I Turned Elvis Presleys Abandoned Private Jet Into A RV. Finished

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we are only 10 days away from leaving for Oshkosh with the Elvis Jet and we just have a couple of things left to do pause for dramatic effect on the back we've got our door of course that we still need to finish up they have a little panel here so we can check oil and what have you this is going to be loued so we can get some air flow through here for the radiator they're doing the bumper right now as we speak uh by the end of the video that's going to be on we're going to have lights in it the other thing follow me around to the front they're finishing this up as well the cap that's going to go over that we have Grizzly up here that's his arm that's kind of funny so that's Grizzly's arm I would say wave he's been working on three days to get that stupid window out of there and replace because that one's all cracked and well I'm sure we're going to be pulled over multiple times by multiple State Patrol and we don't want to give them any excuse beyond the obvious one uh for any tickets but we're fully expecting to get to meet some of our finest in blue okay and the headlights yes there was like 10,000 comments on the last video about the headlights and the low beam goes on the outside cuz I had them flipped so when we put them in we'll make sure that the high beams are there and low beams are on the outside the other comment was about the the height from here back to the wheels and called an approach angle so if we have to go over railroad tracks or go over a ditch or something like that the nose is not going to go and Bash into the ground and then we're kind of stuck I think we're going to be okay with that it is it's higher than what I thought and with the airbags lifted up we'll get another few inches out of it the biggest thing that I'm excited about is those two guys back there we got Jimmy who you guys have seen a whole bunch of times I mean he's done all the vinyl letters and wraps and all that other stuff uh on all the airplanes and we're vinyl wrapping this one it's going to have the same paint Scheme as the original it's just going to be shiny and newer and he's going to get the whole thing done in roughly a week instead of of like two months that it would take to do a paint job on this uh and frankly not to spoiler alert and plug your ears it was a lot cheaper than paint a whole lot cheaper so uh I mean you know I was getting ready to make a joke about liking them cheap and easy and fast but that that is not appropriate for this channel anyways you guys all know Jimmy Jimmy say hi to the YouTube World hello all right walk walk us through what in the heck so what we're doing we're laying the silver right now we're going to lay it as a solid stripe and then we're going to come in and put burgundy stripes on top of it or the dark red uh so we get this nice and straight and follow what's there and then that gives us a solid backbone to to base all the rest of the wrap off of this is what your eye sees as the uh parallel line down down the middle of it so once we get this laid then we'll start laying the red across the top and around the bottom and then it will come in probably the final thing and lay all the little individual stripes yet very cool very cool and this is actual colored vinyl it's not printed oh that was the other thing too we spent up we're not going that cheap on Jimmy's world so yeah walk us through the the what the difference between a cheap printed vinyl so so printed vinyl is actually printed with with with ink onto a vinyl with a laminate put on it it's a thicker material uh you're not going to get quite the life out of it the sun sun does does beat it in time uh and also you can't get metallic colors out of print they they're solid opaque colors interesting this looks like paint when it's done a printed wrap will will will look good but it has a flatter you know finish to it okay and this has a nice high gloss finish like a paint this is what we use like on cars to do they they call color change on on you know high-end vehicles and so forth so it does it looks just like paint that is fantastic okay and if you've seen any of the other videos Jimmy has a pretty hard rule about me being anywhere around him he just says go away Jimmy I'm trying to get something done so with that being said we'll leave him we'll just check back in every once in a while to see how things are going project was so big he had to bring in reinforcements and it was just Justin that's right yes good to have you on board and he he came all the way in from where Indiana Indian Indiana Indianapolis Indiana down weekend yeah man ready to to do it I am I am it's going to be a nice project I'm excited to be a part of it today's the first day you've seen this isn't it this is the first day I've seen it yeah what do you think it's a project like I said I was just impressed you guys were able to get it up and get the chassis underneath it and everything and it's a it's a great idea I like seeing it I've done a lot of things I've been doing about 20 years and never seen anything like this there you go awesome I called him on this and he said absolutely it's it's Elvis's jet I'm there I'm it I just forgot my blue sweed shoes yeah that's right uhuh you got a cry oh man oh man well I'll let you guys get going but I do have a small surprise for you I'll be right back okay wait wait you guys can't be alone come on now yeah oh Grizzly come on in man yeah this this will be the uh thumbnail picture yes [Music] [Laughter] boom so yeah uh this is one of the things we're going to have at the booth at Oshkosh you can only get these at Oshkosh cuz I only ordered a few of them so if you want one you're going to have to show up there also the Elvis tags that's right once we leave they're gone off of the website and when we get to Oshkosh I'm kind of thinking they're going to sell out because we're talking 700,000 people are going to be at this event so if you want them go to save 310.com link is on the description get the