The Micro BOUNCE That's Likely Killing Your Game

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is perhaps the most important part of the game quick Nifty touch control pass it's one of the first things you'll learn half the ball and over the years you're likely pass the ball thousands of times short and sharp lung driven maybe some flicks and tricks to experiment but wait a sec let's go back there that right there you see that bounce that's an issue and left unaddressed can pose a big threat to your progression in the game and it's not just the beginner thing even experienced players can struggle with this problem and worst of all they likely have no idea they're even doing it balanced into traffic kind of bouncing always bouncing back this is how to cure your short pass technique the problem you didn't realize you had [Music] okay so before we get into the technique of how to prevent this Bounce from happening why is this balance such a big deal in the first place well in order to be able to explain that we first must jump into passing or short passing more specifically it makes up a huge part of football yes there's dribbling receiving the ball positioning medium and long range passes that we just talked about but short passing is arguably the most important skill in the game it's what allows you and your teammates to build the play shift in Between the Lions penetrating gaps for scoring opportunities or to beat the press and keep possession for your team quick sure accurate passes it's really effective and well if you can't depend on this simple and essential part of your game well then you're not going to be a reliable teammate and therefore will probably get overlooked by your coach even if you do have other skills that you bring to the team okay so this bounce what's it all about and how does this relate to passing well the bounce this small thing you can barely see at full speed it occurs when your Technique isn't quite right very different to this one this one lifts off the ground on contacts whereas the micro bounce pushes into the ground before lifting up and it's this lack of precision that's highlighted in the part of your short pass in techers that's either not there or just not up to scratch and whilst this might not seem like a big deal bouncing the ball in such a way means less accuracy less power more follow-through to compensate for the less power or topspin and of course more bouncing and bobbling all of which is harder to control for your teammates but also for yourself wasting valuable time and opportunities so how do we go about fixing this well we must first return to the beginning of the technique to see what we might be missing the standing leg typically the culprit for most passes gone wrong it's either too far from the ball causing you to reach and be off balance too close and getting in the way or most common not pointing towards the Target and it's this that we need to address in order to start nailing our short passes most Wayward passes they're actually not Wayward or off Target at all they're heading exactly where you've pointed them to go and that's the importance of the standing leg just by angling this foot correctly towards the target it will fix a lot of these issues including that bounce okay next is the knee like this knee the kicking knee which is another big culprit for creating the bounce and the key is to open it up and give space to your hips doing so will allow you to come through with a nice side foot using the big surface area of the inside of your boot while still keeping the standing leg facing towards the target it's a good idea on contact to have this knee either in line or slightly behind the back of the ball resulting in a cleaner controlled contact through the center of the ball acting like that of a jab or a ping pong ball thing and lastly the follow through so super simple if we're still sticking with that punching analogy this is not a full swing and a follow through like a Haymaker this is instead more like a one inch punch more precise and intentional but still powerful and very little follow-through and this prevents the issue of too much Top Spin and side spin from occurring which is more difficult to control for your teammates receiving the ball in the same rules apply if you're on the move so continuing to place that standing foot towards the target then opening up your hips as you pass that ball through with a side foot pushing through the back of the ball canceling the follow through bringing it down to the ground as quickly as you can so that you can actually continue on your journey and when you combine all of these steps Past after pass your percentage will inevitably increase your teammates will have more time to make better decisions and your manager will think twice about putting your number up on the board but if you really want to impress him well then you're going to need to practice more in your own time and this full day training program is going to allow you to be successful and Achieve just that [Music]
Channel: The Football Folk
Views: 966,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passing the ball, passing, passing in football, how to pass, short passing, why does my pass bounce, pass, pass soccer, micro bounce, football folk, how to kick a ball, kicking a football, how to kick properly, kicking a soccer ball, the football folk
Id: Juj1kTI5Mlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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