7 Motion Graphic Techniques in DaVinci Resolve | For After Effects Users

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this video is for after effects users and beginners who are interested in doing motion graphics inside of davinci resolve there's no doubt that davinci resolve is giving just a little bit of competition to adobe because it's an all-in-one software you can video edit you can color grade you can do audio editing uh and apparently motion graphics and that's all in one software and it's crazy to think that's also free and i think it's just a brilliant marketing move on blackmagic because they want to sell their cameras and give away the software for free i think really incentivizes people to buy their cameras so that's pretty cool but let's jump in this tutorial let's see how comparable davinci resolve is to after effects and let's learn how to use davinci resolve all right so perhaps the biggest difference between davinci resolve and after effects is in after effects you obviously have layers just like in most editing software uh button davinci resolve you're going to use something called nodes and throughout this tutorial i'm going to show you how you can build out your note tree and how to approach this so keep that in mind as we move forward in this video all right you get started creating some motion graphics here in davinci resolve you want to make sure you are on the edit tab here and what we want to do is right click and go to new fusion composition and click create and then we can drag this into our timeline make sure i play heads on top of it and select it and we go to the fusion tab here in davinci resolve and this is where we can put together our motion graphics so the very first note you'll have here by default is the media out and we're going to link everything to this so we can actually see an image here so the first thing we're going to want to do is probably create a background so we come here to the background effect here and let's go ahead and click that and there's our background what we can do is grab this box and this will allow us to drag a line to media out and we come here to our background color over here and we can just change our color to whatever we like i'm going to use a very dark gray so if our notes you can obviously select them and move them around and do what you like with that but we want to go ahead and add some text so in after effects you'll know that you'll animate titles sometimes with the animators here and i want to be able to do that outside of davinci resolve as well so we can have that custom title animation so to create a title what we're going to do is come here to the title plus icon and we can click this and it'll be here in our note tree however we also need to add a merge node because we have to combine our background and title into this sequence here so what we'll do is we'll grab our line here we click on it and that will just get rid of it and what i'd like to do is take our background link it to the merge one and then off the side i'll link our text one to merge one and then i'll take this other square and link this to media out okay so what we can do is go to our text one here on the right underneath the inspector you can type out your text here so i have my text and as you can see this all be linked up and you should be able to see everything from here you can change all your text settings so i'm going to change my fonts and if you want to do any text alignment you can come here to the h anchor and that will align that left line and we can move this over so we have some options here we can adjust the sizing and a lot of other things very quickly so i also want to turn this into a stroke title so i can come here to shading and you'll see under appearance we have the stroke icon and there it is we can adjust the thickness of this as well so that is pretty cool so now i want to talk about animating this uh just like you can in after effects with that text animator properties uh that i showed earlier so what we can do here is go back to our text options we can right click in the text box for example and we can click on follower so this is very similar to the text animator properties but in order to have access to it we need to go to the modifiers tab and under modifiers uh we have some of those settings here so we have no animation on it so let's go ahead and add some animation first so let's come here to say shading for example and the only thing i want to do is have this title flicker on so maybe at the second half i want this to be fully on so what i'll do is create opacity i'll add a keyframe by clicking this and we'll come here to the very first frame and we'll set this down to zero so now we have our title fading on so we gotta go to timing and we can increase delay here and what this will do is allow the letters come in a little bit more individually and that's pretty cool and we can change the order from automatic to completely random or random but one by one so there's several different options you can play with there just keep in mind you can create any custom animation underneath the follower tab with your positioning scaling and that can affect the letters individually just like you can with the text animator inside of after effects now focusing more back on the note tree here what if we want to add another title in here what we can do is go ahead and add another merge node in here and we'll have we'll break the chain here and we'll have media out go to merge two and we'll connect merge one to merge two and then we can take our text one copy it paste it and then we can kind of connect those together and under text one we can change out our title and change any other settings needed maybe i'll make this a solid color and i can quickly bring this down so in after effects we have shape layers that allow us to create shapes so for example we have this line animated here i'm going to show you how to create that inside of davinci so instead of shape layers what we do is we just create the shape we want so if i want to create a straight line i'll come here and grab the polygon tool and here i'll just click a point hold down shift on my keyboard and i can draw a straight line uh like this however we don't see anything so we need to go ahead and add another merge into here and you see that's already connected because polygon was selected we'll break the media out connect this from merge two and re-put in the media out to merge three so now we can't see our line so what we need to do is make sure the polygon is selected and we'll come here to the border width and we can increase this by a little bit and we should be able to see a line however if you don't connect it correctly you see how this is connected to blue we need to deselect that and make sure it's connected to green and now we have our line it's a little bit big so we'll bring that down perfect so now