These 5 Skills Will Make You a GOOD Player

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hey everyone can I ask you a question separates a great football player from an average one is it skills is it speed is it watching all attack unfortunately no it's not any of those things although they can help but the truth is it's actually the little things the little techniques that help the best players dominate the game so today we'll show you five things that the great players do five things that separate them from everyone else you're watching all attack number one taking your first touch into space good players don't just control the ball they use their first touch to set themselves up for what they want to do next so if they want to shoot they touch the ball out so they can run up and hit it if they want to pass they touch the ball out to make it easy to pass it and if they want to run past a Defender they touch the ball past the defender [Music] the point is they use their first touch to keep the ball moving rather than stopping the ball dead and slowing the game down [Music] number two receiving the ball on the half turn generally when good players are looking to receive a pass they try not to have both feet facing toward the ball because if they do that they won't be able to see what's behind them [Music] instead what they do is turn slightly sideways with their feet being staggered with one being closer to the ball than the other this allows them to see both the ball and what's behind them up the field and if they're receiving a horizontal pass that's coming across the field this principle still works because turning sideways to the ball allows you to see both sides of the field number three receiving the ball on your back foot of course once you've turned sideways to the ball the question is which foot should you receive it with [Music] and the answer is good players usually if they can receive the ball with their back foot or the foot that's further away from the ball [Music] and the reason they do this is because when they receive the ball with their back foot it allows them to go either direction whereas if you receive the ball with your near foot you can really only go one way with your first touch making you much more predictable number four being calm under pressure when good players are under pressure from Defenders or when they're in a tight situation without a lot of space good players Don't Panic they don't freeze and wonder what to do instead they simply look at the situation and choose the best option they see now how are these players that come under pressure you might ask well typically these players have good footwork and ball protection skills so they know if a Defender Dives in they can probably pull it away from them [Music] and secondly and most importantly they've been in situations like this countless times they've been doing this for years so it's nothing new to them so if you want to become Under Pressure the truth is you do need decent skills but most of all you need a lot of experience and number five planning ahead in football average players will often wait until they get the ball and then decide what they're going to do next but what great players do is plan ahead before they even get the ball they look around and decide what they're going to do when they get it and that means when they do get it they're able to make that pass thank you [Music] that dribble or that shot before Defenders can react all right everyone we hope you liked that video if you did make sure to leave a thumbs up right down there make sure to subscribe if you haven't and make sure to check out our other videos if you want to learn more about football [Music]
Channel: AllAttack
Views: 1,318,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, attack, soccer, football, learn, tutorial, education, skills
Id: oyzHK5WUjlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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