Why Players Like Iniesta Have Gone EXTINCT...

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So…. Picture this… it’s a Champions League semi  final and there’s 2 minutes left on the clock…   if Barcelona score, they’re in the final, if not  they get knocked out immediately… only problem,   they hadn't even gotten a single shot on target…  but then… *flash of the goal* Iniesta scored… they   had called him “shy”, “discreet”, “humble”...  whatever… for years, he had been overshadowed,   overlooked… it shocked the world that THAT kid  had scored THAT goal… the only one who wasn’t   shocked was Pep Guardiola… because he had seen  that exact same thing happen 10 years before…   On the 21st of July 1999, for once the Barcelona  players sat on the stands of the camp nou,   as their under-14s took over the pitch to play  the final of the club world cup… it should’ve   been a moment for the team to sit back and relax  for an hour, but by the time the number 4 got a   touch on the ball, Pep was sitting on the edge  of his seat… a few minutes later, he told Xavi:   “I know you will retire me one day, but I must  tell you that kid will retire us both”... then   in injury time, with the game tied up… *flash  of the goal*... Iniesta scored… Minutes later,   Guardiola himself had gotten down to the pitch  to make sure he was one to hand him the trophy,   so he could deliver him a message: “In 10  years, I’ll be watching you from the stands   again”... the only thing he got wrong, was  that instead he was watching from the bench…   Still, it shouldn’t come as a shock that the  world found it so hard to believe that such an   average looking kid could be the next all time  great… I mean, Iniesta was born in a town that   didn’t even have a football pitch… There's an  actual saying that goes “At Albacete, you take   a dump and you leave”... and Iniesta isn’t even  from Albacete, he’s from Fuentealbilla… which is   literally 100x smaller… The only reason Iniesta  even managed to get into an academy was that   his father had had his very own failed football  career, never making it past the third tier… so   he decided he’d do anything to make sure his son  wouldn’t have to live with that same regret…   He went digging through his phone book, found the  number of one of his old managers, Pedro Camacho,   the brother of José Antonio Camacho and got him at  trial at Albacete… The day he finally got there,   there were 200 kids fighting for a handful of  spots… and still, 5 minutes later, they were   already telling him to come off the pitch, telling  him that “they couldn’t watch the other kids,   if none of them were even able to get the  ball away from Iniesta”... and that never   changed… His family members would take turns,  driving him 40 miles to training 3 times a week,   completely convinced that sooner or later his  talent would be noticed… and once he turned   12… it happened… The team traveled to Madrid  for the biggest tournament in the country and   against all odds Iniesta carried little  Albacete all the way to the semi finals,   beating Real Madrid in the process and taking  the prize for best player in the tournament,   a ticket for a theme park in Barcelona, which was  oddly convenient, since on that same tournament   they invited him to visit La Masia… which  created a bit of a conflict of interests…   Believe it or not, Iniesta had already told the  reporters that he was “Real Madrid through and   through” and with the Camacho family involved,  everyone was lead to believe that he’d end up   there but their scouts kept insisting he was “too  small” and while they waited around for the kid to   grow, Barcelona snatched him up, making him the  youngest kid at La Masia… And if, at that point,   it was already humiliating that Real had let him  escape like that… it became a lot worse when,   only about a year after that famous moment  with Guardiola, that tiny kid started training   with the first team… Then, well… Real Madrid  spent 7 years trying to undo that mistake…   In fact, that same year, they were almost  successful… with the kid having just won the under   16 Euros, his father began negotiating his first  contract, but Barcelona had just blown 35 million   making Saviola the most expensive teenager of all  time, so they started low balling everyone else   and it got bad enough that the father told them,  clear as day: “We’re going to Madrid!”.... Had   the president himself, Joan Gaspart, not come down  to straighten things up… who knows what could have   happened… After all, a year later, once Iniesta  doubled down, winning the Under 19 Euros as well,   Real got so desperate that Iniesta’s father  claims that he had to constantly ignore their   calls… that, at one point, even Carlos Sainz,  the two time World Rally Champion and a massive   madridista, kept calling him up trying to convince  him to bring the kid to Madrid… it didn’t work…   Instead, the next year, he got his debut…  and by 2005, no player in the team had made   more appearances than him… there was only one  big problem… 90% of those appearances were off   the bench… it was becoming increasingly clear  that Iniesta was seen as the kind of guy that   only gets a start when someone else is injured… a  second grade player… and the next season that only   became more frustrating… With Xavi blowing out  his ACL, Iniesta completely took over the center   of the pitch… As Barcelona steamrolled their way  to the Champions League final, he was right there,   playing every single minute and always a cut  above the rest… and still, when the team sheet   came out… he was on the bench… even his teammates  were shocked… For 45 minutes he watched Barcelona   succumb