First Gyrocopter Takeoff Instruction! Follow These *Critical* Steps

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welcome back uh captain ron today we're gonna i'm gonna demonstrate to you an initial takeoff which requires obviously uh pre-rotation a lot of accidents where pilots tend to push get the power in too aggressively with low and rotor here papa departed runway one nine stand in the pattern and with this hat what this happens is it just did the rotor blades get overstressed they're not going fast enough they start flapping and then uh they hit the tail of the aircraft and then turkey traffic airplane shot charlie here 10 miles northwest of the field northeast of the field at 1000 feet entering space 419. and then the aircraft will roll over and uh usually uh extensive damage and possibility of injuries so it's we've got a good wind coming right down the runway probably 10 to 15 miles per hour and i'm going to drag this take off as long as i can to try to explain to you the difference different techniques to use and and the application and coordination of your thrust from your propeller and also your drag from your rotor disk and that's all it is is a if you're multitasking between the the disc the rotor disc drag and the propeller thrust and that's how you achieve either slow air speed or fast air speed so we're looking around traffic looks good traffic yellowjar playing seven two four julia foxtrot lining up and waiting one nine four departure seriously thirsty traffic 491 sarah papa is on the downwind for runway 1-9 yeah the jar plane will be stationary on the threshold of 1-9 approximately 30 seconds while we spin the rotors up okay we're center line the runway i'll hold the brakes light turn the flight switch from brake to flight and pre-rotate i'm not going to apply any power now i just set the throttle at 2000 rpm let the rotor blades come up [Music] even with the engine so to speak now i'll add a little more power slowly okay a lot of inertia there you got to take your time bring those blades up we're going to spin them up to 225 rpm [Music] there we go 225 release free rotator 1 2 3 on the stick full back and we'll add just a little power rotor blades rpm just gonna nurse them up and nose is up now i'm gonna lower the nose back down on the center line bring it back up again we're gonna play here a little bit balancing on the main wheel until you get the feel of it [Music] there we go forward stick nose goes down we're going fast stick back turning on fire on base through runway one night kick is back we're high we're gonna have to take off we've got other aircraft in the pattern there's the traffic drop lines on the side step over the taxiway to clear for approaching aircraft okay we're over the taxiway out of their final aircraft on approach for one night [Music] we'll climb up and we'll get around into the pattern four nine one zero puppetry on final four runway one night and then we'll trim it for 60 miles an hour and we'll turn our crosswind and downward in one turn stand close to the runway watching for the traffic in the area [Music] now there's uh several different types of pre-rotators eighty percent of the airplanes out there will probably have a either a rigid pre-rotated system or a flexible shaft pre-rotating system all pretty much work the same the only thing is with a flexible shaft pre-rotator you can pre-rotate with the cyclic in any position [Music] here at foxtrot [Music] okay looks like we're cleared final traffic looks good we'll turn on a short final there's your trapping yellow jab playing short final for one nine i'll be a touching ghost [Music] okay now you want to make sure you're you're not yaw either left or right i'll work the rudder pedals and give you an idea what what's going on you got to keep this aircraft parallel the runway when you're touching down so you don't want to wait too late to uh get it straight keep the air speed up we've got a crosswind that string in the front is going to be off to one side just disregard that okay here we go we're landing a little gusty wind bring it down charlie turn in finals about two miles out first okay got to like to keep the nose high like a saw field landing and add a little power now we're on the ground now you can on take off you can use the cyclic a little bit i'm still on the ground to go right or left to stay on that line once your rotor blades come up to speed they create enough lift okay here we go we're going to take off keeping straight parallel stay on that white line there's the traffic stair plane off the go one night however you can you can slow this aircraft down any time you fly you can get it too slow on takeoff and get into the air nose high attitude and if you don't correct it by lowering the nose and adding power you're going to lose your air speed and descend back down on the runway [Music] and they call that the backside the power curve that's when your rotors create so much a drag because you got the cycling back too far and the rotor disc is tilted at such an angle that it's like a parachute and it's just constantly slowing you down and with an average size engine 100 120 horsepower you practically you can't you can't fly out of that your propeller just won't create enough thrust fishy traffic airplane midfield went in close yeah your thrust just can't overpower the drag of the rotor and i can do this i'll do this on final to show you how to descend in in a vertical fashion uh where you you could approach uh a runway where there's obstacles in the threshold [Music] charlie clear so rather than come