Elvis tags there they once they're gone they are gone forever maybe once in a while somebody will hawk one on eBay or something but you'll have to play that Russian Roulette uh at that time all right gentlemen appreciate it appreciate it appreciate that you guys got some good shades these are going to rock it out for the rest of the time Grizzly yeah I mean that's it it really I mean that is with the hat you almost have to have a hat oh yeah we're going to have hats there too I forgot that and you can you can also buy a hat on the website save 310.com I'm just plug in that's all I know how to do now just plug merch and be like hey go buy stuff cuz I'm a YouTube guy and whatever name of the game Dumb hey let's get okay okay all right let's all the silliness done we're I'll get out of your way and let you guys actually do something productive all right I love these glasses we are here a couple days later and you'll notice some things have been going on and they're red on this side as well uh Grizzly walk us around what's happened cuz I haven't been here so I don't know either all right walk us around I see right away there's a door big things we got a door we got all this is finished and oh that's right yeah so this is our uh our inspection is up here Yep this is what and we decided to it looks like what bolts here yeah um it's got they're like Riv nuts but not quite okay they they twist on on the back yeah it's no it's it's oh you can't get to it from back there yeah I'd have to take it all apart to show you but yeah it's cool um once again no connection between oh that's right because the the fuselage part has to shake and Rattle and Roll and uh the the bottom part is going to Shake Rattle and Roll at a different frequency frequency and uh see here what else oh the bumper y we got the bumper cut that's over here bumper it's over here somewhere okay it's with the bumper oh that is cool cut capped and Polished we got our old school Corvette dual rear lights happening yep and they've oh that is fantastic they capped it off yeah polish it cuz that's all stainless so that one he said was pretty easy to work with yep okay okay fantastic what else all right we'll come down the right side of the jet first as you can see we got lots of vinyl on lots of vinyl now they still have to put the stripes on so don't go pounding on the keyboard yet just chill we got our wings capped Wings capped little little bit of oil canning um that was just kind of how it turned out unfortunately and it was uh to match I think the the wrinkling yes in the Elvis jet itself okay oh and also keyboard Warriors here yes we're going to cut that out so we can get a tire off and then we're going to be putting a skirt up there so it'll have this covered look but be able to get the tire off so just just calm down on the comments there all right got more vinyl going on up there and this is not white everyone this will be Pol polished shiny shiny metal underneath this it's just a plastic covering to protect the shiny okay um we got a latch for our gear doors here oh wait what kind of latch is that it's a it's a it's a Jeep hood latch this is fantastic oh my goodness that's fun Dean still working on the front up here getting this all tidied up and so we can kind of hide some of the hoses and cabling and yep whatnot yes yes this is going to have Chrome wage on it so it'll be shiny like the rest of it we got the broken window out yeah we're going to put the new window in or yes the new window in today we got a hanger for so the generator exhaust kind of yeah they've been doing they're him and Dy have been putting in good work all buttoned down right now yeah fantastic oh and the cutouts for our stairs y that are going to slide down there so we can have 10,000 people climbing in and out of this thing and and then lots more wrap I love the red it is that that's the red it was supposed to be we got this color red from under here we went under there where the sun couldn't damage it and match it up to the original red that it was this is how red that thing was when it was new 50 years ago or something yeah hey and there's the fellas there hello hello got Jimmy hello hello vinyl guy all right it's looking pretty good man yes it is it's looking pretty good it's looking shiny again back back to the original colors that's right that's right what have you found that's been uh some pain points on trying to get vinyl on this thing uh just kind of working with the old surface you know and and where we get get overlaps of the vinyl that we've already laid and then and then you because the vinyl comes together in the colors it was a little bit of a of a job at the initial you know get getting into that where where you you can't basically lift it you know you got to get it laid right the first time and leave it there uh it is all adhering really really well though I mean you know really it oh that's great yeah once it's on it's it's on it's good I mean I'm happy with the way way things are going so now how long do you how long is this stuff supposed to last you'll get out of this a good probably six to seven years out of it that's with it being out in the weather all the time if you were to keep this in a garage or a hanger hell you could get 12 15 years out of it easily you like like like a paint job for sure and and same thing like like a paint job being out in the weather all the time you know you're you're going to get you know it's going to stay looking good for 6 to seven years it's going to still be on there you know is what it amounts to but yeah just you won't see any sort of fading until after that even if it was out in the the whole time back in New Mexico exactly exactly see that's the thing with this vinyl like I said you this this color change vinyl the vinyl is actually the color all the way through it there it's it's not it's not like a color that that's you know applied to the top of it it is actually the color of it the vinyl is actually cast out in a liquid with the dyes in it that's what you were saying yeah that's just wild so the only thing you might get is