I tried Footballers Extreme Training Methods

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I'm currently playing football Barefoot and this is just one of seven bizarre football training methods that are said to improve performance on the pitch some of these are used by the top professionals but others are more secret and I'm going to find out which ones actually [Music] wor so this first bizarre Training Method involves water bottles and it's actually done by a pro goalkeeper ped he basically scatters a load of water bottles in front of the goal and then uses them as a deflection device this is Theory should make it really difficult for me to save the ball so I had a go trying to save some shots using this method and to be fair it worked very well the bottles were perfect at deflecting the shots unpredictably and I would say that it works just as good as the products that are specifically designed to do this and also a lot cheaper right the goalkeeper water bottle method would I recommend it probably yes it's a fun way to practice goalkeeping kind of like a pro and if it's good enough for ped check it's good enough for me I would say this one's a success now when Cristiano Ronaldo first joined Manchester United it was said that he used this bizarre Training Method to improve the speed of his step overs but what exactly is it well it involves these ankle weights it was thought that using these heavy weights on his ankles and then practicing his skill moves with them would increase the speed and well to be fair it did seem to work right I guess I'm just going to do some step overs then and see what happens whoo that feels so weird you've got to really stop your foot from going [Music] around it's like I'm doing in slow motion so I trained skill moves for about 15 minutes with these ankle weights on and the theory holds weight I don't see why doing this consistently over a period of time wouldn't improve my skills weights have come off and my feet feel so light right now my feet feel rapid so I would say that the ankle weight training definitely [Music] works now you may have noticed that for this next football Training Method the environment has changed and I'm now in the dark and that's because this practice is designed to create hyper awareness and improve focus on the pitch and it's called Dark Football let's [Music] play now this shouldn't be play in complete darkness the lights at the pitch will be dimmed but not completely Pitch Black it's thought to make players rely more on their senses and force the team to communicate more and look to play shorter sharper passes instead of long balls I'm not going to lie I am having to work extra hard to control this ball and it's making me focus a lot more Manchester University did a study tring a new sports Innovation which claims to improve the performance of football players by training them in the dark but the results are yet to come back so keep a look out for that so this Training Method isn't fully proven yet but this next one was done by the Barcelona team right so this next Training Method is actually used by Barcelona I'm not exactly sure why they do this I'm guessing it's just to make football training more fun and it's called Bubble football and it involves these things even Messi's played this so you know it's got to be worth something a few years ago Barcelona decided to spice up their training sessions by getting these things involved I'm not sure how much actual benefit this has to performance on the pitch but I guess when you play football for a living it's always good to keep training sessions exciting so this was the perfect way to change things up a bit and have some fun on the pitch all right let's put these on so it's like this and then you basically just play football in [Music] them I think we're ready to play a game with these and see why Barcelona do it so I'll set up some 1 V One games with these bubble balls and at the end I'll decide if I think it's a useful form of football [Music] training now I've got to say this was a lot of fun and actually very tiring I don't think it's actually going to improve my ability at all but it's definitely a fun game to make training interesting every now and then but if I'm honest for the cost and the effort it takes to set up I wouldn't put this on top of my [Music] list now I'm not even sure if this next unique method of improving performance on the pitch even counts as training maybe more of a Superstition it was done by Glenn hle when he was England manager he said most people look for answers outside themselves but the answers are on the inside and he had a few unconventional ways of improving performance and perhaps unsurprisingly they didn't always work first up before a game he would shake the players hands and touch them just above the heart he even employed a faith healer who would touch players on their heads and offer them ailments and finally before a game he would get the coaching staff to walk around the pitch anticlockwise as he thought this would give off positive energy now before I try out the methods that are favorited by Pep Guardiola and earling Harland let's take a look at some of the stranger practices that didn't make the list underwater football is one way to practice it reduces the impact on the joint and also means that players have to use a lot more strength to move in the water silent football is a game where players can't talk it forces them to be more spacially aware and look around more on the pitch now before I try out guardiola's bucket ball this next Training Method is one I'm not looking forward to now for this next bizarre Training Method I won't be needing these cuz I'm going Barefoot Barefoot training is something that's been used for years and the first form of football would have been played without shoes there's a lot of evidence that suggest this weird form of training has some serious benefits even Harland is a fan of the Barefoot feel because of the many health benefits this practice claims to have first off I'm going to have a session on AstroTurf then I'm going to take it to the next level and play on grass that way I should get the full experience of barefoot training all right first few touches with the bare feet and honestly it feels really nice there is a long list of reasons why Barefoot football is apparently really good for you including better control and faster power so I'm going to put it to the test and see how true that really is now you may be wondering why this is actually helpful well this is what the science says Barefoot training provides Broadband delivery of critical information which in turn speeds up the learning process and hones Precision in [Music] technique I tell you what it feels really good for freestyle just because of how light my feet feel now before heading to the grass pitch I obviously had to try some shooting all right this is the one I'm not really looking forward to shooting this m is going to sting [Music] Man by the end of the session my feet were bright red and there was even some blood to show for it so before my session on grass I wanted to make sure my feet were well prepared before this session I made sure that the playing area was [Music] clean honestly I'm not sure why but there's definitely something really nice about been Barefoot and playing football bare feet in countries such as India and Brazil Barefoot football is very normalized so much so that in the 1948 Olympics the Indian national team surprised everyone when they played Barefoot but in the 1950 World Cup FIFA said that India were not allowed to play without boots so they decided to withdraw from the competition now as well as the apparent improved technique Barefoot training is also about strengthening the Foot and Ankle itself I actually really enjoyed playing Barefoot these were my feet at the end of the session so should you do this all the time definitely not but if the science is true it might be one to try next time you're at the [Applause] beach now the next method that claims to Fast Track Your football ability is used by the likes of Chelsea and Manchester City and to test this one out I don't need this now over the next few days instead of training with a normal football I'm going to be using this size 2 mini ball as it's supposed to have a lot of [Music] benefits the theory is that being able to control a smaller football will make it easier when you move on to a normal siiz ball a lot of clubs have used this in training like Man City and Chelsea but it shouldn't replace a normal football instead just be used as a supplement every now and then so I had to mess around with the mini ball and it was definitely more difficult to control and when going back to a normal ball it felt a lot [Music] easier so I do think this would work but if you want to take it one step further try doing what Michael Owen did when he was younger and used a tennis [Music] ball right so this next Training Method is made Popular by Pep Guardiola he does it with all his teams and it involves a bucket and a football let's do [Music] it Pep Guardiola did this with Bayern and also Man City using only one touch at a time move the ball to the bucket without it hitting the ground now it looks and sounds pretty easy and I thought it would be easy but let me tell you this took us an embarrassing amount of time to [Music] do very lightly yes this training method is perfect for improving ball control communication and teamwork and it's also just a lot of fun it's really hard to move to a certain place while keeping the ball up in the air and only using one touch but after about 20 minutes we finally got [Music] it nice composure yes it do it [Music] yes I thought it was going to happen
Channel: Kieran Brown
Views: 710,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: football, football freestyle, freestyle football, soccer, soccer freestyle, freestyle soccer, football tricks, tricks football, soccer tricks, tricks soccer, kieran brown, youtube kieran brown, kieran brown youtube, football tips and tricks, football challenge, challenge football, football challenges, soccer challenge, soccer challenges, challenges football, soccer skills, football skills, skills football, skills soccer, best football skills, best soccer skills
Id: iPMaoRmCUoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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