beneath a 10 man Arsenal… it was only  after Eto’o approached the bench asking why   Iniesta wasn’t coming on that Rijkaard realized  his mistake… and with 3 substitutions he flipped   the game on its head… Larsson assisted both,  Beletti scored the winner, and yet when Henry   was asked about that game, he said: “We all know  the story of Larsson and Belleti, but the person   who killed us that day was Andrés Iniesta”… But again, even though his performance was   impressive enough that it got him called up to  the world cup despite having never played for   the national team before… once back at Barcelona,  he was back in the same old debate, either getting   benched, fetching water for the “superstars” or  getting played out of position while the pundits   kept yapping about how “two fragile midfielders  could never work together”... and still once Real   Madrid made their finally run for his signing,  triggering his release clause, laying 60 million   on the table and handing him a blank check…  Iniesta said no… despite the fact that, on   top of all the struggles I already mentioned, he  was one of the worst paid players in the squad…   Thankfully, that scare served as a bit of an eye  opener for Barcelona… they renewed his contract,   they made him a regular starter… but still…  Rijkaard kept playing him on the wing… I mean,   in a way I get it, every year Don Balon  kept naming him as one of the best players   in the league regardless… As they say, if it  ain’t broke, don’t fix it… even in the Euros,   Aragonés did the same… and guess what? Despite  playing half the tournament with the stomach flu,   he still managed to put in a man of the  match performance in the semi final,   making it into the team of the tournament as Spain  finally won the Euros after 44 trophyless years…   and still the best thing that happened to him that  year… was that Pep Guardiola took over the team…   When they asked the fabled question: “Xavi or  Iniesta?”... he replied “Both… Never one or the   other… Together, always… People say they shouldn’t  ever be played together, I think they shouldn’t   ever be played apart”... and so… it began…. After a draw and a defeat in Guardiola’s first two   league matches, with sacking rumors already flying  around… the ever-so-timid Iniesta entered his   office and said to him “Don’t worry, keep doing  what you’re doing, I promise you we are gonna   destroy everyone”... and from that moment on,  Iniesta went undefeated even though, out of the 12   league matches he missed through injury, Barcelona  only managed to win 6… They were a completely   different team when he was on the pitch… El País  had no choice but to name him the best in the   country, they even nicknamed Nureyev… because  he ruled the pitch not by force, not by fear…   but grace… except for the infamous goal against  Chelsea… that one was built on pure frustration…   and it had… far more… than its fair share of  consequences… his whole career, his whole life   was at stake… all because of that one moment… Following that match, Iniesta began feeling a   slight pinch on his right thigh, precisely the  one he used to score that goal… and 4 days later,   the medical staff ruled him out with his 4th  muscle injury of the season… They made it quite   clear to him that he either stayed away from the  pitch or it could be the end of his playing days…   but the moment he left the team behind, as it  had been all season, Barcelona lost the two   matches they had to play before the Champions  League final… and with the treble at stake,   Iniesta had a decision to make… and as he  explained: “I knew right there that I would play   regardless of the risk, there was nothing more on  my mind, I wanted to win, I would have made that   final even if both my legs were broken”... But no matter what his state was, before the   final Sir Alex famously insisted “I’m not obsessed  with Messi, Iniesta is the real danger”... and 10   minutes in, he had already assisted the goal that  won them the trophy… At the post match conference   Rooney called him “the best player in the world”  … while Eto’o, who had already said that before,   simply told the reports: “I told you so”... and  when 9 months later, the birth rates in Catalunya   spiked 50%, they asked Guardiola who was to  blame and he said: Iniesta… but that was the   glorious said of the story, the reality was that  once the medical staff checked back on him after   the match… they could immediately tell he had made  a massive mistake… and for the next 410 days, he   would walk through hell trying to make it right… By September, Iniesta had spent 6 out of the last   10 months recovering from injuries and it had  taken a massive toll on him mentally… At the time,   no one really knew about this, except for one  report that he was supposedly spotted crying   inside the training grounds… but 8 years  later, he revealed that during the early   stages of recovery, he fell into depression…  that he “fell into a pit with no way out”...   