lose a little bit of the shine over time but you're not going to lose the color in it fantastic awesome awesome awesome aome okay uh Grizzly I also spied one other thing that's shiny reflecting back over there the uh oh yeah patch panel yep covered up our big ugly hole yep nice that looks pretty good uh also I've received no less than a dozen comments that is not a solid shaft it has a slip joint on it so that as the fuselage goes up and down this Rod it kind of slips over it so it doesn't create all that tension on the rod cuz you know that's how these are supposed to be designed even in your car it has a slip rod on it so that's what we did anything else uh that's about it for Progress since the last time you were here but uh yeah we're ready to hit it again and get some more done rock and roll okay we have more surprises for you uh and I I have some ideas for you as well which You're Gonna Love yeah I think sometimes the easiest way is to just cut all of this off and start over hey look this is all the wires we need right here for the lights and even for the trailer lights that mess we are making it much cleaner and getting rid of anything we don't need including the motor home it's coming together very nicely we got a look at our fancy bumper here take a look at them lights boom we even have a reverse light huh that actually works and a license plate light that'll go uh that lights up turn signals we checked those work fantastic next step is our camera system start back here with whichever one that one yeah that one right there this one boom will go up there and wireless so we just got to run our power wire to it and then connect it according to the instructions that's it I I mean how hard could it be right Grizzly said he has a surprise for us in the cockpit come on in Grizzly what do you got we got instruments and a Dash [Music] wow oh and the transmission thingy goes down there yeah and turn signal are going to go here on this contraption like that fantastic and it doesn't get in the way of the steering wheel when we turn it that is wonderful here turn the key on let's see what it looks like okay fun what's that that's the that's your headlights that's the headlight switch yeah that is fantastic oh oh you got the brights on yep there you go is it going dimmer or brighter that's brighter and then we go dimmer man this is fancy yeah woo good job sir bam all right we're going to start peeling some of this plastic off of here so we can uh see the shiny let's go [Music] look at that that was a good one that was a good one after drilling out this and with extreme thumb Precision uh get that and these go up there like this give us some sight down the side of the motor home we have another one that we're going to be putting up there so we can see in front of us underneath here a little bit we're getting there we are on the very last steps I think I've been saying that for I don't know like a month now but this time it's different so does that other side over there look really good with it all peed off it looks really good really y yeah yeah trying to figure out where this camera is going to go I forgot that they put this on here we were going to stick it further back but they they put this quintum on here right here which looks nice and it covers up all of our wiring and hoses and everything else going into the airplane so yeah I'm thinking right in right in this area I don't know we're going to have to get a screwdriver to the top of it though so they may have to could come out here like that what about like that that's not a bad idea that's not too bad something like that I like that I'm going to go look at this side it's shiny now so let's see what it is wow that is shiny just a mile of chrome it reminds me of the uh the 310 should it was polished and Sparrow hot guys did an awesome job wow thankfully this is not going to need polish because it's stainless steel and it should stay nice and shiny man that is that's pretty cool think it's going to grab some attention I think so I mean besides it being an airplane driving down the road is an intention enough you know just make it the shiniest thing possible yeah wow I want to get it in the sun just to see how bad it is uhhuh oh man that looks fantastic think that is our first camera wired up let's go plug it in see if it turns on Grizzly is going inside to pull one click on the marker lights that should turn that light on uhoh that's not good come on no like I said we're going to test this camera first Grizzly go ahead and turn the lights on what can you turn the headlights on hey we got light to that now let's go into my car since we don't have that hooked up yet cigarette lighter and it should connect uh there's a button under here you got to hold it in think oh there we go one two three four five it's blue should do something I don't know let's go in the car plug it in see what we're looking at take this cigarette lighter thing plug it in and hopefully this poers on that's good left that's going to be the right look at that that's what it looks like behind the Elis sh and that goes right down the line look at that that's the wing stub right there that is that's remarkably perfect um view all we got one let's go plug the other one in and see what the other one looks like success yes in this crazy strange world that I live in now this one should work all right syus I'll have you climb in there and turn the light on ready yeah lights on hey lights on now let's go plug or look at the Monitor and see if that's working check out her little workstep thing that they made look at [Music] that wait that's my side left side hey look at that okay now let you all cool Grizzly's right there hey look at that look at that that is lined up perfectly oh you touched it I yeah I don't know what I did but look at how perfectly down the uh the side of it at that's lined up right wow that's amazing looking at the ladder I was like what the heck is in front of it that's awesome can you still see me yeah I still see you that's perfect blind spot yeah cuz I am directly behind how how far up