in on a standard angle of approach real low skimming over all those obstacles you should come in higher do a little vertical and you're you know you can go slow at that point as long as you leave enough altitude below you so you can recover in the event of an engine problem fishing traffic yellow jar plant close in left bay short final we'll make a high approach to one nine threshold landing okay i'm bringing this around and as i'm doing that i'm throttling back a little bit remember now this is the area traffic uh five five four whiskey uh we got the base traffic on site we're gonna hold short runway 1-9 for departure cersei uh go ahead uh aircraft holding short i'm going to do a little slow fly here vertical descent so you'll go ahead no factor hey firm uh seriously traffic uh cherokee 54 whiskey departing runway [Music] here's a good example now to use this vertical descent say you want this airplane uh he's going to pull out in front of me like we agreed and i want to just hold the cyclic back add a little power see our air speed down to 40. we got plenty of altitude below us just throttling back a little doing a little vertical sink there we go he's he's no factor now so we're gonna throttle back some more stick back create that drag it's like putting the brakes on but you got to feel it you got to feel it's not only a mechanical movement in control there you go feeling the aircraft slow down and you can feel it sinking so you don't have to really look at instruments once you get trained properly you get the feel of speed this is an open air aircraft so you can feel the wind on you on your body as you as you maneuver okay now we get to a certain point i'm going to lower the nose this is going to give me uh additional air speed that i need throttle is back trim is good i'm not fighting the cyclic force on the cyclic so we're good we're settling down [Music] settling down looking good my vision is out there about 50 feet that's what i'm looking i'm going to look at it at any instrument keeping the nose up we're going to stick around trying to a little crosswind right in the traffic area to the north west see ya got a cross room from my left so i'm using right rudder and left cycling stand on that white line stand on that white line not looking at any instruments there we go good crosswind you can see the the yarn in front of me uh going to the right yeah that's good so if you find yourself slow hopefully you're right over the runway close to the runway or you're at altitude that's really the only recommended two places that you should fly slow [Music] all right here we go a little crosswind traffic looks good not unusual for people to use both ends of the runway so always be aware of that all right i'm just going to mush it in i'm close to the runway do this at a just a few feet above the runway and i'm throttling back keeping the cycling back keeping the side quick there you go landing on that left wheel good okay this is the important part once you land cyclic back use that aerodynamic brake come to a stop with a brake if you have to once you stop now you push the cycle forward [Music] slowly turn and as you turn you got to keep in mind where the wind is coming from so it was a headwind now it's a sidewind from my right so the cyclic is full forward and to the right the aircraft will taxi a lot faster without this with the cyclic full forward so you you got to make sure you throttle back but you want to come to a full stop at your final landing you can make it further down the runway so you don't impede other aircraft on on final or taken off all right here we go we're we'll set the park brake i'll go ahead and engage the rotor brake here again different manufacturers have different systems you just have to learn the system that you're being trained in the aircraft you've been trained in i personally like to turn into the wind and hopefully you can get this the rotor blades parallel the aircraft when they stop but that doesn't happen all the time here we go there we go right there yeah come around again [Music] it's a lot easier to taxi with them that way all right i'm gonna we've got the rotor blades positioned properly check for traffic on the taxiway and we'll tax you back now the first half of your takeoff when you're still on the ground you use the rudders to stay on the line because your rotors are still spinning up even after you've pre-rotated them they have to come up faster than that to create enough lift to lift the aircraft up to bring the nose up once that happens like i demonstrated out there you can use the cyclic to stay on the center and this is small deviations i mean if you're way over here either side you don't try to get back on the center line and take off you just parallel at this point and take off but if you're just a little off center like i'm showing you then you can you can use either your rudders on your initial ground roll or you can use your cycling once your cyclic is up to speed and has uh enough authority to create this turning effect [Music]
Channel: Ron's Gyros
Views: 33,681
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Keywords: Gyros, rons, gyros, rons gyros, Ron's Gyros, ronsgyros, Ron Menzie, Ronald menzie, ronalds gyros, autogyro, mtosport, MTOSport, Landing, CFI, Certified Flight Instruction, Flight Training, training, instruction, gyro's, Ron's Gyro's, Flying videos, flying, aircraft, airplane, helicopter, airport, Arkansas, Gyrocopter, gyrocopter
Id: 4_7-NpS1rP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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