yep out of the hundred and while I'm taxing it's been a school up I got too much vibration on that camera but it definitely oh we'll see really that's a weird note of frequency I was wondering what that was going to do there's going to be a break here for the window and I haven't put it in yet it doesn't need it but um I'm going to put it in in case of a rollover this becomes then like a the the panel becomes a rip to the frame to the top right so it keeps it from like a couple Zone you know so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna cross the over to Alpha now and I'll do a takeoff run there and just fly around once just to check it all out and then we'll land and then they're probably still getting ready [Applause] in one side and it's got this traffic will be a jar plant traffic over the East open field at 500 feet down below here is the taxiway that we're using tax away all righty so now with all this freenas that we have with the pre-rotation and rather than grinding the pre-rotator to death um I'm using our forward speed to spin and supposedly turning the left downwind Runway one five let's go please I'm gonna do a thing called balancing as part of the training so what I'm doing is I pull the stick back all the way when the blade is spun up enough and right in here the nose will get light there it is like a taxi with the nose up and brought her back and forth I could wiggle the Rudders touch the nose and back up again it just doesn't matter he's ready oh yeah and the prop house will finish a little bit they get my speed up here we go there's the Drone and I'll just get by here [Music] um [Music] yeah I can hear you [Music] clearly we're filming with the drones everybody [Music] notice how I climbed out of the turn because the motor is caught up there's something right there look at that parachute or something yeah it is oh it's not good yeah I could trip this thing off whatever way I want to go [Applause] unfortunately turning finals looks like some sort of uh maybe looks like smoke almost oh I'm gonna land and see what they're up to thank you I'll do it I'll do a turn here that way the Drone can see me and he gets to practice uh one thingy Jiggy come on do this in your average Jericho this swiveling hand around his own space [Applause] there's the uh throwing a whack it with a rotor blade here a little bit it's been a launch I'll get down to this tree right here we try to grab it forward so we know on the upwind runway one five remaining in the pattern so how come you can do such dramatic turns on the ground without protect the procession of the blade trying to tip it over I keep it flat oh okay [Applause] let's go it's it's like that thing went further away or something huh that's just weird yeah this is gonna be good so you want to get 200 hey maybe yeah I'm not going to take off quick I never said anything else to do that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now [Music] nowhere background is that I'm at 70 I'm not going to get down to 30. you're just going to have to get me going by until I'm solo I'll get away from him a little bit [Music] I'll turn this way just in case foreign [Music] five hundred about seven miles west excuse me east of the airport over the river we are uh I think it's conjunction with a uh unmanned Saloon that is traffic [Music] again I don't see the Drone anywhere [Music] you can push traffic Pacer 7822 Delta over surgeon Lake we're inbound for the 45 for Runway one five [Music] nope I thought I saw it oh it is oh no yeah [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] this traffic to Acer 7822 Delta is off of 45. I've got the downwind traffic inside we'll follow behind [Music] we're sat with people in fuel he's got to be careful you know I'm not getting We're not gonna do anything stupid where's that from I don't see it [Music] yeah kind of like one two guys it's re-pitching itself that's what's doing it which is fine but you know what's weird is that the wind's blowing this way that object went the other way it was traffic Pacers that made two two Deltas in the downwind for both stop Runway 15. it's got two carry tracker just be aware of the uh over the river directly currently between 2500. so look for the Drone what do you see today foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] east of the airport services [Music] and flare time oh wow that's what you don't get used to as an airplane as I can stop yeah it's just so short and you'll be way shorter than that if I want [Music] foreign we survived that that was absolutely fantastic Jim thanks very much um good job by the way yeah ma'am yeah um if you like this video we have many others we have a prequel to this video and then a lot of other different videos on the channel just click on the little subscribe down here and click on the bell and you'll get notifications of other videos similar to this so this is Mark at skywagon University in Scappoose with Jim Vanek with the uh M2 gyrocopter so uh thanks for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: GyroGerald
Views: 91,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sportcopter, Gyroplane, Airport, Rotax, GYRO, rotor, jim, Vanek, m2, New, Giro, Flying, Aviation, Pilot, Experimental, Smooth, gyrogerald
Id: oaqyFRABdKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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