front can you go where the camera is I still see you I go hey go out this way a little bit like a car in a blind spot he's got steering wheel and everything I still got you still got you still got you and right there that's out of shot go straight back back now you're in that's right there is the corner yeah all right stay stay there all right yeah you perfectly in l oh yeah that's pretty good huh yeah yeah right right in here cuz I'd be will the bet that if we needed to we could just look out the window and see yeah this right here yep that's fantastic yeah I feel better about driving it now for sure and then when we put that camera under there so it's going to be this corner right here is going to be the danger Corner yeah right here but I can see the window right there especially with a co-pilot and when we put our mirrors there we can try to get them to where they can look down a lot more hey I found our missing screws you said there was one more in there okay that's four that's that's our well that's good I'm happy about that yeah and now we'll Mount that camera under there and then figure out why that camera back there doesn't turn on rock and roll yep yay we got that one on and I definitely did not hook it up to the right turn signal Wire by mistake did not do that we should have all four let's get the camera fired up see what it looks [Music] like hey look at that and then you can go Boop and then front the right left and all bam that's really cool you can see him walking around and now he's over here okay he's also have microphones on them so do me a favor and go to the rear and then talk to you hello that is really loud can you hear me that is really loud is it wow okay hang on let's see if this got one on the front it does what there he is so what you're saying is if when we're driving down the road we're going to be able to hear everybody talk about how cool the Elvis jet is yes that's awesome does it okay the right and the left do not have microphones but the rear that's awesome we got cameras boys we got cameras we're going to hear everybody shouting that is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life we have our cameras all working we just got to get power to the inside and now we have camera system done I have 28 golf balls here that are going to help us fix the Elvis Jet and keep it rolling smooth down the road do you know what I'm going to do hey Grizz yeah do you know why we have a whole bunch of golf balls uh well you said something about Dynamic balancing or some science physics Voodoo yes that's what we're going to do have you ever dismounted and mounted semi- tires never oh this is going to be fun all right go ahead and stand on there get that bead broke on this side oh that looks good yes do those have tubes in it or is they just hard sidewalls hard sidewalls okay is the other one busted I think so yeah we're good all right flip it over let's get the other side look out P look out spray the magic juice magic juice that's just Dawn dish liquid and water that's the SE the secret is out go ahead and spray it though yeah for Lube yep and he's getting ready to understand the joys of these love bars here I can I'll probably break one before the day out I you know okay we'll we'll see how that goes yes all right I learned this trick from Tim Gentry over at entry uh and Suns he's the guy that towed the Elvis jet from New Mexico all the way back here to Florida you're going to need both of these yep grab them both I'll walk you through how to do this kind of have an idea how to do this stick that end over there yep like this yeah all the way in till that's on the like that now stick your other one nope nope nope stick your other one right here you're going to need lots of extra room okay now put your foot in the middle right here now put your other foot nope right there push down on the bead on the tire there you go now work them back there you go boom take the little one out roll it out get another bite halfway between right there kick it all the way down right about there yeah there you go that one now lift up you it's it's off lift up on this side of the tire okay lift it all the way up like all the way on the side stand it up there you go now I want you to grab the uh the small bar bra should work and stick it all the way like that just under the lip and now you're going to drop the tire back toward you and lift up on it at the same time there you go like that lift it up and drop [Music] it all the way stand it up and let the wheel now drop it and let the tire do the work no sorry I'm not being real clear here stand up hold the hold this and then you go like that okay piece of cake I think this may have had sand is that a treasure map I think it had sand in it all right I'll let you all right tackle that one going to need your other buddy yep have you ever done these oh yeah other way yep there you go and you want it about a foot apart it's just like doing a bike fer yeah yeah slightly bigger smidge here that yeah there you go the trick is to put your foot on this tube back here to push the bead down and then work one pole at a time yes put in the comments you think rizy going to get it on the first shot on this one there you go keep going like that yes you can get a job at a trucking company now Tim he's not for sale by the way is that one we got sand in there too somebody else had the dynamic balancing idea as well you know the big RV that I I've done six of these already with bigger tires on the big brown one the uh the big RV had the balance beads in it this has sand in it now we got to clean the wheel and the lip of the uh the wheels make sure we got a good bead we'll mark that lube it up and then I'll show you you the golf balls sweet we got this tire goo look at that snotball and then we got to lube everything all around we got to lube the wheel over there that'll make it all slippery and go on all right Grizz grab that tire we want the yellow dot facing away from you and down toward the valve stem we'll do this one first okay yellow dot there and there's the valv in there yellow