The Old SCORING Technique that's making a Comeback

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there's literally hundreds of ways to score a goal as a striker some require tremendous amount of skill some a ton of power and accuracy and some being in the right place at the right time but considering all of these techniques there is one that consistently stands Above the Rest as being the most accurate the hardest to save for goalies and if you get the technique right it's the most consistent of any finish out there yet hardly any Strikers are doing it it through to tiar onri well in today's video we're going to dive into the simple technique that good old tiar onri made famous back in the 2000s and or he scores doesn't he always we break down what it is and why it's so effective and discuss how some of the best finishes in the game also leaning on this technique including one very strong very quick and very clinical Striker that is bringing it back in a very big way a hatrick for hello so to fully understand this technique we first need to jump into how most Strikers are taught from an early age to finish chances and hopefully this will start to make a little bit more sense so the first thing we're taught when finishing is to get it on target I mean there a given but secondly is to hit across the goal to the back post now the reason for that is any somewhat experienced goalie they should be protecting their near post so in most cases when we're thr on goal we aim for that back post and I mean a lot of the time it works really well you just need either the right amount of accuracy to place it in the far corner or a bunch of power and hope you get it past the goalie before he can react if you're really good then you can use a bit of both Fern looking for Ronaldo it is that again also by aiming for the back post if it hits the goalie or you drag it drag a pass you can claim it as a nice little assist yes so that's what Strikers are talk and how most Strikers n at these one-on-one chances but where the opportunity lies is not on the strong side huh but actually the weak side which if you're a striker then this situation happens like 50% of the time and it's this side where a lot of players are actually leaving a bunch of goals on the table over the course of the Season Miss and all it needs is one pretty simple change and where this Onre technique really starts to take effect fantastic goal rodri now comes forward and into the gap for de bruyne so de bruyne has just played an inch perfect pass through to Harland on his weaker right side now a lot of players and what we're taught is to continue driving forwards towards the goal to which the goalie would shift across and cut off the angle leaving a small window to the far post where you could place or Draw the ball now this is tough enough on the strong side and schichel makes a brilliant save let alone your weak side so the odds are very much with the which we don't want so let's put the odds in our favor so Holland is throwing goal and rather than the drive forwards he instead decides to step across the board now this is key shifting his weight and position to the right along with his odds of scoring he's now on his strong side the left foot which is the first step but the real gem in doing this is bingo he's now fully opened up that far post and all that's left is to perform arguably the easiest skill in football a side foot pass yeah and that's it I can do that super controlled is out of the reach of the keeper and well inside the post by like 3 ft by the time it crosses the line and that's the key in all of this and how HRI managed to score many goals from his weaker side by opening up his body and getting the ball and his strong foot he's able to have so much more control over where he places the ball plus because he's bending it around the goalie as opposed to S of towards the goalie it gives him so much more goal to aim at which massively increases these odds of scoring genius break from [Applause] ti so how do we go about training this well super simple first up the shift and pass start with a cone say three steps in from the post this will act as our Target throughout all three drills then place a cone on the penalty spot start a few yards back take a light dribble towards the cone and as you arrive give it a touch 90° to the side using the outside of your foot this creates that open posture mimicking that same getting around a ball approach then using the inside of your foot pass it into the bottom corner practice using the outside to tear up but also a left foot to add some variety inject a little bit more pace and get super confident with this movement before moving on all right the second exercise create a bit more of an angle now as if you're coming in from the weak side place two cones say a foot apart somewhat angle from the goal the same kind of approach aiming for that inside cone then set the ball forwards with a gentle touch into the space then it's your job to get around the cone and meet back up with the ball to slot it in the bottom corner now it's important to match the speed of the ball so that set touch is really important too much power and the ball's back in front here which is more ideal for that Lefty strike and not enough power and you'll leave the ball behind for a Defender to nab na na so just enough to set yourself and open up the body for a nice little pass into the corner as you peel away to the left all right last up combine the two so still at that angle Place three cones in a rough line to represent the location and reach the keeper now we're going to draw an imaginary line from the front Post in line with the cone furthest to the left but also another line from the back Post in line with the cone to the right where they intersect place a cone and then move it back one step this will give us the space to work the magic and to bend it around the Goldie reach all right so again starting from the edge of the Box dribble towards that single cone as we arrive taking a touch to the side of the cone to set it before again coming around the cone and meeting up with the ball with the InStep passing it around that right cone or outstretch keeper peeling away to the left to retrieve the ball practice different speeds different angles of the set then once it's feeling more intuitive you can get all fancy with's some top bins little lobs and Away you go huh now as good as this technique is it's important that you use it as a tool there's a time and a place for it and there's going to be moments in the game where you are going to have to depend on your weaker side whether that's lack of space or a defender on your tail and this video right here will help you develop the fundamentals that are really going to help with that process but if you've nowed your weaker side the next step is to stand out on the pitch and to ensure you don't buckle under the pressure when you're next in a one-on-one situation and this video right here will help you achieve just that all right my turn
Channel: The Football Folk
Views: 1,727,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theirry henry, how to score goals, how to score goals as a striker, score more goals, how to score, scoring more goals in football, easiest way to score goals, best exercises for strikers, how to score 1 on 1's, 1 on 1's, scoring 1 on 1s, the football folk
Id: 2O0A9zudQME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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