let's talk about animating this so we'll come here to the first frame and under length we'll bring this down to zero now if you just say the position it'll go from the other side so you can animate both sides of this line with position and length but we'll just go ahead and do the length so you know right here say 30 frames we'll add a keyframe for length and we'll go to zero frames and bring this down uh to zero and you might have a dot here so we can come here and change the end cap to flat and now we'll have our line so what about the graph editor inside of after effects can you do the same thing in davinci yes you can so in after effects you can adjust all the timing the speed of the keyframes of the animation and eventually it works very similar what we want to do is make sure that our node is selected that has animation and we'll come here to spline and we'll go ahead and just select that value so we know that we adjusted the length and that is selected and we click on this icon right here which is zoom to fit and there's our animation what we can do is select our keyframes and a quick shortcut would be to hit s or any of these other curves here so that gives us a nice little bezier curve and you can adjust the handles here to customize the timing and the speed of your animation so we scrub through this our animation is much different now so that's how you can do that so one thing you're probably very familiar with inside of after effects is motion blur which you can just easily turn on by checking it on over here and make sure turn on at the top button davinci uh for example we want to add motion blur to our line that we just created we need to make sure it's selected we got to go to settings and just check on motion blur so now we have motion blur applied and this will work with every single node that you're working with just go to settings and turn on motion blur and you can also adjust the motion blur settings which i think is really cool so in after effects you're able to use shape layers to easily duplicate lines with repeaters and things like that well in da vinci is a little bit similar as well so what we want to do is say we want to adjust our background here and add some lines what we'll do is we'll disconnect our background here and we'll go ahead and create another merge node we'll connect the merge forward to merge one and connect the background back to there and we'll add our background lines right here so as before what we'll do is we'll add the polygon we can zoom out here by holding down control on our keyboard and we draw out a straight line like this hold down shift just like we did before and we can connect this to our merge 4 and adjust our border width as well so we have this line here but i want to be able to easily duplicate it so what we want to do is hold down shift space bar on our keyboard and we'll type in duplicate and here it is so all the tools are here you have to hit shift space to find all these tools but we'll go through these in future tutorials with a lot of them we'll add this and here's duplicate so what we'll do is we'll just break this chain here and we'll just put these right here in the center we'll reconnect all these boom so now underneath the duplicate we can come here to the center y and we can bring this down and there's our duplicated line and then we increase the number of copies and we have to manually put this in there so we'll do like 40 or something and now we have our duplicated lines um i do want to animate these and i do want to take these off the text as well so to animate it we'll do that real quick since we're here we'll go to the jitter tab and what we'll do is come here to center x and we can kind of just play with that add a keyframe for center x and we can move forward here and then just animate the center x to do something else right so now we have our line animation here and that's cool so to take this all for text we need to create a mask or a mat right all right so what we want to do is come here to mat control and this will be a way to for us to take the lines off the title here we'll go ahead and break that line right there and we'll connect mac control to merge 4 and the mac control to duplicate so we have this like so and now what we're going to do is grab say the rectangle tool here and this will be our box that we'll use as a mask around our title so you can kind of move it here and if we connect our rectangle one to this bottom darker gray triangle here this will create a mass for us and we can come here to our rectangle one and we can adjust the width of this you know we can even have it go all the way across and we can adjust you know where this is going to be at so you know that's how you can create mask and many other elements inside of davinci we can also adjust the y height if he wants to be a little bit bigger so now we have this really cool animation here inside of davinci resolve and a lot of cool techniques that are relatable to after effects but hopefully this makes sense uh in davinci resolve as well so overall this video has really been like a comparison between the two workflows between after effects and resolve um and i think for the most part you can pretty much do all the same stuff in resolve like you can after effects the only issue that i have from an after effects standpoint that is kind of challenging to learn resolve because you got to go from layers to nodes and all the tools that you would use in after effects in some shape or form is kind of hidden inside of resolve so you kind of have to do a lot of google and to find the same stuff you would do in after effects uh as you would in resolve but learning a new software that has a ton of features in it it's really not supposed to be easy you know it's supposed to take a little bit of time to figure out things out so i know let me know in the comments down below which software you prefer to use do you think resolve is something that you could use in the future uh or after effects is still the king so hope you enjoyed this video if you're new here hit that subscribe button we're gonna do more tutorials on resolve uh and of course we're still gonna do after effects stuff you can hit us up on our instagram we got a lot of cool graphic design and motion graphics content on there that link is below and always be creating
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 26,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve Tutorial, DaVinci Resolve Motion Graphics, Learn DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve Tutorial Motion Graphics, DaVinci Resolve Fusions, DaVinci Resolve After Effects, Motion graphics, Motion Graphics Tutorial, Tutorial For Motion graphics, SonduckFilm Tutorial, SonduckFilm, Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve
Id: ZgyJi_3S-AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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