dot is there now if you do it just right you can jump on it and then put your knees on the tire and it'll pop on there yeah there you go nice now I made a mark right here let's make sure that is lined up with our valve stem yep and then grab your your two bars other side just like that now stand up on the tire and stand on that wrench underneath your foot there you go now use that one to work it around this is where the skill of uh people that about skill this is balance yeah uh go under the tire flip this flip the spoon over you're going to scoop it up this way right there take as small a bite as you can each time around and make sure that one doesn't budge yeah there you go there you go there you go nice yink now it's going to think that it's going to slip out but it won't you just got to keep look at it's like working on a ship there you go there you go you're you're all right the last time I had changed tires like this I was in tech school in 1997 there you go now you're going to want to keep your foot on the back to make sure that bead doesn't pop up and right through here is where it may go all the way or you might have a stubborn hey and I just realized we still got to put the golf balls in it normally I do it in the step before you put this on but we can still do it with this so these are du tires which are going to take seven golf balls each now Tim said only put three in there but I did some Googling and some math and you know physics homework and according to the charts that I found for the other companies that make these things it's supposed to be 14 o and a golf ball weighs 1.62 o so if you do some quick public school math it comes out to more than golf balls however I only bought seven so that's what we're sticking in here so seven is the calculated scientific way to do this we're doing science here okay this is important business redneck science redneck science that's a Weston Chapman I have that shirt I was going to wear it today cuz that is one of my favorite shirts ever all right let's pop that in there somehow get in that's three now go ready there's for that's [Music] five really now did you get the velocity golf balls for Speed I did yeah I figured it says velocity it'll make it go faster yeah how many did I put in there five five okay six seven [Music] seven yay yay our valve stem is lined up now we need an air hose and poof and stick it on there and then go test drive it there check out the film well I did this on the big motor home check out the results while making the video for the Elvis jet tire change we were also changing tire TI on this one look what we found this tire has these balance beads in it already and it was extremely worn down and you'll notice the inside of the tire actually looks in perfect condition that is the old Tire we took off and there is the new tire different brand so there'll be different number of ribs but how cool is that wow so this thing had these in there already already huh I'll be dog on look at that how is it trying to lift and get these tires off it's not fun heavy 100 what we calculate the new tire and wheel combo 183 LBS or something 82 lbs crazy heavy good job buddy we went ahead and did the golf ball thing on this RV as well this is my first time driving with the golf balls and the wheels we're uh we're going to see how it does get it up to highway speed and just see what happens can you feel me I'm going to and look at the steering wheel whenever we get going if this thing does start the vibrator Shake you'll see it in the steering wheel let's see okay I don't expect anything to happen under 50 m hour honestly they're just bouncing around in there right now there's 30 we got a red light so not sure what that was at 30 mph they're perfectly smooth green light go ahead and start bring it up there's 35 zero vibration 40 nothing zero vibration all the everything I read about the golf ball stuff said that it doesn't even start doing anything until you get up to highway speeds 50 60 70 M an hour CU it takes that long for the golf balls to keep up with everything spinning around and find their spot all right here is 50 I can't tell any difference about anything it's just smooth quiet there's no vibration that I can feel there's 55 again no vibration look at the steering wheel just get back and see both my hands yes I have no noticeable vibration that's good now we're coming up on the I4 we should be able to get it up to speed on the interstate here in the last year we have rebuilt the entire front end on it I've put all new sh Bo all the way around it that made a huge difference just those two things and now we just replaced the tires that's the last key in making this thing run like it's brand new and I mean so far it is unbelievably quiet and smooth oh my goodness yeah 60 I cannot believe this we are doing we are doing 65 mes an hour in this motor home and it is like it's like riding in my car it's amazing please don't stop we're on I4 uh did I mention that I4 is the deadliest highway in the entire country because of this you go 75 mph and then you have to come to a complete stop in about 6 in like I said this RV I mean this is as good as my car this is great and listen how quiet it is that's ridiculous it was never this quiet oh my goodness bam this is our lead vehicle and what myself and my family is staying in while we're at Oshkosh uh yeah and we are uh going to be on the road hitting Atlanta Nashville graceand St Louis finally coming to Oshkosh go to www.save thee 310.com that's savethe 310.com sign up there for the exact times and dates whenever we'll be at those places you can check out the Elvis jet oh more brake lights spiky six Al alive look all the New York plates New York drivers shouldn't you guys be back North by now all right I just felt a little bit of vibration oh now it seems to be gone that was at 5 mes hour and I'm up to 60 okay the vibration is gone now weird I wonder if because the hitting bumps and things the balls move around they're re reentering all the time I mean it's perfectly smooth right now yeah this is 65 perfectly SM go