How Gyroplanes Fly ? 3D Animation

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this is a gyroplane you can say this is a  mixed version of a fixed wing airplane and   a helicopter but it is a simple and easy flying  machine which can fly safely at low air speed   let's see how it works with 3d animation  a small gyroplane is built on an airframe   it's the main structure which holds everything  three small wheels are fitted as landing gears   one at front and two on the sides here  it is a tricycle like wheel arrangement   front wheel can be non-steerable but it  easily self-aligns in the direction of   motion due to high positive caster angle a nice  suspension setup offers smooth landing experience   a gyroplane is mainly powered by propeller  thrust an automotive type or reciprocating   type aircraft engine can be used to drive  the back propeller this is a four cylinder   boxer engine generally boxer type engines  have good self-balancing characteristics   propeller rotates and produces forward thrust  pushes the gyroplane forward at high speed a vertical stabilizer with a rudder  surface is installed behind the propeller   rudder is operated with paddle control when the  left paddle is pushed forward the rudder turns   left now generated aerodynamic force makes a  flying gyroplane to the left side conversely   when the right paddle is pushed forward the rudder  turns right so gyroplane yaws to the right side also tilting these paddles forward activates the  respective side will break on ground a gyroplane   run on wheels using propeller thrust if right side  will break as applied then this will slows down   this differential force helps  to make a sharp right turn   a gyroplane use helicopter like top rotor wings  to produce lift force to fly but it is simple   in design and interestingly during flight  it's not powered by the engine a rotor disc   is fitted on the tower head this teetering  hinge allows the wing set to flap on both sides   unlike a helicopter swash plate mechanism  here the tower head can be tilted forward   backward right and left for cyclic control  if this cyclic stick is tilted backward   these two linked rods are pulled forward with this  action which pulls these two actuator tubes down   this action tilts the rotor tower head backward  tilting cyclic stick to the right makes the right   side actuator tube go down and left side tube  go up this movement tilts the rotor tower head   to the right side conversely when the stick is  tilted left right side actuator tube goes up   and left side tube goes down this action  tilts the tower head to the left side   so engine thrust control cyclic stick and rudder  are the primary control systems on a gyroplane propeller thrust pushes the gyroplane forward  but top wing blades rotate automatically using   the relative airflow like a pinwheel rotates in  the wind or more specifically speaking the auto   rotation technique the same technique used in  helicopter to land safely after engine failure   for that airflow should be from below towards the  wing blade this is called up-wash wind in simple   words when a wing blade is rotating at a certain  rpm wing point a covers more distance than point b   so the linear speed of wing section a will  be higher than point b section of the wing   so at point b relative airspeed will  be less compared to point a up-wash   and rotational relative airflow  develops a resultant relative wind it makes high angle of attack with wing section  chord line as a result generated lift force   direction is tilted forward so its forward  component helps the wing to rotate faster this section is called driving region of the wing at point a rotational relative airspeed  is much higher with up-wash wind   resultant relative airflow develops lesser angle  of attack with the wing section cord line here   generated lift force direction  is not tilted forward that much   but significant upward lift force helps the  gyroplane to float in the air that's why this   section is called the driven region of the wing  and also near the centre of the blade suffers   aerodynamic stall due to low rotational  relative airspeed and high angle of attack practically propeller thrust pushing the  gyroplane forward and rotor tower head   slightly back tilted position allows more  relative up-wash wind to the wing blades   this rotates the wings and  generated lift force makes it fly a fixed wing airplane needs to  achieve high speed on the runway   so wings can generate enough lift force to  take off but a gyroplane actually needs its   wings to rotate faster to take off a gyroplane  can cheat this process cleverly a pre-rotator   system can help to build up initial rotor  speed and shorten the take-off run when the   pre-rotator system is engaged this Bendix drive  pushes the pinion gear up with slight rotation this helps to mesh well with this larger ring gear at the other end power is drawn from the  engine and sent via this flexible drive system   now pinion drives the ring gear and  helps to build up initial rotor rpm   once rotor rpm reaches to certain limit pilot  disengages the pre-rotator system increases   propeller thrust and applies more aft cyclic  to get more up wash when to the wing blades this helps to achieve operating rpm quickly  and the gyroplane takes off adjusting forward   to aft cyclic and increasing propeller thrust  increases relative airflow and up-wash wind   so lift force increases and a gyroplane gains  altitude applying right cyclic makes it turn right also an applying left cyclic helps to take  left bank turn for example when the rotor   tower is tilted to the right initially the  rotating wings will try to remain horizontal   to do so here the teetering hinge allows the  blade to flap so blade angle also remains   neutral at three o'clock position but here the  rotor head rotational axis is tilted to the right   so when this wing rotates from three o'clock to  front the wing blade pitch angle will increase   automatically at the same time other blade's  pitch angle will decrease at six o'clock position positive pitch angle means high force this will  try to flap up this wing and due to gyroscopic   precession maximum upward deflection will  occur 90 degrees later at nine o'clock position at the same time the negative pitch angle  will try to flap down the other wing blade   and maximum downward deflection will be 90  degrees later at 3 o'clock position this is how   wing's rotation axis self-aligns  with the rotor head's axis   changes in aerodynamic force helps the  gyrocopter to make a right bank turn reducing forward speed and aft cyclic will reduce  lift force thus a gyroplane can perform a normal   landing like an airplane or cutting off the  throttle it can go for auto rotation landing   with high flare so a gyroplane can land  easily on rough surfaces or within small areas   a simple rotor brake system can prevent  unwanted rotation of the wing this helps to   taxing through narrow space on the ground wing  surface area is small so it gets less affected   by cross winds and bad weather while flying  the top rotor is not powered by the engine   so there is no counter torque that's why a  gyrocopter or gyroplane is not fitted with tail   rotor like most helicopter  used to counter the torque a gyroplane can fly at slower speed thus it offers  great aerial view to the pilot and passenger   that's why gyroplanes are easy to master  and mostly used for recreational flight   this is a simple 3d representation of how a  gyroplane works this project took more than a   month of work to present to you you can support  my work by pressing the like button and sharing   this video link with others it will help me  produce content in future thank you for watching
Channel: WorkingsgotAnimated.
Views: 334,064
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Keywords: gyroplane, gyrocopter, learn engineering of gyroplane, gyroplane control system, boxer engine animation, propeller system, pre rotator system, bendix mechanism, gyroplane take off, gyroplane landing, gyroplane facts, blender 3d animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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