his own mom was quoted saying that: “You know  something must be very wrong, when your 26 year   old son shows up in the middle of the night asking  you to hold him”... and the worst part was that   fate was extremely cruel… As Iniesta prepared to  make it back from injury, Dani Jarque, captain   of rivals Espanyol and ironically one of his best  friends, a man that had won gold at the under-19   euros alongside him… passed away suddenly from a  heart attack… sending Iniesta into an even deeper   hole… as he explained: “The days following his  death were awful, I felt like I was in freefall,   like everything had gone dark… I told my family  I wasn’t sure where I would end up if things kept   going at that rate, that I had to find help”... And thankfully, a year later, no matter how many   training sessions he had to leave early,  how many times his injuries came back to   haunt… even though, as one article put  it: “he had lived a whole life in just   Once there, even after an injury scare forced him  to leave the opening game and skip the second,   Iniesta came back to secure the goal that  put Spain in the knockouts and three 1   nil wins later… Spain found themselves  in their first ever world cup final…   3 hours before the match, Iniesta was being  treated by one of the team’s doctors and asked   him: “Can you write something on a shirt for  me? There’s someone I wanna dedicate my goal   to”... and 117 minutes into the match, in classic  Iniesta fashion, he score the most important goal   in the history of Spain, winning his country  their first ever world cup… and as he ran to   celebrate… he pulled up his jersey and revealed  a message: “Dani Jarque, always with us”... and   so the next time he faced Espanyol, their fans  gave their supposed rival a standing ovation,   as one newspaper wrote: “This is a once in a  lifetime event for a once in a lifetime man… In   one sweep of his foot, the quiet prince of Spanish  football became king”... but above all what that   goal gave him… was the strength he needed to  close out the darkest chapter of his life…   6 months later, he was second on the Ballon D’Or…  5% of the votes were all that separated him from   Lionel Messi and Xavi was the one completing the  podium… and so by the end of that season, when   they faced United in the Champions League final  again, they put up a performance so incredible,   I could dare to call it perfect had United’s  only shot on target not gone in… so traumatizing   that according to Xavi and Abidal, Wayne  Rooney himself asked them to slow down,   hilariously telling them that “We’re already  dead”... it was absolute supremacy… so much   so that almost a year later, Iniesta was still  holding on to the same unbeaten run… by then   38 matches in all competitions and eventually 55  consecutive league matches spanning over 3 years…   the longest in the history … and if there were  still any doubts that, at his prime, Iniesta was   virtually unbeatable then… came the 2012 Euros… Iniesta opened up the tournament with a man of the   match performance against Italy and from then on,  Spain did not concede a single goal for the rest   of the tournament… not necessarily because their  defense was superhuman, but because for most of   those 5 remaining matches, with Iniesta commanding  his squad… the other teams barely got a hold of   the ball… In the match against Ireland, he was  involved in 2 out of the 4 goals… against Croatia,   he assisted the late winner… When they faced  France, he started the play that led to their   first goal… when Portugal forced them into  penalties, he converted… and in the final,   he took the man of the match award a third  time, as they dismantled Italy 4 to none…   when the time to hand out the award arrived,  Iniesta wasn’t just the player of the tournament…   no… in an era dominated by Ronaldo and Messi,  UEFA named him… the best player in Europe…   From that moment on, Iniesta just kept on stacking  awards… By December, he made the Ballon D’Or   podium again, by the end of the season, he won the  World Playmaker Of The Year Award with 22 assists…   the next year he doubled down… by 2014, he was  named the best midfielder in La Liga for the 4th   year in a row… and with all that done…then…  Suarez arrived at the club and the famous   MSN trio led the squad towards a second golden  era… but just as they found themselves one match   away from a treble… Xavi announced that he would  finally leave the club at the end of the season…   This was no surprise, he was already 35…  Iniesta himself was 31… but that day,   he decided he would make sure that the treble  would be Xavi’s parting gift… and so 4 minutes   into the Champions League final he had assisted  Rakitic for the opener… and 74 minutes later,   as Iniesta left the pitch as the only player in  history to be named man of the match in a Euro,   World Cup and Champions League final… Xavi came  in… and for a split second we witnessed the final   time those two geniuses shared the pitch… For 3 years, Iniesta still managed to keep   the troops at bay… Matter of fact, he still  held onto his place on the Ballon D’Or list   for one more year, he even managed to become  the third Barcelona player in history to get   a standing ovation at the Bernabeu…  only Maradona, Ronaldinho and him…   but every year, his injuries kept slowly robbing  him of his powers… and by 2017/2018, after going   through 7 in a single season, Iniesta himself left  the Camp Nou for good… but as much as his goodbye   was glorious, there was no one there who could  offer him the kind of goodbye he gave Xavi… but   his old friend made sure to write him a letter and  somewhere in it, he told him: “Remember when they   said we couldn’t play together… Andrés, we surely  proved them wrong”...
Channel: Daily Dose Of Football
Views: 288,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iniesta, andres iniesta, andres iniesta skills, andres iniesta goal vs netherlands, messi, xavi, guardiola, pep guardiola, lionel messi, barcelona, spain, world cup 2010, ronaldo, ronaldo vs messi, xavi and iniesta, xavi iniesta, euro 2012, dani jarque, busquets, barcelona vs real madrid, el classico, jose mourinho, puyol, carles puyol, ronaldinho, ddof, daily dose of football
Id: qS73gHg0pOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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