balls that's the trick man that's a fantastic trip Tim you're a rockar thank you sir another fantastic Edition is our stairs that slide into the top of it here so that we can have all kinds of people going up into the Elvis Jed don't forget watch your head this is taken out many a person we'll have a pull noodle or something on there but watch your head and then coming on in look at that oh that's fantastic today is the day Dean here at his shop I mean these guys the whole team really do just went way above and beyond knocked it out of the park uh we're getting ready to show it off to no less than a million people with everybody that's going to be watching the video plus all the people that are going to see it going down the road you're going to see people taking pictures and # Elvis jet that's you can follow our trip and our journey right now we're taking it on the very first drive after all this work is done and of course it's raining mhm so that's that's fine uh what could possibly go wrong and I think our actual first real test drive is when we get on the on the road to H gosh oh this is such a bad idea but uh Dean thank you you're welcome I'm glad work on man I mean these guys just knocked it out of the park so well done hope everybody likes it oh yeah Grizzly let's go Grizzly yeah it's all fired up coolant we got lots of lights on why are there so many lights on I have no idea H I don't like that not one bit that's the first time all those lights have been on is the transmission that's all good mhm H it shifts coolant light it's the one it's the light to all the engine control stuff yeah that's air pressure is hardwired coolant battery oil pressure all that stuff is that's cool and level Park water in the gas yeah that's all that that's all new H I'm sure it'll be fine uh Hey Grizzly yeah I see you're in the driver's seat uh-huh do you want to drive it I do well uh there's only one one one issue with that what's that you see the shirt I it says I drive the Elvis jet yeah I see that yeah you have to have one of these shirts on the drive- in uh well um the way I see it is is I'm bigger than you so you could try to get me out of the seat or that's why I got you a shirt yeah oh this is awesome you have that's the only way to drive it is you have to have one of those shirts and no they are not available on Save the 310.com he's put okay you're not you're not even getting out of the seat you're taking no chances are you no I have worked way too hard for this oh that's funny we got to go through our checklists up there yep yep it does it it used to scroll there it goes all right take off checklist all right checklist complete let's go I messed with this door for about 15 minutes until I found out this hey I realized this is a lock button you got to push that in in order to turn that and then it'll it'll lock see got H okay good we're not locked in here bre in and all that clear off I want no that's there were so many firsts happening right now this was the first time Grizzly has ever been in the driver seat this is the first time we're backing it up using the camera system this is the first time that we're trying to drive it in the rain this is only the second time we've ever actually driven this thing there are so many things happening right now and yes our stress level is off the chart going back okay now you can crank it all you want all right we're going and yeah crank it nice here goes nothing it took us a few minutes to figure out where to drive this and what the site picture look like to make sure we're not in the other person's Lane and we're not off on the shoulder of the road but Grizzly he got her figured out there's probably foot ones my favorite part about the entire Drive was how intense concentration Grizzly had and the death grip he was holding on to that yolk I'm pretty sure it was smooth on the backside when we started and by the time we got to the shop there were now permanent finger marks in it oh this is going to take a lot of getting used to starting to fog up now here's the view from the co-pilot seat hey we got Sparrow hot guys coming in today that's the other reason we got to get it over to the shop so they can detail this thing cuz uh it's got It's got some Grime on it and and some work Grime yes whoa we're at a stoplight idle let we want the [Applause] door that that view is not so bad what's the back is there somebody behind us yeah we got a whole line of traffic behind us oh good that's awesome yeah Grizzly what do you think I think it's awesome that is we need lots of practice Yeah and we're going to get it on our way to OS we got yes we got more cameras everybody that's going by has their phone out well this ain't exactly something you see every day I don't know why not this is pretty awesome we're going so this is going to be our first attempt oh that's our uh corner is our first attempt at going above 45 mil [Music] hour there we go all right where we at 50 how's it feel it gets it's it's about the same as 45 oh that's good feels pretty good yeah that was 60 I just hit keep going yeah camera down there we go see if we can keep it at 60 60 65 hey that's pretty good yeah this builds pretty good you don't look stressed at all right how fast is that 60 oh yeah I'm trying to maintain all right here go ahead and let's you turn right here all right you can go after this gray one and block in easy easy easy easy easy oh shoot this thing's got a turning radius as good as my car it's like a F250 I kept wondering what that noise was it's a speaker on the back camera yeah all right top speed here we go cancel 40 we have a small air leak and smelling I smell an oil leak somewhere hey we made it grizzly good job good job driving it for the first time are you ready for a cigarette yeah oh that's like a massive air leak up there yeah that wasn't like that before no I mean we've messed with it so much wondering if something welded melted through it that's what I'm thinking yep that's why we're here we got a few bugs to figure out and then our lights that we got to figure out now I got to get the big motor home out hook that up take it to the house load that thing up finish this let these guys detail this thing and then load this up with all the merchandise and that's we're going the hours Mark now oh we still got days you know three days you guys remember Ryan although he looks a little cleaner than he did last time this is the guy that polished the 310 from sparrow hawk these guys are back at it again and then we have a new guy Ben Ben he is opening up a branch in Orlando right that's fantastic he's here in Tampa on this side of the the Florida they're going to be here helping us detail this thing just wiping it Down clean it up thankfully ye doesn't have to polish it how do you feel about that I feel much better about not polishing this yeah cuz much better that's almost as much metal work as the three thin just about just about it's getting close the difference is this is stainless stainless I know that's a big thing stepping up we're going to give him all the stainless yeah this fantastic I'm going to get out of your way let you guys do what you got to do I am thankful that it's raining because that means it's not as hot especially in this shed is crazy hot it's a pre treatment AE that's right that's right at the dust down yeah so we rinse it off for you than you're welcome you're welcome good we're going to get to it all right we discovered our first fatality the uh exhaust for the for the generator it caught on that steering arm right there and then bent it back okay good so now you see it's all kind of sort of bent it's supposed to be a straight line from there takes a detour and comes somewhere over here now okay well let's uh see if we can't bend that a little bit and if not we'll have to cut it off and just stick a long one on there and redo our Rod there I guess yep yep there you go boys that's why we do our test drive and thankfully we don't even use the generator for anything yet no not yet all right let's start from this side on our list visibility camera system check lighting headlights check parking lights check turn signals y brake lights uhhuh even reverse lights hpac run power cable no instruments Mount turd zal switch check Mount cluster check air suspension control system I guess check sure adjust front brakes they work yeah aircraft lighting yeah we'll have to wait for watt to figure that out generator output wiring battery switch n okay and that's all done that's chassis we got bumpers on it yep mud flaps we don't need mud flaps we're good skirting check steps check [Music] wow Ryan yes sir what do you think man thinking it's getting cleaner yeah getting clean we need to add some lights in here don't we a little bit yeah we're getting there though plug plug it in and then we can can get more lights going yeah yeah this looks fantastic yeah that's nice and that was put in when elbus owned it yeah so he put in the TV there's a VCR behind this right here MH all that stuff was put in the microwave yep all that stuff yeah cool this yeah this is the first time you've been in it isn't it yes sir yeah really all right initial initial reaction from the detailer how nasty was this thing I mean for sitting and what it is and what it is now now it's way better yeah yeah I've seen worse I've seen worse from non- abandoned airplanes that's right if that counts for anything sitting for 41 years all right and you are the first person to clean it in 41 years I can tell yeah dusty but it doesn't have the miloy it doesn't have the funky smells and all that yeah we're going to finish it with a a little finisher to kind of kill any of that odor uh that we can but 41 years of odor not a magician yeah that's right oh man yeah we're uh just wrapping up we're going to stripe the carpet so it's nice and appealing and we'll be done before you know fantastic you're rocking it Ryan I'm trying we are totally done with the Elvis jet but we forgot to test one thing we have not tested the uh the stairs since we put this on we have no idea if it's going to clear or not uh so yeah throw in the comments I think it will I think we'll be fine we'll be fine can you uh just double check me and make sure it's not going to come [Applause] out oh please no wor what were you even worried about I wasn't not worried I'm I'm just making got lots of room I knew it was going to work oh yeah so I bought this at meik auction on Elvis's birthday January 8th Priscilla was there hammering uh the gavel there and I just bought the Elvis jet for $234,000 what an idiot and how awesome is that best financial decision ever it needed some work we knew it would never fly again but I had a plan for it we went to New Mexico cut the wings cut the tail off of it brought it back thank you Tim Gentry for that he's got some great stories there check his channel out then we were donated this motor home chassis from Louie and his wife thank you guys so much originally it was for wings of compassion my nonprofit serving veterans through Aviation wings of compassion.com Boom plugged it there so if you want to support that go there and we'll be talking more about that here in just a second well the motor home was abandoned for 9 years and turned out to be honestly kind of a piece of junk except for the frame and the running gear that part miraculously worked fantastic the alignment of the front tire that's the way it was we didn't change anything to make that happen also check this out we come back here well let's stop here the alignment of the rear tire right under where the wing goes also did not plan that it just kind of miraculously worked and then the engine right here under the back part that is not in the uh the enclosed area helicopter people am I right don't look up then we took it over we got it mounted up you can see where it's mounted on there we got the steering connected here with this uh and then we took it to Dean and his sheet metal guys spent at least 300 hours creating the bottom part here like you see it four state trucks I mean they came through with the bumper the light and the we got a a special gift underneath that we'll have to discuss later but we got lights this is a chrome wrap thank you Jimmy for that uh metal work here this is a neat detail look at this has a generator right there and we can get to it and be able to turn it on and check and do all that kind of stuff it's the details that count that's fantastic also they made this plenum here to cover that we have a camera system right here so we can see all the way and I forgot to show you we got a camera up front as well so we got all four views camera mounted we have some stairs that go in right here hot that's warm when the sun's on it those will uh show you that in a little while then uh we got of course your marker lights all that fancy stuff and the this is vinyl striping 1,00 Square ft of vinyl went on this and again Jimmy he did it vinyl guy elvis.com I got a new domain by the way all of it is for this project and we pause again for helicopter people back at it here we got skirts here so we can still get the Sleek look and change a tire Lord willing that doesn't happen then uh yeah more stripes here this is where the old engines went they created a metal thing there there you go that's that the best part is back here go ahead and take it wide and show the back here boom cuz we're All Shook Up that's right Elvis jet.com fantastic this door camera back there check it out and that's the old ugly jet still inside with all of our electronics and batteries and all that fun stuff got that in there nice goes down engine in there we got this for our cover here so we can check oil and that kind of a thing bumper here again four state trucks you guys rocked it came through with this polish stainless or you know shiny stainless I'm not sure the right term on that we even have a reverse light how neat is that and more on this side oh the mirrors I forgot to show you guys the mirrors and our gas we got gas caps right here on both sides they still kept them so and there there there's holes there for draining and all that stuff so when water gets in there it drains out the Rockstar mirrors again for aate trucks uh sent us those and said here put those on there that should work we have them with these little bolts right here so it shows we can just pop them off so that it looks a little more sleek and airplane so now let's look at the inside yes just yeah that's that's fine welcome to the Elvis jet first up let's check out the cockpit we'll throw our camera system on right here that's where all those come then we have our instrument for the engine right there all of it breake all that stuff works transmission we mounted down here uh windows open which helped for a little bit of a breeze still needed some AC in this thing but we're getting there we also Bas those guys are absolute rockstars saved of on so many projects they have new seats that we're going to be replacing these with because they're clearly torn up and they're ratted out pretty bad but they have new seats they also have new uh headliner panels that we'll put in here to replace these cuz they're all bent and heat rotten and everything Tada that's kind of neat that's my favorite part let's hear what they're saying back there I can't tell anyways okay let's look at the back now look how clean it is cuz sparrow hawk I'm just throwing out all kinds of people that's made this happen uh and really have I mean this is unbelievably clean this speechless absolutely speechless so thank you sparrow hawk for bringing Ryan over and detailing check them out they do airplanes and RVs and all that good stuff they're airplane people as well bathroom we got all the drawers in and everything so that's all working good I think think we're ready to get on the road to Oshkosh uh there's one small thing like all big projects as soon as we got it everything was working perfectly fine and then as soon as we started up to pull it out of the metal shop we've got like six check engine light warning lights on the dash cannot figure out what it is some wire got pinched or shorted somewhere or ground got pulled or something we have no idea but it's the most annoying buzzer on the planet let's get back outside it's it's pretty warm in here follow our journey # Elvis jet we're going to be stopping at Atlanta Nashville Memphis we got to go to graceand and then to St Louis Chicago and then on up to Wisconsin there's one person that I need to think in a very special way grizley yeah come here coming look at that he's hot that run and hustle Army of one you guys know grizzley you've seen him around if it wasn't for you this thing not in a million years would have gotten done thank you thank you for the opportunity cuz it's been blast I have a gift for you this is not just any Elvis tag this is the only Elvis tag that is personally engraved with grizzly that's that's for you my friend thank you we're not hugging no uh we're close no but yeah man look at that Grizzly that yeah without you this would have never in never would have gotten done I don't have the attention span so yeah and that's ready to go in an 8 by10 frame to frame it put it up oh yeah yeah thank you yeah thank you I'm I'm that's only words that can come out right now um yeah thank you thanks man appreciation really do you put up with a whole lot of terrible crap it wasn't that bad I've had worse projects well there's there's always the next one after this oh thank God it'll be much worse than this I hope not it might be we don't know yet anyways are you ready to drive this thing 1,600 miles to Oshkosh Wisconsin and show it to 700,000 people when are we leaving uh in in about 36 hours actually all right yeah I'm packed I'm ready to go all right let's go he
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 148,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elvis presley, elvis jet, elvis presley jet, private jet, jimmys world, elvis private jet, celebrity news, elvis jet roswell, abandoned airplane, abandoned jet, elvis plane
Id: -1jh-bKvrbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 0sec (4380 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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